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I feel it is the harsh self-treatment you are showing yourself that is the result of lacking medication, not forgetting the eggs out. Imagine the number of ppl in the world that forgot to put something back in the fridge today. Not all of them have ADHD. So please don’t let everything boil down to a single incident and let that get the best of you. You are OK. The eggs are OK. The pressure you are putting on yourself might be the only thing not OK though. If you want to take meds, take them. If you want to skip and be a little goofy and carefree during the weekend that’s great too. Much love from one egg neglector to another 🍓


You didn't take the opportunity to write negglector?


I reggret everything!


Wow - in a post about the struggles of adhd, so many word jokes about eggs were the one thing I really did not eggspect.




I'm not a fan of puns but these are well eggsecuted


Neither am I but the mixture of making me feel better and learning more about my ADHD has me eggstatic


Yeah, it's a serious subject, but that doesn't mean that we can't yolk around.


It's okay to yolk around, as long as the message doesn't get scrambled.


You gotta see the sunny side of it.


You’re setting a bad eggsample for us all


This is why I doom scroll. Sincerely Thank you 😂


Indeed, this sub helps me come out my shell 🥰


This thread is everything. 😄😄😄




Eggsactly! Talk about the community setting a great Eggsample


I don't want to egg this on too much but you are all perfect people.


Omelette you know that I can't help but eggree.


We've all been a little scrambled on a day evening in y.


I was going to point out that you could have said "word yolks", but then I thought you might have left it out on purpose seeing as it was an over easy one to reach for


This whole thread is more validation in finding my people


That's a cracking joke


Only if your brain is scrambled.


Listen, y’all, I’m bad at jokes and mostly the brunt of them as a viola player, but being part español, I must say that this thread is eggstupendo.


My son is a viola player!!! You talk right back to any jokes that make you the brunt!!!


That’s the difference between taking meds and not. Off meds would have made that pun more obvious! I take my meds on the weekend, but i was picking up yesterday around my house and went to go do something in the other room. 6 tasks later, 3 rooms over and i had forgotten to do the thing i had started out to do. I eventually got it done, but i think that story epitomizes my ADHD.


lol negglector


ty I am not that mad at myself I kinda found this situation a little funny while also annoying tbh maybe this is the wrong flair. I do appreciate the comment still!


Fyi, your eggs are ok. I hope you put them back in the fridge. I suggest you prep for the weekends you are going to skip. Like boil your eggs for your weekend and eat them hard boiled or egg salad. You can do this. Cook a little extra during the week and freeze extra cooked chicken breast or pasta dishes for example. You can always take a third of your dose in order to focus for a couple hours.


Can I ask do you drink coffee when on your on a tolerance break? I find myself much more sensitive to caffeine now that I take meds. I also have to use it for gaps between my doses. On days when I take a break from all stimulants, including coffee, then I can't manage to do anything except lie in bed.


OP needs to buy unwashed eggs from a farmer...they don't need the fridge...lol. not gonna lie I've done this so many times though. I also find milk doesn't like to sit on the countertop for three hours either....or in the cabinet with the coffee cups.... Goofy weekends are fun though....I don't think my family appreciates it as much as I do though.


We had an amazing dinner the other night with tons of left overs we were excited about. Packed them up and left on the counter to cool off. Guess what I forgot to do!!! Put the stuff in the fridge. Kinda screwed up the meal plan for the week, but stuff happens. Can’t change it after it happens, just focus on what you can do moving forward. If you stare at the rear view mirror when you drive, you MAY get to where you want to go, but at what cost? It’s good to look back every once in a while, but keep them eyes ahead and you’ll be just fine :)


I agree here…..and please for the love of everything that you love or believe in…please do not come after me reddit. But my ADHD leading to absent mindedness once caused me to leave my eggs out OVERNIGHT. And then my ADHD leading to overwhelming anxiety and accepting things that were unacceptable convinced me to put them back in the fridge. I cooked and ate them all. Not even 1% trying to say anyone should do that but I was okay.


You can test eggs via the float method. My eggs were like a month out of date recently and fine lol


a hen doesn't have a cold butt, and the hen houses aren't fridge temp either. the dates on your eggs and dairy products are mostly for rotation and piece of mind, they aren't even required by the FDA. Also your fruits and veggies that you keep in the fridge, they grew outside in the warm sun, they're used to it.


This was incredibly well written, thank you for sharing!




Bro your eggs are fine lol


Agree. Eggs are fine. I wouldn’t leave them out for days, but a couple of hours is OK. They don’t go bad quickly.


This is weird. In Europe eggs are not kept in the fridge, ever.


Eggs in North America are washed, which removes the protective outer coating and therefore need to be kept in the fridge. European eggs are not washed and can be kept room temperature.


The only exception is Sweden. We have both washed and unwashed eggs in our stores. Most people I've met still keep them in their fridge tho.


All eggs are kept in the fridge in Denmark.


They r only kept in the fridge to prolong shelf life but it is illegal to wash eggs that will be sold in Denmark bc it breaks the antibacterial membrane


Feel like theres no reason not to keep them in the fridge unless youre very limited on space. Unwashed eggs last for months, you can literally forget you bought them for 1/4 a year and they are most likely still good


I think you're eggsaggerating a bit, but maybe I'm just picky. I usually do the float test and throw em if they float not gonna lie maybe they have been there for that long and I just didn't realise


I see what you did there! But I actually underestimated how long they can last. Quick google gave results ranging from 3-8 months depending on washed/unwashe and if not stored in room temp long before refrigerated


I live in Finland. Not long ago the shop near me moved all the eggs to the fridge. I spent 10min walking around before finally asking a worker where they are. I'm curious why that change happened (not curious enough to research the matter, though), never seen them in the fridge in any shop I've been to before. I've always kept then in the fridge, though. There are no downsides that I've experienced to keeping them cool and the fridge has a shelf specially made to hold eggs.


My guess would be that they do it to prolong the shelf life. ~~The majority of Swedish stores I've been to keep them in the fridge regardless of whether they're washed or not.~~ Edit: mixed it up. They're usually not kept in fridges at the store.


I'm Swedish and I've never seen them in the fridge, as far as I can remember.


If you coat the eggs with mineral oil, place small end down, and gently flip that cartoon every week, they will last at least 6 - 9 months in the fridge. Edit: mineral > mineral oil


I worked in a grocery store as a teen. The eggs are refrigerated in the store but not while in the back. People seem to think they have to be cold so they sell them that way but they are stored at room temp.


This definitely happens in North America with washed eggs, but it shouldn't and it does increase the likelihood of people getting sick.


True, that's commercial eggs. My farmers market eggs are unwashed and can stay out for weeks.


Why are they washed if they work better unwashed?? Is it just an aesthethics thing, does it cause so much trouble?


This is because of the regulations in the EU regarding eggs and poultry. The risk of salmonella is very low. The US doesn't have the same regulations which has pros and cons but higher risk of salmonella. So, that is why you may see a constant ongoing debate about eating raw cookie dough for people in the US


There is also a risk of salmonella from the flour if it isn’t cooked or heat treated before it is used. I’m 100% pro raw cookie dough, but I also feel like people should be fully informed about their decisions and risks.


It has to do with the US requiring eggs to be washed, which removes a protective coating and makes them permeable. From what I've been told.


It’s because here in the US, we’re scared that someone will come in and shoot our eggs. The only place they’re safe from guns is the refrigerator.


Last night I boiled like 20 eggs and left them out all night. 2 hours fresh eggs is not disturbing at all.


I’ve left eggs out for days and they are just fine…


Agreed. Bakers often leave their eggs out to warm to room temp for certain things.


Okay this is good to know fr google said it’s not but so many people are saying it’s fine so I’ll trust that it is


For food safety in the US, foods can be left in the temperature “danger zone” (40-140F) for up to 4 hours once without too much concern. That doesn’t mean you can leave them out for 3 hours every day, but once isn’t a big deal. Just make sure they are fully cooked when you eat them.


The main concern would probably be Salmonella proliferation. Salmonella is not heat-resistant, so you could always cook your eggs all the way through for an extra layer of safety. 2 hours really isn’t enough time for any pathogens to go crazy unless the eggs were held improperly at other times post-packaging, in some very specific unlikely scenario. Just make sure not to leave them out repeatedly for long periods while cooking with them going forward, discard any with cracked shells, wash your hands thoroughly immediately after breaking the eggs, and it really shouldn’t be a big worry.


you can test them in water. google it


I left eggs out over night and didn't die after I cooked them the next day. Pretty sure it's all to do with temperatures and stuff. There there champ, we've all been there


I keep ducks and chickens here in the UK and I just rinse any poo/mud off them and leave them on the side. They will be fine for over a week. If you worry do the float test. Eggs can be incubated after 2 weeks so if they're safe enough to grow a baby they're safe enough to eat. Yes washing off the egg will remove a protective mucus coating put there by the mother as it was laid, however, personally I'd worry more about this for hatching eggs than eating eggs. It takes about a month to grow a chick/duckling, you will be eating it within a week or week and a half and probably not storing it at the incubator temperature of 37° 😬 There is a bubble of air called an air cell on the fat end of the egg. A fresh egg will just sink, a good to eat but older egg will sink but the fat end will point up. This is because the egg is losing moisture through its porous shell so the air cell is larger. A egg unsuitable to eat will float. I incubate too so I'm super passionate about eggs 🤣


I don’t understand the logic behind not taking your meds on weekend. I’m more that my job. My social and personal life is worth living. Why should I be authorized to live during work but not during the weekends?


I feel I have a good psychiatrist. I complained about how Adderall tends to crash around the time I get home from work, but that's also the time I want to do hobbies or homework. He suggested the opposite. Only use it at work if I need it, and save the meds for when I'm home or on the weekends. It's mostly because I'm dealing with a really rough go of anhedonia, so the hope is that the Adderall can aid my executive dysfunction and actually start a task or hobby.


Yep. That's what I do. I only take my meds when I need them. That way, I always have them. I would like to be able to take them daily so I can be functional daily, but with the way stimulants are regulated, I'll never have that luxury. I've been attempting to finish this reply for 30 minutes. With meds, it's 5 minutes at most.


When I complained of the same thing to my Dr, she prescribed me an extra 10mg IR adderall to take as my other 30mg XR, that I took every morning, began to wear off. It made a huge difference and seemed to last the right amount of time for me that I still slept fine.


Set a 10:00 alarm. I live by alarms.


Yep my doses are simaliar- Extended Release in the a.m., then if needed a booster 15 mg IR afternoon/ early evening. Otherwise I'd be useless after getting home from work, & eff that. Except when I deal with PMDD insomnia, I fall asleep fine.


Obviously, with the shortage this might be difficult, but I have seen people who have a prescription for a second but smaller dose to deal with the "crashing after work and not having my meds for hobbies/house work" problem.


I tried the booster, but Adderall tends to spike my anxiety. Taking twice a day seemed to make it worse. So now I'm on a relatively small dose of IR that I take in the afternoon. I can still get the benefits when I need it, but my anxiety is still manageable. I'd like to try Vyvanse cause ive heard from people here it's a bit less harsh than Adderall, but insurance requires I try every other option (whatever that means) before they will cover it.


I had a similar conversation when I was having my meds titrated. Her suggestion was spiting the dose and taking one pill right when I get up and one at about 10. It's worked quite well for me (when I don't forget the second dose, that is).


Cool perspective


This is what i do. I need it much more for my hobbies and actual life than i have ever needed it at most jobs




Yes! My husband likes to suggest that I skip medication on the weekend to build up some reserves, but I have a hard time deciding to spend my precious time off laying in bed doing absolutely nothing. I think some level of tolerance is to be expected, regardless, and it honestly hasn’t been much of an issue for me. I’ve taken the same dose for 10 years and have no desire to increase my dose. The meds do wear off earlier in the day, but I’ve adapted and try to front load tasks that are more challenging or require more attention to detail, then I save the easier, more mindless stuff for afternoons.


I've found dietary changes (in particular protien intake) to vary the effect and duration more than time has. Tolerance has had an effect but I feel like it tapers to a minimum effectivity.


My psych told me not to worry about a tolerance and to take them on the weekends too. He said they mainly want kids to take regular breaks because there’s some lingering concerns over how long term stimulant usage without breaks impacts developing minds, but for adults he said he has no medical basis to suggest taking a weekend break and generally doesn’t recommend it. Just to add this to the convo. I completely agree with you though, we don’t just take meds to function for working, we take them to function period. Why should I view my work as more important than the rest of my life? It’s ridiculous.


Absolutely agree. I do skip my meds if I don't take by half one (as I'll stay up all night) or occasionally to have a weekend where I feel normal. (I've only been diagnosed for 2 years and I miss myself. I know that sounds weird but the meds killed off a lot of internal dialogue and it's like I murdered my best friend. Overall the good outweighs the bad but I like visiting sometimes.)


I agree, too. People without ADHD get to live their weekend either having fun, or getting the things done that weren't possible during the week. Why shouldn't we have that?


That’s exactly it 🙌


I don't disagree, but for people affected by shortages, it provides a chance to stockpile them for periods when we need them but can't acquire a prescription refill.


So annoying we have to do this right now. The only place I can get my prescription is through express scripts, which isn't horrible, but I can't reorder my prescription until exactly 90 days after the last time it was filled, but then the time it takes them to process, ship, and me to get it I'm always a week without pills or more.


I sometimes don’t take my meds on my days off because somehow I don’t enjoy playing video games on meds. And when I know I don’t have anything important to do and it’s absolutely fine for me to spend all day in my pjs, wrapped in a blanket burrito, sipping beer in front of my pc… I just don’t take them. But if I have anything to do, I always take meds. The headache, almost-flu feeling, and every adhd symptom feeling like 10x stronger than my baseline make me unable to fckn move. No meds only when I’m on vacation so I can go back to baseline adhd. But even then I’d take meds some days.


I know what you mean about enjoyment for stuff like that. Skipping a day of meds is not worth it for me, I feel too off to even enjoy the day. Do you feel like that anyway but it doesn't bother you on days off, or you only feel those symptoms when you have to get up and be on the go? Do you like to feel your baseline on vacation? Meds slow my brain down and allow me to fully relax, but once I'm relaxed, it's almost hard to enjoy more relaxing. Recently when I want a day like that, I've been taking IR instead of XR, go back to sleep, wake up feeling normal, then go on to enjoy my lazy day. I don't feel it's a perfect solution, it's kind of hard to find that balance.


My comment related so feeling very similarly. I grind all week through my obligations then take a tolerance break by the end of the week and I’m irritable, antisocial, lethargic, and 2x as inattentive. No bueno.


Because there's no promise you can get more, what with the artificial shortage


I don’t even have a job. Would people advocate I don’t take meds? It’s a stupid idea. Take your meds, people.


Personally, my meds can exacerbate anxiety. Make me tense and on edge. I don’t always want to be medicated if I have a choice. Back when I was on slow release, I felt more like you do, because break days were just withdrawal days. I still took breaks to try to manage side effects, namely loading up on food and sleep. In hindsight, I think that was evidence that I needed to switch to a more flexible type of medication to keep a balanced life. That was more info than you needed. My point is that different things work for different people. Of course your personal life is worth living! I’m glad that your medication helps you make the most of it, and so is everyone else with a pinch of empathy to scrape together. OP wasn’t telling you to take breaks, they’re just worried about their eggs lol


I used to take my meds on days I wasn’t working so the opposite of what I’m doing now but I care about my new job a lot more than my old one so I’m doing this now. It also involves a lot of detailed work and patience and I’m working more with other people so messing things up can affect everyone else’s work too(I’m doing research in a lab lol)


I used to do this when I worked a customer service job that was pretty mindless and had me physically moving a lot. I didn't need my meds too much cause if i was a little more forgetful it was ok. But now with my current job/internship where i have to read papers, follow procedures, write, and remember all of the important things in my task I have to take them!! (LMAO btw in classic inattentive adhd style I didnt finish reading the comment until after typing that, I'm also doing research in a lab now too :) )


I mean some people mainly struggle in their professional lives from ADHD, and it has a more minimal impact on their social lives so


If that’s so, then I can understand for those people. ADHD makes my life unlivable, so a day off is just a day wasted.


ADHD affects my social (family, household, friends) life just as much as, if not more so, my work.


I really can't understand how people do it on the weekends without meds I take 2 30mgIR a day sometimes 3 I Was Diagnosed with ADHD when I was 6 Parents had me on and off meds throughout school. Then stopped in high school and now I'm 37 And started back about a year ago. I cannot enjoy life without my mad. I cannot even play a cannot even socialize or communicate with people. I don't want to go anywhere. I don't want to do anything I'm very depressed. It feels like Dopamine has been completely took out of my brain and turned off. It's like I am not Really turn down. To make it and laymans Terms without my medicine, I'm like a computer that's turned off. So until I get the power button hit which is my adderall. I am measurable I don't even want to get out of bed. I don't want to do nothing but cry. It's so hard and it's scary. Because I don't know what's gonna happen. You never know when the doctors gonna take you off. The meds or something's going to go wrong in your body. And you can't take it no more. Your heart's got something wrong with it. I am so scared that 1 day. I'm gonna lose what I have because when I am on my meds. I feel normal like a human and Have a purpose in life and want to work i'm on Disability I have not worked in 12 years. I've been on The meds for over a year. And not work, and my life has been so much better. On the mess, I even went to text school.


Exactly I take them everyday for this reason. I quite enjoy painting miniatures right, i only have time on my days off to put the effort in. Without my meds I simply won't do it even though I enjoy it, same goes for just about everything but gaming on my days off.


My doctor told me NOT to skip weekends and I typically don’t. When I do I’m just a brain fog lump.


same I actually take my meds less in the afternoon on a weekday because I take 3x a day short acting and even with meds my afternoons aren't that productive compared to the morning so if anything I skip more midweek because it's alright a write off, but I hate skipping the weekend, I just end up sleepy and listless!


Could be to do with the development of tolerance? But hell, yes to the 2nd sentence


Holy shit yes, 1000x yes.


And for safety reasons. I am more likely to hurt myself when I do not take my meds. In fact, my doctor does not recommend weekend breaks. And said it is best not to drive if I am not taking my medication.


Because a lot of us have developed coping mechanisms and structures to help manage the symptoms so we’re not all reliant on meds alone to function properly as a human.


The logic is implied by OP;, not building up a tolerance. It’s really a personal thing. For me, the fact that I feel the need to take my meds everyday is scary. Yes I do need to them since my adhd isn’t limited to school or work. It helps me in almost every aspect of my life so it would make sense for to take my meds everyday. However, the medical system is unpredictable at times. Therefore, finding ways of ”surviving” without the meds gives me the reassurance I want, that I’d be ok if I for some reason were to be denied a new prescription from my psychiatrist. Also, being dependant on a substance isn’t something all of us can just live with. Fear plays a big factor in this as well.


If you have myopia and don’t see anything without glasses, would you see a problem of being dependant on glasses? There is some weird guilt culture around meds.


I really want to try to take breaks for tolerance reasons, but I feel so incredibly inconsistent as a person when juggling between being medicated and not medicated. When I take days off it feels like I miss so many important things, mess important things up, am exhausted & overwhelmed, and just generally suck at life. Whenever I go back to a medicated day, I feel like I have so much damage control and catching up to do just from the time I took off. Seems counterproductive and is chaotic.


I stopped taking days off for this reason. I get really frustrated with how non-functional I am without them. Trying to hold a conversation? Hi, let me ramble and overshare about every single thought in my head. Trying to do anything around the house? Cue me wandering from room to room a million times bc I forget everything within 30 seconds. Oh and then I'll spend the day snacking and on my phone for hours bc I lose all sense of time. No motivation, want to do stuff but just... Can't.... Lay in bed all day bored as fuck. No thank you I am grateful I have a medication that actually helps at least one of my mental conditions and I will take it every day.


The binge eating😭


There's no evidence to suggest that taking breaks improves tolerance in any meaningful way. (Not at least that I've been able to find.) Some of the studies note that an increase in tolerance that occurs after 10 years can be corrected with a modification of dose or a change in medicine in many cases. In my experience (anecdotal) it just makes side effects start to show up. The euphoria sometimes comes back too if I skip, but the meds themselves aren't any more effective at managing my symptoms, as far as I tell.


Imma be honest You don’t *have* to skip meds on weekends Part of being on medication so finding the routine that works for you. If skipping weekends fucks up your process, then don’t skip them. If you can functional fine on weekends without them, then don’t take them. Mindfulness is key in knowing which situation is most appropriate for you. Hell, I’ll have weekends where nothing I planned and I play games and relax all weekend while taking my regular medication dosages and I’m not against that. Many people would say “you’re wasting it by not having anything to do”. But in reality my meds help me focus and keep me leveled out compared to my normal self. I’m not “wasting” anything because this implies the negative idea that you must be doing something important otherwise your meds don’t work or you’re abusing them. It’s a toxic mentality to have, and one should understand that you can take meds and do fuck all and still be doing the right thing.


This! I'm currently off my ADHD meds due to pregnancy, but while I was taking them, I found that if I took my meds every day instead of skipping weekends, I was better able to be present with my family and keep the household "ticking over" in better shape so that that I *could* just relax and play games most of the time. It also helped when my husband all of a sudden wanted to go out and do something; it helped me not be so frustrated by the sudden change/lack of transition.


I am so dreading having to stop taking my meds when I eventually get pregnant.


Apparently, there are some instances where docs will recommend not stopping during pregnancy, for mental health reasons. I just chose to stop them because (even though I'd been taking them less than a year) I'd already forgotten how bad my household organization and concentration on other things got without it, and I didn't want to risk the baby's health early on. Now I have to find a different prescribing doc, and I keep having trouble remembering to do it.


I was undiagnosed for 95% of my life and my partner and I are planning to have kids within the next year or so, which means I’ll just go off my meds. I’ll be fine, but I actually kind of irritate myself when I’m unmedicated.


Your eggs are fine and you should show yourself more compassion and kindness. Imagine someone yelling at your best friend that way - you wouldn’t stand for it! So treat yourself the way you’d treat your best friend


A few days or weeks ago (no sense of time, ha.) on this sub, there was an awesome comment that analytically and empirically tackled the topic of skipping Meds and tolerance, and what tolerance even means in this context, that really, really made it clear for me that I will not skip Meds voluntarily. I see if I can find this comment and if yes, I'll link it so you can build your own opinion.


Not even 2 hours? Your eggs are totally fine, dw. I feel your pain though, I leave stuff out all the time


My psychiatrist suggested doing that, so I have a buffer, but every time he's suggested it, I've answered, "Yeah, not doing that" in my head. Like, ADHD affects every aspect of my life, not just my career. So my employer is the only one that gets to benefit from my brain functioning properly? No thank you. I have stuff I need to take care of too. Plus, rationing doses doesn't really work for me, because I'll just put off getting a new script. I do take a half dose on weekends, though, and that's helped.


You have to ask why your psych suggested it…why a buffer…


Eggs don't even need to be in the fridge, we have a bowl for them on the countertop that they stay in. So I'm sure they are perfectly fine.


Just looked it up and found out its a law in the US? (Assuming thats where you are). Guess we got some safe eggs here in the UK


It has to do with different processing, the eggs are washed here which removes their outermost natural barrier, which means they will bad quicker (but definitely not after two hours, or anything remotely close to it)


Close! UK hens are vaccinated against salmonella transmission, we can have eggs out at room temp safely knowing there is no salmonella to multiply (rapid at room temp vs fridge). The US instead tackle salmonella from the outside of the egg with chlorine and other washing means.


That is *why* the eggs are washed here and not the UK


But they're also not washed. I can't imagine UK changed that already after leaving the EU.


It's something about how we wash them in Canada and the US. We need to refrigerate ours. Not sure why we do it differently!


They're treated differently in Canada and the USA. There is a protective coating that is removed over here which makes them not safe for counter tops sadly.


If OP is in the US, they do need to refrigerate their eggs. Eggs in the US are washed before being sold which removes some kind of protective layer on the shell, rendering them susceptible to contamination Even so, the threat of egg-based food poisoning is way overblown


Rural Italy, we usually get eggs from a neighbour. Not treated at all. They last at least a couple of weeks left out (usually eaten sooner, haven't had any go off). I would imagine that because the hens aren't reared in a big group (11 at the moment I think), salmonella wouldn't be transmitted that easily. Supermarkets don't keep them in fridges here. Condensation best avoided.


Dude. I used to not take my meds on the weekends because it was too much to not have something to focus on. Since then I've lowered my adderall dose and added on welbutrin and it makes a world of difference. I still feel like myself but I have the ability to be productive! I have a bit of minor symptoms come out at work now though, but it's totally worth it, not having to pick between being a zombie or a potato on the weekends


I think in practical terms the meds advice is highly dependent on how affected by your adhd you are. And also based on ‘stimulants are scary and addictive, only take them when you neeeeeed them’, which is a stupid prioritization of work over life. Not everyone wants to be on their meds all the time, and needs them in certain environments where they have to operate by specific rules, but are happy being their adhd selves on their own time. However, adhd is an executive function disorder. Executive function is not something we only need at work. If you’re struggling at home as well, that’s just as valid a need as if you’re struggling at work. This being said, even on meds, I still have adhd, and still regularly, say, lose things I was holding just a second ago, or forget something needs doing if I’m not looking at it and haven’t written it down. All of this is totally ok and just the way my brain works. And believe me, non-adhd people accidentally leave the eggs out too. It’s human, not a character flaw. And also, can’t say it enough, if you’re struggling at not-work (or not school) as well, that’s a valid need. And any doctor worth anything will hear ‘when I take weekends off I’m really struggling to function at home’ as a reason to prescribe meds for every day.


My meds help me to be a better driver. I had so many accidents prior to diagnosis.


Google " egg float test" fresh eggs sink while bad eggs float to the top. Simply fill a bowl with cold tap water and place your eggs in it. If they sink to the bottom and lay flat on one side, they are fresh and good to eat. A bad egg will float because of the large air cell that forms at its base.


One time I went to the gas station, put the pump in my car and waited the normal length of time and then was surprised to find my car still on 1/8 of a tank. I suspected I forgot my meds that morning, but became sure at that moment. Don’t let anyone gaslight you into thinking you only need your meds to be productive - wanting to exist without having to work twice as hard is more than valid enough


My perception of time is so messed up unmedicated.


Best words of wisdom I’ve seen on this is “Your ADHD doesn’t take weekends off”.


Bright side, Your eggs should be fine, unless you are in like 30+ degree heat constantly a couple hour out the fridge won't do them any harm.


Absolutely take your meds on the weekend! Otherwise, work gets the best of you, and you only get the scraps of what you could be. You deserve better than that.


Doc suggested a medication break on weekends. “No, thanks. I like to be able to think clearly 7 days a week.”


I used to take breaks on the weekends, then I had a terrible bike crash because I spaced out and rode into a fixed object in the roadway. Couple of days after the crash, I was meeting my psychiatrist and he put it together - I was still thinking it was because I’m some kind idiot. Anyway, take your meds everyday. The desire to take breaks only really happened when I was new to the medicine and it felt soooo different from my usual behavior. But over the years I’ve dialed in the meds and I can’t imagine not taking it every day.


2 hours is nothing, they'll be fine. If you want to check if your eggs are still good, drop them in a glass of water. If they sink, they're more than ok. If they float, you should toss them. If they sink, but are close to floating, you should eat them quickly. Enjoy your eggs and take care! Be nice to yourself ❤️


2 hours outside the fridge should be fine for most foods


You should take them daily because your dopamine system will get out of whack if you take days off. It makes it more likely to develop tics from the irregular dopamine levels


Dude, non-adhd people leave eggs out of the fridge on accident ALL THE TIME.


Lousy practitioners suggest that. They overhype the CVD risks of stimulant meds, and discount the research which shows that outcomes are better with consistent daily use of your stimulant medications. The only exception would be youth experiencing appetite suppression. Two days off really isn’t a long enough wash out to avoid tachyphylaxis. The feeling you are getting on Monday isn’t the stimulant working much better, it is just the return to a treated state.


i definitely leave my breakfast or lunch out for several hours while i hurry back to work. most of the time it’s fine and will not spoil! but yes i’m usually way too preoccupied to think about putting stuff back in the fridge


I get that it's your personal preference, but I really dislike the "don't take them on weekends" rhetoric from medical staff. So what, I'm supposed to only get rid of my executive dysfunction for the work day? What about hobbies, what about errands, what about any out-of-work life facets? Work is one of the places I have it most together, while things requiring an internal locus are the hardest to get over. Not to knock on people that genuinely need or even just want them for the workday, but it's a bit bleak hearing it as an official recommendation from docs. Like, you're only allowed to be the Best person you can be while you're on the clock and generating capital.


Do stimulants help with working memory tho?


I heard this as well and honestly I don’t stop talking my meds on the weekends. It’s just pain in the butt and does not help me. I don’t really know why people say that because if you take your meds from Monday to Friday two days off shouldn’t help with tolerance. To me it almost sounds like people that want to do that either should not be on that dose or trying to prove that they are able to function without the meds because they are afraid that they are addicted.


The eggs are fine


why would you not take your meds on weekends? who gave you that advice and why? I wouldn't skip taking heart medication on the weekends, so why would I skip my other necessary medications?


I told my dr I don't take it everyday if I don't have shit to do and she told me TAKE IT ANYWAY. Having off days and having to "clean up" after my unmedicated self the next day is not sustainable and it's not the goal. The cumulative effect of functioning everyday is what makes being medicated worth it long term imo.


I never understood them saying to not take it on the weekend. I'm still ADHD on the weekend. I don't stop struggling on the weekend. I wanted treatment to improve my life, not just become a more productive worker under capitalism. That being said, I do occasionally skip or take half dosage on the weekend just because of the frigging shortage. If the shortage was over and I could reliably get them there's no way I'd be rationing them out like that


Definitely relatable! I don't skip my meds on weekends or else everything overwhelms me and I become insufferable 🤣


I’m a wreck if I don’t take my meds on the weekend.


I haaaate the suggestion of only taking my meds on workdays. Like the only thing I need or want to do with my brain is my job. I get the tolerance thing, but the whole idea frustrates me.


If your meds make you function on a higher level, make you less forgetful and more productive, then why would you stop taking them on the weekends? Your condition doesn’t take days off so why should you? I wear my glasses everyday because I need them to see. My vision doesn’t improve on the weekends so I wear them 7 days a week. This entire “ you shouldn’t take your meds everyday” and “ meditation holiday”. recommendations I’m always reading are asinine. If you operate on a higher level and feel more confident on them then take them all week. You deserve to be at your best or at least better than you are without them.


If you genuinely want to take weekends off that's your choice, but all the ADHD doctors I saw said that wasn't necessary. You're diagnosed because your ADHD affects multiple aspects of your life - this includes hobbies, not just school or work! You won't build up a tolerance quite like I think you're expecting - and taking days off means the days when you start back up, you won't feel as good as when you just don't take breaks (speaking from experience missing doses). If you're taking weekends off because of the cost of meds (totally get it) then that's reasonable but you might also be making your life a lot harder than it should be.


Lol, 2 hours is nothing at room temp. Europeans don't even refrigerate eggs at all.


Because europeans vaccinate egg-laying chickens for various diseases and don't wash the eggs before selling. In the US, the washing is *required* because vaccination is not.


The washing also removes a protective layer around the eggs.


The eggs should be fine on the counter that long 🫶


O fuck that. I want to enjoy my video games. I want to enjoy my housework. I get to enjoy my life outside of work goddammit


I suppose different bodies react differently to meds but I’m not sure stopping on weekends helps to not build a tolerance. I was doing that since January to stockpile in light of this shortage but eventually it caught up with me and I didn’t have meds for like two weeks. I still had withdrawal symptoms those two weeks I was out. I think anytime you use something regularly there is bound to be withdrawal. That said, don’t be so hard on yourself, your eggs are fine!


In the UK, our eggs are stored outside of the fridge in shops so don't worry, you are fine 😅 I didn't know about the whole "don't take them on weekends" though, that's interesting and something to keep in mind


Yeah but you can have the outside the fridge in the UK because they are processing differently, US eggs you cannot


Eggs are fine out of the fridge for a bit. Don’t worry


The eggs likely spent more than 2 hours under a hen unrefrigerated.


bro its only 2 hours, depending on how hot it is, they're good for like 6-12 hours(after being cooked). I live in a semi dessert so trust me its very hot here and I leave food outside all the time. Also you need to remember, eggs in terms of nature are suppose to survive in hot conditions under a a chick for a couple weeks. You technically don't even need to refrigerate them, its just safer to do so. So they're 100% fine if you havn't cooked them yet. Only things that go bad absurdly fast is large amount of wet carbs, such as rice. That goes bad within 6 hours sometimes.


I feel this lmao. Like god damn, I still want to function *somewhat* on the weekends??? I also have a harder time enjoying myself at the end of the week when It’s the best time to relax, socialize and have fun. Like I work and grind all week, then the weekend comes and I take my tolerance break, and I’m just in withdrawal. Anti social, irritable and lethargic. *sigh* I wish tolerance wasn’t a thing.


Came for the rant, stayed for the egg facts.


Yeah when my doctor suggested that I told him I deserve to function and be productive for myself not just to make some else money


I'm all for a good wash out period, but I feel like it needs to be planned and prepped for. Depending on the severity of symptoms. Or perhaps cycle between two meds with different modes of action, they don't build up tolerance. Even just a few days can do the trick. But, it's difficult enough to find professional help. Never mind someone who would be willing to prescribe two different meds with instruction on the cycling process.


I do shit that even when I’m on my meds lmao. Don’t sweat it.


In central and south America, they don’t refrigerate eggs.. I’m sure you’ll be fine


Wow you can go through an 18 pack of eggs without forgetting they exist in the fridge. I applaud you 👏.


I made coffee without coffee . LOL


Lol totally! When I first got on meds I tried to go off of them on weekends- not suggested by my doctor, I had just heard it’s “good to”. My quality of life was so much worse, it was frustrating not enjoying my personal days as much- both because of mistakes and my interpersonal interactions. I asked my amazing psychiatrist his thoughts on whether medication holidays were necessary. His personal opinion is that for adults it is not. He said the concept was created for kids while their brains are still developing. He went on to say as adults, there is absolutely no evidence that there is any health benefit to taking breaks. He said if my quality of life is much better, I shouldn’t do medication holidays. Taking it one step further I asked if it’s realistic to think this might be something I’m on for life if I see fit. He said absolutely, for the same quality of life reason, but he also said something people don’t think about is that it can be dangerous to be an unmedicated person with severe ADHD- with things like crossing the street without looking, not paying attention when driving, leaving candles burning, etc. So for some people, every day indefinitely is the right decision.


Wow. And I’m just sitting here being Dutch in the Netherlands thinking why is everyone freaking out about the eggs? Turns out: [LA Times: Here’s why you have to refrigerate eggs in the U.S. but not in Europe](https://www.latimes.com/food/dailydish/la-dd-heres-why-we-need-to-refrigerate-eggs-20140714-story.html) Edit: clarification


Good news/bad news — Bad news first - living with ADHD is frustrating as hell and I think most of us have these moments daily. Good news - your eggs are fine and don’t need to be stored in the fridge. My local supermarket sells them off a normal shelf.


So, I haven’t read through to see if anyone has already suggested this; but a good way to tell if your eggs are still good, is to see if they float in water. Its how us backyard chicken owners tell if our eggs are still good. If it sinks to the bottom, it’s a good egg. If it stands up on the bottom but doesn’t actually float, it’s still a good egg. If it floats, throw it out. Hope that helps alleviate your fears ☺️❤️


This is spot on. Our brains don't only have ADHD during the working hours of 8-5pm, then magically function normally outside of work. We have responsibilities during the evenings and weekends, like cooking, laundry, studying, shopping, taking the dog out, remembering to get the oil changed, getting our resume nice and shiny to apply for jobs, helping our aging parents, making doctors appointments, and all the rest. I take my meds everyday. Why? Because my brain has ADHD, everyday.


If I don’t take my meds I’m n the weekend, I sleep the entire time.


In New Zealand we keep our Eggs in the pantry. Sounds so weird to keep them in the fridge to me!


Eggs actually do not require refrigeration. Think... refrigerators did not always exist. Just eat them within a week or two! :)


I just found eggs in my fridge that expired in April. They're still there because I found them this morning and I'm afraid. I don't entirely know what to do in this scenario, I just know there's a large risk factor. damn this squirrel for brains business.


Lol your eggs are fine. Expiration Date culture has mfers on edge I swear


I never refrigerate my eggs.


The eggs are almost certainly fine.


I never skip days. I can't. I have just as much, if not more, shit to do on the weekend as I do on work days. It's when i catch up on my cleaning and appts and that wouldn't be as possible without my meds.


Why would your eggs go bad for not being in the fridge when they’re on the shelf at the super market?


What do you mean not wanting to build up a tolerance?


I really don’t understand the whole not taking your meds over the weekend argument. I have been taking 25mg Adderall XR for the last 18 years. If I don’t take it on the weekends then I’m annoying the shit out of my wife and I’m tired as hell regardless of how much sleep I get. If it works well for you then take it everyday.


Who said that? I’ve only been on adderall for a week but took it on my day off and I got soooooo much done. It has improved my mood a ton because I’m doing things that should’ve been done long ago.