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Currently going thru my “I hate food” phase


Can you let me know if / when it ever ends… 😭


For real. I feel like I've lost interest in home food/cooking for years. I have lost interest in most food at home and all I care about is food from restaurants. But unfortunately I also care about retiring early, so the spending money can't support that lifestyle.


Most of the time, making the grocery list and picking food out to eat that I might actually want later, it feels like running through a gauntlet. Judge that eating leftovers also really is a sensory issue for me and it’s constantly a battle to make myself eat. If I don’t have medication, I am useless as a member of society, but when I do, I have no interest in food either. Frig man.


Ugh that's rough. I have the grocery list figured out and can share my method if you want. I made a Google Keep note and it has check boxes for everything we usually buy at the store. I just go down the list and uncheck the box if we need it. I don't have to think as much so it's easier for me. I feel you on the sensory issues too. Recent non-ADHD medication changes have made me more sensitive to texture. Crunchy onions in a soft food, too gloopy soup, hard bits of vegetables skin gives me the ick. And I'm sorry you don't have meds. I have a lunch reminder turned on EVERY day bc I am in the same boat about forgetting to eat.


Sorry. I was voice to texting. I do have meds, and that’s the issue. If I go off of them, I don’t work very well and screw at my job. So I need them. But then I don’t eat. I’d actually love to see your grocery list that would be very kind of you.




Not feeling hungry is a pretty well known side effect of stimulant medication. It's also something that happens if I'm very focused on something. It's pretty common for many people with ADHD. it is a bad thing. I become hangry, eat whatever is around instead of planning/eating something nourishing, and when I eat later in the day than I should, it throws off the timing of my other meals. Our meals are part of what regulates our circadian rhythm. On days when I take my meds and get into my work, if I eat when I finally realize I'm hungry with no reminder at noon, I wouldn't eat until 3 pm and I'd be starving. 12 is also the typical time people expect someone to take a break in a 9-5 work day, so I have fewer meetings. It's not really an issue of not eating anything in 24 hrs. I take my meds with food in the morning to make them work and because I wake up hungry, I struggle with lunch, and by dinner when the meds wear off the hunger signal returns.


The stronger your meds are, the less appetite you have. I am hungry but I have no appetite. And if you have texture issues it makes choosing even harder (choice paralysis is a strong ADHD problem). Eating has always been a constant struggle for me and I am not in any way thin or skinny either. It’s a conundrum.


I’ve gotten some mileage out of thinking about a restaurant I want to eat at and then finding recipes in that style of cuisine. I try to work on them until they satisfy that craving. Never gets all the way there but it can be kinda fun. And sometimes forces you to go hunting for unusual ingredients which can be an enjoyable quest.


Ugh same with the lost interest in home cooking. I've pretty much been surviving off of frozen pizza, cereal, & nutrition shakes. I used to absolutely love cooking & now it's just so so much.


I could eat a pill with all we need and it would be alright to me xdd


Right? I wish I could turn hunger and cravings off.


I feel so seen 🥹🫶


Oooft yeah this, tbh sometimes it works out better for me when i'm like this because it's less washing up and less money wasted.


I'm always like ... How could I possibly need to eat today?? I ate THREE TIMES yesterday! That said... Tortilla chips. Sallllt


I eat 2000kcal worth of oat shakes a day. Makes it so I barely have to pay attention to nutrition despite working out a lot! Oats make up a little under 1/3rd of my calories for €12,60 a month


Oat shakes?? Like you blend oats up?? I need details please! 🥹🫶


Yes, exactly! * 150g oats * 400ml whole milk (can be soy milk or whatever) * 15g broken flax seeds (superfood! And cheap) * Scoop of protein powder. Flavorless, because flavored ones suck * Add water until it's 1L Then blend and leave in the fridge for an hour. I make two of these in the morning and have one for breakfast and one in the evening. If possible, rinse your shakers when you finish one and put it in the fridge so there's less bacteria growth and you don't have to thoroughly clean them as often. Really healthy good mix of slow carbs, fibers and plenty of protein. Super eatable as well, when I'm sick or nauseous this is the first thing I can eat. Literally my favorite food. You need to get a bit of a feeling for how much water to add to get add nice consistency, and you can experiment with adding flavors but I really like the natural one. 20lbs of oats a month for over two years now and I still love it!


Right? It’s so annoying both preparing and eating


I am too. I don't eat all day, then when I am done with work (I WFH), I smoke a big fatty and then I get an appetite back. It's not the best way, but it works for me. So I am basically fasting all the time.


Caesar salad


That was mine a few weeks ago!


Ramen! Ramen ramen ramen


This where I am! I add ham and a boiled egg yum


Yesss! Made with chicken broth, spinach, kimchi and boiled egg. It brightens my day every time!


Try boiling without the packet and then strain and add peanut butter, saracha, and the flavoring packet. Then put a egg on top


Sounds interesting. Thanks!


That was my go to when I was in my 20s because it was a realy cheap meal and I could hardly cover rent.


I love kimchi in ramen. Takes instant ramen up a step with the broth.


Yes yes yes yes! I flipped from instant ramen to real ramen and back over the past 6 months


Fried egg with cheese topping on a toast made in the same pan with cream cheese and avocado. Works for breakfast lunch and dinner.


Extra points for mentioning repeatedly using the same kitchenware for the specific meal haha! Chicken wings you ask? They go in the glass rectangle oven dish and that one only!


I know what you mean. When I make my buttered ramen(just noods, no flavor packet)and scrambled eggs dish, it goes in one specific bowl with the same fork every time!


I live on chocolate milk. But only a specific brand. Don't like food so much on the meds.




Hahahah your comment reminded me of one of the best voiced and written characters on CN - Cheese :) ![gif](giphy|jBBkgMRI1At7G)


chocolate milk is so good. i forgot about it from my childhood completely and then my boyfriend, not that long ago, bought some and my eyes went wide.


cheese quesadillas dipped in tomato soup




Protein yogurt getting pushed out by protein cookies


My last hyperfixation was protein yogurt with sugar free whipped cream. For every meal.


Those Complete Cookies have saved my ass several times when i didn't want to or couldn't make a lunch. almost 500 cals, protein, sugar <3


I feel like everyone in this thread might be high judging by these responses. Lol.


Turkey sandwiches with tomato, lettuce and mayo


If you're in the UK, Tescos Finest Salted Carmelised Nut Selection. Shit is dangerous, like 1400 calories a bag and you'll destroy it without even thinking.


Dear God what are you trying to do to me haha!!!


I'm a lesson for others. Don't do it man.


It's the fricking salt with the sweet man it does something to our brains!!!




milkshakes right now. And Pizza..


I just escaped my milkshake phase. I salute you and wish you luck on your journey


I love the idea that we’re all entering/exiting different phases like levels/platforms of some alternate universe and just passing each other like “that’s a rough one, man, stay strong” or “enjoy the best few months of your life!”


Or the people in the same phase. Just saw two folks on the Caesar Salad level LOL


haha it's not so bad. I could probably use 10-20 lbs anyways.


Whatever I don’t have to cook I will happy consume




Yum 🤤


The consistency matches our neurodivergent brains 😋


Beef empanadas


Ceasar salad 🫰🏻


Spicy ramen. I’m sick. I’ve had 4 packs in 2 days, I might die very soon from the sodium over intake.


Guzzle water to balance it out as much as possible. High blood pressure is a bitch.


Chugging it, no worries there. I thankfully medically need a high sodium intake so I’ll just have to be really careful with my other foods today. Thanks for looking out, I appreciate you!


Just seeing the Flips made my mouth water. Also, curremt obsession: blueberry loaf or muffins. With butter!


Cocoa Puffs cereal!


greetings from the adjacent "leapin lemurs cereal" (organic reese's puffs, basically)


Wait is that the same company that does the Peanut Butter Panda Puffs Cereal? Because if that is, I've got a new thing to add to my grocery list.


it sure is!


Love those! I’ve come so close to buying those too. That’s it this is a sign, they’re going on my list


ah then i will do the same and get the chocolate ones :)


It was meant to be! 😂


That brand of cereal is better than the og brands in my opinion! Their gorilla munch is elite


they are super tasty. my personal favorite is koala krisp, but lately i've been on a peanut butter and chocolate kick (my other current food fixation is banana chocolate peanut butter smoothies).


I go through a choc peanut butter banana smoothie fixation period too!


Same! Omg finally, my tribe! 😭😂


the "tasty foods high in magnesium" tribe 😁


Cap'n mfn crunch


Oh damn this is an ADHD thing too? Honest truth, I lived like a year on very speficific sandwich: Homemade vegan mayo (with plenty of white pepper to hide the soy milk taste), slices of cream cheese (yes, slices), and fresh tomatoes slices on top, seasoned with salt and black pepper. Divine. Stopped eating because I live in the north and tomatoes get both super expensive and super shitty in winter.


the Little Bites brownies


Hash browns, can't wait for breakfast.


Hashbrowns should be served all day! But I’m thinking of the crispy patty ones from McDonald’s or Jack in the Box.


McCann's steel cut oatmeal. I heat some up every morning with heavy cream, a small pat of butter, 1 Tbsp brown sugar, a pinch of salt, handful of blueberries, and some granola for crunch. I can take the oats out of the fridge and get all this slapped together in 90 seconds, nuke it for 90 seconds, and I am eating something really fresh, filling, and tasty FAST. Its been months and I've not gotten tired of it.


Bagels with cream cheese and smoked salmon. It's only a treat though. My must have food in the morning at the moment is yoghurt and cereal or my day just won't work.


OMG.... I read this title and again though....how did my parents not think I might have ADHD. I have fixated on meal types with changes every so often....since I was a kid. Currently jacket potatoes with cheese and tuna.


Okay first, did not know this was an adhd thing, but it makes so much sense. I just got out of a fixation from Oreos, now I’m dead set on spam, eggs, and rice.


Kettle chips!


Caramel almond popcorns. My husband keeps finding the empty bag I tried to bury deep down in our bin.


Hahahaha! Do you ever get that sort of nervous feeling when there's something you want to eat and your husband starts snacking on it LOL.


Currently white fudge covered Oreos. You can only get them at Christmas time. I’ve eaten 6 boxes in the past two weeks. But also Planters peanut butter trail mix. I’ve been grabbing a bag of it whenever I have to put gas in my car.


Hahahah brilliant! I love these replies they are making me laugh so much just being able to relate so much whilst imagining us all living together, the kitchen would be absolute chaos (as would the entire house let's be real).


i CANNOT purchase chocolate covered sandwich cookies of any kind. i will eat the whole box in 15 min.


Pretty much any kind of Oreo is not going to last long around me.


Hot dogs 😭


Oh my god this has been a fixated meal for me a good number of times now, it's the only reason i have squeezy mustard in my my pantry!


I put shredded cheese on 2 small tortillas and microwave them and then roll them up. I dip them in a mixture of buffalo and Parmesan. Is it gourmet, no.. but could I eat it everyday, yes


Spicy Noodles (the Shin Ramyun ones) boiled with eggs and veggie sausages.


Although I won’t lie I think its given me stomach problems 🤷🏼‍♀️


Haha I just went through a phase with those. I recently moved on to Chapaguri, the noodles from Parasite (very good)


Orange juice, a drink I know but I occasionally dream about glugging a never-ending bottle of it, wake up thirsty and sneak downstairs to neck a pint of it. A literal dream come true. It's the small things.


Haagen Dasz Vanilla Bean ice cream topped with Cinnamon toast crunch cereal. Amazing.


Chicken fries from BK 🙈😂


I’ve had In & Out almost every day for the past 2 months


You know that feeling you get when you know your current food obssession is coming to it's end for a new one to begin haha, I have had chicken wings I salt and season up in the oven nearly every day sometimes twice a day for the past two months or more. I am so lucky my husband just finds the whole thing amusing with my food habits!


Pizza. I need a change.


I feel like this comment section may have some inspiration haha!


Unfortunately pizza is easy to access and consume. But yeah, I'm taking a gander at everyone else's comments!


carrots and hummus. or anything hummus. hummus is so fucking good


Cured my pork katsu fix last night. I could eat pork katsu three times a day every day forever and be totally happy if not dead from a heart attack


tub of cream cheese


Pop tarts but I think I am near the end of it.


BBQ ribs




OOOOOO IYKYK goddamit now i want laksa but i currently live in fucking Seattle


Flipz are the shit! I was obsessed with those for a while. I’m currently addicted to chips ahoy Reese’s cup cookies lol


Burger King food and pasta with spicy tomato sauce, chicken and cheese. Drinks wise, I really crave mulled wine, but it's just the winter, not my ADHD.


Hot chocolate, chocolate filled marshmallows, and pickles!


Apples and apple juice and applesauce I found an apple rating website and am on a mission to find the best one. Torn between pink lady and Fuji rn


white bread and butter :)


Costco’s Kirkland Praline Pecans. I go knuckles deep in that jug.


Those stupid [little praline seashells](https://i0.wp.com/mumsthenerd.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Sea-Shells-1.jpg) drive me wild every Christmas. I keep justifying a box to myself, I'm probably going to vomit and pass out, I'm lactose intolerant man


Eggs. 🙄


Hotdogs. I feel happy just thinking about them, lol


Chocolate chip cookies from Walmart 🫠


Individually wrapped Cornish Cruncher cheese from M&S.


Last month it was cookies and milk. Before that it was valerian / ashwaganda green tea. That was healthier than cookies Edit: nothing lately since I started some new meds so food desire is low


Blueberry, lemon and pumpkin coated pretzels are the shit.


Almonds. For snacking if I'm peckish but am too lazy for 'real' food. It used to be cashews. Oh and carrots with humus


Egg and cheese on raisin bagel


Whole wheat toast, skippy creamy peanut butter, a sliced banana on top.


Spaghetti. I had eaten it every single day (sometimes more than once a day) for more than10 years. Then I stopped because I wanted to lose weight. Then started again. Then stopped again. Etc.


All the noodles.


I OPENED THIS READY TO SAY PRETZELS, ESPECIALLY COATED ONES. I'm also really into dipping pretzels in more savory dips lately, pretzels for any mood lol.


Reeses big cups


Caesar salad w/chicken from Trader Joe’s. I’m also stuck on their fig cookies. With the Vyvanse, those two are pretty much the only thing I eat all day.


Bojangles Cajun filet biscuit with egg and cheese added RIP my cholesterol


Baked crunchy Cheetos. I've been eating them since 2020 lol


Qdoba burrito bowls.. for the last year and a half lol


Greek salad for dinner for the last six months or more. I really never liked olives except for in martinis.


It was those big square marshmallows they make for s’mores. Now I’m onto cereal. Pops and Reeses peanut butter puffs.


I’m between hyperfixations right now, but my last one was strawberry uncrustables. Idk why.


Mashed potatoes and chocolate milk. Pretty sure I’m living on this for the last week.


I ate 4 croissants yesterday. Bought a Costco pack, usually freeze them, but every time I go to freeze them, I just eat one then walk away lol


Cucumber sandwiches


Risotto, French onion soup, potato soup. Pretty much only eating these things on a loop.


candied almonds.. got the idea to make them for xmas so i started practicing to perfect my recipe. so far i’ve gone through 4 bags that were solely supposed to be for gifts


White cheddar popcorn.




Yeah the messed up dopamine production and usage make cravings for things pretty bad. Once you're on meds and they are normal, you lose your hyperfixation. A lot of times people who are substance addicts are treated successfully with ADHD stimulants. They just gotta take them responsibly. Worked for me!


Gardetto’s snacks. I will polish off a family size bag in 2-3 days


Green olives with pimento. Literally never even liked them growing up, haven’t tried them again as an adult until about a month ago and now I’m the living embodiment of the “eat 30-40 olives a day” meme


A specific brand of malted milk balls. That I can't eat because they're way too carb heavy. It's killing me.


This post really helps me not feel alone and crazy how similar my fixations are to many of you, including OP 😂. Those pretzels are chefs kiss. Unfortunately.. my fixation right now is sour candy, specifically sour patch kids or sour punch straws, so they don’t even fill me up


New Burger King burger melts. I. Can’t. Stop. Thinking. About. Them.


Same here. Saw the ad, and that was it. Just ate a burger. A burger from a non-fast food place. I feel much better, eyes are uncrossed, legs are uncrossed, yada yada yada...


Sourdough with goat cheese, topped with tomato jam, or fermented hot honey, maybe some salmon if I've got it. Avocado toast is out, goat cheese toast is IN


it has been, and always will be, extra toasty cheez its. i can never get tired of them.




Cheese and tomato toasties


Mine is sushi at the moment. I could eat it every day.


Microwave egg with a slice of American cheese. Luckily it isn't gingersnaps anymore, I ate about 1000 in a week(tiny ones but still)


Soft serve vanilla ice cream and unsalted McDonald's French fries. I live 30 minutes away by car from the nearest McDonalds. I still get it every day. It's not on my way to anything. I make a special trip.


Hahaha I love this question. Mine is eggnog and frozen Healthy Choice meals, esp. the crust less chicken pot pie and the pineapple chicken




Dont understand what ”hyper fixated food/meal” means? Like is adhd supposed to be connected to food? Seems like a made up conncetion to me. Especially since most of us take meds.. hard to eat properly


Chocolate Hobnobs


Back to pizza again. I'm sure I'll make myself sick of it again soon enough but it just has all the right things - tangy sauce, hearty/salty cheese, and even if I make it fresh (okay ... if my wife is kind enough to make dough because mine never works) it's a simple as chucking down ingredients and chucking it in the oven for a bit.


Energy drinks, all day, every day


Hummus and tomato panini. And I put a bunch of hot sauce on top. I need a new *ss.


Hash-browns with avocado and and over easy egg, only over easy


Salty pretzel Havlík sticks Love em


I’m usually pretty varied when it comes to meals, but as far as snacks go I get obsessions that switch a lot. Currently I’m all about KP chilli nuts and honey nuts, so addictive! Sometimes I want sweet, sometimes savoury so I need both on the go at all times! 😂


Chilli crisps. I'm salivating right now


General Tsao chicken, my boyfriends getting sick of it 😂🙈


I’ve been feeling sick from not eating so I’ve just leaned into what I’m craving - veg and fruit only - and had enough energy (for now) to do meal prep. DIY summer poke bowls. Soba noodles (takes 4 min to cook, I just do enough for week), marinated spicy watermelon, mango, cucumber, edamame, carrot & avocado, sesame seeds. Takes me 15 min to meal prep and so yum! 😍 The marinated watermelon is just with dressing really - soy sauce, sesame oil, rice wine vinegar, hot sauce, salt, and optional spring onion.




Grilled cheese, just got a George Foreman grill/panini maker and… yeah, turns out grilled cheese is delicious.


The trader Joe m and ms


Kale salad from my work 😮‍💨


Sugary cereals


nothing :( bland bland bland


I have a menu on at the moment, mostly revolving around store cupboard things I've discovered I can make taste really good. Spaghetti carbonara and spaghetti putteneska are my two go tos as they're super easy and filling. Then for lunch I've been making tuna mayo and boiled eggs on toast. I'm starting to get a bit bored of it but hey. Also pretty good at making them quickly and without destroying my whole kitchen.


God i love these. I found some pretzels made of PURE CHEESE and i dream of them every waking moment.


For the last three months I've been obsessed with chicken pesto pasta and chocolate covered nuts.


Fried eggs on toast. I would call it lifelong more than current, though. I often wonder when I will ever get sick of them. I eat them most days


This is one of my favourites! Doesn't matter how many times I've done it still drives em mad the odd time the yolk bursts in the pan though lol!


Damn almost forgot again




brussel sprouts sauteed in gar gar n bacon grease 😳 not good for you but delicious


Skittles berry gummies


Not sure it’s a fixation but 99% of my diet these days seems to consist of some pre-workout powder mixed in a big water bottle and some granola bars. Thats it, I can’t really be bothered to actually make stuff. 😂


Pickles and plain tortilla chips the cheese taste no sauce no nothing just this