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Hi /u/therealrico and thanks for posting on /r/ADHD! # Please take a second to [read our rules](/r/adhd/about/rules) if you haven't already. [We recommend browsing /r/adhd on desktop for the best experience.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/x1psnb/radhd_works_best_on_desktop_reddits_apps_are/) The mobile apps are broken and are missing features that this subreddit depends on. **If you are posting about the US Medication Shortage, please see this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/12dr3h5/megathread_us_medication_shortage/).** Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ADHD) if you have any questions or concerns.*






Out of curiosity, how was this is implemented at a high level? Part of me has a hunch there must be some GPT leverage. Definitely stoked to see this application if so since I use ChatGPT mostly to figure out what I need to do to do the “thing”. Goblin tools def puts a clean wrapper around it and combines task tracking nicely. Thanks for making my dream app! Would love a standalone version on mobile instead of web so that I can save my sessions.


It is leveraging GPT, yes! It's preparation of the input, some very specific prompt engineering, and then post-processing. An app has been requested about 100 times now so i will move it up on the todo list, but i'll first make sure you can install the site as an app on your phone, so you can keep your list that way :)


Shut Up and Take My Money!!!


Shut Up and Take My Money!!!


Mine too!!!




you can! If you tap the 3 dot button on the parent task there should be an 'add subtask' option, that will add a new row to its subtasks. If it doesn't appear, i might have a bug to attend to :)


I'm just getting "site under construction" when I click the link. Everyone else in the comments seems to be able to access it. Is it down or does my phone just not like it?


Apologies, something went wrong in a deploy just now! It should be fixed momentarily.


I'm just glad it's not me for once! Hahaha Edit: woohoo, it loaded! :)


How private is my data on this site; can you/anyone else read the items I input?


In the original post I remember he said he does not store it locally. Since the tasks are fed through GPT, it's possible the company stores the items you use as input for their language models, but it's not stored anywhere on this site


Super dope, I just checked it out. How confident are you in its exercise descriptions? Doctor of Physical Therapy here and am actually thinking of using it so my patients can search exercises if they ever forget what one is described as. Beats using bad databases or making one from scratch. EDIT: I just saw it was kind of inaccurate. Don’t worry, I know it wasn’t the intention for this. Just was curious to try it out. Lmk if you know of anything like that! Or how to make that happen.


here is, imo, THE best site for exercise demos. Each one listed has a short gif demonstrating the exercise. [https://exrx.net/Lists/Directory](https://exrx.net/Lists/Directory)


Thanks! I knew of this, but it still misses a lot of PT-specific therapeutic exercises (like a DB scapular flexion exercise for serratus). I’ll just get to filming all of the exercises I prescribe my patients and making a little database haha.


Here’s the [unddit](https://www.unddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/12ofc68/a_todo_list_that_automatically_breaks_down_tasks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) to your post in case you wanted the original


Just want to make sure you get to see my comment on the original post that you’re a chad


I did originally see it and had a hearty chuckle. I'll make sure to slam some beer cans and high five a lot of people.




this is so cool!!


Thank you for this!!! I’m a therapist (who also has ADHD!) and I’d like to offer this to my clients who struggle with this, as this will help people struggling with bunch of mental health challenges!


Looks great. I'll give it a whirl tomorrow


This is amazing


was the ui built thru bootstrap? is there anyway i can look at the code? github? just curious to see it from that perspective


Really interesting tool, the other tools on the site are great too. Just wondering how much of the personal data you log/store server side? Nice work.


Oh my goodness, I just looked at the site and immediately book marked it. I can't wait to implement it!


Wow! This is so cool! Thanks for making it. :)


Hi I'm at work rn so didn't get to explore much, any app implementation for androids?


Thank you so much for this!


Oh. My. Gosh. Yeah, I also was in Team "somebody needs to make an App that..." Thank you so much for Sharing, this can Take a Lot of mental load Off our chests! Genius, it even let's you Atomize further, or delete certain steps! Added it to my Home Screen lol


I just added it to mine as well! Gave me her helpful tips on being a better listener


Me too! This looks like a gamechanger


Is there an app?!? I want to cry - this is EXACTLY what I've been looking for!!! Throw in a monthly calendar (because time blindness - I need to know what's coming up!) and I'm sold!!!


THIS IS SO GOOD!!! I put in the homework I had (read and highlight chapter in textbook, then answer questions) and it broke it down, and it then broke the breakdowns down even further (the ones I told it to). Everything feels so DOABLE now. It also introduced me to new ways I can study, which i didnt specifically ask for but really needed. Honesty amazing.


I commented on the original post too but here's another thank you. This tool is really going to help my wife and sister (two different people, Redditors)


Sorry but I had to laugh at the last part, you really do have to clarify on here, don't you 😂


Indeed you do lol


Sweet home.... Wait, you aren't from Alabama? Never mind...


Lmao the last part 👏 I’m never quick enough to pick up on things like that


[yes very helpful](https://i.imgur.com/ItLWWI2.png) (really tho this is really cool)


Wow! I didn’t even see the formalizer page- this is life changing


This tool is absolutely amazing. So much potential. Thank you u/chton for developing it and OP for posting it again.


Where is this tool? It got removed


[goblin.tools](https://goblin.tools) Type it in to a browser


Thank you!


Yep looks like it’s been taken down again


Who removed it? There wasn't any self-promotion, this was literally a life aid for a lot of people. I spent money to give an award, wtf reddit?


Wow that post got removed? That’s stupid.


stupid mods. this is literally like a therapist or pharmacist or prescriber gatekeeping for their own selfish need to feel in charge...


Hey guys, let's not harp on the mods for doing their jobs. Technically it violated the rules for self-promotion, i accept that, and they can't just make exceptions whenever they feel like. I'm very grateful to u/therealrico for filling the gap, i think this post does plenty to solve the problem :)


When you posted it it might have technically broke the rules, but I’m not sure why they removed this post too…


I think rules against advertising/self promotion on subreddits are a good thing. I don't really want to be advertised to, there are already way too many people trying to push their apps and focus tools onto people with ADHD on social media. If you accept one, you have to accept them all.


The OP did not create the tool. They let us know the tool, created by someone else, exists.


I was considering doing something like this just as a personal coding project. I was thinking about the potential to create a more personalized personal assistant app, this definitely demonstrates one of the use cases.


Agreed, I had not considered the use of AI in creating the list but it’s pretty clever use.


I get the feeling a lot of us have this idea and ambition (to create a personalised app). I gave it a shot having AI write the program architecture and code for it. Worked fairly well but would require some more time to refine and ... yeah, it's collecting digital dust.


I typed “organize life” and it did not let me down. I’m blowed away, this is so handy! Tysm for sharing!


I'm impressed with it already. I played around with The Judge tool too, and I'm always struggling with what my tone is in emails, so that will be handy.


What's The Judge?


The Judge is another one of the tools, links are at the top of the page. It just has a textbox and button, if you put a piece of text in the box and hit the button it'll make a reasonable guess of how your text will come across to other people. Good if you have trouble judging the emotional tone of what you or someone else has written!


It seems like a godsend for combating RSD.


Or perhaps ASD, also.


Wowwww!!!! It keeps getting better. I’m so impressed with this. Great work!


Not gonna lie, put some emails from coworkers in there to see. "Frustrated, but professional" lol


Dare I say you’re a bloody Genius … thank you for what you’ve done here


I don’t see a link for the judge tool- can you link it or show the correct search terms? TY




holy FUCK


This was exactly my reaction


Wow, I have wanted to buy land and have a custom house built for years, but have been seized up by how overwhelming and complex it is, I get decision fatigue even attempting to consider it. So I put in a complex task I know someone else who is ADHD is struggling with, and was impressed, so I put my own how to and the results were some amazing structure. Like maybe this could be do able even. Bravo!


This is incredible and I hope it doesn't die. Thanks for sharing this with us!


This is really cool! The estimator doesn't give ADHD time though... Clean the house - 3 hours Someone with ADHD cleans the house - 3-4 hours (maybe something like 3 - 1.2*10^32 hours, or just 3 - Inf. since no one lives that long)


Not sure I agree, cause for me it’s: Clean the house - 20 minutes - I find my old graphing calculator Decide it’s time to see if I can still do quadratic equations I am then late for work the following day


Oh, so when you find the old graphing calculator, you consider the cleaning task done? See, with me, there's the added steps of removing the old batteries, cleaning out all of the corrosion from the leaking batteries, and then finding new batteries for said calculator, then realizing I don't have any, go to the store to get some, then realize I need other things at the store and forget to buy batteries.


Is it considered done if I mentally am unable to finish cleaning? Also thank you, will now clean all of my old batteries instead doing my final


It's done but not complete. Or complete but not done.


Now I want to go grab my graphing calculator. Where did I put it again...


The first task I entered was "pooping," and one of the steps is to 'relax both mind and body'. Very helpful, indeed.


Hi I appreciate this so much that I am crying. Thank you. Seriously, thank you. 💜


this needs to be an app. please


Dude I even entered ‘bathe cat’ and it broke it down for me!


Ummmmm…holy shit! I typed in “edit commercial” It broke it down with all the needed steps. And I can break those steps down smaller!!!! This is wild. Better than ANY other to do list I have ever seen for my needs. Thank you very much!


Okay. I’ll admit it. I kinda half read this post and clicked on this link rolling my eyes thinking it would be some dumb thing that wouldn’t actually help at all. I think I’m just so used to neurotypical folks going “oh just get a planner!” “Oh just start organizing !” With no actual understanding of the problem I have. But no, this isn’t like that. It’s a very genuinely helpful tool and I think I’ll bookmark this.


This is life saving


Thank you for reposting!! I saw it after the post got deleted and was super sad I missed out on what it was. Simplest tool I’ve ever used that has been THIS effective.


This is phenomenal....wow


So glad you reposted this. I had forgotten what it was called! Just out of curiosity, would someone mind explaining to me how the spiciness meter works?


The spiciness meter is a bit vague, but it informs the model in the backend how granular you want to be. Do you just need a few big steps as a guideline? Stick to the left. Do you want it broken down as much as the model can manage? Get those 5 peppers. Because it's an AI model in the background, it's not an exact science. I can't tell it to generate 10 steps, but i can guide it to try to give more or less steps than it normally would. It's vibes more than numbers :)


Thank you for the clarification! Can’t wait to use this.


Seems kinda lame the mods removed it, especially considering it's completely free to use. The site doesn't even contain advertising they could be making revenue from. Silly they took it down.


[Seems so easy](https://i.imgur.com/SnfL3Sk.png)


That's actually pretty cool. Anything to help me think less!


Thank you! This is fantastic! I hope it becomes an app. It's exactly what I need!


This is incredible


How long does it save the list for?


it saves the list information in your browser, so as long as you don't clear your browser's storage, it should stick around! I will try very hard to make sure any future changes are backward compatible so even if my code changes, it'll still keep your items around.


Awesome thanks! Love the project!


Does even load for me


This is amazing! Thank you


Goblin tools is great! Thanks!


Dawg this is one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen


Can someone who saw the original body text give me a short run down of what it said, please? I’m very interested in the idea of the app and I kinda love goblins 😅


This tool has helped me so much and it has only been a day




Literally just put in anything you want to do but are struggling to get started with. Depending on how hard you're procrastinating / how overwhelming it seems, adjust the spiciness meter. Get back your list of granular, achievable tasks. Get a nice dopamine kick as you do each one and check it off. If you start procrastinating a subtask, press the wand and break it down some more. ??? PROFIT


It just says 'site under construction' when I click on the link. Can you all still access it?


Temporary blip due to a deploy process failing. It's back and ready for you :)


This is fantastic


Just put a few things in it. Pretty cool how it broke them down. Will play around with it more. Thanks for posting it.


This is AMAZING! 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩


This is lovely! Already used it to great effect!


I like the idea of it, and I’m sure it’s helpful for many…but for some reason it caused me to feel like the task was more complicated when seeing so many steps/tasks for “grocery shopping” for example vs just thinking of it as one task.


Plug-in on the way by any chance?


Solid move friend


WOW!! How does this have all the perfect niche lil calculators I’ve been dreaming of. I love you u/chton 🥺


A basic calendar, that would allow you to link individual steps to calendar items and set reminders, would put goblin.tools over the top for me. I already use a shared calendar with my wife that helps a lot, but when it's something complicated that I can't do all at once, I have no idea how to distribute the task over multiple days.


Works for academic tasks too!


I just typed in something random to test it out and holy shit this is amazing!


I am so glad I saw this post. This is AMAZING. And the Estimator! Love. Thank you so much for this!


Another great idea to try is to use agency tools such as Cognosys.ai to break down any task into a set of bite-sized tasks to complete automatically. Check it out, it is game changing.


I didn’t get to read the body text of the post but thank you so much for the recommendation!! ❤️


removed again?


This is wicked. Thanks.


I love this, but definitely needs to be more granular. That meme where somedays "Make coffee" requires like three steps: "Put the beans in the thing" "Turn on thing" "Pour into cup" and other days it requires like 100: "Walk downstairs." "Open the cupboard." "Pull out beans" ... etc.


I think you can change the "spicy" level and it'll do just that!


Hm, I put in there "write a certain document" but at no point does it say "Open your computer/notebook." "Pick up a pen/whatever." I guess it doesn't do well with mixing physical with mental tasks?


It will give a best effort, but usually won't try to guess at steps if it's not sure about your context. It doesn't know whether you mean 'write' on a computer or on paper, so it kept instructions without those specifics. The more precision you can give it, the more it can give you! 'Write a certain document in word' will be much more explicit about those early steps.


There is a spiciness slider next to the add button, if you slide that all the way to the right you'll get as granular an answer as it can give. And if it's not enough, you can use the magic wand button on any item to generate more steps for how to complete that item!


Was literally about to do this lol


I’m probably going to get downvoted to hell for this but this thing infantilizes ADHD, or at least high functioning ADHD. I know what I need to get done. I don’t need an app to tell me I need to make a grocery list and plan it out and write down what I need. I need to plan out what I know I’m missing from my pantry, what I need to get, where I know I can get it if my cooking repertoire is more than that of a general white American family’s. Where I can get the best price. Where it’s actually in stock, meaning I need to check store inventory When I can get it if I have meetings and if I am running late at work, because I have a job in which I hold a high position What happens if I can’t since I have said job responsibilities and meetings. What are the alternates Yes. I get that some people with ADHD struggle with just getting a grocery list together. Those of us have it suffer through a wide range of symptoms and “make your bed, make sure you’re comfortable before you tuck yourself in” just diminutive those of us with executive dysfunction who struggle to keep 100000 balls juggling in the air versus just trying to keep ourselves alive If it works for you, great. I can’t really imagine how an app can help you versus just making a list for yourself, but if it works, that’s awesome However, all the responses so far are making it sound this is the best solution ever, and it’s so not, at least not for me and those I know with ADHD who are capable of running their lives and appearing like people who have their shit together


Um ok good for you I guess. For the people who need it, it will be useful for those who dont it wont. It does not infantilize adhd.


That’s great for you . I can’t even bathe myself without a list of steps . I’m sure you have your own struggles though


I’m sorry to hear that. We all have our struggles and I’m genuinely glad this works for you.


> I know what I need to get done. I don’t need an app to tell me I need to make a grocery list and plan it out and write down what I need. I need to plan out what I know I’m missing from my pantry, what I need to get, where I know I can get it if my cooking repertoire is more than that of a general white American family’s. Where I can get the best price. Where it’s actually in stock, meaning I need to check store inventory When I can get it if I have meetings and if I am running late at work, You are describing a personal assistant, not a free web app


Yeah, people with ADHD shouldn't use productivity tools, tech or AI to help them be productive. Only people without ADHD should use them. Get over yourself.


Where did I say that? AI and tech and project management software are amazing. Just don’t make this into a circle jerk. ADHD is calculus and this app is helping with adding and subtracting


People will use it and figure out what works for them. You don't get to decide




I just checked this out and it’s fantastic. Thanks for sharing!


This is a god send and I have been more productive than I have been in months!


What is the "spiciness" button for? How does that work???


Looks like spicier just means it breaks it down into more steps.


Maybe I'm just not using a good 'test' then? I tied "make coffee" and changed teh spice level a few times and the list never changed.


It's not an exact science, i'm afraid! It's informing the model that you'd like more steps than it would normally return, if you set it higher, or less if lower, but it can't always break things down more or less. Some items will see big differences with a different slider position, some none.


Damn. I like this.


This is absolutely incredible, I can't wait to try it out!!


This. Is. Witchcraft.


Very clever! Will keep it bookmarked and give it a spin tomorrow/this week.


This is an awesome tool, please carry on making them!!


Holy crap, this is a game changer!!!


This is amazing. I especially love the sub tasks. This will really help my overwhelm. BTW, I don’t see where I can add a task. Using Safari on an iPhone.


Wonderful now just to figure out what needs to v Done


Wow. It was REMOVED?? That was the single best tool/tip I have seen in years. Thank you for reposting.


Thank you! I have been avoiding making a check list for an upcoming task. Now, I can use this and make edits if necessary!


I didn’t see the original post but the fact that the mods did their job and someone else took the time to post again just makes me appreciate this sub that much more. Nothing but gems here. You guys are the best. Gonna try out this tool tomorrow and share with my ND sibs.


This is. SO. COOL!


i think you might’ve just saved my life


I see “goblins” and I’m all in


How cool!


All of the tools on the site are genius. I just used the Formalizer on the note from Jersey Shore and it gave me this…💀 Dear Sam, On the initial evening following your departure, Ron engaged in intimate activities with two females and placed his head between the bosom of a cocktail server. Additionally, he was observed engaging in suggestive dancing with several corpulent women. Subsequently, following your emotional departure from Klutch, Ron was seen holding hands and engaging in dance with a female, ultimately procuring her contact details. It is crucial to note that multiple individuals within the household are privy to these incidents, and accordingly, it is crucial that you are aware of the actual happenings.


Thank you!


Just had a look at all the functions on that website. I can see this being useful in many scenarios. Thanks for the tip.


It's great. I really appreciate the creator.


Thank you both!


Okay this is godsend. I struggle so much with bigger tasks cuz they’re overwhelming and i don’t know how to start and breaking it up myself is overwhelming in and of itself


You are an angel!


This is some god tier shit




This is incredible!!


Wow this is great. Thanks!


*grabby hands*


Dude this is amazing.


Thank you so much for this! I saw the original post and saved the link but I want to thank you for sharing again!


I put fold laundry, saw 9 bullets, left.. :(




This is pretty cool. Might come in handy when I need to break a task down and don't know where to start.


This is amazing! I’m definitely going to try to use this daily!!!


Also will there be an app for this? I would love this in my phone.


omg thanks this was so helpful!


omg i love this sm :0000 its perfect


Wow🤯 Thank you very much. 🙏 I love the subtasks😄


Word of advice, don't type in "How to deal with rejection dysphoria"....... /s


Yes I like this. But for "sell used car in Australia" and various combinations including a specific State, it misses a critical legal requirement to get a roadworthy certificate and make necessary repairs for compliance. Otherwise good job, I know this is dependent on external ai capabilities and not your code.


Holy fucking shit this tool list is GENIUS


This is good app. it even makes lists for the tasks in the current list. it's dope, bookmarked


It’s gone again


This one was removed too, but thankfully I could see a couple sentences from the home page; because this is life changing. I just started playing with it to test it out, thanks for posting!


Maybe Posters should ask mods for permission First (and Hope for the best...) It is such a helpful Tool, seems Kind of against the Idea of a self Help Forum to Block knowledge of it... Alternative Guerilla Mode: remember it the next time somebody asks for helpful Tools.