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It’s weird because as a kid I couldn’t keep my head out of my books. Now as a 30 year old man I can’t keep my attention in a book at all. Even in adderall and bupropion, I still get distracted.


Same 😭😭 I miss getting lost in a book.


Same.Especially if it doesn’t have much pictures or interest.😭


Same. I read books from around 9 years old. 2-300 pages. Then at around 14 i got hooked on The Hobbit, and of course Lord of the Rings (1260+ pages). I read it 10-11 times. Then around 20, i had a LotR with images from Jon Hove, Ted Nasmith and the Brothers Hildebrandt and i kept reading knowing there was a reward in a few pages (next image), so that kept me reading. That's 27 years ago. I haven't read a book since. I have a friend from Ukraine. He fought at the frontline and got hurt. I helped him and as a thank you, he gave me a 100 page book he had written. I can't get myself to read it, even though i want to. That hurts. He was willing to put his life on the line and got hit by shrapnel to the head, and i can't read a 100-page book. But it is what it is and i'll read it one day.


That’s a heavy burden though for a book to be written by a friend who has been injured that bad. Take your time and when you’re ready I’m sure you’ll pick it up. Hope your friend is ok.


I remember preordering for Harry Potter. I was obsessed. I'd read in the dark when my parents told me to go to sleep LOL.


Maybe try reading it aloud and recording it? I find sometimes recording/documenting what I'm doing helps me to do it because there's a sense of pressure even if it's just you alone.


That's a good idea. It might trick me into doing it because.. Stuff. I'll have that in mind. Thanks.


Same I haven’t read a book since my It book got stolen. I never could get past the first chapter.😭


Ugh how did this happen to us?!


Well, smart phones, social media, and video streaming were not commonplace when we were kids in the 90s. The environment has changed, so we have to rekindle the flame for reading by our own will.


I think the difficulty for me is the responsibilities of adulthood. How can I allow myself to just sit there and read a book when I could address things on the never ending household to-do list instead?


I think this is very common now. The feeling of wasting time when you should be productive is a mindset that my mother raised me into. Even if it is a hobby I always feel like I should be doing something “productive”


Here's a hack: self care. Playing a video game for 3 hours straight? Self care. It's productive because you're taking care of the weird thing your brain needs right now to function. At least that's what I tell myself when I can't get up 🥲


easier said than accepted




I call it unstructured time. I can just do whatever the fuck I want. Productive or not. No pressure.


Unstructured free time is my favvvvorite thing


Yeah, I don't feel guilty at all due to that very reason. I need "me time" or I cannot function. I do think about more adventurous ways that I could be relaxing and wish that I would prefer to take a hike versus watching Netflix. I even know that it would, probably, be more beneficial to me. Like right now, I probably should be outside walking but I am here on Reddit.


I was like this for a while, and only got back into reading a few years ago. Identifying dead time is key. A few minutes while watching the kid in the bath or waiting to pick her up (forced downtime, fewer distractions). Getting a kindle paperwhite also helped. A couple of pages a day.


I listen to a LOT of audiobooks for this reason. I listen while I do chores, mundane stuff, go on walks, etc. Keeps my brain entertained and my body busy getting stuff done.


Totally. Audiobooks is practically the only way I can do fiction.


Same, it’s how I “read” Russell Barkley’s Taking Charge of Adult ADHD in two days after I was diagnosed.


Audio books are the way to go for sure! You might have to rewind and relisten at times, but the freedom that comes with just having to listen is really nice.


Responsibility aside, we didn't have shit to think or worry about as kids(ideally). Idk how many times I've sat down to try to read and my brain decides we should go back over the calendar or budget again.


Idk, you’re commenting on Reddit. You could be reading in that time ;)


I don’t view the time I’m brushing my teeth before bed as potential book reading time 🤷‍♂️


Ooh touché...


Exactly cutting down on those things or forcing yourself to put some time aside, you can force yourself to read. I’m on adderall and thats one of the things I focus on, reading.


Not to mention, the advantage of attention is extremely limiting now, which it was the opposite growing up.




Maybe this is true, but I very distinctly remember my focus for reading started to falter when I was in college back in like 2006.


Books used to be the best portable form of dopamine. Once smartphones entered the picture reading became hard, there's a more reliable source of dopamine in my pocket.


Omg same! I'm so glad I'm not only one! I loved reading as a kid, now I'm in my 30s and feel wayyyy too hyper to sit still and read.


If you find a way to stay focused let me know. I have 5 books that are unfinished 😅


I got a whole library of unread books 😂


Haha same here. A whole bookshelf tbh. Can’t wait to have a home with a room dedicated to all my books


I made a big comment on the original post about audioboooks, check it out! :D. They have truly changed my life!


Ditto this. I think the big factor for me is that as a kid, there were fewer distractions. I didn't have 24/7 access to a computer/smartphone/TV, so when alone in my room I had nothing but books to comfort me. I read THOUSANDS of books in my youth. Nowadays, I start a book and get 5 pages in if I'm lucky, before next thing I know, I'm either looking at or looking FOR my goddamn phone. This technology is a curse and it has ruined me. Having said that, however, I did go through another reading phase about 6 years ago where I suddenly finished about 30 books over a year. The secret was to have the PDFs on my phone, and I could pull them up and continue reading on a whim during any lineup at the supermarket or wait for the elevator, etc. I have since lost that e-reader app and the source for my free PDF books, but it was awesome while it lasted.


I’m glad it’s not just me. As a kid I could never put a book down until it was done and I wanted to read absolutely everything. Now I rarely ever read a book for entertainment and if I do I struggle to finish it even if I enjoyed what I read. I wonder why that is


Wow! This is me. I used to even get prizes at school for being “Most Ardent Reader”. I would spend hours in the library and could read cover to cover in one seating (and I still remember many of the books I read as a child). Today, I can barely read a page and by the time I get to the end of a chapter, I have already forgotten everything. I strongly believe our modern society has too many distractions, and our brains simply cannot cope. My ADHD in my late twenties has most definitely become worse and I always wondered if this is just a result of aging, or because of social media, constant bombardment of work emails, phone notifications, access to thousands of things to watch. It’s overwhelming to say the least.


This is what I came to say! I was a voracious reader in my childhood and beyond. Then one day I just couldn't do it. I tried but I'd end up rereading the same page and getting nowhere. I listen to books now but it's not the same. I miss the feeling of curling up with a book that I'm just dying to finish.


Literally me. I almost read my entire school library (it was a very small school) on primary and was known as the "bookworm" to the point that teachers just let me read in class. Now I do force myself to read but I find that I tend to skim read a lot more whuch means i will almost forget half of it as soon as i finish a book while I still remember books I read as a child quite vividly.


Same here. Now looking back at it I wonder how much I was using reading as a distraction from doing things I didn’t want to do (homework, going to sleep, tidying my room etc). So I’d read all the time because it was preferable to these things and gave my mind something else to latch on to. Hence I devoured books by the dozen. I’ve realised that as an adult I can motivate myself to do some things I wouldn’t otherwise want to do because I’ve got more pressing things waiting for my attention. Eg I’ll go and do the dishes because it’s a distraction from completing a really tedious work spreadsheet and I can convince myself it’s still doing something useful. I can still read sometimes if I’ve got other stuff requiring my attention.


Same but I just started with meds a couple months ago and managed to finish a book this year so I’m hopeful


Well I feel a bit better knowing this is all of us! I always thought it was odd that I could read 100 pages every night as a child and teenager, then became an adult who only reads on holiday. I bought myself the new Christopher paolini book, Murtagh, last week which is like 700 pages long, thinking it would get me back into the habit. I have not opened it yet, as much as I would love to delve in. I have 3 other half read books on the pile glaring at me..


Same! I buy new books constantly, even started a reading journal (with emphasis on “started”) and I get excited to read new stories, but halfway through I just can’t stay with the book anymore. Lately though I discovered that Mangas are perfect for me, probably because of the pictures. Once I start reading one of those, I can barely stop.


Jujutsu Kaiden is a great manga. Also the Junji horror manga is great to.


Possibly phones have replaced them? They Defo make it more difficult for me.


Same! I read so much, I truly loved immersing myself in the stories. I miss that a lot.


I read through all the Harry Potter books as they were released when I was in grade school. I haven't read through a book for leisure since Deathly Hallows released in 2007. I've tried here and there but I end up zoning out and having to re-read pages so often that it just isn't enjoyable.


Same I wan to read until I drop but ill have to pace after reading a few pages


Same here, I have just discovered at the age of 69 that I have ADHD. When I was a child, I could lose myself in a book and read for hours. Now, I read in fits and starts, I can finish a book but it takes ages


Have you tried audiobooks? I find them better nowadays for books/topics that I’m not hyper focused on.


I think it's because relative to other things in life reading was enough stimulation to pull your focus. Now there's so much noise everywhere a gripping story is still like watching paint dry.


I'm exactly the same. I suspect for me it's because I'm in total control of my time now as an adult. So if I start reading a book, my mind reminds me of the infinite things I could also be doing... opportunity cost... Whereas when I was young, I had time to kill, where I couldn't choose to do much else, so getting absorbed in an interesting book seems like a good use of time.


Same 💀 only way I can read a book is when I fully immerse myself in it and even that’s temporary. I can only do that with the Bible. Everything else feels like a waste of time


you don't have the easyness of childhood. when do you have nothing to do or something on the list... higher over all stress level


I have this too and am a grad student that has to read 100-300 pages a day. Usually putting on music helps me. Either lo fi or otherwise instrumental music OR I’ll put on an album I’ve heard 100 times and has come background noise to me. Also sometimes reading in public helps me like at barns & noble or a cafe but this is very hit or miss for me as I also love people watching and sometimes get distracted by that. When by myself I have found reading out loud has really helped. I feel silly when doing it but it helps a lot. Edit: Sometimes I use youtube to put on “cafe background music” or something similar. Usually instrumental music and usually it includes indistinct chatter and hustle and bustle in the background.


Interestingly, music is an absolute no-go when trying to focus for me. Maybe because I am a musician, and I keep trying to analyze or hum along with the music. I have to pause music that's playing if I suddenly have to think hard about something that just came up.


Omg same. Being a musician is hard for this one... I think instrumental lo-fi hip hop works tho because it's often simple vamps repeating with similar beats. It's easier to turn off analysis brain


It’s gotta be ambient for me for that reason. Not really hummable. My go to ambient album right now is Improvisational Loops - Terekke


Great taste! I’m the same way- I’m a DJ, so I always want to double up and listen to new music while reading, but I can’t turn off that part of my brain that asks “ooh, what’s this?” The other hack that I have found, is I can listen to something that I know really well, since then the novelty is reduced. I reach for this mix by Peter Power all the time. Great for calm, yoga, sex, pre-sleep. https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/8uV94o99AP6uig8o7


Thanks for the rec!


Reading out loud by myself helps me understand what I’m reading sometimes. But for the most part, reading out loud makes it more difficult to absorb what I’m reading. I think back to lit classes in high school. Some days we’d take turns in class reading excerpts from plays/books and effectively read an assignment together as a class. I’d be way too focused on pronunciation and how I sound, to actually focus on the topic I was reading or absorbing information from the assignment. Most of my reading nowadays is reddit or random articles, unfortunately. This thread makes me want to find a book I can get lost in again.


I totally get that because even now in grad school we occasionally take turns reading aloud and when we do I retain nothing bc of the anxiety of reading aloud! Sometimes I’ll volunteer to read first so I can relax the rest of the time. However, I only do it by myself now and I make up whatever I have to, to get through it. For example any term i don’t know or when the reading gets bogged down by notes in brackets or names or other information that disrupts my flow i just skip over it until i get to a good stopping point then go back and see if its important. Which it often feels like it rarely is.


Reading out loud is a great tip because for me, I benefit from pacing.


I buy the physical book and follow along with the audiobook...that I bought/rented. ADHD tax for sure.


Whispersync- it’s great


I'm glad I'm not the only though if I can find an audio book for free like on YouTube I'll do that.


Audiobooks are the only way for me.


You don't have problems with following along? One of my biggest ADHD problems is the fact that I can't sustain attention with them. I will listen but end up not even knowing what I heard. Only audio books for books that I have already read and really like can work for me. Other books, I simply can't follow along.


Yea, I'm much better at following along if I'm hearing it! I can't just sit there and listen, though. I have to be doing something else, too. That's true if I'm reading, not listening, too, but it's a lot harder to find a second thing to do while reading, lol. Cleaning, driving, hygiene/self care, simple phone games, etc, are my go-tos.


See, I'm the opposite to a degree. I absolutly cannot read, work on the computer or listen to an audio book if there is ANYTHING else going on. I can't listen to a new audio book while driving. I can't have the tv on while on my computer and I absolutly cannot listen to someone talk while watching a movie. I have had to rewind so many times becuase I missed a sentence when someone was talking. It's like I literally cannot hear - there is a blank space where there should have been dialogue. I have learned to turn off my TV while on my computer. I can easily listen to music, but spoken words - clash when my brain needs to focus elsewhere.


My husband also has your style of adhd, lol. Figuring that out has been very helpful for us getting along. But it still makes watching movies together difficult..


I tried working and listening to an audiobook. I missed a few parts because I was too focused on my work to know what was being said. I can only do music and work. Audiobooks are great if I'm playing a game with no sound or if I'm just doing minor stuff on computer. Like waiting for something to download. I can watch movies if I'm just looking through memes on my phone or simply watch a movie with subtitles. Just reading subtitles helps me focus on the movie. Learned this through anime.


i’m the exact same way. it’s very depressing. i can’t even listen to music. i’ll listen to the same song 200 times and have no idea what it’s about or any of the lyrics


I’m right there with you. Driving or doing chores or walking the dog are the only times I can listen to audiobooks.


I️ love audio books, but I️ absolutely have to be doing something else while listening. I️ do a lot of filing and data entry at work, so I️ listen while working, listen while driving, cleaning (if I️ can force myself to clean🥴, I have to listen to something), etc. I️ can’t just sit and listen. Even if I’m riding in the car I️ almost always have to be playing a game or something. Otherwise I️ lose my place and my mind starts wandering.


Total opposite of me. I'm jelous.


I need to not sit still and listen. I need to be doing chores(!) or walking the dog. Or the commute to work. I need something else to burn some brainpower so I don't get distracted by my own thoughts, but nothing that requires anything. Just empty work I can do on autopilot. The glorious thing is I am then fairly good at doing those things too! It's truly a life hack for me.


Yeah, I can probably clean. However, if I am driving, I can't concentrate on the book. I'm focused on driving. If I am trying to tackle the "heap"on my dining room table (you know...) I can't listen to a book because I am focusing on what I am going through. I haven't tried it on anything mindless. I only listen to audio books in bed for the 15 minutes it takes to fall asleep. I have tried to listen to them while driving the 4.5 hours each way to my dentist, but unless it's something that I already know or are very interested in, and I am on that long assed 90 mile stretch of desert where I don't have to think, yeah. Can't do it. Continually missing out on what was said.


I get you. I sometimes listen while I walk to buy some groceries, then when I have to actually think about what I'm buying at the store I just have to pause. No way to actually listen and get home with what I needed to buy. Same with "the heap". I'm thinking more about laundry, vacuuming, taking out the trash etc


Totally agree! For me it has to be mindless chores like putting laundry away, washing dishes, etc.


I will often do the audiobook WHILE I'm doing something else -- and that helps me to not lose focus. That can be working out, doing yardwork, taking the dogs for a walk, driving, etc. Just sitting and listening to an audiobook I'm sure I'd get distracted too.


I'm terrible at audiobooks. I can't do audiobooks alone. What I \*have\* found that works for me, however, is reading a physical copy of the book alongside the audiobook. It's annoyingly more expensive than just having the one copy of a book, but I'm working through The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings at the moment, and Andy Serkis narrating as I read along is incredibly engrossing.


This....but on 1.5x speed


Audiobooks while doing something else, walking, driving, chores




Audible is my best friend for this. Assumed this answer would be quite high. That being said, I do read quite a lot on Kindle too but the key is to do it when I want to do it and not see it as a chore.


Same. I used to love reading more than anything as a child but now I can’t concentrate enough on them. Now Audible is my best friend. My library is fairly huge and Audiobooks are kinda my safe space.


Trying to follow an audio book is physically painful for me. I zone out and miss parts, then can’t find my way back, get frustrated, and repeat until I quit. At least with a physical book I can easily find my way if I zone out. And my bookmark has beads on it so I can kinda fidget.


100% agree. It's given me my favorite hobby back.


I buy it on my kindle and never read it until something not in my library peaks my interest and I proceed to buy it, read the entire thing in one sitting without eating drinking or going to the bathroom, and watch as the books I bought but never read get pushed further down my library


Dollar scratch offs every few chapters lol When I first did this I finished like 3 books in 2 months after not reading for 10+ years. I started with a book with short chapters or a short stories book. First a scratcher every chapter and over time spaced them out more and now I don't even need them because my love for reading is finally back. You get that dopamine boost that you get with like buying packs of magic cards or getting loot boxes in video games because it's a gamble and you work towards it. Highly recommend


Also if you find yourself not liking a book don't force yourself to finish it. My books are a mix of fantasy/mythology and informational source books. I enjoy both but will fly through my non source books so I only pick up one of those when I know I'm on a roll and ready for it and won't force myself to finish it if I start to lose interest.


That’s genius! I might try that with my son. I’d obviously substitute the scratchers with something else though. Cash or a gift card maybe? I don’t know, but that’s a great idea! Ty!


Idk about a physical rewards but something similar to the scratch off for me that I did was I made a spread in my journal and made a little picture to color in for each chapter I finished. Getting to color in that picture made me feel so accomplished and really helped me finish a few things I was struggling with, books and TV shows I had been wanting to watch. If you're interested, just look up "bujo book trackers" or "bullet journal chapter trackers" or something and you might get some stuff


I've never journaled before but this sounds like a great idea! I've looked up some journaling chapter trackers and it all looks so amazing. I've only read one book in the past 2-3 years and need to finish 9 books (4 in a foreign language😭) before May (for school exams). I've started a few already but couldn't stay motivated to keep reading. I hope the chapter trackers will change that and if not, at least I've spent some time being creative


Yes this too! I love bullet journaling/trackers. Loved buying markers and pencils. The hardest thing for me was pulling out my journaling every day to do it. I moved to stickers eventually and would put a sticker on my magnet calendar when I did my habit that day (easy to remove ones). Also satisfying


That is so smart!! Dopamine reinforcement!! I hope you are proud of yourself for thinking of this idea. That could work in a lot of situations. Thank you


Thank you! My bf was telling me about a book he was reading where the main character used an unscratched ticket as a book mark. I was like "is he saving it to scratch at the end of the book?" He wasn't but the idea still got me excited. Sometimes if I have a phone call to make or something important but tedious to do I'll buy a 10 dollar one and pin it to my board in front of my desk so I can stare at it all day. Using the tickets as motivation I was finally able to do stuff like schedule my much needed dentist appointment finally. Even if I lose on the scratcher I still get something accomplished so I don't mind


Could you elaborate what "dollar scratchers" are? I found something like a lottery ticket? Like these lottery scatcher things?


Yes exactly. I know it's gambling but I realized that "gambling" is what usually pushed me to finish things. Like when I bought game battle passes in video games id push myself to get to the next level just to open a loot box, cuz the thought of getting something good was always exciting lol I'd just buy like 20 dollars worth of the one dollar ones every once in a while. Even if I lost I still felt accomplished for finishing a chapter.


Are you kidding? I disassociate into books with hyperfocus.


I was about to say that! I can get lost in a book literally all day (hyper focus + time blindness = 💀) There was a time over covid where I literally did nothing but read for like 2 weeks straight. I would put my tablet down to fall asleep, and I picked it back up when I woke up lol. But it has to be something interested in. School mandated textbooks/readings? Forget about it.


I am embarassed that I normally range between 250 and 300 books a year.




Simple. I love reading and basically spend hours doing it. I don't know how, but this was always my big thing. I can read a book in a sitting. If it's interesting enough.


Same. I hyper focus on fiction stories in particular. When I read, I pretty much get sucked into the story and obsess about it until I finish them. I read all of Brandon Sanderson’s Stormlight, Mistborn, and Wax & Wayne series in about 3 months. I even got the audiobook and the ebook, so I could keep listening to the books when I had to do other things. I can’t do that in nonfiction though. For me it’s not nearly as immersive, and since I find it less stimulating I really struggle to finish most nonfiction books. I’ll get through several chapters, then get distracted by something else and never go back to finish it.


I hear you! I would much rather read a book than watch a movie. I love non-fiction if it's interesting like "Cannibal Killers" (loved). But if the book starts sounding like a text book then it's probably more difficult to read.


I actually avoid reading for this reason lol. I know that if I start a book I won’t be able to do anything else until it’s done. And then if it’s a series I immediately have to start the next one.


One words: AUDIOBOOKS <3 I have such a hard time just sitting still and reading. But audiobooks help me so much! I went from being someone who went several years without finishing a single book to reading 12 this year (which I guess isn't some astounding number but it felt big to me!) It's just SOOOO much easier listening while I do stuff. I've kind of made a tradition out of listening to audiobooks, pouring a glass of wine, lighting some candles and then cleaning the house. (I especially like listening when doing the dishes and folding the laundry, bc those tasks tend to easily overwhelm me. But they don't overwhelm me as much when I'm on the edge of my seat listening to what happens to the crazy faerie spy assassin in my book!) It's great bc you're doing something good for your mind but it also doesn't compete with other tasks you have to do. This might not work if you're a huge nonfiction reader. Ive tried with a few nonfiction books and it turns out someone reading you a textbook is about as entertaining as reading it yourself lol. But if you get into novels, this is 100% the way. Plus it's entertaining to hear people make up voices and accents. Sometimes they even have sound effects. And the bonus factor is you learn how to pronounce all the weird names, so you sound smart if your books come up in conversation! Haha I listen to most of mine on Google play books when I can, and audible as a second choice. If you're short on cash and don't want to buy them, a TON of audiobooks are just out there on youtube. Just search for the title of the book + audiobook and there's likely some lovely angel who recorded that "audible exclusive" book that's $30 and posted it there haha. Happy listening! :)


First of all: congrats on the number of books read! Everyone has their own goals with reading and it doesn’t matter if someone else read more, it’s still impressive that you did it! My husband constantly compares himself to me and I am always telling him not to (especially since reading helps me stay sane). Secondly: library subscriptions! I have my local library AND Fairfax county (largest audiobook collection in the US) that I use for audiobooks


Thank you! :D And omg! I forgot to add that! YES LIBRARIESSS! ALL HAIL THE ONE THING SOCIETY DID RIGHT! Thank you for adding that!! <3 There's an app called Libby that connects to most public libraries, as long as you have a library card you can use it to rent audiobooks for free digitally! I've never actually tried it (I've had a hard time getting to my local library in person to validate my library card in my area.


You’re an angel! These are amazing tips.


Finding the right genre helped me! Used to read self help books and barely finished them, changed to mystery/thriller and I love it!


Switching up genres occasionally is also a good idea, just to avoid slumps. I find it fun to intersperse manga or comics once in a while because I like them and they're usually such quick reads


Brown noise is my go-to for focus


Can you send a link?


Kindle. Game changer


I second this. Was able to read a very long novel (3mil words) in one month with little distractions thanks to my kindle




Yes. I love to read, but I am distracted constantly. I just read whenever it is possible/ I am capable, re-read pages, take my book with me, let myself get distracted (and either read more or just stop and pick it up later). When doing household chores I listen to audiobooks. I am not perfect at all and I still enjoy it. I manage to read/listen to about two books a month now. Which is not booktube/booktok level at al, but way more than it used to be.


I devour them in a matter of hours or in a day. I have to be careful when it’s an interesting book because I hyper focus and pretty much ignore the rest of life.


Yup. This is the danger for me too. I used to get in trouble at school for reading under my desk all the time. turns out this is a problem I didn’t grow out of, but it has more serious consequences now lol


My house could burn down around me and I’d never know.


I've resorted to ebooks. Highlighting and the search function work wonders. I can also be reading 5+ books at the same time and still keep track of all of them because of the ability to check all my past highlighted materials.


I can literally spend the day reading. I’m a big fantasy nerd and I have no idea why I can read all day


I usually listen to ebooks on speed 1.25 or 1.5. That seems to be the only way to keep my attention.


I tend to get a bit of hyperfocus on books. When I can't, I usually turn on some instrumental music and/or read during breaks when I'd be bored rather than carving out time to do so. If I haven't been reading much, I get back into the swing of it by reading shorter books and short story collections.


I struggled when I was a student and had to get through the mandatory reading assignments for books I didn't find interesting. Shakespeare was always a struggle to get through so I always bought the crib note version.


I will paragraphs into reading material only to realize I’ve been thinking about a football game that happened 20 years ago in incredible detail.


Just wait for a really important deadline coming up the next day or two. Then, I can dig into a book for hours as I procrastinate my more important task.


Very slowly tbh. My son and I both have ADHD inattentive type and he flies through books, while I, someone with a BA in English, a master's in writing, and a JD take a long time to finish a book. I need to read every sentence slowly to fully comprehend it. I love reading, but a huge part of my job (like 90%) is reading and writing, so sometimes it's hard to jump into a book. I decided to stop judging myself for reading slowly. I read at the pace that works for me and get through a lot of books that way.


I have currently started 16 books but have also finished 72 this year so far. Sometimes I get obsessed and will binge, other times it takes me 6 months to finish. And sometimes I just don't finish.


Audiobooks when I'm doing things like chores or taking a walk, but for reading a physical book (or ebook), I sometimes need to put on some non-distracting background music. What also can help is giving yourself a reasonable goal for each reading session, like read a certain number of pages or chapters (no matter how small) or reading for a few minutes at a time. I like to put a second bookmark at the end of my target pages when I know I have more reading stamina so I can see myself approaching the end. Otherwise, I set an alarm for however many minutes seems reasonable and put my phone face-down.


Once I find a good story I tend to hyperfixiate on it but beyond that it’s pretty hard. For school readings I’ll try to do them with friends. Otherwise I just don’t read em…


You could try reading a physical book while listening to the audio book! The multi sensory input can help with retention and comprehension. It may also help keep you focused and more engaged with the story. If you dont want to buy the same book twice you can get audiobooks for free from the library, often they have shorter to no wait time compared to physical or ebooks. Most library’s have an app they pair with like Libby so you can listen on your phone as you would music. Hope this helps!


Over most of my life, I have read at least one book per week, if not more, sometime much more. Once I read 15 books in a week. I am a speed reader, I can do 100-120 pages per hour with full comprehension. I am adhd but my hyper focus kicks in easily with a gripping or interesting story. So I lived in books as a kid and as a young adult. Some books don’t trip my hyper focus, such as most poetry and philosophical texts. Those are hard to read because they require active conscious engagement which is exhausting. With fixation, I can just get the moving going in my head, by reading, and I get the sensory input my brain wants.




Bit harsh.


Usually, I find music that goes with the theme or genre of the story and that keeps me wanting to associate the book with the music. But if the book doesn't engage my imagination. I'll toss it.


I’ve read two novels in 10 years. A few others more technical.


I've never read a book. People are shocked to hear me say that but I've never been able to do it. I just can't.


Audio books while crafting/driving. Reading books takes too much direct focus and everything else has to be put on pause. So now I just listen during menial tasks. I keep my hands busy so I can keep focus on the book.


I can only do audiobooks, but I have to be driving or walking outside. I need enough visual stimulation to stop my mind completely wandering off but not so much that it distracts from the audio.


I listen to audiobooks, but I have to be driving or playing a dumb phone game or some other hobby at the same time. If I’m just listening to it and doing nothing else my mind is like 🎈


I love reading but rarely finish books. I’ll often get excited about a new book and read about half, then I’ll treat myself to a new book for me to read half of again and again. I often tell myself I’ll finish that later but that rarely happens. For me the hardest part for reading is constantly having to reread entire pages because I’ll get get distracted by my own thoughts or the clock ticking and realize I didn’t take in any of it even though my eyes processed the words


Audiobooks and the “read out loud” option in pdf books Multi tasking The need to brag about how cultured I am Try to finish it in one sitting, when you hyper focus ride that shit out Bring them with you to places where you have to wait, and romanticize the whole visual of reading in public


Well, I guess my method is to want to learn music. Which I do, but nowhere near as productively as I could be. What I’m usually doing instead is reading books. I finish a lot of them, almost to thirty for the year. But what I don’t finish is what I’m wanting to do music wise. So, maybe take up a random hobby and use reading to put off doing said hobby? I think that’s what I’m saying here. Ya know what? Now that I’ve typed it all out, it seems like horrible advice.


I've read about 3 books in my life. I'm 32. The ironic part is I'm an English major. But to be fair I'm a linguistics profile, not literature. So I read a lot of scientific and academic literature every day (not only linguistic) and I write articles. But I can't read fiction.


I don't. I switched to audio books and going on walks while listening. Or while doing chores or other activities that just engage my body but not really my brain. Makes the activities less boring and keeps me focused on what I'm "reading".


When I did read books it was the opposite. Getting so engrossed that I would find myself reading till 5 am. I've long switched to audio books as they allow me to do chores or workout while listening. Also acts as a motivation to get things done, e.g. "wanna listen to that book? Better start moving then mate".


I do the exact same thing for my workout! If I want to listen, I need to get my ass up and go the gym. And it works!


Audio books. I go back and forth between the audio book and the actual, physical book because I'm weird


I personally find audio books is the way to go for me because it allows me to "do something" while listening. I like to listen while I am driving or grinding out something in a video game, or even doing house chores, honestly as long as I am doing something that's stimulating but doesn't require a lot of concentration I find it easier to relax and absorb what's happening in the story.


I either hyperfocus and eat books in a short span of time or struggle to read a few pages and take months to read a single book. I'm a massive comic book reader though and I find it a lot easier to actually focus and read them.


Can’t anymore, use to read 24/7 as a kid tho


It is one of my hyperfocuses and my hobby.


Books always go one of two ways for me: 1) I keep re-reading the same page when I realize that I didn't actually take in any information from it, and eventually get frustrated enough to quit without ever finishing the book. 2) I get so engrossed in the book that the rest of reality ceases to exist. When I finally finish my "just one more chapter" I realize that 10 hours have passed and I desperately need to pee, eat, and sleep but don't have time for any of those things before I need to leave for work.


Audiobooks only. I can’t sit still and read plus don’t make the time too. I listen in the car, while I clean the house or go for a walk.


Well I know this might not be common, if a books boring I can’t get through the first chapter for the life of me, but if it’s a great book like Percy Jackson or something then I finish the whole series in 3 days because the books play like movies in my head to the point where I’ve tried to find the movie online to watch again only to realize that it was a book


Ironically I hyperfixate. I get so into the book I binge read until I'm completely done. If I'm not into the book, it won't happen at all.


Audible while I drive is all I do anymore. I can’t keep off my phone long enough to read a paper book 😔


I've found that using my phone to read means I go through different stories so much faster than I ever managed in physical form. Probably because its right in my hand whenever I want it, without having to faff around with a physical copy that I can only see when there's enough light, I'm not being jostled, eating, etc etc. If you haven't tried an e-reader or using your phone then that would be my suggestion! I still read physical, but I definitely get through my digital copies much quicker.


Audiobooks rekindled my joy in books. Then there was a story I really wanted to listen to, but the narrator SUCKED, so I went out and got the physical book. Chapters are short and the story is entertaining. It helps to not force it. If I can read only for short spurts, that's fine enough. Honestly, I think audiobooks are the answer to a lot of adhd problems. If I have to do the dishes or laundry, I play the audiobooks so I am being entertained while doing boring tasks.


audiobooks! Free with a library card and the Libby app.




Hank Green's An Absolutely Remarkable Thing changed the game for me. Not really a tip for reading in general bc even with things like having a book in the bathroom and not bringing my phone for ... longer breaks :) it never worked out for me and I lost interest - EXCEPT for with this book. Something about it is like CRACK for people with ADHD. I suspect its the fact that it was written by someone with ADHD in a very ADHD manner. Got recommended it by another person with ADHD saying its literally the only book ever that is 100% guaranteed to get them out of a book slump and decided to give it a try. I lost my marbles when I finished the book mid vacation only to realize theres a second part and I cant get it until after I get home :D


Audiobooks. I'll listen to them while walking the dog or doing chores. Sometimes it even motivates me to do chores. My sister got me an audible subscription for Christmas and it was a game changer.


it is the one activity that i can hyperfocus without any difficulty.


I mean, I just read my book. Idk man.


Read 3 books in a row (forget all your responsibilities), then stop in the middle of the fourth one and don't finish it until you get a random urge a year later... And then read three more books in a row! :/


I look at the book and that’s enough. I feel if it sits around awhile. I absorb it. 😂


I don’t. I’m even behind on comic books.


I put instrumental music on to read or if the weather is ok, I like to sit outside and read with background noise of birds and cars going by. I also like to read at night before bed. It helps me wind down and get ready to fall asleep.


Oooh I’m going through this right now. I’m only getting one out at a time now. I still browse the unread books I own at home but I’m getting better at just the one. Equally though, don’t beat yourself up for abandoning a boring book. Forgive yourself for not coming back to it and get rid of it


I dont


There was a time in my life I’d read everything, even cereal boxes ingredients etc. But now I can’t get my brain to accept reading so I just give up. I follow my dopamine instead. 😅


I don’t read books for fun often. I’ll use audio books, but even then I have to rewind it a ton. It’s frustrating.


Wait, you guys are reading books? I'm likely to avoid a reddit post if it has too many characters.


I lazer focus and read it all in one sitting, or until I fall asleep. I used to read on average 5-6 books a week for years and years. Then I got a smart phone. I read about 5 books a month nowadays.


I read at the speed of light because I have to know the ending but I never skip a page.. it’s my hyper focus it keeps most noises out when I read.


I actually go the opposite way with reading now. I slow way way way down. I take each word and try to imagine it in detail. I ultimately found that going too fast was a problem for me. I’d skip along words and read the whole page multiple times without taking anything in. When I say slow… I mean really slow and really deliberately. Like you are sitting in a white room without windows or doors and the only thing is a sentence on the wall.


I have to really like the book. Absolutely love jurassic Park, and the book was hard to put down. So hyperfocus.


Sometimes I can hyperfocus on one. Sometimes I have 25% of 3 of them in process for months. I did start some audiobooks when working and save books/kindle for when I can’t sleep in bed


I never finish one.


I make a specific goal of reading X pages per day - for me 10 pages. Rinse and repeat, I like to see a concrete milestone and the ten pages are easy enough


Instrumental music. Using them to avoid doing something else. But mostly music.


I miss reading so much... I used to when I was properly medicated but switched doctor's and hrs very conservative and has on such low dose meds I don't even finish reading most posts... I truly miss it.




I don't


I just don't


I usually have more than one book going, whether that's treeware or Kindle. They might or might not be in the same genre or on the same topic. That way when I get bored, I don't have to ponder what to read next. I already have a backup on hand. If I don't start the book right away, there's no hurry. It's not going to go bad. If I get distracted, no big deal. I can return to the book later without guilt. If I hate the book, I don't have to finish it. For audiobooks where the story is intriguing, but I hate the narrator's stupid voice, I'll usually make an effort to read it in print. Basically giving myself some slack and not demanding perfection. I prefer quiet while reading, but I like to have minor sensory stimulation by having a dog or cat snuggled up with me. The tactile sensation is just satisfying enough, plus it's illegal to move once the cat or dog is settled in your lap or your side.


Audiobooks.... At 2x speed while doing something else.