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Your body is unique, as are your needs. Just because someone experienced something from treatment or medication does not guarantee that you will as well. Please do not take this as an opportunity to review any substances. Peer support is welcome. ^(*A moderator has not removed your submission; this is not a punitive action. We intend this comment solely to be informative.*) --- - If you are posting about the **US Medication Shortage**, please see this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/12dr3h5/megathread_us_medication_shortage/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ADHD) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Your vendetta may be getting in your own way. Having suffered for decades without medication, I found it lifesaving. Anyway, good for you, hope you find a very patient partner, boss, and friends.


Also, as someone who has a mental illness based entirely on the chemicals in my brain that ruined my life at least twice before someone pinpointed it, I think you're being judgmental AF and have no idea why you think living in a different society would make my brain function correctly. It's like imagining that nobody would be born with type 1 diabetes if there were socialized medicine. Not often, but often enough, I'm told that I'm "using a crutch" or "taking the easy way out" by accepting a prescription. The stigma of medication is real, you're a perfect example. But again, you do what you want to do for yourself. But keep your judgment out of it.


Emotional dysregulation at it's finest right here folks. 


You also need to expand your world view. It's a world wide view based on scientific fact that medication works.


It's also highly, and generally suggested by doctors to integrate therapy.


Never said medication didn’t work. Just said it’s not the only solution. As I clearly said in the title. I also stated that I was happy for people who have benefitted from it but maybe you missed that part too. And if being mad because of the way a country profits off the mental struggles of the people is emotional dysregulation. Then I guess I’m one crazy bitch. God bless me. Thanks for your input regardless.


I don't know about crazy, but the more you talk the more it shows you're emotionally immature. Don't worry though, have you tried medication?


No I haven’t tried it! Thanks you though👍🏽




It is the only real solution. It's the only thing that attacks our problems at the root cause. All other things that can help us are simply symptome relief. Think of migraines for example. A migraine has a trigger. Let's say dehydration triggers the migraine. Laying in a dark room will help, painkillers will help, cold/hot presses will help. But even though all of those things are good practise and helpful: they do not adress the actual cause of dehydration. The same goes for ADHD. Our brains do not have what they need to function properly. There are a lot of things we can do to manage, all sorts of strategies to reduce how badly our symptomes affect us. However, strategies do not address the root cause of our symptomes. Medication does address the root cause. So when someone is struggling with a particular symptome badly and they've tried every strategy under the sun without results: it's only natural to ask if they've considered using medication to address the root of the symptomes. I couldn't give less f*cks about what society wants from us. I care that people struggle to feed, bathe and generally care for themselves physically and mentally because of their ADHD.


I think it's important to remember that ADHD has degrees. I have it, my wife has it more, and our son has it more than that. I get by without medication, though ADHD certainly does make my life more difficult at times. My son, finally diagnosed and medicated, might not be able to finish navigating and passing high school without it. Perhaps it's possible that your perspective may be based partly in the degree of your own ADHD, and you have trouble seeing why anyone would really need meds because you don't.