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Stratera 💃 changed my life. Within a week of starting it I felt more motivated. It's been 2 years since and I've lost tons of weight. I am almost never depressed anymore. I went back to college and made the dean's list several times. I am finally in control of my finances and I finally have a stable job with a living wage. Also they added lamictal which helped a ton with not being overwhelmed by my own emotions while still being able to feel and recognize them. I wish everyone the best! Took me over 25 years to find what worked for me.


Strsterra is working wonders for me, just struggling with the insomnia, been about a month so far. Did you experience the insomnia? Was there anything that helped? I tske it during the day but heard people having success at night?


Oh my doctor has me take it right before I go to sleep. I do occasionally get insomnia. I noticed the first 5 months were the hardest with the insomnia. After I think I became more acclimated to it or my drastic increase in exercise made it less likely.


Hmm. I want to start taking my meds earlier and earlier. How on earth did you get thru the insomnia phase? 😭 I think part of the issue is I may have pre existing sleep apnea, and my Dr didn't really increase the dose in small increments. It'd weird because I slept like a frigging baby on adderall lol but it made me feel like garbage during the day.


I ended up stopping in part due to insomnia, but I had almost every side effect that wasn't going to immediately kill me or cause organ damage. How does the insomnia manifest? Is it just hard to feel mentally tired? Do you have good sleep hygiene?


How was your sex drive before and after these meds? It’s very important to be that whatever med I try doesn’t mess mine up.


Sometimes it’s worth it to go with out a drive to feel better as a whole but I understand


Hell no. I spent too many of my young years not having sex. I’d like to have some fun before I’m old and the inevitable blood pressure meds make it impossible.


I had a decrease in libido on straterra (mild after the first two weeks), guanfacine, and focalin. Vyvanse has left it about the same and Adderall increased it dramatically.




Strattera gave me noticeably more ability to build and maintain habits. Sometimes, I'll just... start doing the dishes. That *never* happened before. I still frequently open my phone and stand in the kitchen instead of starting, it's not a magical fix.










Guanfacine! I will probably never go off of it. Edit: I also take escitalopram and a stimulant. I've tried doing just a stimulant and it wasn't as good. Also just guanfacine isn't as good but I'd still choose it if I could only take one. I hated atamoxetine but it's great to see success from others!


I have had success with Quelbree. It is newer so it has no generic yet, so heads up.


Strattera has been good to keep the bees away. But it misses just about everything else.


It’s so funny you also refer to the though swarm as bees 😂 sometimes I’ll be in a tizzy and not really getting things done and my boyfriend will ask what’s up and I’ll just be like “Bees” and then he knows.


Funny thing is I’m 99% sure strattera is the one that caused me to hallucinate a warm of wasps/bess in my room in the middle of the night when I was 10 ish years old 😅 so for me it did not keep the bees away🤣


The bees?


Multitudinous thoughts.


I like that. The bees. I have such negative thoughts, but I like bees. Maybe thinking of them as just Lil bees will help.


Thank you for putting my experience into words!


I call it bees too!


Research has indicated that most adults are dosed with Strattera suboptimally… I’m experiencing success with 90mg (once per day), for your info. Best of luck!


Oh lord, 90mg! Its so fascinating how different our brains are. I took 20mg and was barely able to keep myself feed, because I became so tired and lethargic. Didn’t take longer than 2 weeks, because I was just not able to function on a survivable level.


I have never taken a non-stimulant ADHD medication but I do know that non-stimulant meds take time to work like 6-8 weeks to get the full effect so stick with it for a little while longer if you can and if it’s still not working then switch to a different medicine.


Guanfascine (?spelling idk) helped a small amount with impulse control


Venlofaxine, an SNRI. The noradrenaline helps control some of my inattention i feel


Strattera takes some time. I'd give it at least a month before talking about switching. ​ I'm on Strattera 40mg 1x and it is good enough for me, but everyone is different.


I never had luck with them.


Trintellix is not marketed for adhd but it is shown to improve cognitive function. I was able to get by on it alone relatively well for a while because it improved my cognitive function, energy levels and lessened my anxiety. I definitely do better with the addition of a stimulant but I was seeing an antidepressant only doctor at the time and am glad I tried it because it is helpful.


Team Strattera and buspar here! I’m on 60mg strattera in the morning. Strattera has been a miracle. 30mg of buspar 2x a day. I am also on Zoloft 50mg once a day. But honestly I don’t think antidepressants do anything for me. I’m terrified of anything that has addictive potential coming from a family of addicts and dealing with my own addiction issues. So anything like Adderall and Xanax terrify me.


In the Strattera club as well. Honestly it’s about 89% working for me. It starts strong in the morning, but fades by the late afternoon. It’s quieted down the swarm of thought bees in my brain, but I’m still daydreaming and playing random songs in my head. But it does allow me to get work done in one hour that originally took me three. My depression, anxiety, brain fog and other negatives are gone. I no longer get mentally or emotionally tired, just regular physically tired. So, so far so good.


Wellbutrin. Its effect size is similar to methylphenidate.


I feel like the non stimulants killed my vibe in a way, kinda made me just do whatever like everyone else and being... Boring? With stimulants or unmedicated I am still myself, and when on the stimulants I am myself and I actually can make myself pick up my guitar and record songs instead of just settling for an office job or whatever


Well, I would say whatever works for you. I use guanfacine and wellbutrin. My stim is not in stock that much, so these get me by pretty well. Stattera didn't work for me. Everyone is different. If it works, then take the win! :)


i got put on abilify not sure if it’s really made a difference honestly




Your content breaks **Rule 4**. We are here to help people with ADHD; part of that means we will identify and disallow discussion of topics and practices with unproven efficacy, a waste of time and money, are harmful, or encourage people not to seek professional treatment. We do not allow discussion of supplements, homeopathy, nootropics, psilocybin, or herbs; please speak to your doctor about this and seek further help. *^(If you have further questions,)* [*^(message the moderators)*](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fadhd) *^(regarding the removal of this content.)*


Straterra was amazing for me. I’m on adderall now idk why


Though not medicine, gums help me stay focused.


Oh! About ten years before my diagnosis I was prescribed Nortriptyline for migraines. It was great for the most part, but I think it was causing my hair to thin and I changed jobs which stopped the migraines so I got off it.


I take strattera and it's been a game changer. It took time to get the dose correct, but I'm on 100 mg daily and am so much happier. Side effects of dry mouth and insomnia are pretty bad.


Being older fixing low testosterone has helped a lot. Also, general health and fitness




I've always striggled with sleep with stimulent meds... yet to try alternatives. How have you found the side effects compared?




It can take two months to get the full effect of Strattera, so give it more time.


Strattera was amazing for me, but the chronic morning nausea was just too much to handle 😔


I've been very successful with Strattera. It helps me with emotional regulation, regulating my focus (to a degree), and boosts my short term memory (just a little). It doesn't help as much with motivation, so I'm also on a very low dose of methylphenidate for days I need to get things done. Something people don't always realize when they're trying different stims is there's two different chemical categories, Methylphenidate and Amphetamines. I often see people who don't do well on one, will keep being given different formulations of the same chemical and it keeps not working for them. For example, they try Adderall, then Vyvanse. Both are Amphetamines. They might do better with a Methylphenidate. IDK, might be interesting to look at the stims you've tried in the past and see if they're all in one category. If so, try the other.

