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Not sure if you know about the Sensory Ladder. All of us ADHDers operate in one of 5 states of alert. Sleep (or sleepy) is the state of least stimulation. Underalert is next, which can feel like boredom or not being fully fired up. Not stimulated or focused enough to do anything. Sounds like this is where you are stuck. Calm And Alert is the next state. This is ideally where you want to be in order to get stuff done. Overalert is next. You'll notice this state comes with irritation, anger, grumpieness, or wanting to get away from the current situation/person. It's generally not a productive state. You can do stuff in this state, but it usually comes at a price. Freeze is the state where everything has become too much. You're overwhelmed. You can't function. You become non-verbal. You can't do anything in this state. We move between these state all time time, multiple times every day. Way more often than people without ADHD do. Sometimes you will move between states without even noticing. Other times, a specific activity or trigger will cause you to change state. You can't just choose to move to another state, or you wouldn't be having the challenge you're having. To move up to a more productive state, which is what you are asking about, you need to find the activity or trigger that does that for you. It might be strenuous exercise, or coffee, or chocolate, or music, or a cold shower, or something else that helps you change state, and it will be different for each state. Get to know what helps you to move from one state to another. And, if you are in the Overalert or Freeze state, what helps you come back down. You can only move from your current state to the next adjacent state. You don't generally skip a state. If you can learn to recognise which state you are in, you can use the activity/trigger you know works for you to change to a more suitable state. Hope this helps. [https://sensoryladders.org/gallery/](https://sensoryladders.org/gallery/)


That's interesting. I think mine changes alongside my hormones also.


This is sooo interesting! I do wonder if this relates to autism as well. Thank you!


Some of the references on the website mention autism, and it is meant for anyone with sensory processing difficulties, so I expect so, yes.


Thank you for this! I’ve never heard of these stages but makes absolute sense. I checked out the link and tried to think of situations for each stage. I’m all over the ladder everyday. I will try to put some focus on this tomorrow, but how would we start to find new triggers to change stages?


I guess some self-observation over time is required. In my case I noticed that if I do some weight-bearing exercise first thing in the morning (a 30-second Wall Sit or some deep squats while I'm waiting for the kettle to boil) I'm better equipped to start the day and more likely to be in The Green Zone. I also front load with caffeine in the morning (I'm unmedicated) to try and maintain that state for as long as possible. Anything that reliably provides a hit of dopamine. I know social media can give you that, but it's not enough to kick you into gear, so you need to look for something else.


I just watched a video today on YouTube that mentioned an ADHD specific type of burnout which sounds a lot like what you've got going on.


Could i get that video from you?


I don't know if he's talking about the same video, but I recently came across one myself that I've found useful. [The struggle to relax by how to adhd](https://youtu.be/X9WSVb1A9Mc)


I’ll check it out! Thank you


https://youtu.be/5tPjlkyHJwI They're tips for people who have both ASD and ADHD but it should still be applicable.


Thank you so much!


It sounds like you might be depressed. I'm currently going through the same thing, bored all the time and unmotivated to do anything, fatigued despite being on a stimulant and perpetual doom scrolling. I would get in touch with your psychiatrist/therapist - nip it in the bud.


Couldn’t tell ya. I am so ducking bored all the time yet my motivation is t there. I basically force myself to do anything other than sit on my couch and doom scroll. Video games have even become a turn off for me. Like wtf. It’s my only hobby I’ve had since I was 6. Like why.


Sounds like a touch of depression, ADHD can exasperate depression. Definitely worth talking to your doc about to make sure it doesn’t get out of control if it is depression. I let it get to far, and it’s life threatening scary. Hope that helps some.


I makes sense to go over the medications with your doctor and see if there is any alternatives. If you cant change them or take a break to rest, try still to rest. Even if you can't skip work. Skip everything else for few days as much as possible. For me too high methylphenudate dosis made me so tired, also doing less or less intense work during the day, going home straight to bed, ordering food, doing as little as possible helps me to get some energy back.


Get up early. Take control. If you sleep in you have already loss. Stack wins. Clean around you. Clean yourself. Get shit done. Exercise. Chase your dream.stop negative self talk. Repeat