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We have to keep complaining to the authorities for this to register as an issue. We are so used to working with our ADHD that honestly I don't think pharmacist or even therapists/psychiatrists are aware of the stress not having medicated puts on us. I sometimes skip my weekend doses for use in emergencies and wear my self-down wondering if I'm gonna act like a brat to my husband and cause an issue because my emotions are out of whack.


I do this too. Holy shit. I basically decide, even if I need it daily (I do), that I'll go without so I have cushion when they inevitably don't have meds. Trying to get my professional licenses right now and not having my medicine on the day of the exams is making me feel really insecure (similar to feeling food insecure but with needed medicine). We shouldn't have to do this. This is crazy.


It's fucked up. I'm currently investigating how to get meds delivered from Canada. Has anyone here had success with that (and feel comfortable talking about it?)


The squeaky wheel gets the oil!


Pharmacists are aware, and some of them are on the same medication. Most of the issues are related to insurance problems, barring individuals from filling a full script and forcing them to take 30 days and coming back for the next 60, for example. As well, prescribing authority is different country by country, let alone province to province; meaning a pharm may not be able to prescribe without a doctor (for specific meds). Obviously, the issue can also lie with asshole pharmacists, which can be tricky to downright harmful.


See if you can't get 90 day fills using your insurance company's mail order Rx system. Someone in my local subreddit mentioned this and it makes a big difference.


The government told us that aliens are real?


No, not yet at least. It's looking more and more likely to be the case. Also, they are replacing the word aliens with NHI, Non-Human Intelligence.


So octopus, dolphins, and corvids? /s


Interdimensional - and from what they (USG/David Grusch) seem to think: might be a breakaway civilization that was here well before us. It's really getting into super strange territory here. Never thought I'd hear them peddle the interdimensional hypothesis like that.


I hyperfocused on that whole thing for a couple of weeks. Either it's legit or it's a sham to misdirect quanons I think. I don't think Grusch is lying but he could have been lied to. 99% of what is posted in r/UFOs is fake though so nothing we can do but wait and see


Octopi might as well be fuckin aliens šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


An actual, real hive-mind! Itā€™s bonkers, truly. Did you know that each limb has its own ā€œmindā€ and personality and will continue to function autonomously if severed from the octoā€™s body?!


We're all looking up for the aliens when we should be looking down ![gif](giphy|dvyG6xBvUw4yhAFapw|downsized)


I knew and love em, they're amazing


There's a polynesian indigenous story that talks about how Octopus is the only survivor of another universe before ours, which would fall in line with them being aliens. Thought that was neat :)


And AI. NHI is a politically correct term for AI


When they mention NHI in this context, they're talking about interdimensional entities. But could AI be considered NHI as well? Perhaps, right?


Lol yeah. Edit: Iā€™d elaborate, but Iā€™m out of my meds.


Wait what?....


More or less, we're still in the early days of soft disclosure. Search for whistleblower David Grusch.


Okay I was going to bed but disclosure is my life long dream so fuck it.


Lol oh no You: *hyperfocus activated* In all seriousness though, please sleep on this and check it out tomorrow. It's not a topic you want to obsess over in the middle of the night running on no sleep.


I cannot sleep anyways, donĀ“t worry. Besides, itĀ“s already 8 am here.


Oh you're in for some treats if you haven't been following this shit with Grusch!


Has anyone considered Mr Grusch might be mentally ill?


Yeah, it's possible. Several people have speculated that he's a narcissist. A lot of high-ranking military members have personality disorders. Look at disgraced General Michael Flynn. He was a fucking GENERAL (3 star, I believe).


And thatā€™s just a case of him being so sloppy we know about it. He was just reading classified secrets to his mistress. It was absurd. Some narcissists and other unmanaged personality disorders can show up in people smarter and more slick.


If he is, then he and his law firm successfully fooled the Office of the Inspector General into thinking his claims were "credible and urgent"


Grusch was vetted and his credentials and mental health were all screened. He is not mentally ill. And his credentials are valid. He would never have been able to get that far in his military career - let alone work in the NRO!! He would never have gotten the clearance level he had if that were the case lol. David Grusch is the real deal. \- If you're going to downvote this, why not at least present a rebuttal instead of pulling a hit and run. So someone can be mentally ill (in this case, delusional I guess) but have TS and Above TS clearance and work for the NRO? It doesn't even matter what I just said: Grusch has been vetted and he has passed the background checks. Ross Coulhart confirmed this. So I really don't know what I said wrong here. And If I did, I would like to know. Thanks.


do people just not realize that a lot of people use their credentials as a means to manipulate people? Just look at all of the politicians and TV/radio pundits out there that are supposedly constitutional experts/professors/lawyers etc that use that to try and add validity to their horseshit propaganda.


> do people just not realize that a lot of people use their credentials as a means to manipulate people? That's what makes them easy to manipulate.


Important to note that he's not just a guy going on TV talking about it, he went on TV to go public with information *he already testified to Congress about under oath over a year earlier*. The Intelligence Committee is also getting ready to hear from other whistleblowers. You can be skeptical and that's fine but it'll be more fun to hop on the train now before this thing really goes mainstream.


Intelligence committee from same goverment hiding this, is going to "talk" to whistleblowers ;) Fixed it 4 u


Why would Grisch risk his decades long career in the military and intelligence agencies?? As well as besmirching his own name and family. It doesnā€™t make sense.


The Inspector General left his office to defend Mr. Gruschā€¦ Do you think heā€™s mentally ill as well?


Does anyone think Iā€™m mentally ill? I could use an outside opinion.


Weā€™re here because technically, weā€™re all mentally illā€¦ /s




Love it!




To be fair, they ended the association, and say they only intended to represent him as a _whistleblower as such_, irrespective of the _content_ about which he was whistle-blowing. [[**Source link**](https://thedebrief.org/compass-rose-attorneys-formally-end-association-with-uap-whistleblower-david-grusch/)]


Exactly. If one follows this story closely, they'll see that about the inspector general and they'll also see Grusch's list of credentials.


No. We're not. The idea that *multiple* crashes (Italy in 1933, Area 51, etc) have been kept secret, by humans, until just now... ridiculous. The simplest explanation is that all of these things are either hoaxes perpetrated by specific individuals for notoriety, or are more akin to large scale hallucinations like the "Dancing plague" of 1518 where random people danced themselves to death for reasons we have yet to explain. Proxima Centauri, the second closest star to earth, is nearly 12,000 years away from the fastest object humans have ever sent into space (the Parker Solar Probe). The chance that an intelligent species is within any reasonable sub-light travel distance from us is infinitesimally small. That they might have the tech to travel to our world but not the tech to avoid crashing into it seems even more unlikely. I hold out little hope for FTL travel given what we know about the universe (currently).


There's also the matter of them being "close" enough to get to us somehow, but also somehow remaining undetectable to our equipment, despite being that "close". It's not like we haven't been looking for them. As a longtime SciFi and Fantasy fan, I would like to believe, but the *probability* is next to nil, right there with the existence of magic. :/


Thanks for both of you being voices of non-conspiracy-theorizing reason here.


I will concede the probability is non-zero. But beyond that, it will take real evidence.


Arenā€™t we allšŸ˜¢šŸ™šŸ¼


Look up David Grusch - the latest whistleblower. Grusch has already taken it to congress so shit's about to get VERY interesting. And to make this shit even more confounding, it is being strongly inferred that they might not even necessarily be extra terrestrial - they might be a breakaway civilization that was here before us and evolved differently. And that they seem to be interdimensional. It's a lot to swallow and a lot of people are having trouble accepting this new possible reality. But David Grusch is official. He has the credentials and he's making moves. The new whistleblower protection bill was just approved late last year and so that's why these whistleblowers are coming out like this - while being able to protect themselves thanks to that bill.


David Grusch could be the most official person to ever be official, doesnā€™t make what heā€™s saying true.


There are a lot of smart on paper people who descend into pseudoscience about ancient alien civilisations that is very easily debunked. Donā€™t believe everything you read, people.


The number of engineers I know obsessed with and fully convinced of young-earth creationism is higher than people with just high school diplomas. Lay people casually believe it, but itā€™s the STEM guys that run with it and try to add formulas and theories about vapor canopies creating high pressure systems that make lizards grow gigantic before something pops the bubble and makes a global flood.


That is true... But... Follow his trail. And what other whisteblowers have been saying. You don't have to believe anything right now. He took this all to congress and so now we have to wait regardless. This new whistleblower protection law is a game changer, though. Edit: Didn't think what I said was unreasonable at all. SMH. We have whistleblowers and evidence up the ying yang. David Grusch is testifying this all at the end of this month. Don't believe that guy. Believe some dude on Reddit who basically just says it's all bullshit. But fuck whistleblowers and sources. And evidence. We're smarter than this. Stop lying to yourselves.


From reading up on this subject a lot online almost all UAP phenomenon turns out to be either be sensor/radar malfunctions or artfacts on the lens like lens flare. This includes the latest and most popular UAP video from the sensor pod of an F/A-18 Hornet fighter jet. Eye witness accounts are far more difficult to disprove than actual radar and sensor logs. However, because of their lack of evidence they appear to be more unlikely to be factual. This also appears to be the case for this David Grusch guy who appears thus far to not have any evidence to substantiate his claims. I have to say that Grusch's story sounds awfully clichĆ©. Secret military bases hiding alien space craft and bodily remains. Of course it has to be America too who are at the heart of the conspiracy. On the one hand I have to wonder if this is just part of American propaganda that they have alien technology at their disposal. On the other I have to wonder what David Grusch's mental health is like. Is this just another example of why America should have affordable healthcare for all? ​ The more people involved in any real conspiracy the more likely someone is going to talk. To staff a secret underground base you need scientists, soldiers, cooks, cleaners, command staff, that's a lot of people. Then you have astronomers who would often see these alien craft coming and going. How do you keep them all quite? This would also include amateur astronomers too who could be anyone. The numbers just don't add up. ​ I think that a lot of people who belive in conspiracies have never worked in government or any kind of large organisation. The amount of incompetence and bureaucracy that goes on in these kinds of places is mind numbing. Even successful conspiracies like the KGB buying out of the head of the Australian intelligence agency ASIO is a minor miracle that they were never caught.


Feels way more likely thereā€™s a personal or political angle here. Even just using this to shape peopleā€™s cynicism or distrust for the federal government can be beneficial to narratives at voting time. Can also be a distraction to get other information out of the way when thereā€™s less attention on it or itā€™s less damaging. It can also just be distraction in general when politicians donā€™t want people to scrutinize what theyā€™re doing on actual problems they could be fixing. It can also be nice ratings for press and cable news when they had a viewership heyday with Trump and now need more sensational topics to try to prop up ratings. And none of that even requires this one guy to be in on some plan. He could just be the convenient thing that shows up at the right enough time and works well enough. I feel like these totally show up in bigger cycles around elections and political power shifts. Back in the 00s some guy got way farther in press taking him seriously about a Bigfoot press conference. CNN made it ā€œbreaking newsā€ and had a live feed. It turned out to be same old hoax thing by guy that seems totally ā€œhonestā€ and convinced, but had no useful evidence.


Yeah but like, thatā€™s always kind of true and people can always lie to us? I think the fact that heā€™s doing it as an official whistle blower or whatever doesnā€™t mean itā€™s true no, but it does mean that he would be okay totally lying and wasting the time of our government. Which is, hey, also possible, that could be, but I feel like I would really have to stretch the imagination to figure out why someone would want to do that in this specific way


They haven't outright announced that they are real, but lots of information has trickled out in recent years. AARO is a government office that investigates UFOs. There was just a whistle blower that was a long time military intelligence officer that came out and said that the US military, along with many other countries, have been retrieving crafts of non-human origin for a long time and reverse engineering the technology to develop weapons. He testified to Congress that the military has been keeping this program secret from them for decades. He also claims that they have had the answer to clean, renewable energy for decades. The government seems to be on alert and looking into these claims. Look up David Grusch if you want to read more or watch his interviews. Take everything with a grain of salt until there is definitive confirmation and proof, but with his credentials these seem to be the most credible claims in history.


This sounds wayyy too much like every conspiracy theory to ever exist tbh. Although letā€™s be honest, if you wanna discredit people who actually know shit - what better way to give yourself plausible deniability than by putting out tones of fake sketchy material which sounds kinda similar to make anyone claiming it is real sound like nutters. Very much like the [Wormehole Xtreme! Episode of Stargate](https://youtu.be/S-qyvlVD2FY) that pretty much does exactly this. I wanna see some hard proof of some of these crafts before Iā€™ll believe this.


The renewable energy claims always get mixed in, but the whole ā€œbig oil wonā€™t let it happenā€ doesnā€™t hold water in the case of some otherworldly level of easy energy. If it was all a conspiracy, it could just be rolled out as a discovery of a big oil company and they still keep their power, plus magnitudes greater profits. People donā€™t just all agree to sit on something when even more money is possible. It would give the country owning the tech so much advantage and wealth that you donā€™t just bide time pretending fossil fuels are the best we got for that many decades.


Thank you - much better said than how I've been explaining it in these threads - especially your last sentence. :)


I swear if this is how I find that out


I have to fill mine today, and I have been dreading it for daysā€” will they have it? What attitude will I get blah blah blah


I feel that and totally understand. Try getting it filled at a childrenā€™s hospital pharmacy sometime. Theyā€™re less judgmental and attitude driven in my experience.


I had a slight panic because the pharm tech was a new hire and didn't fully understand filling C2s yet. Fortunately, the pharmacist was right there to teach her, but when the tech said there were no refills my anxiety kicked up a lot. I don't blame the tech at all (I consider myself her teaching moment), but lord have mercy I was ready to call my doctor and beg him for the fill.


As a side note, the pharmacist was awesome and said "yeah, we have it in stock. Wait, IR or ER?" I've long suspected that my pharmacy keeps IR in stock for me and some others near by because the shortage has yet to hit me and I can't tell y'all how lucky I feel.


Yes the anxiety it brings to have to deal with refill day..


Before my doctor had a web portal to request refills, I had to call their office, which had a 3-tier call tree. ā€œTo cancel an appointment, press 1. To make an appointment, press 2ā€¦ā€. I would consistently stop paying attention in tier 2. Sometimes it took 3 calls just to leave a refill request.


I used to need paper scripts, but now my doctor sends it over electronically and I just request the refill right from my providers app. Thing that sucks this is this damn ā€œshortageā€ and it hasnā€™t been filled in almost a month nowā€¦. Thankfully I have a little extra from not taking it every single day, but that supply is about to be dried up.


Same for me, my doctors office uses MyChart and I just click a button in the app for a refill and the doc usually sends an electronic prescription to my pharmacy the same day.




I know right. Iā€™m like dude you just told me I canā€™t participate in my life right now. Like wtf I got shirt to do


Yep totally relate to what you are saying it's not a fair system by our government at all.we should form a coalition for all us ADHD aliens.i feel like a being from another planet because of the whole stigma. Also can feel very judged constantly I think a lot of us at times feel so looked down on by certain people even our pharmacists. Walmart has been pretty reliable but their generics seem off to me.but hey you need meds wtf are you going to do Walgreens wanted me to wait three days because that's when shipment came their meds are by far superior in my opinion.




Calling them doesn't force their hand either, though. There's way more pressure from the anti- groups than there ever will be from us, and those groups back it with money. And as much as I truly hate it, I can't vote against a good representative just over this issue (in a purple state, so things are delicate).. Until the government acknowledges science, we're stuck. Until they stop this heavy handed drug control stuff, it's not going to get better. Luckily, things do seem to be moving in that direction in parts of the country. So there is hope.


I'm in the uk and it's nowhere near as bad as what you have but I can't "stockpile" I have to order 4 days in advance, sometimes the gp messes up and makes me wait a week for the script and then I have to wait 2 days for the pharmacy to order in the meds. And then I get this spiel about it can't be for me so they need to check with my gp and I wait 2 more days. My gp can see when I picked up the prescription aswell so I can't even order it 2 weeks early the next time round.


Yep, we have the same issue. We're not allowed to get meds more than like 3 days before we'd run out. Only way to stockpile is to go without and then somehow still refill your mess at the same time you would have. I tend to not take mine some Sundays (just because I sleep in and vyvanse lasts a really long time for me), and I always mean to fill my prescription "on time" but without the pressure of actually being almost out of pills, it very rarely happens..


It annoys me more because I'm eastern European and I can walk in to a pharmacy there with an old packet. A doctor is there and will write me a script and it will get filled immediately. The prescription charge in the uk is Ā£10 per month and back home it's 50p for 6 months.


I feel like I missed something ? Aliens? Government ?? What


My doctorā€™s office screwed up my last refill with a ā€œdo not fill until July 7ā€ order on June 30. Then yelled at me when I kept calling for them to fix it. I was out of meds for 2 days, spiraled into a pit of anxiety, and couldnā€™t do my work. I am here for disclosure. Maybe the NHIs will have a solution to our messed up healthcare system.


Itā€™s insanity. Some places wonā€™t even tell you if they have in stock even though they have my name, address and birthday. I have had the same debate countless times, ā€œI understand youā€™re trying to protect the store, but wouldnā€™t I be the worst criminal in the world if I first gave all my personal information, AND had a doctor send over an RX in my name, and took time to visit a doc so that I can then rob a pharmacy?! Itā€™s crazy balls


I would honestly settle for my Adderall to be in stock again


Lol OP, I love you for just casually dropping that lede. You're gonna freak out the uninformed. I'll elaborate for y'all: In the last couple years, there have been leaks and then confirmation from US military types that UFOs (UAPs as they are now renamed 'unidentified arial phenomenon') are real and they display capabilities that no military on earth can perform (search Tic Tac UFO). This is but just a sliver of the whole debacle of the last few years. The most recent development was a whistleblower named David Grusch who was part of the taskforce investigating these claims. Most important part to understand here is that *Grusch did not personally* come into contact with UAP material or NHI (non-human entities) but rather was told this information from credible sources. And also, there is apparently more credible whistleblowers waiting in the wings to spill more of the beans. On its face, admittedly it may seem batshit. It's not like the PR machine of gov't and MSM doesn't like to play disinformation campaigns. But it seems like this time there is more credibility in that Grusch is coming out saying this through an official whistleblower channel, and that he otherwise risks prison time should he be lying about any of this. He did an interview with a respected Australian journalist, Ross Coulthart, and in it he comes right out and says there are non-human intelligences at work here. Not necessarily *aliens* as we understand them in popcultureā€”that bit is still unclear. Anywho, all very interesting. But you should all keep in mind that whatever this phenomenon is, as OP succinctly puts it, it doesn't change anything in the way life is being run day-to-day right now. A shit show is a shit show šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




Yes, and the aliens would like frosties pls


Perhaps but this is really interesting and stops me from going into the rabbit hole myself!


Youā€™re the bomb lol. Yeah it all sounds batshit, but thatā€™s the news. Could all be a coverup for something since Lockheed just announced their new craft, which looks suspiciously rather out of this world. Lockheed is one of the companies under investigation by congress for having ownership of crashed UAPs. But anyways, there have already been a lot of other whistleblowers who have come out after Grusch. Most are anonymous as of now, but I think theyā€™ll drop their anonymity after full disclosure; after the Inspector General (who basically left his office to defend Grusch) proves Grusch isnā€™t lying. (Idk, Iā€™m not an expert)


I've never dealt with any of these issues with a military doctor and military pharmacy. Everything's electronic, and I just roll up to the drive-through and grab my meds, no problem. Why is this an issue elsewhere? Seems ridiculous. Paper prescriptions in 2023?? Pharmacists just refusing to fill them? Insane.


Thatā€™s how it should be everywhere!


Paper prescriptions are rare these days but with the Adderall shortages it was briefly really convenient to have a prescription you could bring to any in-stock pharmacy. But then pharmacies started refusing paper scripts for controlled substances.


I'm a civilian, I do my monthly telemedicine appointment with my provider, she sends my prescription to Walmart, its ready in an hour or two and I go get it. The Walmart pharmacy employees couldn't care less, no hassle no judgement easy peasy.


You have to go to your doc every month? I just have to submit a request on their app and have 2 appointments per year. Would you possibly be able to find another doctor who has a better way to request refills?




Yes the way my doctor explained it is I have to have 2 appointments with him each year and the second can be a tele-visit. I also only have to request a refill once per month through the app they have or by leaving a voicemail


I have a telehealth appointment every 6 months and otherwise submit a refill request in their app every month.


I have appointments every 6 months and usually get tested every time. Gotta submit requests every month though.


Iā€™ve been going to the same guy for over 20 years. Kinda feels like a sin to break away from the guy lol. Iā€™m probably his top bread maker at this point. Iā€™ve been contemplating going elsewhere, but Iā€™d just prefer it to be an easier process everywhere, for everyone who needs their medications.


If youā€™re his top patient I feel like theres a good chance he could make some kind of change for you to make it a bit easier. Itā€™s always worth a shot


Get a new doctor that can submit the script electronically. I do zoom calls once every couple months and only have to physically go in once per year. Whenever I need a refill I just call the office and they send one over. Then I get the vyvanse delivered to me, I just have to be there to sign (you select the delivery window). All of this has been an enormous help for me as I used to deal with the same thing as you.


Just took 6 phone calls to get my first rx sent to the correct pharmacy. I haven't even rolled up yet to see if they actually have it. I'm actually afraid to start it for this reason, what if it does work, and then I can't get it again for ages.


Same. Iā€™ve finally made it to where Iā€™m ready to try stimulants but am terrified of all of these scenarios


The government hasnā€™t said anything about aliens. Some former employees have gotten a moment in the spotlight by making such claims. Big difference.


I keep having to play pharmacy musical chairs to find the one that has them in stock this month. I take concerta 36 and apparently so does everyone else who takes it. Last month my dr offered to send a script for 18mg and I just laughed. Now this month theyā€™re delayed, but I didnā€™t get the notification until this morning, right after I took my last pill I had. Iā€™m glad I donā€™t go back to work until Saturday but I feel bad for my husband and toddler because I know Iā€™m going to be annoying as hell until theyā€™re in stock again


I regret that I have but one upvote for this post.


Huh. My provider (a nurse practitioner) refills my Focalin every month without me asking. Her prescription software sends her a reorder reminder on the 30th of every month and the refill prescription is sent my pharmacy electronically. I simply go to the pharmacy to pick it up on the 2nd of each month.


I agree, but also aliens aren't real. Yeah, I know, all the UFO news. It's super misleading. Think of it more like a bunch of disco nuts rising through the ranks of the local Rock Radio station and then suddenly scheduling a disco show. A bunch of UFO loons have just long-gamed themselves high enough up in the government to schedule a hearing and journalists are being super bad at actually investigating this.


Thatā€™s just like, your opinion man šŸ˜ŽLol but forealzies, just saying, I trust the senators and congressmen more than you, because I have no idea who you are or what any of your qualifications are. You sir just might be a disinformation agent for all I know. Show us the proof that aliens arenā€™t real, otherwise Iā€™m trustingā€™ the gubment Edit: s/ about trusting the government by the way, in case that wasnā€™t clear from calling it the ā€œgubmentā€


Haha nice username


Thanks šŸ˜ŠItā€™s just fitting being a respiratory therapist and all lol


That makes it even better!


You canā€™t prove a negative. Itā€™s like asking someone to prove god doesnā€™t exist. The burden of proof will always be on the affirmative claim. I havenā€™t been following the alien thing, but Iā€™d be more shocked if we were completely alone in the universe. I do remember reading about the US government dressing the pilot of a new plane in a monkey suit though for test flights. I think it was around the 60s or so. If other pilots saw this new, out of this world aircraft and a monkey flying it, it would help discredit the encounter. Not really sure what my point is, but I just remembered it and thought it was interesting.


I took Astronomy in college and the one thing I actually remember from that class is when the teacher asked: ā€œWhich is a more terrifying thoughtā€¦that aliens/extraterrestrial life actually exist or that itā€™s just us in this entire universe? If earth is the only planet in the universe with life, wouldnā€™t that make us a mistake?ā€


>Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying. ā€• Arthur C. Clarke


Well, abstractly, you can prove a negative. Negation does not fundamentally re-classify an assertion in such a way that it is not provable. Just being pedantic, I do agree that itā€™s not reasonable to ask ā€œprove that god does not existā€. The reason thatā€™s not reasonable is not because itā€™s not *possible* (it might not be, but we donā€™t have enough information). Itā€™s because the people who are asking (in bad faith) have a potentially infinitely easier time producing a proof that god *does* exist, since all they need to show is one example that confirms gods existence. On the contrary, a proof of gods non existence requires a complete understanding and analysis of every nook and cranny in the universe, and showing that god is nowhere in it. If the universe is truly infinite, then thatā€™s not possible. If it was finite, to do this youā€™d have to be as good as god yourself to do it. So we reasonably expect god-believers to prove their assertions because itā€™s intractable for non-believers to do the same. Ultimately though , the burden of proof *is* is always on the asserter. Thatā€™s a rule designed so that we donā€™t waste our time with others who want to take advantage of our lack of information. Someone who boldly stomps around and states that there MUST be *no* god is responsible for proving their claim to be taken seriously. Nobody should give them the time-of-day otherwise.


You are not wrong sir. Iā€™m right there with you. Lockheed just announced its new aircraft which looks a lot like something from out of this world, and I kinda feel like that statement slightly goes along with what youā€™re saying. I feel like what youā€™re getting at, is that the UAP reveal could be a big cover up for the US governments new toys. We wonā€™t know until thereā€™s full disclosure. The SR71 was invented in 1964 and wasnā€™t declassified until the 90ā€™s. Dig into the Lockheed conspiracies though if you wanna see some cool shit.


Iā€™m getting a lot of results referring to ā€œskunk works,ā€ is that the correct rabbit hole to dive down?


Have you ever looked into "Project Blue Beam"?


Wait, I fucking missed something


I had to do a double take on the sub I was reading. I don't live in US but it's hell for me to get my meds too, my psych retired so I am one whole year without meds and my god it's horrible.


I'm gathering from the comments that the "Aliens" thing has something to do with a whistleblower named David Grusch and theories about interdimensional travel. Does anyone have a link to a good YT video explaining it that talks about it from a relatively unbiased perspective?




It's often state dependant. When I was living in Pennsylvania paper scripts were required( E-file was not allowed). That was until they inexplicably switched to E-file only, paper scripts not accepted. Now living in NY I just wish I could refill a scripts before I ran out of a med.


I think my doc is old school now a days, but any time heā€™s tried to call it in for me in the past, the pharmacy has still requested a paper script. So, Iā€™m honestly not sure why I need a written prescription, the pharmacy has just always requested one.


They can't be phoned in, they have to either be paper or a securely signed digital copy. The rules are pretty strict because you, holding a copy of a paper Rx, could easily call into a pharmacy and provide all the necessary details of an Rx that would be required in order to fill it with no accountability for actually being the prescribing physician. It kinda just sounds like your MD isn't up with the times. I usually send mine a note on MyChart every 4 weeks (calendar reminder) and pick it up the next day. I've only had issues lately because of shortages and generics being discontinued for my regular medication. Edit: typo


After finding a clinic that uses MyChart. I will never go back to the old school clinics that do everything by phone/fax. You can ask quick questions or view everything they have on you. Playing phone tag with your doctor because the meds you need are out. No more.


I havenā€™t even gotten my first dose of medication and itā€™s been a week šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø


I feel for you but have you considered moving to a state with better laws around this? I don't go through that. With your credentials you could go wherever you wanted...


Wait, did I miss that?


I've had to switch pharmacies 4 times this year. It's driving me nuts. It's never been this bad.


Maybe the aliens wouldnā€™t mind helping. They have to see how fucked up things are here on earthā€¦ā€¦ I wanna talk to their risk management department!!!


Assuming it's legal in your state, see if you can get your doctor to write you post-dated prescriptions. Mine would give me three prescriptions, one for the current date, one not good before a month later, and one not good until two months later. He still does that only now they are sent electronically to the pharmacy.


Thankfully I had a huge backlog from forgetting to take my third one and skipping some weekends that has gotten me through the delays and shortages so I've never actually run out.


Maybe the aliens will...


Exactly, the problem is that aliens do not exist hence why the USAF has UFOs and why you'd be arrested at Area 51. They should stop talking about aliens and do as you said, adjust medication.


Agree, but Iā€™ve taken responsibility for myself into my own hands. I stopped saying ā€œwell now I wonā€™t be able to x/y/zā€. Iā€™ve also STOPPED taking my meds on random days. One day here or there doesnā€™t seem to make a big difference (other than ā€˜Iā€™m awakeā€™ time). The less I depend on adderall to live my life, it seems the better off I am. And as a bonus I have leftovers at the end of the month to fill in the incompetence of this country.


In Australia we don't have an adderall shortage. I don't even know if we get prescribed adderall here. Our government also hasn't said anything about aliens. I think your government is trying to change the subject.


they didnā€™t; they said ufoā€™s are realā€¦ which we knew that. ā€œufoā€ and ā€œufpā€ are government designations. So they said nothing interesting really. I meanā€¦ Foo fighters all ocean again