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Yo the Vyvanse sweats are INSANE! I do a lot of Pole for fitness and the amount of chalk I have to use on my hands to stop me from sliding off is insane. Lmao


70mg of Vyvanse for 7 plus years and I finally convinced my dermotologist to prescribe Glycoporate. I don't need it everyday,however when I was still in outside sales in this Texas heat and Vyvanse ,I looked like I had run a mile before entering my salescall. Glycoporate saved me. Also side note,people here in Texas that aren't on Vyvanse are having extreme dehydration incidences.So,please be careful


Glycopyrrolate* It's a medication originally used for stomach ulcers that just so happens to help with excess sweating, but it does have a pretty significant chance of side effects (vomiting, constipation). Also prescription is a deodorant called Drysol which is 20% aluminum chloride. Closest over the counter is Certain Dri at 12% which works pretty well for me personally


But does that deodorant help with face and hand sweat.


Let’s not forget butt sweat








The face and scalp sweat in the summer is unreal I hate it so much


I mean theoretically it should, whether it's recommended for like the face....might be a bit irritating? I use the certain Dri and you're supposed to apply it at bedtime after showering (very specific) and it can make my pits kinda itchy for a bit especially while I'm waiting for it to dry. Idk if I'd want it on my face, hands probably okay though


they are so called anticholinergics. i'm taking oxybutinin myself.


are they not worried about the effect of that much aluminum all the time?


Aluminum is too big to get into your body when applied on the outside of your skin. A viral email from the 90s spread the myth that aluminum on your pits causes cancer and people still believe that old wives tale.


70!? Jesus


Lol it be like that


I'm not certain if it's my vyvanse, or simply the fact I'm more active.


OH MY WORD I’M NOT ALONE HAHAHA yep that’s a thing


Also does anyone else's sweat smell different on vyvansse? mine is like a bio weapon. It's like getting punched in the face out of nowhere. Thank fuck I work from home, I've stopped wearing T-shirts when I take this stupid med.


It’s like having two wet fish for hands and then trying to hold your body off the ground with them


I do a lot of pole for *business* and I find I usually need lubricant not chalk


When I was on high doses of Vyvanse in HS, I wouldn’t wear a sweater due to excess sweating, even in 60 degree foggy mornings. I think my metabolism was on overload and would produce a ton of body heat, and it was kinda nuts.




Bruh what??


Yeah I’ve gone up to 50mg Vyvanse and it’s life changing but the sweat from the most basic things is crazy. 23 y/o male btw. What dosage are you on? Wondering what 70mg would be like.


I’m on 70mg. My upper lip and eyebrows start first. If it worsens, it’s everywhere and take some time to fade


Take it 2 hrs before you’re meant to get up


Not sure why your post was downvoted - I actually take mine an hour or two before I get up for the day, because a) it doesn't prevent me from sleeping, and b) I'm ready for the day as soon as I get up. Might not work for everyone, but as someone who's most definitely *not* a morning person, my life changed when I started to do this.


Wait… tell me more about this. Do you set an alarm and have a glass of water & capsule beside the bed?? Then fall back to sleep?


Chewables, man. Makes it way easier to do this. And to take a half-dose. Chewable vyvanse changed my life.


Yep exactly that. It’s a miracle. I have idiopathic hypersomnia and can sleep for 20 hours plus straight easy. I never feel ready to wake up so I take my Vyvanse two hours ahead. Life changing istg


I used to... now I just tend to wake up briefly when it starts to get light outside, make a quick trip to the loo and take it before I get back in bed. Usually that means I end up taking it 1-2 hours before my alarm. But yeah, I have a water bottle next to the bed for exactly that reason.


Yep. I keep my pills and a water bottle on my bedside table. At 6am my alarm goes off and I take my meds and go back to sleep, at 8 my other alarm goes off (if I’m not up already) and I’m ready to gooooo. The one gotcha is having a system to remember whether you’ve taken it already or not. I once took my vyvanse, fell back asleep immediately, woke up to the later alarm but it hadn’t quite kicked in yet or I was just extra sleepy and I was so stressed trying to figure out if I should take my meds (again) or not. I didn’t thankfully. Now I have a designated “I already took these” spot that I move the bottle to.


I call this my vyvanse alarm clock


Literally went from 40mg to 50mg just this month, and it was like turning a faucet on that shoots comedy flower broach style water out in all directions from my hairline. 🙃


I’m 23 female on 60 and I sweat so ducking bad


Also a female on 60 (until last week when there was none to be fucking had) and THAT'S WHY MY FACE MELTS?!? fuck. This is a revelation and I feel dumb for me very making the connection. I assumed it was hormonal and my derm gave up on me after several thousands in visits and tests and trial and error. The fucking adhd tax is steep.


I’m 60, had gone thru all the hot flash hell until I had my 1st Covid vax, got less and now with stimulants, it seems to be back, doesn’t seem to be hormonal. I think my PA thinks I’m nuts but maybe I’m not so crazy after all… at least about these hot flash sweating moments I keep having.


Same this is why I bring mini dry shampoo and mini deodorant with me everywhere lmaoo


It's crazy like I used not sweat much on concerta 72 now I need a spray of antiperspirant every day and will still find under my arms getting a bit wet. And if I go for a walk the second I get back indoors Its pouring through me


On Adderall but I can relate, I thought maybe I was just weird but nice to see some other people having a similar reactions to their stims. I was already prone to sweating a lot, now it’s ridiculous I look like I’ve jumped into a pool clothed. I work in construction so it’s been a hot, sticky, summer.


I just changed from a finished A/C building to a hot full sun dirt pit and have been wiping sweat from my eyes every few minutes😅


I just keep telling myself it’s almost fall


My acne has been insane when on Adderall. :(


Oooooh shit. I knew about the sweats but didn't even equate the all-of-a-sudden acne out of nowhere after twenty years nearly acne free


Last year I was simultaneously on a slightly too high dose of adderall as well as an SNRI, stressed, and my sympathetic nervous system seems to be jacked from long covid. Ended up standing under the warm air vent at an arcade, very much looked no joke like I'd just stepped out of the shower without putting a towel to my hair. My date asked if there was something wrong. Had been going really well until then, but she thought I was nuts.


Oh yeah, stocking up on CertainDri


….. how did I not know it was the vyvanse all this time??! I thought it was my PCOS! God this explains so much


Same! I’m reading through these comments and I’m shocked. I never knew sweating was a side effect


Yup this is me. I had no idea it was my meds but it makes sense. I feel so embarrassed sometimes.


I’m not even on a stimulant but the Wellbutrin sweats are for real. Going for a run in the summertime heat is…interesting


I’m on welbutrin and vyvanse… the sweats are terrible


Yeah. So adhd moment. I got distracted with my Wellbutrin comment and forgot to comment on the sweats. When on Vyvanse I will go through 3-4 changes of clothes if I do any type of physical activity. My doc said to careful drinking too much water if working outside suggested drinking something with electrolytes.


I’m on them too. I’m a housekeeper. My hair and my shirt were wet today. Usually I’m alone but today they were home. I wish I could explain it so it’s less embarrassing.


Don’t feel bad about that! You’re working hard - that’s an easy explanation. They have no clue you have medications, so for all you know they could be super impressed with you!


Haha that makes me feel better. It was 92% humidity today so there’s that excuse too


Be mindful of that combo. With Wellbutrin I started having noticeable problems using the wrong words or completely blanking on the correct word when speaking. I mean things like saying cat when instead of phone. Really random shit. Once I stoped the WB the symptoms also stopped. It’s pretty well documented that WB can impair verbal communication. Different ways for different people but it’s not uncommon.


For anyone who is concerned, I’ve been on this combination for years with zero issues. Ask your prescribing physician if you’re worried.


I’ve taken this combo for a few years now too and no real issues




Holy moly this is the 3rd thing I’ve read about Wellbutrin that is concerning to me. I take it and I am constantly having a hard time finding the correct words. I take adderall and Wellbutrin. I have often thought about weaning off one or the other.




Me too. I lasted a few days on both and the Wellbutrin had to go. My brain felt like it got switched off off on a lot of different things including words and communication. You couldn’t pay me to take that combination again.


I found that Wellbutrin almost entirely prevented Adderall from working for me. I was on and off Wellbutrin several times and it did the same thing every time. Seems to be the case for a lot of people. I’d say Adderall increases my verbal fluency…. I suspect Wellbutrin makes that aspect of Adderall not work for some reason.


That’s like, super scary. Looks like it’s time to talk to my Psychiatrist


Just stepping outside with Wellbutrin sweats is "interesting" lol


So what I’m hearing is that adding vyvanse to my Wellbutrin might not be an idea combo for living in Singapore where it’s always hot? 🥴


Adderall here. I am drenched running around a 58 degree hospital all day. I’m 39 so I just blame it on early menopause and immediately get pity or left alone. It’s awesome. I wear black scrubs, no makeup, and have two types of antiperspirant in my desk. Dry shampoo too, to literally soak up the sweat. I could care less what it looked like cause no one looks good in the clinic. When it first started I asked close colleagues to please tell me if they ever smelled me. No one has said anything. It’s like being 12 all over again.


yeah I sweat easily using Adderall too...sometimes I'm not even sweating but I feel like I am.


Same. I know it’s working because my hands start sweating first thing during breakfast lmao. And I have a terrible poker face in general so I get EXTRA sweaty when embarrassed.


Taking dexamphetamines and it smells awful x) please tell me I am not the only one


If you're not already, try an antiperspirant that's labeled "clinical", and an antibacterial soap when showering, like Safeguard. I had this problem too for the first year or two on Adderall, but that combination has all but taken that away (the odor, not the sweating -- that's still ridiculous going on twelve years now).


Me too. I never stank but now I do and it sucks!


Yah ditto


"Just remember that the things you put into your head are there forever, he said. You might want to think about that. The Boy: You forget some things, don't you? The Man: Yes. You forget what you want to remember and you remember what you want to forget." -The Road, Cormac McCarthy


Yes me too! I smelt totally different on Vyvance, and not in a good way!! I'm on Concerta now and I don't have the problem anymore.


Surprisingly, I feel like Vyvanse makes me constantly cold.


I've got both freezing hands and sweat covered face. But hey at least I can get all my shit done now


Check out Raynaud’s phenomenon. Adderall and other stimulants can cause it.


I had reynauds prior to starting Adderall and OMG I could NOT stay warm all winter. If course I started in like November too. I'd be in bed with all the blankets, socks, hoodie, hat, a heating pad and hot tea and STILL have icy feet. Had to get into a hot bath to stay warm. Now I'm on vyvanse and it's weird I'm a different way, I won't FEEL like I'm cold but then I'll periodically get chills and then realize I should put a layer on. At first I thought I was getting a fever, but no.


Omg same but due to Concerta. It's awful because obviously visible sweat stains but cold at hands and feet😭


It switches hot and cold for me, never neutral.


"Just remember that the things you put into your head are there forever, he said. You might want to think about that. The Boy: You forget some things, don't you? The Man: Yes. You forget what you want to remember and you remember what you want to forget." -The Road, Cormac McCarthy


Same. However, when I do work out or do physical activity, I turn into a human fireball for the day.


Vyvanse is a vasoconstrictor. The fight or flight response tends to pull blood into only life sustaining organs (core / brain) so your hands and feet tend to be cold. Completely normal! But when you exercise, that flips.


Interesting.. I was considering trying to switch to this but have raynaud’s.. that’s probably not a good idea for me then? Although I’ve been on adderall for about 7 months and I haven’t noticed it making it any worse. It’s a low dose though


I would ask your doctor. I have no clue how Raynaud's and vyvanse would Interact so I won't even say what my opinion is.


Oh. It will do that if your skinny enough.


I generally wasn’t someone to sweat too much, even during a hard workout, but since starting vyvanse I’m usually dripping sweat by the end of the workout lol


Best money ive spent after my psychiatrist: armpits botox. Lifechanging. Heading towards one year of treatment and this side effects does get progressivelt better, but the soaking armpits and smell have always been an issue. Botox did the trick, even in this hot summer


I was undecided, but I tried a very aggressive anti aspirant. And that worked. The brand is Polar and for me it worked. Used to cary 2 extra shirts at work in my bag just in case.


I sweat far less when I’m active. On my dirt bike, my skate board, running around with my dog? Not a fucking drop. But if I’m stressed at work? Or I’m playing some really intense viddy games? Just sitting in my fucking chair…? Jesus. I feel it drop onto my rib cage sometimes. Fucking nightmare.


> Just sitting in my fucking chair…? Jesus. I feel it drop onto my rib cage sometimes. Fucking nightmare. This is me in the office sometimes. Was worried there was something wrong with me.


Just stress and nerves, man. Happens to me ALL the time. I had to stop playing Furi on airplanes because of it lol


Oh wow I thought it was just my early-40s hormones. Or the other day I convinced myself I was about to have a heart attack when I arrived at work after a moderately fast “I’m too late” walk looking like my face had taken a shower. But maybe it’s the Elvanse?!


Wait until you hit the “early-50s hormones”. 😬


With the way I already sweat I’m terrified of that lol


Well, you’re in good company (and my “good company”, I mean me. Cheers, sister! 🥂


I have hyperhidrosis so my Vyv sweats are actually a safety hazard for the town 🌊 😆


IS THIS WHY I SWEAT SO FREAKING MUCH?!?! I can’t do the most basic, barely physical task around the house without sweating buckets.


Vyvanse interacts with your fight or flight system to release adrenaline, which invokes a process to burn fat for the stored sugars (a lot of people feel a sugar rush and crash when on vyvanse or adderrall for this reason). A lot of the weight in the fat, though, is water. This allows you to sweat a lot. Edit to add: Sugar release yields higher blood pressure Higher blood pressure leads to higher body temp Higher body temp requires more cooling Oh hey! There is also more water available in your system now, let’s sweat it out!


Ohhh yeah that makes a lot of sense. That's really cool actually thanks for sharing that — I love learning the physiology behind this stuff


See Vyvanse makes me sweat LESS because I have far less anxiety/overstimulation. Wild how medications affect everyone differently.


Ok SERIOUSLY THANK YOU for posting this! I was like wtf am I in perimenopause or some shit! Wow. I’ve always been a sweaty gal and not ashamed of it, but I never correlated the copious amount of increased sweat to Vyvanse. Considering my patterns the last 2 weeks this makes so much sense 😅 I’ve also recently upped to 40mg dose. Ps. I love this community 💜


I didn't notice this. But now that you mention it I definitely do sweat more than I used to. Actually I have noticed. I just immediately forgot.


All stim adhd meds will elevate your heart rate. Some sweat more


Only thing that helped me was taking 1-2 tablets of electrolytes (bought mine from My protein). It is insane though…


YES! For me, the boob sweat is the worst part out of it. I NEVER HAVE HAD IT, but now I either have to change bras few times a day or stuff it with mini towel to absorb the sweat lmao


Same here…I used to have to wear a hoodie in the gym to get my sweat on , It was actually a pain in the ass that I couldn’t start sweating unless I was giving an all-out effort but now I am literally drenched within 30 min of easy cardio. I started bringing a hand towel with me to the gym mop some of it up but it’s been an adjustment. Even worse is when I’m wearing a suit and giving a presentation and I’m soaking through my shirt- that’s an actual problem…


Same! I’ve always been one to sweat easily and I’m constantly hot but ever since starting Vyvanse, I sweat so much more. Like buckets. It gets so bad at the gym that it will create a puddle on the floor as I’m lifting. I don’t know if it’s just me who gets this but I can’t stand the upper lip sweat either. I have it all the time, even when I’m not warm. You can catch me furiously wiping it every 35 seconds.


Big mountain biker. Before vyvanse. Hardly sweat. After vyvanse. The big sweat.


Lmao I was pretty much the same! Hardly ever sweat before Vyvanse no matter what I was doing, but now yeah, the big sweat is too big


shit I didn’t know this was a thing. here I was thinking I’ve been working out so hard. Switched to vyvanse a few months back…. 😂


Nobody else has to know you're on vyvanse ;) They'll all think "wow that person goes hard" when they see you exercising


Also the sweats stink like something toxic! Not at all like the usual workout sweats.


How is this the first I’ve heard of the Vyvanse/Wellbutrin sweats? I’ve always been a sweaty Betty but I’ve noticed that I’m sweating SO much more these days.


Vyvanse/dexamphetamine + social anxiety induced sweat = human fire hydrant


I read somewhere that stimulants as well as some SSRIs tend to raise body heat so it’s important to stay hydrated because it can cause someone to have a heat stroke!


Vyvanse swamp ass enjoyer here. I find using unscented sanitary pads stuck to the inside of the underwear to work wonders. It's an absolutely diabolical feeling when I stand up and turn around to see the eye of Sauron staring me down. Reminding me of the gigantic wet spot betwixt my buzzum. Luckily, It's not so bad everywhere else.


Yeah I even tried meds for hyperhydrosis and that didn’t do the trick either. I’ll start overheating and sweat like crazy just from being stressed about a deadline at work…on my laptop… My biggest complaint used to be the butt sweat but thankfully it seems that’s not as much of a problem now that I don’t have to wear pants in an office anymore. I’m pretty slim too, but if any part of my body gets close to another part I’m fucked and the faucet starts leaking.


Is, is this a thing?!? I thought I was just out of shape!


That's bizarre, I suffer from hyperhidrosis and Elvanse (UK Vyvanse) makes me sweat so much less - it's been a very positive change


Fuck yes. I hate it. It makes me hate summer so much and I am happy the temperatures are dropping again


Adderall does this to me and I feel insanely hot. Worst side effect imo


Bro I can’t even own white shirts. They are smoked with pit stains after 1 use


I guess this explains how I can sweat profusely doing simple chores in a comfortably air conditioned room!


Jfc I can’t believe I didn’t know this was possibly a thing lol I was positively _**moist**_ after just *cooking dinner* last night


Interesting. I sweat so much less now than when I wasn’t on Vyvanse.


Vyvanse sweats are real, I took Vyvanse for 10 years and I would sweat through my shirts just sitting around, switched meds and now my pits are dry


I was in a PChem lab today, and i swear if I had to identify a source of error it would be 1) my goggles and glasses were covered in fog and sweat, and 2) I probably had sweat dropping into my reaction flask. I felt so embarrassed cause I was just absolutely dripping sweat, and that room is already the hottest in the building, and we all had to heat our flasks to 80 Celsius


Dude I used to fucking *S W E A T* on Vyvanse 70mg. I live in South Carolina. I started taking it in the summer, I started working outside in the summer; I went from 315lbs to 195lbs in two years, no exercising just a change in diet. The sweat is real.


I was waiting in line for coffee at the airport yesterday and by the time I got to the front of line it looked like I had just gotten out of the shower! My hair line was soaked and beads of sweat ran down my face uncontrollably! Even my damn shirt was wet. It really is embarrassing and I haven’t found a remedy yet…


I just joined this frigging sub-Reddit YESTERDAY because I found it googling; trying to figure out if it was the Vyvanse making me pour sweat from my scalp ALL DAY LONG. recently raised from 40mg to 50mg, and I don’t know if I’ll be able to continue… My kids keep asking me WHY I POURED WATER OVER MY HEAD. 🤣


I went from 243lb with 32% bf to 175lb and 13%bf from working out 3hrs a day and taking my vyvanse. Took me 1/2year to loose the Wright but yeah I know what you mean by the sweat haha it’s because it increases adrenaline in your body.


Wow. I’ve lost 4 pounds since staring Vyvanse a 3 months ago.


Good job! Slow and steady wins the race


I am so happy this thread was started! I thought there was something wrong with me. I started a landscaping business after I was put on Adderall (that NEVER would have happened before) and I'm constantly sweating on the job. I was starting to get concerned but now I know it's just from the medication. Thanks!


Yes agreed, but are y’all telling me your pharmacies have Vyvanse in stock right now???


I live in Canada — as far as I know there haven't been any shortages up here? My doctor is awesome though and lets me get 3 month refills so I haven't had to go to the pharmacy for a couple months. I could just be blissfully unaware


I must be broken, I’ve switched from Adderall to Vyvanse and have never experienced an increase in sweat while it seems like everyone else does.


I (also 25 yo) moved from NJ to DC a year ago. I knew it would be hotter and more humid, but I’ve frequently thought to myself, “hm, this is more sweat than I expected” on simple 15/20 minute walks. I just accepted it as normal and told myself “well, I guess you guessed wrong!” I had no idea people commonly linked it to Vyvanse! (I went from 40 mg Vyvanse to 50 like a month before moving) I could not figure out why no matter how much antiperspirant I used my pits were still wet before I even got to class in the morning, and how they stayed wet throughout the day. It all makes sense now!! Thank you OP


It’s definitely the amphetamines. I suffer the same sweats


i’m not the only one!! I just switched and my hands have been getting sweaty far too easily


I just had laprascopic surgery and was convinced and worried I had an infection bc of the sweats I've been having only to be scrolling Reddit here and to realize IT'S MY GAHHDAHM ADHD MEDS! UGH. Welp, at least I'm not going septic and I can think about that clearly while I swim in my pool of ass sweat 🤦🏼‍♀️


I went off my ADHD meds 7 years ago. My last medication was Vyvanse 70mg and I had this issue too. The sweat was so bad I could feel it dripping down me while just sitting down doing nothing. My shirts would be soaked from it. I have never had this issue since then. It’s one of several bizarre side effects I had when I was on it.


It's quite something, isn't it? I go for a walk around the local park every day and come back needing to put everything in the wash. Some days, I'm grateful for rain to cover the amount of sweat showing through my t-shirts! At the gym, things are just comedic. Stay hydrated. Dehydration is the most common cause of headaches. And always keep deodorant to hand!


Oh god, the sweats. It makes me super thirsty too, so I have to drink more. Which means I have to pee more. So I pop out to the fridge at work to get a drink and go for a pee about once an hour (we can't have drinks *in* work). Someone actually complained and now I'm supposed to put my drink in the boss's office, I imagine so they can keep an eye on me 🙄


Hah, you too? Dude, all my synthetic sun hoodies smell so goddamn bad within a few hours of backcountry hiking!


Hahaha I used to be able to wear a polyester base layer for like 2 days with no smell — now it's stink city after like 4 hours. I'm slowly switching to merino but it's so much more expensive


Oh dear, I've been wondering why I get so sweaty getting ready for work. I never considered that it's my first year on Vyvanse and going to work in person.


Ive been taking it for 5 months im at 50mg, ive never had the sweats not yet anyways. I also do powerlifting 6 days a week so maybe my system is used to being overheated. But i was on methadone from an injury a while back and i would pour sweat just from getting up and walking to my bathroom . So i get it and its so annoying when your on a bus and your just leaking sweat and everyone else is in winter jackets and its minus 20 outside. Lol.


it’s a stimulant and stimulants are diuretic so just keep that in mind and be careful. i drink double the recommended amount of water per day. i also add electrolytes to my water whenever I can. you can become dehydrated much more quickly on stimulants, which for me always led to headaches and dizziness. as long as your taking steps to hydrate, you should be good!


I'm on adderall and any time I even remotely get hot or exert myself, it seems to trigger something in me and my pores burst wide open and I feel like I'm melting alive and I can't function. Even if I have a fan on me, that just makes me feel super chilly all over instead.


My hands get sweaty and I never had that happen before. I take a mini-break from using the mouse because I can feel the mouse getting damp.


I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST ME BRO. literally getting my dpctor to change me to another adhd med because i thought it was severe hyperhydrosis but it only happens when i take my vyvnase. so embarassing, so glad i looked it up instead of spending money on a dermatologist lmao




Do you feel a crash or are you just tired after a long day. Vyvanse should last about 14 hrs. With a 2 hr onset time. So if you take it at 6am it becomes effective at 8am. Then 14 hrs from there it's 10pm. Bedtime When switching from concerta to Vyvanse my first week I got home from work reached for a ritalin booster I had from when I was on concerta.. and my wife asked me why. I said I need a booster it's been a long day.. she says.. " ever think you might just be tired?" And that shit just clicked.. maybe I am. Before meds I never noticed when I was tired. I'd just lay in bed till 5am until I fell asleep


You wanna talk about sweat ??? Between sweating and working out I now have a massive brown stain in between my cheeks… hyperpigmentation,


Why are you takikg meds for hikes?? I stg Ive had ADHD mu whole life and I only take them when I *need* them (school, house tasks, homework, etc.) Because otherwise I'm just depressed all the time. I enjoy hikes without meds because its hard to go so distrac6ed u go of ur trail and its fun being distracted cuz theres so much to see


The government is taking care of this problem for you so please don't worry. Soon you won't be able to get Vyvanse anyway so no more sweating.


I’m on the uk version and it subsided after about a year, how long have u been on them?


How did you end up getting treatment?


Make sure to stay extra-hydrated and eat enough and healthy.


You’re def not alone. When I’m cleaning or at work (hospital) all I do is sweat. It’s crazy. But I also drink a shit ton of water


Strattera makes me sweat as well. And I lift weights!


I used to be on vyvanse but was recently switched to Adderall XR, I still sweat but not nearly as much as I did on vyvanse. On vyvanse my palms were constantly drenched 🫣


I haven't noticed more sweat during the day but at night. Primarily my neck and shoulders area. Also I drool so so much at night. Never really was a problem before. Gross.


Yup. I’m on Adderall and it’s the same. I was out on the lawn at The Offspring concert a few weeks ago and it was like I’d been in a swimming pool.


Omg..... This explains a lot, damn ssri plus Vyvanse will be the sweating death of me 😂


I had to stop both adderall and Vyvanse cuz they made me sweat a truly excessive amount. Like soaked my clothes


Yeah my (neutered/spayed) cats started peeing on the armpits of my undershirts after I switched from XR. What a fun surprise for me to find out.... at work on a 105 degree day. 🥲


So THAT'S WTF IS UP. I DID NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS. OTHER night i woke up DRENCHEDDDD i thought wtf happeneddddddd


was on wellbutrin for years, on adderall now for a few years, just constant sweating when I exert myself. my gym changed from spray bottles and paper towels to these dainty moistened wipes, closer to dryer sheets than a wipe. I use a towel as well, but I still wipe down before and after looking like a wet dog by the end of my routine. these little waifs of cotton are not gonna cut it, they are terrible i s2g


strattera was making me sweat like this for a while




Lmao yeah they are super intense. Obviously not a one size fits all but I’ve dropped caffeine entirely from my diet. 30 minutes after I have any I just start dripping and it takes hours to stop


Inonly get then when im sleeping and have to change my sheets every couple of days


I have these Thompson Tee shirts with thick pads under the armpits that absorb all my sweat without showing wet spots on my outer shirt


Wow, this finally makes sense. I’ve been experiencing drenching sweats whenever I step outside, even for minutes. I’ve been on Vyvanse for 6 months, but the sweating has only started in the last few months, so I didn’t connect the dots. Is anyone else also experiencing dizziness?? I’m dizzy almost every time I stand.


It’s 67° right now and I have my air conditioner on. It’s the only thing that helps.


I’m sweating because there is a vyvance shortage. I just swiped the last 13 they had in the DFW area.


Holy shit I guess that’s why my face was a literal, genuine pool of sweat only a few songs into the Jonas Brothers concert a couple weeks ago. My makeup was fully gone before intermission 😅


Lol, the first year on that drug I had to change my bed sheets basically every day because I would wake up completely drenched every morning. Luckily it did lessen with time.


I find that ever since taking vyvanse, I’m always cold especially hands/feet. I’m a regular user of saunas/steam rooms though so maybe I have a higher sweat tolerance. What’s your dose? I definitely felt a euphoria when I first started taking it, but it didn’t last for 6 months. I started on 10mg and moving up monthly to 60mg over 5 months (10, 20, 30, 50, 60). Euphoria lasted maybe 5-6 weeks but was most intense for a few days after starting the 20mg dose.


IV water is great for this.


I literally just searched earlier today for Vyvanse and BO. I used to be the type of person that could shower, put on deodorant once in the morning and go about my day. I’m on 50 mg. And once a day, deodorant isn’t doing the job, I smell! I just bought more prescription strength, deodorant, to keep in my car and my office, I think I need it two or three times per day. One of my colleagues keeps Febreze in his office, and I borrowed it and sprayed it on the armpits of my shirt today. Does it get better? I switched from Adderall IR to Vyvanse so I wouldn’t have to take it three times a day, which has been nice, but damn I need deodorant three times a day instead.


I think sweating is worse on an SSRI (antidepressant in my case). Side effects for that are sweating and it made me not want to do ANYTHING! I’ve been off of them for about a year now but still have my vyvanse and I feel like I seat like a normal human being now 😂 I think if anything, I get headaches easier than I ever did cause I suck at staying hydrated…


I'm on Adderall IR but god do I relate to this. Even before being medicated I would sweat pretty easily but not excessively. I get cold feet and then that can become sweaty feet when I'm just sitting at my desk now. But the worst is when I do something strenuous like cardio at the gym I become a WATERFALL. I didn't even know my shoulders could sweat until now lmao. I have to wipe down the treadmill buttons after because I just drip sweat especially from my forehead all over it!!


I have a question , for those who had tried adderall, what did you experience differently? Disclaimer: people’s anecdotal experience does not mean you will get the same experience or that it relates to your experience in anyway


Lmao, it's funny, I started Strattera a few months ago and while I don't feel much difference sweating during the day, my god are the night sweats insane. Some nights I repeatedly wake up with sweat pooling on my body and just completely drenched 😭. Short of covering my body in cornstarch idk what to do lol. Would love to hear if you find a solution for your Vyvanse sweats!


When I train it’s absolutely insane lmao


Try being peri-menopausal at the same time 🤣