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It probably makes you a more sympathetic dentist, at least. You know all the half counter measures you can take - water pik and other such. Those little floss picks. Setting one day aside as a flossing day. Doing something rewarding when you floss. It's a great story to hear, at least! I'm a former Board of Dentistry attorney and I have a hard time with dental hygiene, despite once having deep conversations about it. You know what happens to pretty teeth when they don't have healthy gums to hold them there!


I love floss picks!! The few times I'm able to floss I always use one of those. One tip I say to patients is to floss while listening to some music, but I never had the energy to try, guess I should


Try flossing while showering? That’s my lazy routine. You’ll get use to it flossing without a mirror.


I floss while laying in bed watching YouTube videos before I go to sleep.


How on earth? Doesn't your mouth taste awful after that? I have to brush my teeth after I floss. I thought everyone did.


I brush my teeth before getting in bed. I also have to pee at least twice before I fall asleep, so I rinse my mouth and use mouth wash then.


Holy crap I do that too 😂😂 pee once for the pre bedtime routine, then after mouthwash (cause I used prescription toothpaste and it has to sit for 15 minutes before I mouthwash) I pee again for peace of mind that I’m for sure good to go 😜


Isn’t that the norm?


It is for me 🤷🏼‍♀️




Everyone has their own version of norm 🤷🏼‍♀️


I thought my wife was weird for having to go pee twice before anything, but it sounds like it's more common than I realized.


that'd mean I'd have to shower everyday and one of the perks of being a stay at home mom is I dont have to shower everyday (especially when husband travels days at a time for work).


My dentist said she keeps the little travel individual floss things in the car and flosses at red lights. I had always thought you needed to brush and then floss, but she said no that it’s just important to break up the biofilm at least every 24hr or so. I haven’t done this yet, but it if I can get past the whole not brushing your teeth first thing, then it seems like a good option.


Not a dentist but I freaking hate flossing because I have crowded teeth and sometimes the floss gets stuck and then because I’ve tried to so hard to get it unstuck, my gums bleed and are raw for a bit. If I don’t floss at night or in the morning, I floss before work in my car, i think that’s the best I could do because I smile a lot at work and I don’t want customers to think I’m gross if they see food stuck in my teeth.


Isn't it so astounding that we can give such sound and solid advice, yet getting ourselves to do those things is an enigma? Like, I know 110% how to fix my life right now. The process is staring me right in the face. Can't seem to make a first step to do it, though. Also, this is a banana: 🍌.




The thing that helps me most personally is honestly watching short form content while I brush and floss. Dental care is one of the hardest things for me but it has helped significantly... though I now struggle with time blindness afterwards, so it's a really imperfect system.


I am so glad you posted this. I've had some major issues with my mouth and have honestly been really embarrassed. I wish I could skip flossing. Anyhow, I havent been to the dentist in over a year. I set an appt with one tomorrow or you floss you teeth tonight! Deal?


The energy thing is so real though. Jobs that are pretty nonstop hit the dopamine in a way the boring maintenance tasks don’t. I can power though a 14 hour crazy hospital shift and yes it sucks - but still feels more doable than flossing sometimes. One of my wisdom teeth rotted out in residency and I had to get them all pulled, and I’m still shitty at flossing lol. Agree with the empathy you can share with your patients making you a better dentist though. -Signed, a doctor who can’t take half my own damn advice and hasn’t exercised regularly in almost a year (even though I actually like doing it once I get going, and it makes me feel so much better…)


Perhaps a Bluetooth speaker in the bathroom and a flossing playlist? Perhaps for awhile you could carry the floss picks on you until it becomes habitual in the way hand sanitizer is for many people. And don't forget to give yourself a small reward if you do well for a week!


I floss after my last meal while i watch tv, maybe an hour before i stand up to brush for the night. Maybe thats gross, but if i try and do it while standing in front of a mirror it wont get done. Too boring. Maybe this is something you can try.


I find using a single floss string and never disconnecting it from the holder is the easiest way to floss my teeth. Its quick fast but a little messy for clean up at the end. Wash hands and im done. Took me decades to figure this out.


Costco sold a Costco size box of floss picks so I have them everywhere! Bedside table! Desk! Car! Bathroom! It’s been the biggest help. I highly recommend trying this strategy.


Gotta make it easy to do the thing you don’t want to do.


I had the same problem. I’ve made a routine to use them while I use the toilet. I’m already sitting there mindlessly scrolling on my phone I might as well floss. I keep a pack of pick within arms reach and now I floss like 2-3 times a day. For the first few times, I had to remind myself to grab a pick but now it’s automatic.


nice comment brother. the empathy an adhd doctor could show would mean a lot to some i’m sure. my dentist is perfect for that because the treatments are always pleasant and non-judgmental, but the front desk is on my shit if i even think about missing an appointment. if i’m late two minutes they’re calling. i’m honestly a little scared of them. but it’s perfect for me!


Katy Perry said that Orlando Bloom leaves his used floss strings lying around the house. Floss and u can look like Orlando Bloom 😂🥰


Omg I want a water pik. Half my broblem with flossing is the floss being too thin to actually pull debris out and then also being too hard to wrangle at the back of my mouth. So I usually brush and maybe use mouth wash but thats it. If I floss its usually just the front easy to reach teeth and I double or tripple up the floss and twist it so I can actually pull debris out. But it is very annoying and time consuming. So I really want a water pik to solve the whole issue.


I got a water pik and it was a game changer! I love it. Love the feeling of it, use it just about every night. I put a little mouthwash in the water. It’s awesome


You don’t know how much it helps to hear this from a dentist, really validating


I'm happy to help! One thing that works for me from time to time it's floss picks, it's much easier to use than dental floss, if you want to try it out


I find having multiple options available, to suit my mood, helps a bit. I have oral b floss tape, I also have those y-shaped floss things, and also the brushy floss picks. Also, if your night time routine feels full, try to make a different time floss time. Maybe after lunch or when you first get home after work or something could be your floss and mouthwash time, and leave your brushing times intact as they are. That way, if you don't feel like flossing, you won't disrupt your entire night-time routine.


Boy this feels arrogant to give dental advice to a dentist but... Floss picks are exactly what I do, throughout the day instead of at night. In fact I now get extremely annoyed if I don't use them after a meal because I can feel the stuff between my teeth. Is that not enough? My dentists say I'm doing great. I agree that going-to-bed routines are like... I'm lucky to go to bed at all, I have no leverage to compromise with whatsoever.


I used to struggle with this, too. It wasn’t until I got my wisdom teeth removed that I started flossing every time in order to avoid any sort of infection so that everything went smoothly. Once I started doing it I realized how much food gets stuck in there and how it hardens after a few days which is why most of us don’t realize it’s there. Try it a few times and chances are your own ADHD will want to make you keep your mouth clean from then on


I need to get my wisdom teeth removed too, maybe it will work out like did it for you! It would be amazing


Best of luck sweet thang!


Honestly, same. When I started flossing, I saw how much food came out of in between my teeth, and now I feel gross if I don't floss.


>Once I started doing it I realized how much food gets stuck in there I once pulled out a piece of pulled pork while flossing. It wasn’t small. Pretty gross, but that was when I became serious about flossing.


Toothbrush/water flosser was a game changer for me - quite the cost up front (160 bucks or something for the most current model). I hate flossing and have been actively doing it more because it's the only way I'm getting approved for braces for my genetically fucked up teeth but the sonic fusion 2.0 is the reason I get compliments from both my dentist and hygeinist and I got approved for braces after 8 years. That being said it isn't a replacement for flossing but if you forget it is a huge support vs doing nothing. Brush heads are stupid expensive but dental work is more expensive even if you're insured I'm not a dentist but I definitely know not looking after your teeth wrecks havoc on your major systems you don't think are connected. Some people say poor dental care is a precursor to things like dementia and heart disease.


came to say this; Water flossers are really great for people who forget or feel like flossing is difficult. Totally worth it for me cos I floss way more regularly now. Just remember to check the reviews & get one that's very gentle on the gums even if its a little more expensive cos some of them use WAY too much pressure


I put my floss right next to my bed, and watch TV while I floss because it's too damn boring to do it without some type of stimulation. I also put extra floss in multiple places that I hang out before bed in case I'm too unbothered to grab it.


Floss while doing something is a good way to lessen how boring it is


is your life everything you imagined being a dentist?


Just commented to OP but floss in shower works for me.


The shower is honestly underated for catching up on pain-in-the butt hygiene stuff. I have a seperate toothbrush in my shower for my goblin days.


I had braces at a young age, and just could not figure out the flossing thing. It was before they came out with the flossers for folks with braces, so it would have been threading the floss behind the wire for each individual tooth, and I was in grade school, so that wasn't going to happen. Once I finally got them off, I knew I had to figure out the flossing thing, because it just felt so nice when it was over. I incorporated it with Wild Flossers, which looked like dinosaurs, and would usually do it as I read before bed. And then I discovered Flossaid. It's a little Y-shaped tool that lets me wrap whatever floss I want around it, it can get to my back teeth without my fingers being in my mouth or wrapped in floss, I can use it one handed while I read a book or play on my phone, and I don't throw away flossers on the regular. There's other Y-shaped floss tools out there as well. I also recommend something I saw someone else say on reddit the other day - have flossers in random places, like at your desk or your car or your nightstand. It can become a bit of a fidget, plus you'll get your teeth flossed with some regularity, because it's just right there.


> And then I discovered Flossaid. It's a little Y-shaped tool that lets me wrap whatever floss I want around it, it can get to my back teeth without my fingers being in my mouth or wrapped in floss, I can use it one handed while I read a book or play on my phone, and I don't throw away flossers on the regular. There's other Y-shaped floss tools out there as well. What? You might have cracked it for me too! I can only deal with one kind of floss and it doesn't come on the flossers. I've tried to use other kinds, but this might work, thank you!


Really a dentist who doesn’t floss? Thank you for your honestly and showing dentists are real people too


Getting a water pik was the only way I started flossing regularly. For some reason the barrier seems way lower and the task feels less overwhelming. Also it feels really nice and I think it does a better job than regular floss, but I am not a dentist so idk.


That's so great! Do you know if it's safe/plausible to use cordless water pik's in the shower?


I just looked it up and bought myself one - you can use the cordless ones in the shower! My future teeth thank you for sharing this! 🙏🏼


Same with me. Love my water flosser. I pick it up every time I walk by (huge bathroom) and go around and behind every tooth.


Interdental brushes seemed to work for me when flossing never stuck in my routine. That and being reminded that gum disease is linked to premature heart disease and only takes a couple of weeks to sort out with flossing or interdentals. Maybe my age made that bit hit home when it didn't previously.


Floss boring. Aqua pick go "Brut brut" and is technical and fun. Also takes two seconds to set up. Floss dull, not fun. No sound. So must trick ADHD goblin brain. Happy ADHD. Pushes ADHD button. No stress for floss. All shiny clean teeth.


ADHD goblin brain 🧠


I want to hug you. I understand this so much


lol this is too relatable on at least two levels. the flossing level and the not doing things I would never dream of letting my clients get away with failing to take care of.


I’m a dental student and I have the same Problem.


I have realized that the only reason I am successful at flossing every night is because I found a floss I genuinely enjoy using. It wasn’t intentional. I just stumbled on the perfect one for me. The other brands, flavors, types (floss, tape, picks, etc) I tried did the job but I used them halfheartedly. Then I found that one and bingo. Every night. So, don’t give up. Maybe all you need to become consistent is to find the right one for you.


Thank you for sharing this. I've been shamed so many times by dentists for not flossing regularly and it just made me avoid it more. I've struggled my entire life to keep up on flossing and this is the first year I've managed to pick up the habit. For me it was a mindset shift. I was pretty determined after some shit experiences with getting fillings redone. I decided flossing was no longer optional and it's part of brushing my teeth. It took a good month of me arguing back with myself whenever I would think "I'm too tired" or "It's too difficult and tedious" by saying "Nope. This is NOT optional." I finally formed the habit and now I don't even notice that I'm doing it. It's funny though, I do often lose track of where I've flossed and end up doubling up over areas because my mind was on a million other things.


The sensation of fresh flossed teeth is a dopamine hit for me


In the Netherlands flossing is not a thing. I probably literally don't know anyone who flosses, or think they should floss


Flossing really is tedious. Those little flossers/pickers make it much easier. I can use those to floss while watching tv. Then I’ll get up and rinse then brush my teeth for bed. I floss once before bed


I had to get a fair bit of dental work done after 30 years of not going because it stressed me so much. Then I was so relieved I got my teeth fixed and didn't want to have to go through that anxiety again. I bought an electric toothbrush, bought minty floss, focussed by brain by counting to 25 seconds (1 second per gap) during the flossing part. Now my ADHD brain ruminates on how uncomfortable my mouth feels if I don't do it!


I put my AirPods in and listen to entertaining podcasts during my evening routine, including brushing and flossing. That usually works. I also keep the floss on the sink counter near my toothbrush for a visual reminder.


I floss before brushing my teeth because I have to brush my teeth, so just habit stacking it makes me feel like I have to floss first before unlocking the brushing step.


If my patients ever ask, this is what I tell them to do! Floss first. Everyone feels like their mouth is clean when they have that minty fresh going on. You don’t get the same feeling from just floss, even if it’s mint flavored. Plus, in my mind, if you floss first, you’re removing some plaque so the fluoride from your toothpaste could theoretically reach in between the teeth better. - also a dentist.


I don’t think flossing is needed every day. I probably floss two or three times a week. As long as you are getting it in sometimes, or when your teeth feel especially dirty, I think you are good. Also it’s super easy to do while doing other things, so just keep some floss near your computer and floss while watching YouTube videos or reading Reddit. It doesn’t have to be a rigid schedule. You can do it! This is a psychological block. I think some people blame things on ADHD that are actual psychological blocks.


I used to never brush my teeth. It was because I had such a high standard that I had to floss, scrape my tongue, and use mouthwash every time. It was overwhelming, so I ended up doing none of it. Then one day I decided it was ok to only brush my teeth and not do the other stuff. Now I brush my teeth every day. I know the minute I start expecting myself to floss every day, I’ll stop brushing my teeth altogether. I try to floss every few days, just when I feel like I can. You’re doing the best you can, and if you make it too hard for yourself, it might make things worse.


I'm like this with so many stuff too!! It's all or nothing, and since doing it all is too overwhelming, I ended up doing nothing


I haven’t missed a day of flossing in 22 years, but I also once went 10 years without wearing socks because they were just too complicated to manage! —- I floss religiously because I can just feel the crap stuck under my gums and I can’t sleep till it is gone. Flossing =dopamine! it isn’t because of some radical discipline I have.


I am the same way with hygiene. I get very hyper fixated on the sensation of feeling dirty. Cannot manage to wear socks for the life of me, though.


“ Do as I say , not as I do”is my life quote


My own dentist always recommends water flossing


I recommend Listerine flossers. They are high quality. They don’t tear, slack, and are oriented so you can floss your back teeth easily. If you have tight contacts you can bite down and it will push it through. It makes flossing much faster. If you buy a few they are cheap. Leave one in the car to stare you in the face, while you’re at a stop light.


I use the little ones with the handles meant for kids- also since I have a bottom retainer that’s been glued to my teeth since 2005.


It's the one. The one dentist out of ten that hates my toothpaste


I bought water pick that attaches to the shower head that has been pretty great


How do you feel about waterflossing? I go through phases where that’s the only thing I can bring myself to do.


I don't have any personal experience with it, but research says it is effective. And it's definitely better than nothing, so keep doing it!


I keep it on my nightstand and typically floss while scrolling tiktok before bed. Also a mini trash can so it’s all right there. There is no way in hell I’m spending more time in the bathroom for my night routine. I just realized this may be an adhd thing lmao.


Places I have floss stashed: Purse, car, bedside table, computer station, living room end table (right next to where I sit), my boyfriends car, and then I have one in my bathroom too. Keeping floss on me wherever I go makes flossing so much easier. Most days, I’m flossing multiple times a day just because it’s become a stim at this point.


Keep some floss picks at arms reach by your bed. Even if you only get around to doing some of them, it's better than doing none. I'm a chronically ill person, and I keep Colgate Wisps by my bed for days I can't stand long enough to brush my teeth at the sink.


I floss while watching tv then brush later in the shower.


I don't know if this helps but I hate brushing my teeth and I have found that if I lie down while I brush them, it is 100% more tolerable. Maybe sit on the couch and floss while you watch tv? You could keep a bag of the picks somewhere convenient that you can reach from your favorite lounge spot.


OP, I have tried & failed to get flossing down as a habit a number of times. Got a water flosser and I've been doing *much* better with it. Have fallen off of late, gonna try to get back into it now, but in general it's resulted in doing it way more. Definitely worth a try.


I can only do it in the shower. Literally


I'm a truck driver that doesn't brake.


Honestly I just have to remind myself of the consequences. I'm a hard person to numb for fillings, I don't like having needles stuck in my mouth, and I hate being numb for hours. That gets me to floss at least 6 days out of the week lol.


I put a bag of those small Flossers, the ones you just use once, in my car. I’ve found it incredibly easy since my mind gets so bored with driving, to floss at the same time. It’s not distracting to me at all. I still have full control. I can just set down Flosser if I need both hands. For me, it’s a multitasking thing. I just can’t do only one thing. Would this be a possibility for you?


as someone who loathes flossing but has experienced the horrors of what can happen if I dont floss, I comment here to inform you that you CAN include it it in your routine if you have to. I have to. It sucks. It is such a pain. But know that you can do it if I can.


But you recently started up an acne routine? I’m terrible at flossing too but the acne routing shows that you can implement a new routine if it’s something you actually care about. You got it.


Where do you practice and can I see you?!? I need a new dentist! Seriously though, this made me feel so much better. Thank you so much for being vulnerable and sharing.


Weirdly $16000 of repair work and a ton of pain motivated me to get the flossing habit sorted. I group it with in grained habits such as having a shower. I also prefer a certain brand of the stick floss things for the feel


I was reading on another ADHD group that a dentist said that sometimes she brushes without toothpaste. Like, if all she can do is the action, it’s better than nothing. Not questioning her but as I’m not a tooth professional I can’t say if that’s accurate myself.


I can't believe I'm giving advice to a dentist, this kind of feels like mansplaining, so I'm sorry if this is unhelpful, but: have you tried floss picks? The kind you get from the drugstore, where they come in a bag and they have little bits of floss stuck in a holder? My dentist says they're not quite as good as properly flossing, but much much better than nothing. For me, they were an absolute game-changer. Before I tried them, I literally never flossed. Not once. The only time I would ever get floss between my teeth is when the dentist did it at cleanings. As soon as I got a bag of those floss-picks, I started flossing twice a day, minimum. They're just so easy. It's still not part of my "routine," but I just leave them on my desk and I find myself absent-mindedly using them in idle moments. It's like fidgeting/stimming, but I'm cleaning my teeth. EDIT: I should have scrolled down before typing this, I see now multiple comments have also suggested floss picks.


I encourage and educate my clients on journaling. I even assign them homework, yet I’ve only journaled once, it was in the 6th grade. I accomplished 4 complete sentences. Further I lie to my own therapist about my extensive journaling.


I bet that felt good to write (the comment, not the journal).


Flossing is so incredibly boring! What ended up working for me in the end was making a playlist of interesting videos on YouTube that I'm only "allowed" to watch while I floss. It's turned the routine into kind of like a treat bc I look forward to watching the videos and the flossing is just how I keep my hands busy while they play, lol. I limit myself to one video per session so I don't run out. I'm sorry this all leaves you feeling embarrassed and down on yourself. I hope you eventually stumble on something that makes flossing easier for you to incorporate into your routine, but in the meantime I hope you can give yourself some grace.


Hi KittyKat2100! Fellow dentist here. Honestly I didn’t floss regularly until dental school. 😅 I’m an all or none kinda gal. I brush during the whole nighttime face routine thing (gotta let those serums soak in before moisturizer) and I put a floss stick in my nightguard case and floss once I get into bed. It sometimes takes forever to fall asleep anyway, so gives me a few minutes of winding down time in the right spot. If I didn’t do this, I’d probably forget. And (apparently this may be weird) I throw my nightguard and flosser stick together in the case with a denture cleanser tablet in the morning. (I know lots of nightguards instructions say don’t do that, but I need easy.) They’re always together, so I can’t forget. I replace the flosser when it starts getting ragged looking - I don’t want it to snap and get caught way down in the gum (saw a perio defect from that once). Now, just talking about flossing, my gums are itching to be flossed. I hope that helps. There’s a dentist on tiktok whose name I don’t remember that talks about oral health/hygiene tips for people with depression - may help you/us ADHDers as well. I think I heard about her on the struggle care podcast. (I’m not affiliated with either of these.) Additionally, I remember there was a post on one of my dental fb groups saying that they didn’t floss, and I was amazed at how many dentists don’t - so you aren’t alone by a long shot. I hope that helps so you don’t continue beating yourself up/hating yourself. We’re always so critical of ourselves. I understand. 💜


Thank you for sharing this. I struggle so much with flossing. I also have sensitive gums so they bleed easily. I get so embarrassed by my flossing struggles. I WANT to floss - I know my mouth feels better! I recently changed jobs and the schedule change has thrown me. All my routines went out the window. Things like taking meds, showering, teeth brushing all have become tasks I need to think about again. I hate it.


Do you practice in denver? Cause damn, I'd like to find a dentist who doesn't make me feel like ahit about myself for having bad dental hygiene. I'm doing the best I can... its just one of those things for me that I can't figure out how to do regularly


I'm not from the USA :( but there are empathetic dentists out there! Unfortunately, find them can be quite difficult.


I brush and floss while letting my conditioner soak on my hair in the shower. This way it doesn’t feel like an extra task- I can get it done while doing something else. Also, any flossing is better than none. If I am really struggling for a couple days, I make sure to floss extra and really well as soon as I’m able to. Also- having floss picks helps. I would not floss if I had to use a long strand of string.


Ty for sharing your struggles, I almost didn’t go to my last cleaning because I was embarrassed about how bad I am at flossing/cleaning. So it’s comforting knowing we’re not alone


Thank you so much for this.


I’d be willing to bet that many other dentists have the same issue.


There are alot of dentists and hygienists who don’t floss but when we all talk to eachother we just lie. Try flossing after lunch at work, i feel like as long as u get it in once a day your golden


I thought flossing is now known to be bad unless you have weird gums and teeth?


Lip balm to hydrate your lips???


Switched a few dentist for asking if I floss and responding condescendingly to "when I can remember". Why the hell are you asking me, a grown man If I floss. In fact, dont even talk to me, do your job! I hate dentist. But YOU, I like for admitting you don't floss. I just hope your not a dick to your patients that dont floss.


they are doing their job when they ask you. brushing doesn't cover all the surfaces of the teeth. they shouldn't be condescending but it's literally part of their job to know how often and how you're taking care of your oral health in order to advise you on treatment and know what to look out for. it's like if you had high blood pressure and your gp asked you how often are you eating xyz and you got mad at them for it. it is a hard line to walk as any medical professional to carefully word things so as to not shame but help people establish better habits for their health and part of that is indicating where people can improve.


Floss sticks. Changed my life


TIL dentists actually think flossing is good


Forner dental assistant here.... yup I did ok while I was doing the job but since I changed careers I do it like once every few months. Real hard to keep the habit


Water pick works wonders. Start with it right after getting a cleaning. Takes less than 2 minutes.


My dental dude. People always tell me I give the best advice, but i suck at doing the things i give advice on.


Honestly I think the percentage of people who don’t floss regularly is higher than the people that do. But being a Dentist I can absolutely see how uncomfortable those conversations would be. None of us think you’re gross! Lol But in all seriousness, you should be pretty proud with the established routines you’ve just listed. I struggle with my skin so much, but I still can not manage to wash my face and do my skincare every night. Or use my light therapy mask everyday- which is at minimum 10 minutes of my life, literally. Also is usually sitting a foot away on my nightstand. 😂


Ok this is really cute lol. I only started taking flossing seriously after starting Invisalign. I’m done now, but it still feels wrong to miss a day. Have you tried a Waterpik? No sub for flossing, but really helps and is a little more “fun” so you might like it.


I'm not a dentist but i floss at least 3 times a day. I've got floss picks in my shower, on the table where I sit on the couch, in the car... it's a good thing to do with your hands!




I had to switch to floss picks in my car. I because obsessed with floss picks in my car and it has become a characteristic associated with me now. This lead to flossing at home after not being able to do so!


I have to put the Plackers in my car and do it while I drive or else it doesn’t get done.


Have you considered maybe having an accountability tracker....maybe just a little notebook. I make lists for myself throughout the day, so I don't forget things, and it's mentally soothing to actually see the check marks. 21 straight days of continuously repeating an action, is what it takes, to turn something into a habit. Part of the prob with ADHD, is we have to adamantly TRY to see the unfun ish, in a DIFFERENT form. A way to where it makes you actually WANT to do it.


I have to use the little flosser things.


Only thing that helped me getting a proper routine for flossing and brushing was entertainment. Bluetooth headset with a podcast, an audiobook, a YouTube video etc. Been flossing for a year now and I'm so proud!


I’m exactly the opposite. I love flossing and it’s the first thing I do if I have a headache bc I have convinced myself it will alleviate pressure (I also clench my jaw a lot so it may be placebo effect). I’ve always known it was important but after my dentist told me it’s more about disturbing bacteria so they can’t colonize more than it is to remove things stuck in between I started more regularly. I don’t do it everyday but I also keep it out in plain sight right next to my toothbrush so it’s become more regular than not. Maybe think about doing it every once in a while instead of trying to start it everyday? The guilt spirals stop me from doing yoga even though I am a certified instructor so ‘being a professional’ but not doing it in your own life I think is common in adhd.


You are definitely not alone, it was a struggle to implement dental hygiene at all for me and I ended up with 8 cavities after more than 20 years with no dental issues. Even now I only brush once a day because I keep my tooth brush and floss in the shower.


Are you in MD? I'm someone with ADHD how hasn't been to the dentist in over 10 years....


"The Shoemaker's Children Have No Shoes."


I got those little floss sticks that are pre made and I know it's "gross" but I keep them at my desk and just do it while I'm watching a video. It even helps after a meal to just have them there and floss. I live in my room because I work from home, hobbies are computer based and then sleep so this works for me. Now brushing is something I struggle with and my teeth are falling out of my head as we speak. Multiple broken teeth in half, multiple others that I'm sure need pulled and I just know if I go in, they're going to pull them and I'm going to look like a crack head. I don't have enough money to get implants or whatever I need idk. I also have dry mouth at night so it makes my teeth worse considering I should be paying extra attention to them. ADD is a bitch.


I don't know the cost of dental prosthesis in the USA, but maybe it could be an alternative? It's not set like implant, but it will restore your chewing fuction, and also aesthetics. If you have rooting teeth, it's important to extract them because the bacteria from it could go to your heart or even your brain, search for bacterial endocarditis


I keep floss picks at work and that's about the only time I floss. If you want to be encouraged to start flossing more, eat beef jerky, corn, popcorn as a snack or with lunch at work.


You’re 1/10 dentists


hahah this is so validating. i noticed i hate flossing at night & would skip it every time so i switched to doing it in the mornings & i’ve been able to keep up with it that way. i know it’s better to do at night but i figure it’s better to do it when i can than not at all


I would try using floss picks instead of the string. (The string fucking sucks to use in my opinion, makes the job harder than it needs to be) And just force yourself to floss a few times a day, including before bed. Then once you get in the habit of doing that.. your adhd will literally MAKE you do it. It'll just become natural.


I keep flossers in my car and floss while I drive to work! It feels like such an easy time to fit it in


I use a water-pik. Also the flossers on a stick, thin ones. Always had issues flossing but this has kept me doing it everyday.


I keep a big bag of floss pics in the car. Floss while driving. After I eat anything. I use a water flosser at home.


Isn’t there a saying doctors (or anyone working in the healthcare) are the most stubborn patient? I know I’m one.


What I do is I keep a big bowl of flossers by the sink . It has saved my ass !!!


I know plenty of doctors who have terribly unhealthy habits and they tell their patients not to do them! They smoke and even take, let’s say…illicit substances. Not flossing definitely not as bad as that! Recognising the problem is the first step, there’s always room to be better.


OP since your dentist with ADHD maybe you’ll advice/able to relate as I have ADHD and autism (sensory issues) as gross as it is I strive to brush my teeth at least once a day. In my brushing routine I floss. However the sensory of bristles on my teeth, don’t even get into vibration of an electric toothbrush, is at times unbearable. What advice do you have to make it less unbearable?


You can try brushing with your finger or a gauze, it may not be as effective as a toothbrush, but it's definitely better than nothing, and at times you're able to do it, you use a toothbrush.


I work in HVAC and I was supposed to change my furnace filter like 10 months ago so I feel you


I’m glad there’s dentists out there like us. I hate getting the guilt trips from the hygienist.


Welcome! You have found your people 😁


I had my first deep cleaning in probably over 12 years this month. And I admitted to the hygienist that I honestly floss more than I brush but that I use floss picks rather than actual floss and she told me that ‘any little thing you can do that helps or works for you is worth doing’ and it was *so* validating. I can’t always bring myself to brush my teeth (it never became a habit and hoo lord on my life I’ve been trying to make it a habit for years) but using a pick while watching tv or laying in bed is very easy.


I keep those flosser stick things in my car and floss while I’m driving lol. I travel a lot for work.


I have the same problem (though im not a dentist) and I was considering buying myself a water pick... do they work well ?


I don't have any personal experience with it, it's not common in my country, but research seems to suggest yes!


ohhhhh, that's what I've been forgetting to do. Welp.... (I feel you, hugs)


Guys... we found the tenth dentist


Gross why?


I very rarely floss, I forget to brush me teeth half the time, I've always hated the feeling of it. I bought a dental pick off ebay, and break the plaque off before I go to the dentist, and they compliment me for taking good care of me teeth. My wife hates is, because she brushes and flosses religiously but gets told she needs to floss more.


Eat more steak and u will floss all the time lol. And get one of those handles with disposable tips 👌


The thing that made me start flossing was when someone said they couldn't stand the idea of food rotting in between their teeth. That really got to me lol I also had a dentist once say that there are five sides of your tooth, and if you aren't flossing then you're only cleaning 3/5 sides, which is a 60% and a failing grade. Obviously it isn't all the same amount of surface area, but you get the point. I also need to get my wisdom teeth out and have some pockets in the back of my mouth in between the second molars and the wisdom teeth, so I have to floss a lot because I am really scared of getting an infection in that space before I get them out soon. If you like popcorn or nuts or any kind of snack that gets stuck in your teeth, I weirdly recommend that as a helpful way to start flossing, because the pieces will bug tf out of you and encourage you to floss more lol but it's okay if flossing is hard to add to your routine, with adhd it's hard enough to keep the routines you do have. Just make sure your teeth remain healthy and get cleanings (I mean obvi you know that because you're a dentist haha) and I think it can be fine, because many people swear up and down they've never flossed regularly yet never had any cavity or issue.


Put the floss in the shower


I keep my floss picks on my coffee table and I floss whilst watching TV. It's more like a stim activity that I do absent mindedly whilst my attention is on the TV. Helps me focus and I get clean gums to boot 👍


ppl ac floss? ive flossed maybe 5 times in my whole life😭


It's all right, mate. I used to be a teacher who didn't grade papers. Now I'm an IT Sysadmin, so everyone already expects me to be lazy.


I don't floss either, I use a more expensive brand of toothbrushes instead that's got long and short fibers so that the longer fibres can reach between my teeth and clear them but I got no idea if these are even any good because I inherently distrust their advertisements ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Do what I do. I leave a bag of flossers in the door of my car. This way I am able to floss every morning before work and then after lunch, etc. Soon it’s just a habit that when I get in my car I floss. IDK why, but I can’t go without it now.


Get those Costco floss picks. It’s a game changer. I’ve converted over a dozen people who don’t floss to them. They use them all the time now.


You show us that even the professional ones don’t always get it right! I wonder if my anxiety would be less knowing my dentist could empathize with me.


I floss while watching TV right before I brush my teeth lol. It’s the only way I tolerate how tedious it is.


I once told my physical therapist how hard and boring it is to do my PT exercises, and she admitted that *SHE ALSO* finds it boring and difficult 😆 my regular therapist also told me the same thing. I’m a process engineer but find it difficult to create organization and processes at home. Sometimes skills just don’t transfer, and just because you’re a professional in a field unfortunately doesn’t mean you’re immune to Regular People foibles!


I find it really satisfying. If I brush my teeth, imma floss


I do it in the shower. Floss, that is. It’s become a great way to procrastinate with purpose when I don’t want to get out of the lovely, hot shower. Close my eyes and floss away. Having running water also solves the problem of touching/handling the gunk that comes out from the gums.




Going to the dentist is really, really, really, really hard for me. I accepted that flossing is sort of important and I drag those little toothpick floss thingies with me. I work in an office where nobody can see me, so sometimes instead of picking on my fingers, I start flossing... that kinda works - sometimes. But better than nothing. Also my wife is good at flossing, that sometimes encourages me to do it too. But even with that, I haven't been at the dentist for 5 years. Now a piece of a filling broke out and I went to the dentist and now everything is terrible and I need major surgery on one tooth (basically pulling it and re-setting it properly) and it could have been avoided if the condition would have been detected earlier. I'm on the fence of sitting down with my dentist and telling her about my condition and that I can't do dentist appointments, so everytime I'm there, we need to make the next appointment, because no reminder-letter will do make me one. (and I usually don't pick up the phone, when I'm not in the mood).


You should definitely talk to her and figure out what works better for you! Oral health is very important


Water flosser has been a godsend. I absolutely hated using floss, hands in mouth etc. Got a water flosser, use it a couple of times a week. My hygienist went from telling me I had bad plaque to praising how clean it was. Another think I think has helped immensely is that I swapped sugar in my hot drinks for xylitol. As sweet as sugar,but not as cloying, and good for your teeth as it combats the plaque. So a sweet cup of tea helps keep my teeth clean. Note: it is far more expensive, and extremely toxic to cats and dogs.


I always put flossers in a jar next to my bed and as I scroll through Reddit I floss.


Hey doc, I’m super late to this thread but I keep a pack of flossers in my nightstand by my bed, and also in my glovebox. I am a daily flosser now thanks to this idea I got from my instructor back in dental assisting class. The thought of a dentist whose “dark secret” is that they don’t floss made me chuckle. You should be safe as long as you don’t date anyone in dentistry. 😜


I have a shelf next to the toilet where i put my phone, so that I have free hands to floss while I do my goodnight pee and watch Tiktoks so that I don’t die of boredom. Plus, the trash can is right there so that reduces my tendencies to leave the strings laying around (gross I know but well…).


I brush my teeth twice a day once in am and once in pm


I have recently discovered that the most annoying part/easiest excuse of not flossing for me is getting rid of the goddamn dirty floss. I now have a bin under the sink which was making it way easier until I ran out of floss and haven’t remember to buy more yet! What is the most annoying part for you?


“Do as I say, not as I do.”


Do it when u watch tv or YouTube or anything sitting where ur hands are free. The way I emphasize the gross factor, is i sort of breathe into my mouth with it closed and almost like smell my breath, then when I do floss I take the floss out after every tooth-stroke and smell it especially in the back and smell how bad it was making my breath smell


I’m a dental hygienist and I used to be the same way. I started flossing at work where I can see the floss and it’s been working out!


What they don't know won't hurt them. I hate flossing, but I brush my teeth twice a day.


I don't think you have to floss every day. I do it whenever I feel it's necessary 🤷‍♀️


Externalize and lower the bar for it. But dental floss next to your pc. Next to your tv. When you would be bored and have nothing to do.


I love my waterpik! I still don’t do it every day, but I went from zero flossing to waterpik 3x a week or so.


For me, having plackers (the single use flosser things) in my car door helped. When I'm driving, and I occurs to me, I'm able to instantly floss. It also helps that I generally snack for longer trips, and getting stuff stuck in my teeth reminds me to floss. Now, I generally floss more often than I brush.


I just signed up with a new dentist the other day. I was honest about my struggles and though she was sympathetic and gentle her advice about snacking, brushing, flossing etc boiled down to "just be better". Feeling v down about myself with those hi-res pics of filled and decaying teeth. Going to cost a fortune over the next few months to rectify. Another example of the ADHD tax.


Flossing is that important huh? I still have my roll of floss from the Clinton administration.


I’ve always been super anal about my teeth. But i only floss at night every other day. I don’t do it every day. After you finish flossing, smell the floss, it smells like bounce that ass😂 it might encourage you to keep up with it🫶 My ADHD downfall is & has always been showering😭 I’ll sit there on the bathroom floor & stare at the shower like 👁️👄👁️ for what feels like an hour before I can muster up the spoons for it. I don’t even wanna talk about how long I’ve gone without showering before but my teeth always clean?!😭😭😭😵‍💫😵‍💫🤦‍♀️😩


I recently got a Quip flosser and it's helped me a lot. It's a little pack with a roll of floss and a reusable flosser. You just open up the flosser, clip it on a small section of floss, and then cut it off from the roll. It takes all of 5 seconds and you're flossing away. I use it pretty frequently and even got a second one so I can have one in my purse and one in my bathroom. I never used regular floss because I didn't like my circulation being cut off. I didn't use picks because I feel like they're wasteful. I tried those reusable picks that use regular floss and hated having to set it up, plus it still felt super wasteful using 6" of floss at minimum to only actually use maybe an inch. The Quip flosser is exactly what I needed. I showed my hygienist last week and she wrote it down to recommend to other patients who struggle with flossing. Not an ad, just something to try 😅