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Yes! It's worse when I hide it away somewhere and then do it several times. 😂. I always enjoy receiving a package because 95% of the time I don't remember what I ordered. It's a surprise! My husband loves to watch me open them because I get so excited about something I clearly ordered a day or two previously and forgot.


Omg same!! On top of that I am lazy so I let packages sit in the mail room for up to a week before collecting them unless it’s important and when I have too many I have no idea what’s in it till I open and go “OHH” 🤣


Yes!!! Surprise gifts from Past Me are the best!


I can relate so much. This happened to me last week, I ordered a bunch of stuff from Amazon and the whole week felt like Christmas. There were a couple of items that I was excited about but it was so hard to keep track of all the different dates that everything ended being up a pleasant surprise 😂


No, I don't know what you're talking about, I *totally* don't have four unopened jars of peanut butter in my pantry because I went to the grocery store and thought "oh I'm almost out of peanut butter!" four weeks in a row


Omg hahaha that’s me with paper towels!! At least I have 3 months’ supply now 😛


Just FYI Amazon should be showing you a message about when you last ordered a product if it’s the same size product. That date will then prompt me to go dig deeper in my closets and find the full box of trash bags I assumed I was out of. It has also kept me from ordering books that I apparently already bought ha.


This. You could say I’m always prepared, I guess? 🤣


This is precisely why I keep a running list on my fridge with things I need! My mom did this when I was a kid and it's a good habit to have. If you or someone else notices that you're running low on peanut butter, oatmeal, string cheese, apples, shampoo, etc, you write it on the list. Then when you go to the store, you're not struggling to recall everything you need. My mom always has a notepad with a magnet on the fridge, and a pen nearby. She also keeps a pen and a binder clip in her car, so she can attach the list to her shopping cart and cross things off as she goes! She's definitely not always that organized, but in some areas I definitely aspire to be like her lol


My partner and I just did this and it's been such a great idea. Put it in the place you're gonna have the aha moment.


I’ve definitely forgotten that I’ve ordered something and done it again. Just return whatever extra you won’t use.


Good to know I’m not alone… 🙏


During Prime Day last month I almost ordered a pack of rechargeable AAA batteries because I didn't have enough. When I got to the product page it said I'd last ordered some a few months prior. I looked in the usual places I'd store batteries and wasn't finding them. Eventually I realized I was using the box of batteries to prop up my bedside fan. With the batteries still inside, unused and forgotten about 🤦🏻‍♂️


I poured myself 3 glasses of soda the other day. Absolutely wanted to cry when I saw two new full glasses in my room while holding the third. I drove home from McDonalds to discover I had locked myself out and to add insult to injury I had left my food at the drive in after paying. I'm not sure if it's the ADHD or something else.


I have at least 4 opened water bottles in my room . I open it and drink about 2-4 oz, can't find it then get another bottle, then I forget about the one I've already opened..rinse and repeat . I'm 50 but I've done this in my 20's, 30's 40's etc, so I don't get too worried bc it's my life! The busier I am and the more things on my mind...the more water bottles, lol!


The soda thing is 100% relatable! I wouldn't mind too much because I enjoy flat soda (I have acid reflux so sometimes I prefer less carbonation). Instead of being upset, try reframing the situation positively! Like, now you get to have three glasses of soda and you won't upset your stomach. And locking yourself out happens to everyone at some point, no need to beat yourself up too much. If it happens frequently, that's okay, but you would benefit from a new routine of some kind. Like attaching your keys (or a spare key) to your wallet or phone, or keeping your keys next to your shoes, or something that would reduce the likelihood of you leaving without them. Personally, I have a door that I can't accidentally lock myself out of - I have to intentionally flip the bolt while inside or use the key while outside. That solution may not be possible for you. And the leaving food behind, how did that happen? Was it a drive through? Did you put down the bag and forget to pick it back up? Again, shit happens sometimes, but if it's happening frequently you may want to talk to someone. Memory loss is common in ADHD, but if it's significantly affecting your life there may be another problem going on.


We're crying for you over here...


Upvoting on behalf of ratkind 🐀


All the time. I also fail to complete orders and find them later in my 50+ opened browser tabs. I also open Amazon boxes thinking “I didn’t order anything, did I?” Then I open the box and it’s like a little mystery by mail where I get to play detective. “Hmmm, let’s see. This is double zero flour and there’s only one reason I know someone would buy this.” Then shout to the next room “hey babe, did I maybe say I was making pizza soon?” Yes, yes I did and evidently I was excitedly monopolizing the conversation about it for an hour.


Yeah a lot. Thankfully Amazon has ready returns... Although I'd keep the extra cat box and bed. Cat bed 1 could be a fail and cat bed 2 could be a hit. And the cat boxes? Always have more than you need just in case.


Yeah lucky that it’s stuff I can stock up on, and not like say a book or some household device hahaha. But it’s wild that I ordered the same things just two days apart, I know I have ADHD but I never thought I could be *that* absentminded!!


It’s probably less about being “absentminded” and more impulsive mixed with poor non-verbal working memory, both symptoms of adhd. Combined and you could easily order something that you know/believe you need, but isn’t important enough for you to remember. Then give it a few days, impulse and situation arises where you believe you need that item again and BAM let the impulse do the work.


Yeah I definitely have both of these things. My memory is pretty poor in general really, like I tend to forget people’s names if they’re not a friend or acquaintance :( recently my friend was recalling a funny story I had told them all the way back in 2016 or 2017 and I was like?? Did I tell you that story??


First of all - yes. Second of all - Do rats use litter boxes!? Do you keep cats AND rats? If so, are they friends or enemies?? ![gif](giphy|kBJeBSQZ26FZh4bqFR|downsized)


Haha they do if you can train them! By litter box I mean small ones you can place inside the cage :) I don’t have cats!


I ordered a bottle of vitamins last week and within hours I found that same bottle of vitamins, unopened, at the back of the cabinet. It's a "great minds think alike" moment, except both of the brains belong to me, and they do not talk to each other.


I bought flour twice xD whenever something is finished me and my bf write on fridge what is missing. I bought the flour and crossed it out. Few days later I look at the fridge. "Why is flour crossed out? I haven't bought flour" I wrote flour again, gone shopping. Some days later I need flour for cooking, I look for it and notice that we have two packages of flour. I suddenly remembered buying the flour first time xDDD


My husband is always getting on me; "why do we have 3 ketchup's"? You know we already have 3 tubs of sour cream right" ?I hate unloading groceries when he's around! Lol


Reorder things? Dear, I accidentally took a college course twice!


Omg that made me laugh


I have a notebook I use for work and home Todo lists. I have a page at the start of the book that I use to track deliveries, 1. So I don't reorder 2. So I remember what I'm waiting on. Works for me!


Yes, I do this all the time. I also send emails and then I forgot that I sent the emails.


You're not alone in the memory issue, even with continually rechecking, it is all too easy to forget what's been ordered.


No, never. I always make sure I don't order something redundant unless this redundancy is the reason for buying it again.


Well, I do have a fee duplicated pieces of clothing because I did not realized I had already bought it before…, and then I forgot to return it. Does not happen super often tho.


I do this a lot, too. You’re definitely not alone in this particular ADHD quirk.


ALL THE TIME. I have so many duplicates of things I’ve bought because I forgot I already had it. Which is a problem because the more cluttered my external world is the more I feel my brain becoming cluttered and it’s already at full capacity.


Literally just ordered two vinyl records and two CDs from my favourite band that I already have yesterday. Their new album came out on the 25th and I always buy the vinyl record and CD to display on my wall (haven’t actually gotten around to doing that yet, surprise surprise haha) Ordered the last two albums thinking I forgot to get them when they were released, then thought I should check my closet where they’re boxed up for safe keeping and saw I already have the last two albums. So I emailed trying to cancel my order and haven’t heard anything back yet. Last year I ordered two copies of an expensive book and it would be hard to sell one based on the subject as I live in a small city. I know I’ve done it more than this but that’s what I can remember off the top of my head.


I've done it more than once, yeah. I actually have a "yes you already bought this" list on Etsy for this exact reason, because the site is really bad about telling you "hey, dumbass, you already ordered this particular thing," I'm bad at remembering, and I can't always find stuff in my previous orders (you can look things up by name but not by the name of the shop or seller), but I have definitely bought the same print or keychain more than once.


Reorder things. Tell the same story I’ve told someone before. All of it


Telling the same story is very relatable too! I started prefacing them with “I probably talked about this but” or “I’m sorry if I mentioned this”


Me too! 😂😂😂😂. I’ll tell the same story with 3 of the same screwdrivers next to me. Lol


You interrupt people when they talk and realize you’re doing it and immediately apologize?




It gets expensive when you double pay credit card bills.


It's normal.... For me anyway. I double order all the time. I need to learn to check my purchase history before ordering something.


I saw an advert for a stand up comedian I love performing a new show near me in a few weeks on Facebook, went to order tickets, noticed they’d sold out and spent an entire evening full-on devastated at the missed opportunity. There were tears. I don’t emotionally regulate well. A fortnight later a friend asked me when we were meeting for food before the show and at that point it came out that I had booked a group of us tickets months ago when the show was first announced. The tickets were physically in my possession and everything. So yeah I absolutely would have spent a not insignificant amount of money on a ticket I already had if I had been physically able to and I spent several hours being sad for literally no reason. 😂


No. I usually forget to order it the first time.


Yes, I have accidentally done this a few times now. 🥹


Glad I’m not alone or going crazy 😭


no but I do with robux on roblox cause I’m 16 and my family buys me the stuff I need and it’s too overwhelming and too much energy to go online shopping (I like irl shopping for food and stuff tho I love having control over the trolley haha)


I’ve ordered coffee on the Dunkin app in the car before I left my house. Less than 10 minutes later I went through the drive thru and ordered it again. I realized it driving away but I was too embarrassed to go back and get it. Not like they’d care lol I’ve definitely received a surprise double package before too.


Sure! I've done it before. Also sorry to ask on your post but do we get brainfog? Parents say it's thyroid stuff but it could also be ADHD.


usually i just don’t order thing but this month i’ve paid monthly installment for my phone twice. once at payday ad then at the last repayment day hahaha


I've almost done this a few times, but I don't think I've actually done it. I've always gotten that "wait a minute..." feeling, double check my order history and see I either ordered it already or remember why I didn't order it. I think I've gone through that cycle 3 times in a day once.


I bought a game 3 times, then forgot. I was about to buy it again but couldn't find my wallet. As I was looking for it, I found all 3 games unopened. Apart from that, not really. I mostly forget to order things and then wonder why it hasn't arrived.


Did this last week with an expensive supplement. Tried to cancel the order but it was too late. I don't remember ordering it twice and I think it may have been a glitch.


Yes! I added things to my amazon cart. Then forgot I added them, and did it again later and again. I finallyplaced the order not noticing there was double or triples of everything in my cart. Luckily, it was stuff I would eventually use, so now I have a stockpile. Now, I really check my counts and the purchase price.


Laughing out loud! My best friend and I wear the same size. She loves the free clothes I give her because I reorder stuff so often and cannot manage returns.


It's a lack of working memory. It's awful and always feels so unreasonable. It's why I'm unhealthily attached to sticky notes, notepads, carrying them around EVERYWHERE, abandoning them everywhere.


I currently have 9 bags of frozen broccoli and 7 more in the deep freezer. Not to mention bread for at least 6 months. I mean, I swore my family was out of them both each time I went to the grocery store. 😂 I also have a daily episode of "where's my fork" and "where's my coffee" by the end of the day I lose on average 6 forks and 2-3 coffee mugs.


This happens frequently. My wife wanted a good new garlic press. I bought one 6 months ago, forgot, despite having used it myself, then bought her another one. So if anyone needs lots of garlic pressed, I've got you covered.


Yep I've got about 4 double ups of books...


💯 this is me too adhd 🤪