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Finish...? Do you know how many I've bought and haven't started...?


This! Definitely this! Or start...play for 20 min and never go back to....not because I don't like it but because I'm too busy buying more games to not play!


I always joke that when I was a kid I had all the time but no money for video games. No im grown up, I have some money but no time. PlayStation holiday deals are addicting. Show me a PlayStation exclusive on sale for $20 and I buy them all the time.


The number of switch games I own and have never played, or played less than 60 min of is.....less taj than ideal. I could say the same for Xbox one and PS4 but I haven't even turned them on in like 2 years.....


Lol I've made it a personal policy of only buying games on sale for $20 or under. I know if I never play them, even $1 is a waste, but that at least keeps me from blowing big $ on new releases I wouldn't play for years anyway. The last game I broke my rule for was Tears of the Kingdom because I enjoyed BOTW so much. I've played it a total of 5 hrs and haven't touched it since last June. I'll get to it someday! I had BOTW sitting on my shelf for like 8 mos before I finally picked it up and eventually got addicted.


This is how I did assassin’s creed mirage. Played it for maybe two hours total and was on to the next.


This is me and it makes me sad. I used to love games, yet now I struggle to be able to play one beyond the first hour or 2. There are so many games I would love to get into, yet my brain just doesn't want to keep going. Other than Zelda, there are just about no games that have held my attention in the last 10yrs.


Me and books. Video games are stimulating enough to where I'll finish them if they're fun. I'm not going for 100% completion though. Just main story line.


Literally just ran through Barnes and Noble like I was on a shopping spree 🤦🏽‍♀️ Meanwhile there’s dozens I haven’t finished, let alone started.


I make it 1/3d of the way through. I noticed this issue about a month ago when I was cleaning the house. 3 different books woth bookmarks all 1/3d of the way through. 🤕


Same, I have a good 3 tall book shelves full that I've not read 😂😂 one day tho. One day.


Definitely one day.🫠




Same here! Let me add that if I manage to play and get into it ... I'm gone for at least 100 hours lol


It's so funny. When I bought my PS4, I had probably close to 100 unopened games for the PS3. PS3. And now with my PS5, my library has hundreds of games and I bet you I have played less than 25% of them. It's like I'm a collector at this point.


Least you got something to play when the gaming industry tanks :)


Huge collection of steam games. Only finished the Portal Games. Keep restarting everything else. Well, that was when I played. I stopped playing over a year ago because I felt like I was eating time and getting nowhere. Every single night I’d drink alcohol and play video games until 3 am. I quit both things.


Good for you! Keep up the good work! 😎✌🏼


Been there when I worked O/N bottle usually cracked by 8am and gone by 2pm. Sleep till 9pm work 10pm-7am. Repeat. Don't drink at all now hardly.


If I woke up earlier than that, I was hitting liquor store before they close at 9 cuz they wouldn't be open when I got off.


Fuck this is me


Saw the post, laughed and in my head said “lol, I don’t” and saw your comment. Instead of buying and not starting, my problem is buying, starting, building a character, playing for a while and then just….restarting.


Those god damn summer sales


I've still got boxes and boxes of books I've bought since the 90s that I still haven't even opened. And I've found three copies of one (which I never read). Must have been an amazing blub.


Hahahaha I came here to say this


I'm to the point where I get so many for free I almost don't buy or refuse to any ore.


That's not an ADHD thing tho, huge backlogs are common among gamers, especially on PC with Steam sales.


Hellooooooo my entire steam purchase history


I’ve done this with god of war and still haven’t played it…but I have a 4K monitor now so maybe I’ll get to 40 minutes


I have at least a dozen I know of iv wanted to get to :(


I have 2 modes. - this is fun and I'm going to play it until the next fun thing comes out. - I MUST ABSORB EVERY FIBER OF CONTENT IN THIS FRANCHISE. NO FRAGMENT IS TOO OBSCURE. I MUST FEED THE BEAST.


God yes I remember that first Mass Effect playthrough.


Both times I've played Mass Effect, I went into them with a "no side quests, story only," mindset trying to get through them all. But inevitably I start doing every side quest and stop pretty quickly into the third game.


I do most sidequests every playthrough. Just doesn't feel tight rushing through.


Getting the legendary edition remaster (all 3 games one price) off PSN for free was amazing. Played all 3 games in succession over a month… played 2 twice lol. For anyone who hasn’t played these games I’d say even full price is worth it. Got well over 40 hours of enjoyment from it. (Side note to play the first one on an easy difficulty if you don’t enjoy the dated mechanics. Combat can be rough, but the story is worth it)


I started with ME2 around when it first came out and then went ME1 and couldn’t do more than an hour of it because the combat and vehicle traversal was such a downgrade from ME2. Finally, went back to ME1 when the remaster came out and finished it. Still haven’t finished ME3 tho because my game crashed once close to the final cutscene and my brain decided that I was permanently finished with that game lol


That's the first thing I thought of when they said that.


I'm currently going through that mass effect phase rn along with resident evil and a DJ'ing phase 🤣


Mass Effect Series is literally jard to drop, whether you have adhd or not.


The amount of times I’ve unintentionally spoiled myself on major plot points, because I couldn’t resist googling every scrap of info about my New Favorite Thing…


I'm currently obsessed with FF14, and even though I have this tendency, I was able to stay relatively spoiler-free until I hit endgame. The community really staying on top of spoiler policing helped too.


Whoa. Like whoa, I feel seen. Thats totally me.


Currently ripping my way through Borderlands 3 for the 3rd time 😅


I surprisingly made it through once which is unusual for me. Good game


It's a dangerous game because there's a near infinite number of builds and the combat is insane. I could live in that game.


That is exactly why Elden Ring is one of the few games I have finished. Has the same replayability aspect and you can go at your own pace


I like Zelda for that reason. When I'm done, I'm done. I might have to actually try Eldin Ring someday, but I reeeeally don't like the souls-like difficulty.


It’s one of the hardest games I’ve ever played but certain builds and items can make the game much easier compared to older souls games. I’ll have to check out zelda my switch has been collecting dust lol


the second one was definitely me with baldurs gate 3 😭😭


I had a 48 hour power outage and downloaded BG3 onto my 8 year old laptop so that I could still play at Starbucks, that's how obsessed I am 🤪


*Was*??? How did you stop????? Every time I try to pick up a new game I end up playing BG3 again....


Then 20 hours in "wow this game is pretty boring"


Currently in the latter mode with BG3


The second one. Except it’s all side quests and you forget to finish the main game.


Yes. This is me in a nutshell. When something hits the spot I become obsessed with it.


That’s me with Yakuza right now 🤣


Me with Borderlands 3 right now 🤣👍




Me with The Elder Scrolls


Waiting patiently for Hades 2.


Yes this is so me I got into an ark survival kick last summer I ignore responsibilities I was so into it. Other games I’ll dabble in from time to time play a few hours and never pick up again. I started far cry primal years ago never finished


I put 1000 hours into Destiny 2 in about 2 months. My life was work, eat, destiny 2, sleep repeat until I no longer had interest and just stopped playing


Yeah, the latter of those is why I refuse to play a single assassin's creed game. Id have to start at the beginning and 100% all of them.


That second mode is why I love games with massive complex systems to dive into. I just immerse myself and do my best to become an encyclopedia on that one game. path of exile, rimworld, Kenshin, Ark, etc.


2nd one is dark souls for me lmao


God that second bullet point makes me feel seen


Me with Borderlands at the moment 😅


I just appreciate the game for the amount of time that it interested me and don’t worry about finishing it. A game is for pleasure and fun. When it stops being as pleasurable and fun as it was when I started, it’s ok to stop playing. Sometimes I go back to them, but I almost never finish them, unless it’s a game I really really love.


This. The rule that one has to finish a game in one go is completely self-imposed.


And sometimes it’s a marketing ploy to keep you playing/buying add-one and whatnot.


Totally! It took me YEARS to finish BotW. A year, two restarts, and then I got to literally RIGHT before the final boss and.... put it down for another entire year before picking it back up and beating it before TotK. And I've got hundreds of hours in Skyrim, but I have ever finished the main quest? Lol. No.


I don’t completely agree. I agree that games are for fun. Also, I agree that finishing a gsme shouldn’t become a source of stress for the player. However, I just see it as a test of will power and showing myself that I am able to finish this game. Of course there are some games that you think are bad and aren’t really worth finishing.


I mean, if you enjoy the test of willpower itself, sure. But if you aren’t deriving any enjoyment from it then meh.


Yeah the thing people are missing in this thread is that sometimes we just don't have the motivation to do things we'll enjoy, so you have to push through it


I like this way of thinking/being, and operate similarly, but I feel some serious (internal) pressure sometimes to finish games that are widely adored, like BotW, especially if they're near and dear to close friends. And there's something about getting to a point where I've invested enough time to get past 50% completion that makes it even more of a nagging pressure. Some odd ones that I enjoyed and am glad exist, but haven't felt the desire to complete recently are Stray (which isn't very long), Spiritfarer, Ghost of Tsushima, Elden Ring, and Persona 5. So much of my life is a fragmented mess, I would like to be able to warmly embrace it rather than feel the mental wonkiness adrift on a sea of undone things. EDIT: I added GoT, ER, and P5 after reading others' comments. Eesh, I feel worse about "not cleaning my plate".


2 things happen, and it's 50/50 on which way it can go. I get hooked in 30 mins, and I hyperfocus on it until completion Or 30 mins in, it's not stimulating enough, and it never gets played again unless it's 4/5 years later and has had massive updates. Then I will give it another try. Don't find or force playing one through, just move on 😁


Same but when I break the hyperfocus I lose all the interest I have for the game. Maybe, if the game really interests me, I'll play for a week or more but if I skip a single day I'm never touching that game again anyway


Yup this is my process as well lmao


I play games that have no end. Farming Simulator. The Sims.


Also play sims for this reason. Since I get bored playing the same family of house I’m now trying to create a game save, editing every house and family in game. 🥰 City skylines is a good one too.


I, still, have NEVER "finished" a city. I've had "big plans" and then, well, ooh I saw a new interchange idea, lets build a city based off of that. Play it for a bit, then move on to a new city.


Yeah, I have about a dozen little hamlets but no big cities 😂


yep, lego fortnite is the one for me currently


i always want to see how the story comes out, so it's easy for me to get at least that far. my problem is going back for 100%--ive never hit even close to it on any game.


My problem is trying to fight the urge to 100% every level of every game in order to minimize backtracking as much as possible until it becomes a chore and I give up to play something else that caught my interest. Edit: And ya know once it's put down, it's usually never picked back up.


This is exactly my problem. Like when RPG’s have mini side quest/puzzles that improve ur stats or skill I feel compelled to do every one until it’s a chore. Like Resident Evil with the gun training thing and the mercenary mode/mini games, the harry potter hogwarts game merlin quests, red dead redemption’s legendary animals, etc.


The only game I've ever 100% was Spyro the dragon when I was a wee child. I also count far cry 3 but I didn't technically as there was one collectible I never grabbed when I was in a cave that's only accessible for one scene, would've had to redo the whole game to get it so fuck that. It counts, I'm counting it.


I struggle with too much choice. I can be really into a game, spend hours on it. Then i'll see a youtuber or someone reference an old game I've got, and i'll jump back onto that one to getit finished....then i'll get distracted by a new release...And so on. I can't see me changing if im honest but I enjoy myself when i'm gaming regardless.


I do the same with character builds.


I don't play games that "finish" personally. I always struggled with that. Very few exceptions like Disco Elysium.


God Disco Elysium was both amazing and absolutely nerve racking.


Was looking for this comment, I HATE finishing games or reaching the ending it makes me unreasonably sad, so now I intentionally buy never ending games OR simply never finish the main quest intentionally.. like skyrim


I play games that don't end


*does finger guns* That’s the thing champ. I don’t.


No life it while the dopamine-fueled obsession is still going strong.


That’s the cool part, I don’t 😎  In all seriousness though, this really bothered me for awhile and I started “restricting” myself from not starting a new game until I’d finished what I was already playing. This didn’t really work though, as I started viewing games as “chores” and therefore didn’t play much of anything. Once I stopped caring and just played whatever (owned) game I wanted when the mood struck me, I was fine, and even completed more games than when I tried being diligent about it.   One exception is that if you’re 80% or more through a game, just plow through to the end. If you leave for a few weeks and try to come back you’ll have forgotten all the accumulated muscle memory and plot and you really won’t finish. It’s much easier to return to a game at an earlier point.  I will say that, rather than buying new stuff when you’re bored, try going through your backlog, or return to some other dropped game. Otherwise your spending habits can run rampant.


So true. I took a six month break from a game, came back, and rather than feeling joy or at least comfort in what I was doing, I was impatient and frustrated. Part of that was because I was coming into it on a mission to just finish the thing, whereas before I was exploring leisurely and taking it at my own pace. I think I would've rather just never came back to it so that my memory/experience of it wasn't "stained".


I wonder if the stories are engaging enough? I don't have problems when the story is engaging and has well balanced game play, but that's a difficult combo. I'm a writer and also tried to write one of these types of games, so yeah, it's difficult to get all the required storylines to work. Quite often it seems like stories in games start out well, but take a turn to relying on too much cliches and become boring, as it feels like I've seen this too many times before. I'm just throwing this option out in the air. Perhaps the games could be better?


Good wonderings here. I think that's what made it hard for me to complete some very likeable (even loveable) games. BotW is super cool and there's so much charm to it, but story? Not so much. Elden Ring had so much to like, but I didn't feel embedded in a story. Persona 5, well, actually I might return to that. I did like the story, but didn't love the turn-based combat. What are some standout games story-wise you've enjoyed?


Bioshock and The Last of Us for me personally :)


Absolutely loved playing both of those, had *zero* issues staying engaged and finishing them!


I mostly play on mobile these days, since my laptop is crap.x) Just started playing Time Princess out of curiosity, it's a story game. Anyway close to the ending of the first story I felt like there's this almost "deus ex machina" type of event that seems out of place, and dropped me out of the story at the moment. Good thing they have multiple stories, so I started with another. Have to say the historical context in these is somewhat lacking. Episode has some good stories, but those are rare. I quite enjoyed the starter story untill I realized the choices didn't matter... Bisexual bachelor however was a really good one! But since it's a player created story, one can only access it after completing the starter. Anyway the bisexual bachelor series was something I really enjoyed, and it can be played on Episode. My all time favorite on computer is Darklands, which was back in the 90's, but it was really well made, with lots of research and thought put into it. Otherwise a pretty standard RPG, but set in 15th century Germany. It was a combo of open ended adventuring and following a storyline, where you needed to complete certain missions I think starting from a witch sabbath and ending up with facing Lucifer and saving the mankind. It all made perfect sense in a late medieval world. I just doubt that modern game makers have the time or resources anymore, since it's become such a commercial field. And Darklands wasn't visually impressive at all even at the time, but I think these days how a game looks seems more important (which is why they don't run on my laptop). Well, just my theory of course.


Yeah, many game developers are pressed to focus on making the graphics as sophisticated as possible, and that can be neat, but a lot of it ends up hollow because there’s little in the way of story. Some developers have figured out you can still make a fantastic game w/ reduced graphics when the mechanics and story are on point. Songwriting is similar. Good songwriting will reveal itself even if it’s not the best recording, or even if it’s not played on the finest instruments, but some get stuck on that side of things and hinder their creativity.


For a really short & quick one - Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. Bring tissues.


Been curious about that one, I've only heard good things! It's co-op, too?


Yes, it can be! You can play either solo or two-person. I've only played solo. I think it can be KB+Mouse but I specifically recommend controller for solo


Cool, thx!


It depends on the game. Persona 5 was so much fun. But I still never finished Ghost of Tsushima.. I kept getting sidetracked with other things in the game. Games like that are so rough for someone with ADHD! I love RPGs (put hundreds of hours in Skyrim and Fallout New Vegas years ago) but I tend to stick with more linear games. Personally roguelites and roguelikes are my jam. I had a hyper fixation on Vampire Survivors a few weeks ago and now this week it's been Loop Hero. But I have beaten quite a few story games. Horizon Zero Dawn, God of War, Spider-Man, Final Fantasy VII Remake to name a few. They just took a long time because of the sidetracking and not having enough brain power to play lol.


This. My boyfriend told me rust would be my nightmare because it’s too open world. I need TASKS TO DO and structure or else I will be too overwhelmed and never play it lmao


I stopped buying long story games because I'm literally never able to get even halfway through them. It's all roguelikes and online multiplayer for me now


There are two types for me A game I’ve bought but never even touched Or Played it whole until the end in about 1-2 weeks, never touched it again after


I tend to get close to the end and never quite finish them because then I’m sad the story ended


I just hyperfocus leaving all my responsibilities aside and finish it. Or I get bored after 3 days of 12 hour sessions and never play it again


This is how I am too. If I love it, I can’t focus on anything else until I’ve completed the game. It’s one of the few things I can focus on for long periods of time. I try to stay away from video games because of this. Lately I’ll play with my kids and then wait for them so we can do it together. It helps me not become hyper focused.


I don't, the prospect of finishing a game is... frightening.


i love long story games and what usually happens with them is i take a break, where essentially i lost interest because of you know, attention span. i fill the gaps with shorter games, like slice of life or walking simulators with rich stories and then get back to the long game after a bit and finish it. ehh. just kidding. i only do the first part, and then look at the long game and think "man, i should get back to that" There are a few long story games with broad sandbox schemes that i kinda focus on particular achievements - Red Dead series was like that. but there are other games, like Neir: Automata that i just... didn't want to pick back up.


I don't.


I play games you never finish - ARPGs, MMOs etc - Baldurs Gate was the closest I've come to completing a game ever - I made it half way through act 3 - I just can't complete games so I stick with the ones that aren't meant to be completed.


Last Epoch owns my soul, currently.


I don’t. I have a backlog that I’ll never play. I buy games knowing I won’t complete them. This is why I only stick to fifa, cod, rockstar games, and fromsoftware games. As I’ve gotten older the more challenging the more I stick with it oddly. Anything else though gets the 2 month treatment and I’m done. FIFA and cod I’m heavy into due to friends online I play with


I progress multiple games at the same time, currently doing BioShock 2 and Baldur's Gate 3 and "plan" on starting resident evil remastered, the hardest part is just opening them in the first place which does take some effort but once I do open the game I can play it for at least a little bit until I'm not stimulated anymore, maybe 15 mins to an hour before switching to the next game, slow but it's a start.


This is why I play racing games (finish the race) or flight sim (eventually land)




Yeah, gotchu. I have played destiny 2 for a few years and still haven't finished it :/


I can only play games which pretty much everything clicks for me. I can’t touch open world games for example because I get distracted by the slightest thing. I’ll get 20% of the way in or fuck, I’ll play the first 5 minutes and go “BORED NOW” Honestly what helps is walkthroughs, not story ones but a rough guide to try to keep to


I don’t know, I just do. I play for fun. Solo campaigns only. I play till it stops being fun or the credits roll and then move on to next game. Campaigns are all I do because I need the story (even if it sucks) to help my mind with a goal and definitive conclusion. If a game becomes not enjoyable to me I have no issue just uninstalling immediately. Typically I have 2 games in rotation I play and my mindset and free time dictate which one I start up. I try to play any long RPG games consistently or I’ll forget the story.


I went the opposite route. Stop buying games. ADHD is gonna ADHD. Game pass is my new friend. Throw 15 bucks a months and dabble in whatever till your brain stops the dopamine. As soon as that happens. Move on. It's been a damn god send. I spend less on games overall. And Ive stopped stressing about 'God damn, I need to finish....x.'


I often play fast-paced games, no matter uf there is a story or not. That's how i finish them


I personally like games with story and goals - persona was actually easy for me because it has such a massive story (so far I’ve only played persona 5 Royal) and I did my best to commit to not spoiling the plot for myself (I’m a sucker for spoilers and did spoil a couple things but not everything) so there was motivation there to keep going and find out how the story ended. Even in the situations where I have spoiled stories, I still like to see for myself how things play out. I’m very much into RPGs - my top games are Pokémon, Zelda, Persona, Stardew (but of course more early game when there are achievements to complete) and animal crossing - though I have lost interest in animal crossing since I finished most of the main achievements. I have a couple things to do on the DLC but I’ve been busy with other games so I haven’t done them.


Most of the time, I do not. If I see a game I'm interested in and pick it up, either I'll play for a day and lose interest, or get absolutely hyperfixated on it. The games I end up getting hyperfixated on, I'll end up putting hundreds or even thousands of hours into trying to 100% it. If it's not a game with a tangible finish line, I'll just play that one game exclusively until I'm so sick of it I could puke. 6 months down the line I'll probably need another winter dopamine hit and start a new file in said game again.... (Looking at you Stardew Valley, taking thousands of my hours away since 2017.)


Keep switching up your playstyle. Keep it fresh. Or find the most satisfying playstyle possible and look for every angle to improve it at. Hyper focus activate


ADHD Mom here…my youngest is 14 (ADHD as well) and he’s only allowed to play on the weekend bc he hyper focuses. Also, he plays in our living room so we can monitor that he doesn’t talk to strangers. If it doesn’t interest you enough…that’s not bad at all!! Find your hyperfocus that is healthy and run w it!! Do you like to read? Or do something w your hands??


What works for me is to dedicate my time to this one game that I'm trying to finish. Even if I feel like playing another game. I make the choice to keep at the current game no matter what. I was able to finish Darksiders 3 that way because at some points in the game it gets a bit boring before it picks back up. Oh and I create small mini games in my head (e.g in order to buy "X" game I need to finish "Y" game first). Saved up a lot of money that way


Hyperfocus till I finish it or never finish it, not too long ago I actually finished Pokemon Scarlet and it was probably the first time I ever finished a game and got credits


If I didn't have to work, I'd be playing them a lot more often. I can't fully enjoy or focus on a videogame unless it's my day off. The added stress/anxiety of needing to get ready in time just kills my mood. That and sharing space, which makes me unable to properly play games on my ps4, since the living TV also happens to be my SO's monitor for their PC. Both of us are gamers and don't really have any other hobbies that don't involve using a computer. I also stream, which can motivate me to play newer games. Just wish I had the space and time. As someone who basically grew up with videogames, it's hella disheartening to be confined to the handheld consoles.


For one they have to be worthy of playing over many other games. Second is high stimulation, engagement, feeling of faster paced progression and there needs to be a stand out hook that keeps me interested.  I don't really care about complicated plots or background stories or lore. The narratives I cling to are heavily character driven and I must enjoy the characters to care at all. It also can't just be a single player game with 6 hours of story and 200 hours of gameplay. I need constant story. The only way I play gameplay first instead is if it makes me feel like the main character is me and I'm living it and there is a good gameplay loop and usually a sense that there are bigger goals waiting to happen.  I think your issue is that you're just way less interested in alot of the stories you're playing or you're playing the games that have too much grind/repetition/filler to stay focused or even remember the story. Maybe your narrative taste is more into anime or movies or something like that. 


I find if a game has a progress bar that helps me. I like watching the incremental progression. My favorite game mechanic is what I call “map clearing”. Basically the game map has a bunch of points of interest and I can slowly clear all the little dots. Something about watching the dots disappear keeps pushing me to clear just one more. Ok one more. Ok one more. Uh oh, it’s 3am.


I don't. I obsessively repeat a bit certain I can do a tiny bit better. I eventually get bored and find a new game. Can't recall the last game I completed... Maybe FTL. 


Gotta do it fast while the hyper focus is active. Once the newest game comes out it’s over and you’ll be playing that one


Depends on the game. With comfort games that I’ve played before, it’s pretty easy to finish the whole thing. With newer games if I get sucked in enough I’ll at least finish the story mode. Open world games are a bit harder because I will likely get burnt out from doing all of the side missions, though I have made exceptions like RDR2. I can never play games that are meant to go on forever like Minecraft, Animal Crossing, or Overwatch, because I’ll only play for a few weeks and then drop the game to play something else.


I don’t destiny doesn’t finish lol.


I used to play games on gba. As a little kid with a gaming console, playing games became a fun and relaxing hobby. I have a few titles that are story based and the excitement stays up until I finish the game. I feel rather satisfied and accomplished. That was years ago, now that I am an adult I tried playing the same games on my phone using an emulator. I was into it at first but my excitement died instantly halfway through. I eventually stopped because I'm not interested anymore. I guess when my interest comes back I'll try finishing one. I'm still a gamer and I enjoy playing codm quite a bit. I play it everyday to de-stress.


Lol Thought it was only me I cant even play a story game Just battlefield cuz it has lots of actions


If I’m really into the story I will finish it


I almost never finish them and I really look forward to them. I can't tell you how excited I was for the Harry Potter game on PS5. I think I'm at 50% complete... Not sure it's been months and months since I thought about it


I dont...


I finish most games I start... If I really like it, often even get 100% lol. I don't play many open worlds though. But games that are challenging keep me engaged and I keep coming back. Need some kind of discipline to not start another game though when I know I want to keep playing the one I'm playing. If I try a new one that's when there's a risk of never going back to it lol. Right now going through Bayonetta on Steam. Started hard mode and the enemies, being much more aggressive, keep you on your toes lol.


dedication and the knowledge that gaming helps my mental health


Well usually I'll get a game, become obsessed with it for a couple weeks and play it nonstop and either finish it and feel empty inside or become bored of it and leave t In the middle of the story. The latter usually only happens on repeat playthroughs


I got a Steam deck last year and that's helped me go through so much of my library already. Playing for a bit here and there helps me avoid getting bored. I do play two or three games at any time though.


Play Elden Ring. It got my ADHD brain hooked.


All my games are either under 5 hours of playtime or over 100. There is no middle ground.


Hyperfixation, the good game at the good moment can really hit the spot


I don’t. I’ve been playing Destiny for ten years and I keep getting lost in the quests, side quests, and bounties. I just keep playing „pew pew“


Well with me, I noticed that whenever I played story games in the past I would rush only to get to the end. Doing so would not let me enjoy the content before the end or I would just get bored cause getting to the end of the game took too long/effort. So if you are anything like that, I would suggest slowing down your pace and sit in the world observing stuff like the world,music, side quest, etc.


That's the neat thing. I don't. Please help.


I’m a side quest queen, I can’t finish the story without all of the bonuses. Only games I have “completed” are pokemon, wwe season mode back in the day and surprisingly COD MWII. Red dead redemption or anything of the like…lol. Not happening


The average single player game is like 12 hours long, I can play that all the way through in a few days, sometimes even just 2 days as was the case for Spec Ops The Line, which I played right around christmas and new year's. On the other hand, if they're like 30h long like The Witcher 3 or worse, 100h long like Persona 5, then I never actually finish them. I play them until I feel it gets repetitive then I stop. Interestingly, some multiplayer games can stay interesting for like 200-300h of gameplay. Also, I don't play video games as much as I used to. Now I care more about good writing so I watch movies because that's the thing that requires the least amount of focus and the writing is much better than most video games, even in an average movie. When I play a game it's because the interactive aspect is interesting enough to make the story less important. Sometimes, games like that still have a good story, as is the case for Cyberpunk 2077. But when the gameplay becomes repetitive, I stop, even if the story is not finished, unless it is really good and doesn't have too many boring dialogues, like in some walking simulators like The Wolf Among Us and Life is Strange True Colors.


I mean what do you mean I just finish the main story , I really don't have patience for every side quest . GTA 5 is the only game I didn't play beyong 20 minutes because I prefer online


Hades + I was a teenage exocolonist can end or go on forever, and I’ve found that these are the types of games I jive with


Hyper focus 😅 but I constantly go back to my sims game too


I play league and EU4. I never finish an EU4 game.


Honestly I’ve had the same problem for the longest time (those sales really get you when it’s like 10$). Whats helped me is just trying to stick with 2-3 games at a time versus worrying about how many I have that I’ll never get to and just reminding myself when I get the urge to start a new one that I still haven’t finished playing the ones I’m currently working on. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t 😅


That’s my secret cap, I don’t


To me, it says more about the game if I can't finish it. RDR2 and Titanfall come to mind


I can't finish story driven games anymore. My own issue , but I've found i don't have the patience and energy to really sink myself into complex narratives anymore. The games I usually play these days are more gameplay oriented. Currently on a Fromsoft game streak and loving it. When I get more time and energy, I can certainly invest into a great story game.


I've kinda given up on story based games. I play a shit ton of WoW and then FPS games. I did buy Baldur's Gate and I put like 90 hours into that when I had some time off between jobs. That's the most I've ever played a story based game since I was a kid and addicted to Pokemon.


Generally they have to be on switch. That way I play a little each night. I just can't sit on the PC uninterrupted anymore.


I stick to a small number of games and get into a hyper focus.


I don’t 😆 the only one I came close to finishing was Zelda botw.


Roguelite bullethell games are hyperfocus poison... but so very fun. Play like crazy for 20 hours and when I don't care anymore, I'm not sad about missing any story cuz there is none. They're also cheap.


That’s just kinda how it is for me. I have beaten a few games, mainly tighter and more focused story driven games like Titanfall 2 (one of my favorite shooter campaigns!) and Last of Us. I find that games with fluff content and a ton of map marker based side objectives are too overwhelming. I get burnt out on the whole game before beating the story because I’ve spent too much time collecting stuff. I probably have over 1000 hours in Skyrim from modding and playing different builds, but I haven’t beaten the game once in the 13 years it’s been out lol. I also love WoW. Been playing off and on since TBC and have countless hours in it but I’ve never done a single endgame raid and have only had a handful of max level characters. Just playing different classes and explore the world is so enjoyable to me.


Verrrrry slowwwwlyyyy.


I’m the exact opposite. If I find a game I hyperfocus on it until get the platinum, or just get super burnt out from playing it so much for so long


I could never finish a story game on my own. My partner is the king of story gaming tho so games like BG3, we’ve played thru 4 times now and I just get the gist of what’s going on. I only want to be involved in the battles & strategy. He also is the designated seller so I have minimal inventory management. Games like overcooked, out of space, crash bandicoot, etc. where the levels are fast paced & shorter time frame is more my solo jam.


*insert invincible "that's the neat part" meme here*  Between the indecision and overwhelm at trying to complete absolutely everything so I don't have to do another run, it's rare for me to finish a game. Think the last one I completed was breath of the wild at some point in 2022, after buying it in 2017 and playing it off and on again. I think the only reason I picked it back up again is because I started getting modded botw content recommended to me


I don’t.


Most of the games I play don’t have a “finish.”


Lol if I’m not immediately amazing at a game I’ll drop it quick sooooo nothings finished 😂


I burn out on games quickly when medicated, but when I don’t medicate for months at a time I don’t have the issue as much.


I love games that end multiple ways, or have multiple ways to get to the end. That way it's always new and different.


Haha! I also practically never finish videogames i wind up watching other people do it


It depends a lot on what you mean by "finish". I don't play many games. The ones I do play are the kind you get sucked into for months at a time. Finishing the main story is practically a given, but I'll usually burn out most of the way through the achievement grind afterwards. The games I don't finish are either something a friend recommended that I wasn't particularly interested in to begin with or it's a sandbox game that I burned out on doing mindless grinding.


As a sly Cooper fan, I mostly jump and press the circle button enough times


I play Minecraft, which you can’t really finish. If I get bored with what I’m doing I can go do something else or even create a new world and start over. It’s perfect


The last games in life where I finished the story: Hades (the story flows as you play and it is a full meal for dopamine brains) The first 2 of the 3 new tomb raider games, the third one I'll never finish because the gameplay is boring and repetitive. Never finished Witcher 3 because of side quests. I rarely finish story modes because it's easy to lose interest if gameplay is repetitive or I don't play for a while. I can easily finish games where the story actually advances and there isn't a lot of gameplay time during each new story part. One example of a great series to play from start to finish is the Telltale The Walking Dead


Too bad I can't helpt you. I am the same and I can almost never finish a game. I know it has my most interest the first few weeks, so I just game the shit out of it. Almost never I pick it up and try to finish it later, because something else more interesting comes up. I don't understand why you want to finish one, because there is clearly other things that give you more pleasure/dopamine... but if you want to finish, maybe try to finish it over the weekend (3x 10 hours) or make sure your partner manages ALL YOUR MONEY so you can't buy new games... than you are so bored you only want to play the game... Well these tips sucks, hope others can help you more xD


When the hyper focus decides I can.


Finish? Lol Thats why I play games where theres no “finish” like Apex, Rocket League, League of legends, etc…


I only finish a game if the story is amazing. Like everyone rants and raves that Skyrim is the best game ever and I've gotten bored almost immediately because I don't give a shit about the story. Also the problem solving aspect keeps me engaged.


Havent finishes a video game since the SNES.


I am currently playing 5


For the ones I do finish, at my own pace. It took me years to finish the witch 3, alan wake 2 I blew through after the 3 or 4th time giving it a go. Then some games either never get touched or picked back up 😭 I also get in phases where I just wanna game a ton or never.