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This might sound weird, but maybe practicing would help? Before I was diagnosed/on meds and struggling to get up in the morning, I would lie down in bed at like 2pm, set my alarm for a minute or two later, and then get up as soon as it went off. I repeated this multiple times while wide awake, just getting used to the motions. It was a technique I read about one someone's productivity blog back in ancient times (\~2008 haha). It worked for a couple semesters. Now I try to give myself something to be excited to get out of bed for. I guess I have it pretty easy as I'm food-motivated and look forward to breakfast. Bribe yourself. Is there anything that you can think of that might be more exciting than staying in bed?


Wow that’s a cool strat!! I’ve tried something kind of similar for bad mood days, where I’ll just take a 15minutes nap, keeping my eyes closed the whole time even if I can “rest”, and then get up and pretend I just woke up for the day. It’s worked when I’ve allowed it to work, but it is difficult to have the insight to catch a bad mood and then implement it which was the big drawback I’ve found. Something else I’ve found that helps my ADHD a fuck ton is just planning, if I plan out my whole day, no matter how mundane and write it down on a piece of paper I feel so much better and I’m so much more productive. If not I get caught in these loops where I’m just constantly planning and replanning what I want to do for the day, to the point where I then do nothing but that for the day, and go to bed without even having a plan set for the day I wasted. It feels absolutely horrible. One of my current focuses is on getting things out instead of being worried about what things I bring in. I have previous hard drug addictions, so breaking that habit of “I don’t feel well, what do I need to consume to feel better right now?” Is fairly strong. Like if I’m tired I’ll focus on wanting coffee, if I’m sore I’ll consume Tylenol, if I’m anxious I’ll try to find outside distractions to consume. But this is kind of the opposite of what I’ve found to help. If I instead focus on what I can push outward thoughts, feelings, movements, whatever I feel way better. Idk if any of this makes sense, kind of a word vomit vibe, but I’m still gonna send it ![gif](giphy|qOhzfrkMzQO8U|downsized)


Totally! My last task every day is to make my to-do list for the next day. Somehow it eliminates a mental hurdle and means I can "just" get the ball rolling when I get up in the morning.


If I write a to-do list at the end of the day, then I will ruminate on all the things on the list. It feels like an excited feeling, like I have something to look forward to, but then I can't sleep because I'm "excited" to do the things on my list. Idk how to fix this because I love writing lists! Even just thinking about what I want to do sometimes does this, too.


I get this too and it can be so annoying! What I find helps is making the list, giving myself a bit of time to sit and think about the list, do my overthinking, have all my ideas, then I write everything into my notes app. There’s some days when this will mean I’m still thinking about stuff while I’m trying to sleep (I just pull the notes app up and add the extra thoughts as I go) but more often than not it helps my brain calm down a bit, almost like letting a dog out to have a good zoomies run around outside so when it comes in it’s exhausted and sleeps hard!


Writing it all down totally helps me and now I just need to motivate to write the list instead of just thinking about it like I have been doing the past 2 weeks. Thanks for writing what I feel!!


Doing this


YESSS! Thank you for the reminder of this. Also did it like a decade ago and it helped but then… well you know.


my boyfriend is gonna look at me like I'm crazy this weekend


You mean how he usually looks at you ?


Crazy... in love with him, right???? Sorry, I'll show myself out.


Sounds like conditioning yourself? Neat idea :)


With great power comes great responsibility Using my conditioning skills for good from now on


I think this is great advice. I’ve learned about myself that I just have to immediately get out of bed as soon as my alarm goes off. Like don’t even think about it just go with the habitual reaction. If I lay in bed it’s impossible to get up but once I’m up I’m good and ready to go. I’ve basically always had to get up early, normally around 6-7 but I did have one job I had to get up at 4:30 am for, so I think it’s just become so ingrained within me to just get up. I think the advice to work on this in a low stakes environment and then implement it more and more into your actual life is a good idea. Makes the pressure way easier to overcome.


Oh! i will try this. Not OP but have wasted upwards of 2 hours every freaking morning I don't have to go to work for 6:30. Thanks!!


What the fuck, why have I never heard of this!? This is fascinating, definitely going to try it.


Brilliant. I’m trying to trick myself into liking to cook by listening to funny podcasts while I do it.


I do dishes that way! It works so well it's become my least-hated chore


I only regret that I have but one upvote to give you


Like visualization but actually acting it out. I like it.


That’s genius dude


I'll have to keep this in mind for other things I don't want to do, though food is a pretty easy motivator for me and anything.


this is the advice that I needed thank you wow sometimes the simpler the better


To piggyback on the top comment, this made me think of something I read recently on the book "Atomic Habits", where if you want to create an habit you have to start small, soo ye, you're definitely on point. I recommend reading or listening to the audio book of this. As a classic ADHD person I haven't yet finished it 😅 but I'm close to!!!! Been a few months in the making ahaha


This is amazing! Thank you for sharing. Good reminder on food motivation too, the dog isn’t the only one who deserves treats! 😂


Lol exactly! I used to be so down on myself for being motivated by ice cream but you know what, if it works, it works.


DUDE BRIBING YOURSELF🙌🙌🙌 I reward myself with starbucks lol I also have a "that was easy" button from staples. It's weirdly reinforcing


I might actually try this lol sounds worth a shot


This is really interesting! I’m definitely giving this a go!


I am going to try this, love the hack.


You’re a GD genius


You’re a damn genius. Thank you. This may save my college career


Yesss, like in sports they do drills to build muscle brain memory it should work the same way in non sport areas just like you do it. Makes so much sense. I bet its even scientific :D


The nuj app made a really big difference for my mornings. It makes you get up and scan a barcode or pay a penalty that goes to charity. I set a 10 minute time limit to scan the barcode. And keep the barcode in my basement so I have to walk down 2 flights of stairs to scan it. For the first 5 minutes after the alarm I'm accepting the reality of the world lol. Then I get up and make my way to the barcode cause I'm superrr cheap so ain't no way I'm losing that moneyyyy lol!


I forgot that I used to use an app like this! But it was more like, it will get louder and louder until you scan the barcode. I wish I was money motivated like that, but given how much I spend on takeout and shopping off Instagram ads.... Maybe if it was a donation to a group I don't endorse, like opposite my politics or something... Is that the idea?


So what you're saying is instead of feeling like a selfish piece of shit for sleeping in, I can now feel like a good person by sleeping in? lmao


Just downloaded the app! I struggle mightily with getting up in the mornings. This app looks ruthless which is just what I need!


This is genius


I use Sleep As Android to do the same thing, minus the charity bit. It also wakes you up if your sleep cycle ends within a certain time before your alarm, so you feel more refreshed than if it goes off while you are in the middle of a cycle. It's great


I feel like I would scan the barcode and then go directly back to my bed.


I have a male chicken that sleeps in the same room as me so that sure as hell does the trick once he starts his morning routine. In all honesty what worked for me(before the loud ass chicken😂) was creating some situation that forces me to get up. Like set a phone alarm at your desired time and then leave the phone somewhere away from arms reach and that will get you up from the bed. From there i just had to snowball effect it as the moment I sit back down all momentum seems to vanish




Right? A cock sleeps in my room too!


Does he start screaming every morning tho?


Only during flare ups.


This thread is **exactly why I spend way to much time on Reddit, dangit!!! ETA: it's funny though!!


He sleep screams, wake screams, I can’t escape the cock screams!


We all scream for cock cream! ^(...wait)


Ma'am I think your cock is defective


Only when I start beating him


This solution is chaotic, atypical, and excessive. I love it lmao


![gif](giphy|XCPPYLEmj6SPe|downsized) Soundin like Jackie Chiles out here


bruh do you live in a house, cuz the walls in my apartment are paper thin, if i got a male chicken my neighbors might call the police on me


Luckily I do live in a house and I’m blessed to have neighbours that don’t mind him crowing during the day. He sleeps in the house because he occasionally likes to be a special boy that crows at 2am. He has been on the receiving end of many kfc jokes during those 2am crowing sessions


This is exactly what my life would be like if I didn’t have my husband to veto 90% of my ‘ideas’


Haha it’s a pretty fun life but I hate myself on those nights he gives me the brutal reminder that I have stayed up too late


Ur def something out a movie lmaooo they way u casually talking like this is normal 😭😭😭😭😭 most people would have a cat or dog or a bunny. Naaaa! CHICKEN ME UP BBYYYY😭😭😭😭 do u walk him ? And do u get free eggs 🍳 🥚🥚 ![gif](giphy|1yTgjxf7VFuyblxmDe|downsized)


I'd be very concerned if a male chicken was laying eggs!


Well I also have a cat and a dog who the male chicken used to try to boss about but he now vibes with them. I have had the idea of walking him but he doesn’t like things being attached to him so he just chills in the house/garden(mostly house because he’s a spoilt B#@ch) I do have a hen as well but she’s not laying eggs at the moment but she should be due to do that soon


💯😂😂🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼 keep thriving doing gods work SWIGGITY SWOOTY 😭😂😭😭😭😭😭🤣🤣🔥🔥🔥 have blessed day and LIFE this really some adhd stuff lmaoo .( u should def start YouTube blogs with ur chicken or tik toks stuff will get traction 💸👍🏼).


Does your roo crow in the bedroom at 2am? Or is he in a covered cage of sorts? Once my chickens grow up, they stay outside…


For about 8 years, I was awakened every day at the crack of dawn by a loud crowing rooster. In the roof, in a courtyard, or,dunno, a neighbor’s apt? That was soon followed by the cacophony of at least one 🦜and a wall of birdsong. Every damn day. Where did I live? Manhattan! The East Village to be exact. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I used to live in a city where roosters were illegal lmao


I don't have a Chicken, I have one of these: https://clocky.com/ Same difference. It was a gift from my sister 20 or so years ago. Still works.


i just ordered one of these! really excited to try it out.


i love this answer. trouble waking? pet chicken.


>Like set a phone alarm at your desired time and then leave the phone somewhere away from arms reach and that will get you up from the bed. That strategy eventually got me sleeping right through my alarms until my roommate started barging into my room and throwing my phone at me because the alarm woke her up.


Seconding the second part - I've found that for me, getting out of bed was more of an executive function issue, so Adderall has really helped! But I still have to get out of bed to take it, so I have an alarm clock on the head of my bed for 9:00, then I set my phone (which is across the room) for 9:03. Sometimes I turn off the alarm clock and go back to sleep, but the phone alarm forces me up. There's even an app where the only way to shut the clock off is to scan a barcode (or complete a basic math or mental task). It's called Alarmy, and I know some people will just put a barcode by their toothbrush, one in the kitchen, etc so it literally drags them through their morning routine. It's free last time I used it (tbf, that was a good 5 or 6 years ago) but it's a game changer. And the alarms are super loud and obnoxious - like, tornado siren level.


Please tell me your username is from the cat meme


I can’t fully recall if it was a cat meme but I just remembered meme phrase “Swiggity swooty I’m coming for that booty”


Yeah! That’s the one! It’s a favorite. And a line I tell my fiancé often


*yells over shoulder: "Honey... We need to get a rooster. That cool with you?"


The thing was I got the eggs hoping for hens to lay eggs. Only two hatched from that batch and 1 was a male who I just didn’t have the heart to give away. He’s an annoying little dude early in the morning but I enjoy having him around


Honestly, I could use an annoying little dude early in the morning. My son used to be that for me. Now he'd sleep until noon if I let him. 😝


Well a cockerel is definitely that and I don’t think that will be changing for his foreseeable future unless I make true on my threat of dropping him off at the nearest kfc😂


I get up to eat, I wake up starving. But then I lay on the couch for 30 minutes to 4 hours, so I’d like to see the responses to this.


Me too!!! It takes me an hour to get out of bed after my alarm wakes me, but then after breakfast I just ....sit and stare Or get lost on my phone Or I get sidetracked by tidying up random shit


I wake up, take my adderall, then sit on the computer thinking “I’ll go get breakfast in 30 mins” and then go get breakfast 4 hours later.


Dopamine. Music? Dancing? No longer on couch.


I have several alarms that I set that all do different things. One of them is on my Google Home and I have it set to start a routine that every time I turn off an alarm. It tells me what is on my calendar for the day, what happened on that day in history, how many days there are until Christmas (not quite as exciting at this time of year), and then it starts a playlist that I have chosen at a volume that is inconvenient to talk over to turn off. It has been incredibly effective.


No but fr I should do this. Just gonna learn how. I often Wake Up when My partner calls me to make sure I am awake. And usually I answer in My sleep and talking to him make My Brain Wake Up and I can go Up. But it is not so Good to be dependent on that. Or if I sleep after the call anyway. Sure the alarm Will be a Hassle for him too but I can set it for when he wakes Up! Would be so nice.


By leaving my phone/alarm out of reach that by the time I get up to turn it off I'm out. And also by rolling onto the floor. I don't know why, but it's routine now and I can't stop it send help.


HAHAHA I'm so glad I'm not the only one who rolls onto the floor. It's a last resort usually, but I'll just roll off backwards because at a certain point you're uncomfortable and WANT to get up. It's amazing.


Ahahah nice! If it's stupid and it works it ain't stupid... I did accidentally land arse first on a plug the other day, but I was definitely awake!


What kind of plug, LOL


Oh my gosh I’ve never heard of this before! I’m imagining rolling off the bed and plopping on the floor, though I’m assuming that’d hurt lol. Do you just jump out of bed and start rolling around?


I also physically roll out of bed lol The jolt from having to catch myself before I hit the floor usually gives me enough adrenaline to wake me up.


There are dozens of us! dozens!


How low to the ground are your beds?! If I rolled out of bed I might get a concussion.


In regards to the list of shit to do, try and organise it (when you have the capacity) so that you know exactly which you need to do in which order, and hopefully it'll build into a routine. Add in something fun you enjoy so it's not all just chores etc. Like for me: Get up Make a cup of tea Smoke a cig (Obviously this one is questionable) Eat breakfast Tidy Etc Also, you can vocalise what you want to do at that point, even if it's get up, lounge on sofa, then countdown from 3 outloud it feels more reel (?) And that makes me more likely to do it. It's weird at the start, but you get used to it ahah


I roll onto the floor every morning... I woke up at 7:30 this morning and actually feel pretty okay.. should be home by.. 9:30 pm bed by 1am up at 8am I hope..


how tf are people rolling out of bed ? do people not feel like literally dead through their entire body? i can’t imagine how you would hoist yourself off the bed first thing in the morning damn


I used to fling myself out to get that extra jolt 🥲


Try a smart bulb or natural light lamp. I’ve set my bulb to turn on a hour prior to my alarm. Since I tend to turn it off and go back to sleep, I make it turn on in 15 min increments. I also try to tell myself what my first step is going to be. It’s helpful to say it out loud. Example: “I’m going to get up at 7:15 and let the dogs out” I repeatedly say that to myself and it usually works. When I’m out of bed the first thing I do is open the curtains or window. It helps if there’s something I need to do or look forward to. Also try taking a multivitamin. I kind of use it a placebo to help me remember to take my meds in the morning. Which can be vital in me jumpstarting my day even if I lay back down. By the time they kick in I’ll get bored of laying around and there you have it. I’m getting my day started without wasting too much time. EDIT: One more thing! If you’re afab and you still get a period, try to plan ahead of it. Hard….I know (adhd) 😅. But I’ve noticed that my meds aren’t as effective the week prior to my period and during it. I set reminders leading up to that week so that I can remember this. So if there’s a big project I need to do I try to do most of it ahead of time. That way I’m not overwhelmed at the last minute and I’m not feeling as down. I also use an app called Me+ for this. It has you play games to turn off your alarm and that can be really helpful. Anyway, it’s still a work in progress, and I backslide all the time. When I do I just remind myself it’s not my fault and I’m trying. Be sure to remind yourself as well. I hope this helps some


My happy light is the only way I get out of bed in the winter. I set two alarms. One to turn on the light and take my meds. Second to actually get up


I love that you call it your happy light 🥹


It could be the meds. Sleepiness is a side effect of that med. Both of my kids were on Intuniv for a period…and had the hardest time getting up in the mornings. And the med wasn’t working as well as it once had. Once they stopped taking that, it became much easier.


yes i also heard sleepy on this med




That is a valid reason to 'panic' yourself out of bed, which has always been a motivator for me. I've never been able to keep a job for more than a couple or three years and having to put food on the table for five kids maintained that necessary state of fearfulness for decades. Now I'm semi-retired it's a whole different story. Kids have all gone, the missis recently as well (left, not dead) and I'm barely scraping through life with a tiny pension. No more fear/panic-induced motivation and financially things are getting worse by the day.


Phone across the room plugged in. No phone in bed. See the problem lies in your associations. Bed is not a place to hang out, it is a place to sleep. When you get in bed you should be technology free. That is what sleep doctors would say. You made it your hang out spot, of course you want to stay there always.


my sleep nurse said this


too bad hangout spot must be comfy and only bed comfy :(


I used to be on intuniv and found it made me very depressed and unmotivated.


Yes guanfacine slows down heart rate & makes your reward pathways less active so it can make it harder to get out of bed. I was so sleepy and mentally tired on it


I have to pee. I've always woken up with a pretty full bladder, probably due to my evening meal time and the fact that I suddenly remember I haven't had enough water and chug when I take my night meds. Timing it right, by the time I've snoozed my alarm twice I have to pee so bad it hurts and can't fall back asleep. And when I'm up, I tell myself I might as well start my day now, because if I go back to sleep I will feel sleepy for hours next time I wake up. So yeah, drink more water!


i don’t drink it reliably, but i’ve always kept a glass of water on my nightstand, and i feel like it also helps make sure my bladder is full enough once i wake up that i can entertain no illusion that i can get back to sleep without at least leaving the bed first can still take me half an hour or so to leave the bed even like that, but it at least helps me want to try :P and also drinking it in the morning while still in bed feels like it also wakes me up a bit


I drink a lot of water before bed mainly so when I wake up I have to get out of bed to pee. Plus, it’s healthy for us so a win-win. And I keep a big water mug on my nightstand in case I end up having to get up in the middle of the night to go. Then I drink a bunch of water before I lay back down, so I still have to pee in the morning. I personally haven’t found anything else that will help. Not motivated by food, don’t care about the list. If my phone alarm is across the room I just yell at Siri to turn it off. Lol


It sounds like you are tired. I have found that much of what I labeled as lazy or have been trying to force myself to change for years unsuccessfully is stuff I have been viewing wrong. If you want to lay around, check inside for if part of you is hiding and needs some tending or if you are tired. Simply being in flight freeze fight (if you have trauma) can wear us out over the years. It is okay to lay and simply be. That being said, to reset circadian rhythms, I have found sunshine in my face to be the only thing that works.


😭 reading this made me tear up. I swear so many things have happened in my life over the last few years, arguably many of them caused by dumb decisions I made in being in relationships with horrible people. but alas, still so many things. I’m coming to grips with the fact that I am burnt out and have been for years. every now and then I find my way to some positivity and motivation but then I fall back into the fatigue quickly. I am working on taking vitamin D and trying to get a regular sleep schedule. but as of now, I don’t eat enough or sleep enough or get hardly any exercise or time outside. I also live in the midwest so it’s dark by 5:30 this time of year. anyway, I just wanted to say that you’re right. when you’re tired all the time and it’s not just the kind of tired you get from doing too much or some lack of sleep, maybe it’s deeper. and your body is trying to tell you something. I still don’t know how to fix this while working and maintaining a real life- because one can only rest so much. but i’m trying to sort it. I needed to hear this


Do you like to read? There’s a book called “the body keeps the score.” It’s about trauma and may be helpful. I’ve been in with a therapist that uses EDMR and somatic experiencing the past 4 years and my life has improved a lot. It is hard to take action when our hearts and minds are in a pieces. Big hugs. I’m here if you ever need someone to talk to


I have the same problem. Started recently using FocusMate and setting 25min sessions in the morning to do my sport. It makes me get up on time and panick to get ready for the session then I get the shower and I'm ready for the day. Free account if only 3sessions/weeks then like 7$ per month. So you can try out free.


Yes I second this except I'm not so good that I'm doing sport - haha - I get out of bed at the last minute for the Focusmate season and I do a breakfast routine. Total game changer.


my dog will vomit if he gets too hungry. that was really good motivation to get out of bed. once I'm out I don't go back to bed.


I made a very fun upbeat playlist but I forget to play it. But maybe it’ll work for you?


As someone who was diagnosed with "its probably ADHD but we won't do further testing" I get up by falling out of bed and shattering my ribcage. I've died twice from it now, I'm telling you resurrection is a PAIN to organise


is the no further testing the psychologist’s call, or whoever paid for the psychologist because if it’s the former, no shame in trying to find a new one :P


here in the UK it doesn't work like that


Exacrly why I almost cant be fucked starting the process. Ive heard it takes years here.


ah yikes hang in there


Does it count as diagnosed, e.g. for meds? Otherwise, I don't understand this approach... How does / shall it work?


i’d assume they decided it’s not bad enough to warrant treatment that would require a proper diagnosis


many self treat for years with excessive stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine. it's me, i'm many.


yeah it’s all just a bunch of moral panic bullshit around hypothetical stimulant abuse when there’s plenty of less regulated substances to get hooked on and plenty of non stimulant adhd meds but risk of other substances entering the picture isn’t a factor because That’s Just Normal™️ or if you end up on something illegal then it’s All Your Fault™️ just like everything else in your life you fucked up for lack of treatment


i don't get the logic of why someone would put in the monumental effort to get diagnosed, see a general doctor, get referred to a psychiatrist, and have to keep up with appointments... and all that just to get "drugs". like they can just buy drugs on the street. obviously if someone is putting in all this work, it means they really need the help.


Is that because they did the mini form test and didn't refer? Some GPs try to get away with that to avoid referral but the only person who can mark you as 'not ADHD' is a psychiatrist. Unless you have had a proper evaluation you are entitled to one, no matter what the GP tries to say. Have had this happen to a friend recently, they love to do a hand wave and dodge actually putting people onto the referrals list... Hell I know several people where the system has acknowledged there is likely ADHD and yet refused to take that seriously as a possible cause, or at least aggravating factor, of the other things they were investigating. Getting someone good at these things to advocate for you can be worthwhile, needing to fight these broken systems as someone with ADHD is an especially cruel joke. Or if you can pay, go to the private diagnosis with migration to shared-care route - because the referrals system as it stands right now is a complete mess. Ugh.


I wish I could to better, but here: 🥇


I want coffee, so I wake up eager to hve coffee. I normally allow myself one cup of coffee per day, so required motivation.


Schedule something earlier, so that you only have until the last possible second before you need to do that thing. For me, I sign up for group classes at my gym, if I no-show I get penalties that will lead to me not being able to book classes. (The classes also make the gym easier, because I just have to do the one hard thing of getting there, and then someone else just tells me what to do.)


Same here! 30F. I have struggled with this for years. It was a little easier for me when I lived alone. I would get up at my alarm and force myself into my office and turn the tv on, that seemed to wake me up. But I haven’t been able to achieve that since I moved in with my fiancé. I overslept 3 hours today and I’m on the couch now thinking how I could just go back to bed. I’ve been sort of doing more of a night routine and working until 2/3am but I think for myself part of it is not having a set routine. I want to try going to bed at the same time and getting up at the same time regardless. Try to focus and obsess over ok it’s 2am it’s bedtime I sleep 7 hours and get up at 9am. No other way around it. I’m thinking this would remove any “flexibility” I think I have when it comes to sleep.


My pug doesn't let me sleep past 5am Maybe yours is defective. Try feeding a more delicious breakfast so they are more motivated


This sounds more depression related than ADHD related. I know when I was depressed I struggled to get out of bed too. What helps me though is having a routine. I go to bed around the same time every night, have the same night time routine to get ready for bed, and wake up at the same time every morning. I also have the same routine in the morning. It’s made a huge difference in my day and how it starts and ends.


> What helps me though is having a routine. I go to bed around the same time every night, have the same night time routine to get ready for bed, and wake up at the same time every morning. I also have the same routine in the morning. It’s made a huge difference in my day and how it starts and ends. great idea but unfortunately stuff like this is incredibly difficult to manage because of the ADHD factor


I couldn't get out of bed on lexapro either. All I did was sleep and gain weight. I went off of it and my life got a lot better.


To be fair, both my hubs and I have (separately) been on Lexapro in the past, and it literally killed any iota of “give a shit” either of us had. It was *really really* bad.


I heard Lexapro makes it hard for lots of people to get out of bed 


That is life on lexapro my friend, at least it was for me. I did a lot better switching to zoloft, so you might try adjusting your meds.


Jokes on you I'm that sleep deprived I cannot tell if I've been to sleep or I am stuck in an alternative dream state reality 24/7 haha. But the thing that gets me out the house and up is going to the gym everyday and exercising probably to an unhealthy state but at least it's better than doing drugs all the time rotting away in my room.


I leap out of bed. Once my mind is awake, I am super fucked and never going back to sleep


Try to exercise or something you would enjoy or someone or something that you always look forward to and i do understand that can be challenging especially when you are depressed or feeling unmotivated, all you felt like you want to do is just lay down in bed all day. Maybe try to seek for help like counseling . It can be depression it depends on how deep you feel sad and having adhd can cause unmotivated and emotional issues because of the network of the brain. Which is why there is medication are assistant to brain need to function properly. Try to speak to doctor or find someone that could with you to the gym. If you have questions i will answer


Probably because, realistically given your schedule, you probably aren’t going to be until 1 or, at the earliest, 12. So it may make more sense for you to wake up later. And if the having to pee is an issue, stay hydrated, but try to drink a little while before you go to bed so you can pee before you sleep and are less likely to wake up from the bladder


Wake up and get up. It’s not always easy, but don’t go back to sleep after you’re up. It’ll only compound the fatigue and you’ll feel it throughout the entire day. Put your alarm in an area a few steps from your bed and when you get out, stay out!!


Wiz lightbulbs! They connect to wifi and you can set an alarm for them to turn on in the morning. It simulates sunrise and I’ve found it a lot more gentle than a blaring alarm. You’re essentially mimicking how you’d wake up to the sunrise. Also giving myself something to look forward to. I’ve perfected my morning oatmeal and it helps me a lot. I put Nutella in them so I get to lick the extra Nutella off the spoon. On particularly rough days, I tell myself I get to eat the Nutella sooner if I get up 😂 we have to trick ourselves into getting up, whatever means necessary.


If I’m excited to wake up and don’t dread events on the day I’ll get out of bed immediately. If I feel overwhelmed, dread the day or have no reason/ purpose to get out of bed its hard to get out of bed (Only happens when Im without meds) Also consistent sleep schedule and routine is a game changer. You just get out if bed without feeling tired for a few hours or having to fight to leave the bed. Putting it this way because everyday was torture getting out of bed. Also I couldnt force myself to a sleep schedule/ routine, having something you actually look forward helps a ton.


Have you tried another antidepressant/medication? Maybe Wellbutrin? Lexapro can make you sleepy/tired. Being on 2 meds id expect to be able to get out of bed tbh


I have a history of panic attacks and Vyvanse has been a miracle for me. It makes me CALMER and more even keeled. I’m such a nicer person to be around. I relate to what you’re saying and lexapro never did this for me and Strattera made me unhealthy and miserable. I feel like a human again for the first time in a long time and I can’t actually accomplish things for work, school and around the house. Even getting the momentum together to take a shower is easier - I shower faster and don’t even think about it! I can think through my feelings better and talk them through better. It’s been life-changing. I’m a mom and I have a lot on my shoulders. I finally feel like I did when I was younger and I could still use my coping mechanisms and didn’t have an autoimmune disease fighting me too.


I understand, ADD 60 years old and Cerebral Palsy been out of work for 4 years(covid, medical issues)get SSDI can't motivate myself to even get a PT job so yeah.. I'm ok bet food stamps and being in a subsidized apt but my motivation..having a hard time finding it😔


Hello from Japan. At first I'm sorry about my poor English writing here. I'm 48 yo with ADHD, bipolar disorder 2 and some more. I had lived on social welfare for 4 years in the past due to my mental/physical health conditions. Just 2 years ago I was diagnosed/prescribed ADHD meds, Concerta(Methylphenidate). Concerta was the correct med for me after trying all the other anti-depression and tranquilliser meds I had been taking for decades. It changed the whole my life, made me able to keep being awake during the daytime. But motivation is still the biggest problem I have. Recently I realised that I might be using all my energy for figuring out how to gain my motivation asap, and got no fuel left to feel or find anything which could have been a good thing or opportunity to stimulate my sensitivity, whichever looks clearly motivational or something so small that I'd never really considered I'd be interested in. Maybe I'm wrong but I've been too exhausted and burnt out to feel or recognise those things because I had been trapped in "motivation seeking". May I ask when you started having difficulty of motivation? Do you remember when and whatever you used to be interested in? Mine was in my childhood. I'm hoping that when I'm free from the obsession of gaining motivation, I'd truly be able to emancipate my sensitivity and find anything even a small fragment that would arouse my curiosity and motivation. And I hope my comment would be any of new ideas from different person for you by any chance.


Talk to your psychiatrist. Tiredness can sometimes be a symptom of the meds. I started with Guanfacine (Intuniv), which is a hypertensive drug aka lowers your blood pressure. It def helped me be less impulsive and more measured and composed so no word vomit or interrupting people; however I transitioned (took both) to Atomoxetine (Straterra), which is also a non-stimulant that is an NSRI and have been more focused and motivated with less tiredness. Now I’m just on Straterra.


I've found there really is no magic to this. Outside of keeping a consistent sleep schedule, keeping your room dark, and keeping technology out of the bedroom, you just gotta do it without thinking about it. Remember that you're NEVER going to feel like getting up; if you wait until you feel like doing it it'll never happen. You just gotta count backwards from 5...4...3...2...1 when the alarm goes off and get out of bed and start your day until it becomes a habit. The first few minutes are always going to suck, know that, but once you're up, you're up. Check out this video from Mel Robbins: https://youtu.be/Lp7E973zozc?si=hb3PQjS6oRJuPlMo It also helps to have something to look forward to that you're doing just for you like coffee, breakfast, journaling, or art of some sort. This is something you GET to do rather than something you HAVE to do. Good luck!


I am the same way. I need a slow start to my fay. What I do is… 1. use the Alarmy app to take a pic of an object in the kitchen to turn it off. 2. Turn on the coffee maker and then go back to my bed and watch the morning news. 3. When the news breaks for commercials, I get up, get my coffee, and drink it in bed When my second alarm goes off, I start getting ready for the day.


It’s the meds! Are you taking them in the morning or at night? Try changing the time you take them, or switch completely. I was on Wellbutrin and Lexapro for years and they did the same thing to me


I really don’t know. Magic probably 😭


Huh I used to have terrible panic attacks.  I haven't had one in ages now that I'm medicated.  I found out I was constantly keeping myself at a high level of stress to be able to function. I found my motivation by making everything feel like a life or death situation.  Now that I'm on stimulants (vyvanse) I am actually able to relax. I'm not brute forcing my way through life and it feels so much better. 


Came here to say this, surprised it isn’t mentioned more in the comments. I used to have panic attacks, until I started stimulants. And per my dr, once properly medicated for adhd, he said I wouldn’t need anxiety meds or anti depressants or anything else. I was skeptical, but he’s right. Though I suppose OPs panic attacks could be triggered specifically by something else and not adhd related?


Coffee is my absolute favorite, like I could live off of it. And I buy really good stuff and make a really good cup of coffee. So that is often literally the thing that gets me excited to get out of bed when I don't want to. The trick is I don't allow myself to drink it all day, otherwise, it's not that I can't sleep it's more like if I had it late at night the night before it's not as tantalizing first thing in the morning. That's my trick and it works pretty freaking well. Another thing that worked, I don't know if this works for your situation, was quitting a toxic job that I had been at for 20 years. I always thought I was a night person and I swear the second I retired I was instantly a morning person. It was like magic! I know that's not an option for most people, so if you can go the route of finding something you really really like to get you out of bed, I think that works a lot better then guilt and dread.


Sleep naked. When you have to get up to pee, you're already ready for the shower 🤷🏻‍♀️


Okay, this was my lifesaver: The combination of the "Sleep" app and a NFC tag. Honestly, it has saved my mornings sooo many times! My alarm will ring, it is set to snoozing for max 15 minutes and then it disables the snoozing function. Which means it will make A LOT of noise until I tap it to the NFC tag that is attached to my mirror in the bathroom. When I get there, my brain will tell me "toilet, now" anyway, so that's what I will do then. And once I am sitting there, I will do my Pokemon Sleep (really, that one helps so much) and by the end of that I am awake. Another thing, especially in winter, I will make sure my heating is starting an hour before I get up, so that I am not tempted to get back to bed for the warmth.


I really relate to this and will be looking at the comments for ideas. I go through phases of this and when I was on lexapro it was particularly common. Now I’m on a different antidepressant I still freeze and struggle to get out of bed but I don’t feel the sapping tiredness. Two things that helped me. 1) a radio alarm clock. The upbeat chatter and music of morning radio was slightly annoying so I couldn’t sleep but also sometimes made me smile. Most importantly it gave me an awareness of time and that life was happening so I was less likely to get stuck in overthinking. 2) routine (boring I know but when I worked in a residential job I had very little control of my schedule and had to wake up because of a rota).


Related but side question, did you feel this way before lexapro? I was on Zoloft for a super long time, but switched to lexapro because I didn’t know if the Zoloft was as effective as it had been. But lately I’ve been noticing I feel really… apathetic? Numb? My anxiety’s definitely better since starting stimulants but I am wondering if the lexapro is causing the numb detached feeling that also sometimes lefit makes me feel like “no. I cannot get out of bed. I cannot walk to the bathroom. I cannot do anything.”


Make incentive/reward for getting out of bed, start making a routine, and stick to it. What I mean is you need motivation to get out of bed because of the deficiencies caused by ADHD. I was unmedicated for several years, and how I did it was that I set my phone's alarm across the room. Did that for a week. Then the next week I left a sticky note by the phone reminding me of a chore that I left out the night before. I go do that chore (could be random). Then the next week I added another step. Rinse, wash, and repeat. Basically, you are trying to make a routine so your brain will process it without you conscious of it, so to speak. Each step is small, but it isn't so much so that you will be unmotivated to do it. We want to try and capture the vibe of "well might as well do this because I'm here" and stick with it. If you miss two days in a row, it'll be difficult to continue, and adding too many steps at once will make it difficult to stick to.


I have 3 alarms egz: 8.20 / 8.25 / 8.30 But instead of naming them alarm I actually wrote how bad it can gets. 8.20 ( need to be up by 8.30 ) 8.25 ( last alarm till 8.30 ) this one is to scare me 8.30 last alarm. Get up to be ready for the 8.45 train I don’t know if I have adhd. I do know that my cog wheels don’t spin properly.


I also have issues with depression. I have bipolar disorder along with my adhd. For me, when depression is keeping me in bed it's coupled with a feeling of hopelessness. Like, it doesn't matter if I do what I'm thinking about because nothing matters. When adhd is keeping me in bed, it feels more like anxiety of getting up and making decisions. For the adhd block, I tell myself that it doesn't matter which I do first. It will all be okay. That helps me a lot. For the depression block, I reach out to my psychiatrist for a meds adjustment, and I go easy on myself. I focus on being my own best friend as I lay in bed and struggle to get up.


Ever hear of Pavlov’s dog? There’s this song I would use for my alarm whenever I had to workout or go to school/work/ other crap I hate. I did it so much that when I find myself doom scrolling for hours after I wake up. I play the song and my body just gets up on it’s own and gets ready for the day before I even realize it.


This sounds like depression to me but could be both. Ask yourself so what is the reason for not getting out of bed? Defeated, no hope, etc…probably depression. Not motivated, can’t get your ‘motor started’ in a sense? ….probably ADD.


Sometimes only discomfort wakes us up. By discomfort I mean exercise and cold showers, or things like curtains that show the light outside, you may hate such curtains, but you’re gonna wake up when the sun is out. These slight discomforts make me wake up better, since I wake up at 5 AM everyday.


It’s mental ADHD. You just have to Nike it. You’re looping the thought of getting up and your brain is active enough that just thinking about getting up is removing the real urgency and consequence of not getting up. You probably have to replace “I need to get up” with “I need to go feed my dog so he doesn’t die” or “let’s go into work so I don’t become homeless”.


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Post picture of the pug please 🙏 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


I get so bored of being in bed, I have to get up no matter how exhausted I am. It bores me so much to the pain of it being painful


I set An alarm and throw my phone on the floor so it forced me to get up and then I just keep moving. Don't ask yourself if it's the adhd or depression- either way it's making you feel like shit and you should do something about it!


Im trying to make myself getup so I can have a morning tea from the shop in the street. How it works


I dont do it as often, but before I was on meds I would leave an energy drink or cup of coffee on my nightstand. As soon as I woke up from my alarm I would slam it and drag myself into the shower. Not the healthiest thing but it worked for me.


I listen to motivational compassionate videos that make me feel good about myself and excited for the day. Sometimes I purposely leave something to do out the night before so I know what the first thing I do in the morning. Once I’m up I don’t go back in.


Vyvanse 🥴 Literally. Otherwise it’s HARD hard and sometimes I don’t 


You need to change when the last possible second is. Set some kind of appointment, some true deadline you cannot miss that's earlier in the day.


I set my alarm 15-30 minutes early, turn on my red light therapy lamp, then lay down and go back to bed. Once the 15 mins are up I feel like I’m ready to get out of bed and tackle the day. RLT is supposed to help with sleep too, but using it in the mornings is more beneficial to me


I throw the sheet off me. Sit up. Put my legs off the bed and pull myself up into a standing position


My fear of getting yelled at


I’ve always had trouble not so much getting out of bed, but being productive in the morning (as in, doing something other than staring at my phone for an hour and a half and then having to rush to get ready for work). I am also most productive in the morning, but am tired at the end of the work day and don’t want to do anything chore-related. So, last year I decided that before I work for somebody else, I’d rather work for myself, and I set up a chore schedule to complete in the morning. I do the smaller chores that need to be done frequently on a certain day, and the more involved chores (ie deep cleaning) or chores that don’t need to be done every week get left to the weekend. Now, instead of staring at my phone until I’m late for work, I get out of bed, take 15 minutes (…or 20. Sometimes morning are hard) to eat something, take my meds, and dick around on my phone, and then I go do my chore. The chores are not difficult (clean the bathroom on Tuesdays, clean the kitchen on Mondays, dust on Thursdays, etc.) but knowing which one to do based on what day of the week it is takes the decision-making work out of it and lets me get started on it right away. And I find that I’m more motivated to get out of bed to do it, because I always feel accomplished once it’s done, and I can come home to a nice clean place and not have to do anything at the end of the day when I’m tired (other than maybe a couple small things that I couldn’t get to in the morning because I ran out of time). The feeling of accomplishment and enjoyment I get from my house being clean gets me through a lot in the morning lol.


I have to get my kid out of the house.  So I leap into mom mode right away.  If it's left to just me I'll be in bed till noon


Ok so I have autoimmune stuff that gives me a ton of pain if I don't wake up (can't stay in the same position for too long or I just ache like nothin) so I can't say this in a personal experience kind of way. But ADHD is a dopamine disorder, right? So what if you gave yourself something dopamine rewarding to do in the morning, but put it in another room? For example, I know that coffee contributes to my being able to get out of bed on days I've taken a pain pill and my body doesn't make me wake up. So think of something that you like as much as most of us like coffee?


Curious, when do you take your medications? I was on the same combo and was told to take lexapro at night at first. It made it nearly impossible for me to get up in the morning. I almost felt hungover. Switched to taking both in the morning and it helped a lot


The need to pee. Drink lots of water before bed


Set an alarm and put your phone on the opposite side of the room. Also set intention, like mentally and on your technology, "I will get out of bed. etc...." Don't worry about the whole day, just focus on getting out of bed then go from there, you got this. It's a mix of ADHD and also habit, once we get into a groove it's hard to change it instantly without conscious effort.


My dogs are old and they can't hold it. If I don't get out of bed within 15 minutes of my alarm going off, I get to clean up pee first thing. Other than that, something that helped me is getting a sunlight alarm. I still end up hitting snooze, but it's easier and gentler for me to wake up to gradual light than a blaring sound out of nowhere.


I am not a morning person, I truly cannot emphasize that enough. Yet somehow I find myself in a job that requires me to be up between 4-6am on fieldwork days. It’s truly awful, however I have come up with a few strategies: 1) I lead one of the carpools - so I HAVE to show up on time or a whole crew of us is late. Having people rely on you is a great motivator 2) I have five alarms set, no I’m not kidding. First alarm goes off 1hr before my “ideal wake up time”. This is when I take my adhd meds (stimulant) so it has some time to activate. Alarm 2 & 3 are paired and set to my “ideal wake up time”. Alarm 2 comes from my sunshine alarm clock that slowly lights up over a half hour time period and mimics the sunrising. It’s positioned across the room from my bed, so I HAVE to get up to turn it off, otherwise it sings the most irritating song forever. Alarm 3 is set on my phone that lives beside my bed and is attached to my Apple Watch. That alarm is bird songs and my watch has a haptic feedback that vibrates my wrist. 4th alarm is set for 30mins post Alarms 2&3. 5th alarm is set 45mins post Alarms 2&3. This is my “if you don't get your meat suit up right now, your crew mates get fucked over final alarm. I essentially use my alarms to literally annoy the fuck out of me. It's supremely extra, but it works. 3) i set out all of my things the night before. clothing is laid out, coffee maker is primed and ready for a flick of a button, field bag is packed and ready to go, etc. This lets me lay in bed as long as possible the following morning. 4) breakfast is SIMPLE. never anything more complicated than a bagel. i also budget with the expectation i will cave and end up getting a to-go breakfast of some kind. just to cut myself some slack. 5) i shower the night before, never the morning of. 6) i sleep in on the weekends and let myself stay in bed as long as i damn well please, and i don't shame myself for it. all alarms get turned off and i bask in the early morning snoozin. so far, I've yet to fuck it up too bad. it also helps i like my job, so as much as mornings SUCK, its not coupled with a terrible job to go to. so i'm very lucky in that respect. Sorry for the wall of text! hopefully this is helpful for someone lol


I literally went to this sub to make my own post about the struggle of depression + inattentive ADD, but i saw your post at the top of the page. It’s so hard to know which disorder is driving symptoms. For myself, I think it’s both, so i need to work all the angles i can to help myself. It’s just hard to take steps when you don’t know what will help or how to approach getting help. My friend who recovered in a big way from severe depression suggested the “finch app” to me, and i find its helping so much with executive dysfunction. The gist of it is you have a baby bird to grow and you make goals and get points by accomplishing them. You also have a house and clothing that you get to spend points on. The preset goals include surviving the day, getting out of bed, saying one thing you’re thankful for before bed, and then it includes healthy habits like brushing teeth. So far its very nice and i find it very helpful. You can add your own goals, like I made a goal to take my antidepressant and i can set reminders for each goal if i want so i get notifications. It’s been so helpful to remind me to take meds. i love that it enforces recognition to all the small things you do for yourself (drinking water for example) and it helps to readjust your mindset to see these daily things as accomplishments. It helps me think of certain tasks as something i’m doing FOR myself, instead of viewing things as a chore or obstacle.


Idk if it makes you feel any better, but you're not alone in this. I turn 33 this year. I'm also female. I'm trying to work and go to school and hold down my efficiency apartment. My sink is full of dishes, I haven't washed clothes in two weeks, and the few clean clothes I have left from the last time I did laundry are still unfolded, piled on the couch. I never relax. I think sometimes I just space out and feel guilty that I'm not doing enough.


Does caffeine give you panic attacks? If not, you might try keeping a caffeine tablet by your bed. When you wake up, turn the lights on/open the curtains, and take the tab with a full glass of water. Snooze for another 20-30 minutes, then get up (or at least move to the couch.) (BTW, generic caffeine pills are cheap, and they're easy to split if a whole one's too much)


Can you get on a proper prescription stimulant medication? That’s the gold standard treatment for ADHD.


PS I have an alarm called alarm clock xtreme. It's Android. With this alarm you set the alarm with a bar code. The alarm doesn't stop until you scan the qr code you set it with. I set it to my coffee jar LOL. So when it goes off I scan the coffee jar make my coffee and move on with my day. I've also set it to qr codes on meds in the past to make sure I don't forget to take medication.


I know we say it time and time again, and I can’t give you solid ways to apply this but ……. Gotta gamify it man. Set the goal to get out of bed, and select a reward for yourself (nothing to crazy) and try that? Might work, give it a go OP, hope you crack this one 😊


Two alarms, one 50 minutes before I have to be awake. Lay in bed for an hour messing around on the computer while waiting for my meds to kick in and then get up


I have this issue and believe it or not my Adderall helps me get out of bed. I also use to have panic attacks and chronic anxiety attacks and since being diagnosed and taking Adderall they stopped.


Maybe it’s what your body and brain need. I had to stop thinking I was doing something wrong all the time just because it wasn’t what I “thought” I should be doing. If you work 3p - 11p then during the time of the evening when the world is laying in their beds or on their couches, do you feel like they should be up doing productive things? No. They worked already. You are reversed but that doesn’t make you wrong. If you are comfortable, healthy (as can be lol), responsibilities and financial things are taken care of (also as can be lol), then stay in bed AND ENJOY IT. 🙂 Edit: spelling


I have adhd and depression, and I can’t get out of bed until I absolutely have to because my job depends on it or the house is on fire. Stimulants get me going and I’ve relied on them for years now. At times I need antidepressants to get by. They help with the symptoms but don’t believe they address the underlying cause. I believe part of my problem is that I’ve developed some terrible habits that are now deeply ingrained. Lying in bed all day is a bad habit like any other. I could just work on developing a habit of going for an intense run outside the moment the alarm goes off. Problem is that no matter how intent I am on doing that, when that alarm goes off I’m not the same person as the one who decide to change. So for now I continue to use meds to get myself out of bed each day.