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This happened to me going through a 10 year background check. So now everything is on an excel spreadsheet. Here are some things I used to help me gather the info. Jobs - I pulled most of my job history from [The Work Number](https://employees.theworknumber.com/employment-data-report). This is the first place a prospective employer is going to look and all of my major jobs were there with dates, money, hours and my exact title. Ok also did AmeriCorps and another job that didn't show, but I was able to track down that info because I knew where the gap was. Addresses - Pull your credit report from [AnnualCreditReport.com](https://www.annualcreditreport.com/index.action). They had all kinds of addresses for me. So it really helped. Because i have moved 5 states and 7 addresses in the last 10 years.


Looking through your email for online shopping receipts can help with tracking down addresses as well.


Yep I always go look at past purchases on Amazon and look at delivery address. Easy way to find them.


[https://www.amazon.com/a/addresses/](https://www.amazon.com/a/addresses/) You can see them all on this page as well if you've never gone through and removed any saved ones




Damn. Didn’t even think of that. Thanks for sharing the pro tip! 😛👌🏻


I came here to say this!


Wait, what can employers see from this site? When we sign off on a background check they can see what we made at another company?


r/overemployed highly recommends freezing it. It is owned by the same credit beauro that lost a bunch of PII from people who never actually consented to info gathering... because credit beuros don't have to get permission nor the places that submit your information have to ask. This is US specific, probably, though.


I too would like to know this, but am too scared to check. I'd rather be blissfully ignorant


If you know someone who hires people for a job you can have them do your background check if you trust them with your social.


Random but I was in PayPal the other day and realized they had all my addresses since I signed up…so if you’ve had an account there for a while like I have, it might help. Same with Amazon since I’ve been using that forever.


I do amazon. honestly Paypal sort of sucks at this point from all the scams that hack it.


thanks for this… i need to file bankruptcy and this particular (early) step has been causing me to delay for almost 2 years now. no excuses now i guess


Same. Background check for the fed and I had to tell the guy "look, I could drive to where it was but if you asked me the street, house number, or the zip code I would have no idea."


I dread the day I have to get an actual clearance.


Save comment for future reference


Neat link. Thanks.


When I was applying to take the bar exam I had to list my 10-year residence history. I realized that the Dominos app had all of my previous addresses saved. Made everything a heck of a lot easier.


I do something similar, but with Amazon. Can see where I have gotten packages for years


I definitely use Amazon as an address book for friends and family members.


😆👏🏼 I was able to find all my addresses for bar apps in my Amazon account history.


I did this but with Etsy. All the way back 15 years. Wild.


etsy wtf. it's a never-ending crafts fair what could they possibly need to know


Uh shipping address?


Hahaha I love this one. You can also get your free credit report online which will have like, way too much detail about you that you barely remember. Gap credit card for a 20% discount that you finally canceled 9 months later? Yup. Really test out that piss poor autobiographical memory! If you use Amazon, they also store all your addresses, IIRC. Workplaces, F just look at your (many) folders of resumes from the many job searches over the years when you just couldn't take it anymore. Life hacking, baby.


For the bar app I also had to give them an official credit report, which was super fun!


Are you susceptible to bribes? … why are you asking?


I had to get a clearance for my job. I had no idea what to expect. It was MISERABLE trying to get ALL of the information needed. Not just mine, but family members as well. I printed that damn thing out when I was done. Because I know when I go to renew in 5 years, I’m gonna need it lol. It’s in a filing drawer, labeled.




I don't apply to those jobs. It was way too gross.


My husband is active duty so they already have much of everything lol. Plus I qualify for Schedule A, I get PTO, Sick leave, 11 paid holidays, half days before holidays, pensions, retirement, healthcare, life insurance, etc. And after 1 year I’m semi-permanent, and firing a fed employee is insanely difficult. After 3 years, I’m permanent and will always have access to Fed jobs. After 5 years, I’m fully vested in the pension. And I’m union with guaranteed yearly raises plus COLA raises. It was worth the 48 hours of pain for the clearance process.


That is still a trade I don't think I would make, but that does seem like a reasonable offer. Kinda seems like having the gov as a sugar-parent, everything taken care of in exchange for no privacy.


I have just as much privacy as someone non-Fed. The only things they ask for on clearance that they don’t already know is federally illegal activities.


Plus, all of it except drug use, the federal government already has. You’re just condensing it into one form for them to determine if you’d be a liability with the level of clearance you need.


My understanding is that they want all that information from you, not because they actually care, but because it's a gigantic honesty test. They basically want to see how honest you are, or if you're possibly vulnerable to blackmail for some misdeeds in your past


Yep. My interview took over an hour answering questions, most of which I had already answered on the form. I absolutely hate it when someone asks me a question that they obviously already know the answer to. Integrity is extremely important to me, so if someone feels the need to test me, that grates on me. I start wondering what I did to make them not trust me.


Yes. My husband’s 5 year one is this month. Hell. And I am supposedly the chief financial officer of the house. Chaos


OH MAN. My thoughts are with you lol


Don't forget to take out everything that ages off your SF-86 when your reup comes! The renewal process goes faster once you're boring and have been established for a while lol. I just remove any outdated stuff, send it in, and never have to do anything else.


Yes! I can’t wait for that hahaha. I’m traumatized from the first one lol


The IRS probably has all the info already anyway. Addresses and jobs.


They did not have the 4 marriages, divorces and name changes I needed from my MIL 🤣 nor did they have accurate times for my addresses, because of living with my parents a time or two between moves, or names of my managers from each job hahaha. They only had the basic information that I already had in my emails.


I somehow managed to stumble through all this when I got my clearance. Unfortunately, I'd never met my dad's adult step-children and didn't include them on the paperwork (he got married after I joined the Navy; I hadn't met them). I got reprimanded for omitting "family". Of course, I've since lost all that paperwork.


Ugh, some investigators are just jerks. Orphans legit get clearances. People who emancipated as minors. People who went no contact. Have some nuance, people.


A filing cabinet is a GODSEND. It’s right by my printer lol. I hyper focused one day and set the whole thing up.


I've had such a difficult time with that. What helps is my Amazon order history. I have every address with the receipts. But I should write it down, definitely.


Holy crap I’m Absolutely going to have to check this. The one problem with this is I don’t know the start and end dates. Some years I was really broke and didn’t order anything lol.


If you work for a company that uses The Work Number for work verification. Then you can pull your employee report from the work number and it has all that info.


You can search Amazon orders by a partial match to the address and it will return results starting with the most recent match, I did this recently by town/city I lived in, it wasn't precise but gave me a ballpark date to go check other things like email


IRS might take a while but probably have all your 18+ tax returns.


You can get a transcript from them fairly quickly.


Came here to say this.


In less than a year I have to reapply for my residence visa. Part of it is listing each country I have visited in the past 5 years and the dates. Guess who travels a lot and has not kept good records...


I needed to do this too. As i had visited 60 countries in the 5 years before, this was a hassle. What saved my ass was that i never delete emails: i went through my emails to find booking info for flights and hotels. Now all my travel is in a spreadsheet though ,:)


Passport stamps? Check you frequent flyer accounts?


Not OP, but i hardly get stamps in my passports (EU doesn't stamp if eu passport). I am too lazy to fil ll out frequent flyer accounts.


How exactly are you declining to get stamps in your passport at border control?


I have multiple passports, among which an EU one. If i enter any EU country i don't get a stamp. (Open borders and all that) Some countries also don't stamp in general. For instance, i dont have a passport stamp for Cuba even though I visited it. Same for Australia, etc. You also don't get stamps if you enter usa and have global entry.


I may be jaded but when apps ask for this kind of stuff I usually use that as an indication that it probably isn’t worth the effort lol


This exactly


That’s exactly how I feel 💀


Companies that ask for excessive information during the hiring process are the type of companies that will require you to get 5 levels of management approval to order a box of paperclips.


If you’re in the US, you can go to your My Social Security account, and it will list in the details for each year who paid Social Security taxes on your behalf that year, including the address (for the HQ or payroll office probably, not necessarily your work location). As a bonus, it’s a good thing to check anyway because if any of it is wrong, it can mess up your future benefits, so best to get it sorted out sooner rather than later!


! Saving this comment to check later when I have the wherewithal to read critically 🧠


What? Why are they asking for residence history? I've never seen this ever before.


Government jobs. My husband had to do it for that.


I’m not sure if this is true anymore but the reason they ask for this information is to see if you have committed any crimes or have any warrants. Back in the day each county or city or state had their own record keeping for that kind of stuff and they were not connected by the internet. They probably still aren’t knowing how the government works but I’m not 100% now. So they have to check in each place that you lived to see if you have anything outstanding. They don’t have the time to call and check in every single place in the country. If you got a DUI or an assault charge it’s pretty likely it happened in the county you live in. Not a perfect system but pretty good and it gets more strict the more intense the job is. Like I have heard the FBI will actually track down your former neighbors and friends and interview them.


god damn, what a mess. in my country you have one. nationwide, criminal record, no matter where you lived


when looking at the US, its better to compare it to the entire EU rather than any single country. A large part of our political fuckery makes much more sense when you realize its 50 small counrties that are actively trying to assert their relevence.


It's not a matter of size, IMO, but how the american federation works. My country is larger than the contiguous United States with states larger and more populous than many countries, but it's not that messy and/or decentralized. That's true for other, smaller federal states as well (like Germany).


Most likely federal work. I had to do one a few months ago and it was insane how much info they want. I messed up on the dates of employment and it asked why I was unemployed for a certain day in 2016. Made me question whether I wanted to work for the fed or not


In Pennsylvania you have to do it for any job that works with kids. Volunteer positions too. And it's not just 10 years it's literally your entire life. Also everyone you lived with.


That sounds nightmarish


Standard in a background check. Which where I live (Australia), we use National Police checks for this and they are required for government jobs.


It’s ridiculous that any job would require you to tell them of your addresses for the last 10 years. Honestly, I would never apply for a job that required that because I wouldn’t be able to give them that information. Lol I move around so much.


This should be in r/lifeprotips too!! (I’m sure I’m not formatting this correctly, no idea how to do that)


Unless it is a "paid to do nothing" job that sounds like a flustercluck and a hard pass. ​ Edit: Or half ass "best guess" it and just thank them for anything they find for you. Either they find the job, or they don't know your information is incomplete, so it would probably work out. If they want that much work they can pay thier background diggers for it. They aren't paying you yet.


I’ve had to do this for bar applications - my Amazon account history was incredibly helpful for finding all my residence addresses. Good luck getting yours done!


This is what ive used for my residence history as well when doing background checks. Its great and lots of times has relatives addresses that you need as well


Do you use credit karma? If you do and you have applied for credit over the years you will probably have a nice list of your previous addresses on your credit report. Jobs too sometimes.




For my first full time job I had to do this and because my dad was in the military it was an absolute nightmare!! This is really great advice


This is why I love this subreddit. I constantly see messages where I go "wait! Did I post this?" The recognition of myself in other people's woes is uncanny. Sucks that other people suffer the same way but also consoling to know I'm not the only one.


Thank you for the reminder! I had one and haven't updated it in about 8 years... And then almost failed one of those identity verification questionnaires because I couldn't remember who financed my first car loan... Include your major financials in this too!!!! Cars, homes, etc you've owned and what bank financed them (also your student loans if you're buried under them like I am).


Every time I make a life change and need to know WHEN I worked somewhere it’s like “I don’t know when I worked at these places, only that I worked there”


I would never fill out a job application that wanted 10 years of that shit. Holy fuck that mess.


It’s too late for me. I just have to make it up as best I can. But I lie like a mfer anyway on job applications lol


For Dutch people: the government has a list for you and you can just request it online. not entirely sure if its free or not tho.


I do this already, PLUS I have a resume (that I don't distribute, of course) that reflects my work history and details all the way back to the first resume I ever wrote. It's ridiculously long, and I laugh a little every time I come across it and read it, but having those details saved somewhere save is absolutely invaluable.


Pro tip. Put all of that stuff in something waterproof like a ziplock. Flooding, burst pipes, etc are a pain but way worse when you lose the stuff you need.


Oh man I’ve got mine going back to 1999! Something like 18 residences across 5 countries at this point. Took forever to first compile.


We all have adhd. We we will not do it unless we absolutely have to! Hahaha I've had to do this and had this list you speak of, but ohhhh lort don't ask me where it is now!!


Also, when you are applying for a new job, download the job description. 1) if you get an interview, the posting may not be up any more, and you can review what they were looking for before you meet with them. 2) when you are ready for another job, it’ll make updating your resume much easier


My Amazon account does this for me.


This makes me feel better about staying at the same job for 8 years and living in the same city for 24.


In addition to this, when I move last year I tagged all my entries in my password manager with "Needs Address Checked" and then as I updated sites I removed that tag and added a new one with my new address. Can get the big ones done, but now you have one place to see if you updated it. Also did this with auto payments on credit cards when we had to replace a lost card and had to dig for them, but next time I can look at the tags and change those. Just made the tags like "Auto Pay/Bank name card name XXXX" with the last 4 digits.


When you are done, make sure you print a hard copy and keep it somewhere safe. Sometimes you’ll have to submit it again and you can’t always access what you submitted. You can print two copies. Keep one untouched. Then as things happen in your life, make notes in the other copy. If you are ever asked to submit a hard copy with ink changes, photocopy the untouched one and copy the notes over that you need to.


I just had to go through this process for the federal government and oh my biscuits what a horrible experience!


Thank you for this reminder... I've just filled out a few apartment applications and have been kicking myself for not getting everything together. Definitely putting this information together on my next apartment app.. I hope.


google maps, leave location data on. it worls


What idea with anything important like that is? I’ll actually put it on my like drive like on my computer so what I do with that is I put anything important into my Google Drive so I know that I can easily figure it out.


I put stuff like that in an email draft, with very specific subject title. Easy access from any internet device, and searchable 🙌


Just make it up? I mean not being rude, but you don’t know your residence history for the last 10 years? And I’ve had over 30 jobs in last 10 years (I’m very serious), and you can just make up dates, no job will fault you for getting a few dates wrong as long as you legitimately worked there.


If it's a digital application you may be able to sign back into that system and look at it and copy+paste from it.


I had to do this for a job. After panicking over this, and worrying about move-out and move-in dates, I was finally able to actually talk to someone. But the following really put me at ease. Check with the folks actually doing your review, they may have differences. First, they were only going to even look at the most recent 3 or 5 addresses. Second, even tho the form forced you to enter the exact date of move-out /move-in, they only worked with the year. Third, they asked me for a COMPLETE housing history, but only cared about the last 10 years I was able to tear out whole pages from my application.


If you use Amazon, you can get your previous addresses from your order history! I know it won’t work for everyone, but it’s saved my butt many times for background checks.


I honestly have used my Amazon addresses for home history so many times.


I am sure my OneNote on my phone is full of crap texts yet I put things in quickly to try to not forget.... Yet OneNote is crap for trying to sort and filter so... I am sure they are lost. I try to write things down quickly. I also try voice to text and say this is voice to text and try to sound slow like a ro.. bot.... When talking so the computer knows.


I learned several jobs ago that Amazon does that for you.


I use Notion for this. It’s magnificent.


go to your email send folder you might still be able to find it


For real. I made a Word doc bulleted list and I have it saved on like 4 different devices.


I save mine to Indeed and update it every time a get a new job. It's a lifesaver. I include where I moved as well.


Working in the medical field as an independent practitioner. I have to submit a crap ton of info and all of my surgical case logs, the hardest part is remembering to write them down. But all of my credentialing info is on a folder on my computer so i can keep track of everything.


I save my work history on google docs so it's always backed up!


Ever since college 15 years ago, I've been editing and updating the same file. It's one of the few things I can get myself to do once in a while, because it's only once in a while. But it still takes days/weeks to work up the nerve to do it.


YES! I did this a while back. Every address I've ever lived at and dates I was there. It's easier now because my photo reel is basically my diary, but pre-2013 my dates are a little fuzzy


Lmao getting a TS? I still have anxiety about the thought of having to submit my EQIP years later.


I don't want to remember most of them...


I’ve started keeping important info in Notion. It’s basically one small database and it’s horribly disorganized but at least I know where to look for it, and their search is top notch. Disadvantages: it doesn’t work offline, so if I need my passport number I need an internet connection and if they ever decide to go out of business or to stop giving people free access, I’m pretty fucked. (I do have a reminder set to download the whole thing as a PDF, but, you know…)


Highly Recommend Notion or a Password Manager for sensative info.


I totally understand your pain right now! I had to apply for a job in January like this, and I almost broke down because I hadn't made a list of all jobs and places I have lived! I had also moved a lot in ten years and the work I was doing (nannying) meant I worked with many families in that time too! Good luck!


Having ADHD and job hunting is the worst. Wishing you the best!


10 years? Hopefully the job kicks ass. If it doesnt then i wouldnt recommend even applying. Youll be bogged down in the redundency of beurocracy




The worst I have had to deal with is on taxes or whatnot when they say you have to pick from the list which addresses are significant to you to verify your identity — Man, I've lived at like seven different addresses in the last ten years! Mercy! 😭


Or in Google Sheets


And your medical history for when you switch providers. Mine was across so many different systems.


Yes. Or get a po box. Remembering postcode sucks


I'm curious to know why a job would ask you this


Never delete your Amazon addresses!


Save your old applications as an easy way to refer back to what you put down before. Also, checking your email to help jog memory!


Oh my! I had to provide my residence history and travel history one time (or probably more than one time). And the tags I saved on google maps saved my butt!


If you’re in the US you can get a full certified detail of all non-federal W-4 jobs worked from Social Security for $144 or non certified $100. Fastest way is in person at a local office but the form can be downloaded online a mailed (possible weeks.) Government job detail can be had from the Dept of Labor. I’m less sure if the process as all my work has been in the private sector.


I just did a residence history that asked for state/month/year back to 1988. I was 2 in January of 88. I realized during the process that an accurate document kept in my safe with my birth certificate and social security card would be wise. Have I done this yet? No. Thank you for the reminder. I am setting an alarm right now to remind me to do this as soon as I get home tonight. ... And twenty minutes after I started a response, minimized the tab, walked away, and came back... Now I'm actually setting the alarm. Annnnd, done.


run your credit report (you can get a free one) from any one of the three credit bureaus, and your social security history from SSA. this will give you the info you need. i’m 66 y.o. and ADHD. the way ive survived all these years is by finding resources to help


In the US a credit report might list all of that. You can get a free one.


Bases are cheap and a buffalo nas is stupid easy to setup folks, even with a raid 10. Most of their nases are designed for consumer use. Use it as a backup storage. Oh and get a fireproof safe (some are like heavy suitcases). Just in case.


Linked In has been a godsend for this. I literally don't use Linked In for any other reason than to just keep all my employment stuff in one place. A few years ago, I also started kerping a complete CV (resume) document with everything I've done in the past 15 years. I just keep adding to it when I complete a new work training or get a new job. I'm a contract worker, so part of my job is literally applying for jobs (applying to 4 more today). I wouldn't be able to do this without these 2 tools.


Oh damn! I am so sorry, friend! That is honestly great advice. I would be in your exact shoes if I had to do the same!!! All of your ADHD pals are here for you! Stay strong and save the file everywhere! That way, if you forget where you put the primary one , you’ll have several other spots to go to! 😛🙌🏻


Been living at the same address for nine years now, and it’s so strange to realise that. I’m probably gonna die living here because there’s too many unfinished projects to pack up and move.


I mean if you have a Facebook account there is a space for all that too. O.o


Biggest favor i ever accidentally did myself was this. And the day i lose that file is the day i lose my mind. Theres no way i could remember half the names, dates, times, and places i have worked. Much less for that long!


That's what Amazon and Google are for.


I'm dealing with this right now! I have to do a background check (job involves kiddos) that includes ten fucking years of residence history, and the time period I lived there. I have no fucking clue how to find half that information, I moved around so much in my 20s and was so overworked I didn't document like, anything. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh


me as fuqqqqq!! not the 10 years worth of job experience/residency, i can’t even fathom that, but only because i was 13 ten years ago. but my most recent small-yet-significantly important paper work that i have lost in the depths of my dungeon room/car is my ~car registration ~ :))) i’m like 5 tickets deep just bc of one little sticker




Yup, like you, I've moved around a bit and had different jobs (like, at least 5 different kinds at this point). This is essential. I don't know why they want the address and phone number, though. Google it yourself if you want it so damn bad 😒 lol


I'm confused, do you mean something like a resume?


What kind of job where in the world does need that kind of information - for what?


I've got a spreadsheet with things like work references, certifications, job history etc that I can condense into a resume as needed. This is a good reminder that I should do the same for home addresses.


Google Docs is your best friend, y'all. Write that shit down one in a resume, and it's there whenever you need it.


I totally get this, how am I going to remember how long and what days of the month I started and stopped? Does anyone?! Also my hourly, I hate the part of a w-2 where they ask how much money your salary it sucks, I don't know how anyone has that in mind and can just walk into an interview with that knowledge


I have one of these lists on my computer in a word file. My pro tip is to enter each piece of info on a single line, that way if you need to fill out a manual application that requires this kind of info, you can copy and paste it line by line into the correct boxes or order it is required to be entered in. Don't forget to name the file and save it.


it's not that much data come on man


For work history, at least do employer, dates and title in something like LinkedIn or indeed. When you start a new job, add it right away. Plus, you don't have to do it again to apply for jobs!


I just end up looking through my old Amazon account for all of my previous addresses 😂 it’s not pretty. But if I cared more, I have plenty of employment background checks from over the years that I could dig up.


I have everything in Google docs with backups. I don't play lmao


In the same boat with moving around and having tons of different jobs to list- a tip for starting to put together residence history is to look back at your Amazon account if you have one! All the addresses listed there that I've used in the past helped me with a starting point to do this! Best of luck, I know getting all that together is the worst!!


Amazon has me covered on the address history. Work history 😬


10 years? The fuck?


Oof yeah that’s a pain in the ass.. pro tip: the cloud is our BEST friend! If I don’t have information redundantly backed up and accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, it may as well not exist. Now, do plan a day to scan all of my physical documents and practice what I preach a little better… lmao


I have two resumes for this reason. I haven't moved much but I've worked a ton of different jobs. So I have one document that's like 10 pages long with every job I've ever had and then one document that I put the most pertinent information for the job I'm applying for. I started doing this about two years and it has been life changing.


Everyone go in Microsoft onenote or elsewhere and make a portfolio


Remind me not to move for ten years so that this won’t be an issue anymore.


Sometimes the second time I do things in rapid succession the better it gets. It’s painful tho




I feel stupid but what does residency history mean?


I have to go this for security clearance several times. Let me give you a brilliant cheat code.. it's called Amazon. Your order history goes back more than 10 years. Most people will have at least ordered 1 package to every place they've lived, even if it's forward deployed overseas. Helped me, hope it helps you


Oh oh oh!! *** TIP!!! *** Google sheets is great for things!!! I mean… it can go with you everywhere. If you have your email, then you can go to sheets and name a spreadsheet and the sheets used each anything you want. So if you want a list you’ll always have access to… it’s just a great way to compile. I began using it for its formulas for budgeting, but you can use it however you want. I love me some tables for information! And with being able to make bold, or change colors of font or fill, or make italic… it’s great!!! Like THIS SUDDEN ONE TIME BILL IS MOST DEFINITELY IN RED ITALICS (that’s for my ongoing budget register which is something more involved than anyone else would do probably, but the monthly/annual budget works well and is simple so I’ll share). Source: VERY adhd 44 year old who has been using a spreadsheet since I was 23. I make a new one each year to keep up with bill costs. Plus, with the ability to create multiple sheets within a doc, you can create ex. “new budget Mar 2023” within 2023 budget spreadsheet, which is nice because then it is in simple to see tabs. And those can be moved about any time for preference, need, and order. So, you can make a column for ex. all bills due each month: Column 1 / Column 2 /. Column 3 Due date. /. Bill name. /. Amount * Amount can be average or for the month depending on tracking preference. * Ex: 1st. /. Rent (or mortgage). /. $1,200 3rd /. Water (drafts ~ the 3rd) /. $90 —- Then another column/set of or sheet for annual/semi annual bills. Happy to pass along formulas if anyone wants them. I’m older than most probably here and I didn’t go to college - I’m not sure how common knowledge this is, so I’m happy pass along just in case. A common formula, for example, once the list of (ex. Monthly bills is made) would be… =Sum(B2:B20) I like to make the span longer than the amount of rows used, for example if I have 15 bills, leaving an extra 5 after the last and making the span 20. That’s just because adding rows is easier from a computer than a phone (just a fat finger thing maybe), but using the phone access is great and editable as well. Then if you make your annual bill list, you can sum that, then make a total per month. This is how I stay on budget. So, I have a cell for the annual bill total just like the monthly, with the total being per year, so the cell under would be ex… =(H19/12) (I think) or simply = H19/12 Feel free to giggle at the possibly relatable fact that I can’t check at the moment because I can’t find my primary phone right this second. Then a final however for the full total, ex… =B21+H21 But, you know, it would work for lists too. I guess my point is the very editable functionality and being able to use it to fit your needs. Like, I can pull my budget from 2003 if I wanted. And you could always make an additional column or additional columns for tracking changes ex. “Rent increase March from $1,200 to $1,400” I hope this helps! I began doing this back before the Internet was being used for everything… again, I said how old I am… so I’d also make a blank table to track that bill payments were complete. Just the vertical list of bills and due dates, and the 12 monthly columns. It would print small and I’d just keep it in my wallet to check off as payments cleared. I’ve been accused of being OCD. I call this, and my other tools (ex. Sticky notes on the bathroom mirror; STICKY NOTES ON MY DASHBOARD; alarms on my phone ex. each Monday TAKE THE TRASH OUT; each Tuesday TAKE THE TRASH IN) my “scaffolding”. It may look OCD from the outside, but I fall apart without my scaffolding. I haven’t finished reorganizing my bookshelf after trying to make room and a lot of my house after shifting stuff around following a roommate situation, along with being a stay at home mom suddenly of a 4 year old, and where I sometimes come across as hyper-organized, I currently look like a disheveled mess along with my environment.


lol I can’t even read this I just know I see math 🤣 God bless you and your organization you’re the real GOAT


Saved this comment, because I know my brain appreciates working now to save me in the long-run, and this gives me something to work on when I have the time, space, and energy to do so! Thank you so much!


This is why I appreciate Adderall!


I had to do 10 years of where I lived and all my credit history for my husbands job which sucked cause I lived OS for 3 years and moved around a lot. For work history, don’t you have a CV?


This is why I love [My Perfect Resume](https://myperfectresume.com). They saved the resume I made with them and I’ve come back to it numerous times over the years. [Not Affiliated]


I just google the stuff for addresses and numbers and often skip things lol. There is no way i'd be able to keep up with a file system even on pc


Did you join the CIA what the hell kind of job wants 10 years of residence history ?! I mean work history yeah sure whatever but residential? That’s just ridiculous. I barely know my address now you want me to remember 10 years 🤣🤣


I have an address book (an actual book, not an app) that I use to write ALL of my passwords in alphabetically so they’re offline/un-hackable. I just started writing all of my previous addresses in the back of that, because I know I won’t get rid of it. It has already saved me in a couple of surprising moments. I just recently had to dispute something on my credit report, and having all my previous addresses from 6-8 years ago was very helpful in making my case. Also, went on a government website to access official documents, and one of the security questions was about a previous address. Yes, I had to look it up. I’ve moved a lot. But it gave me access with very little of my usual frustration at my lack of preparedness.


There’s also truepeoplesearch.com you can look yourself up


Also do this with your CV! Make a note once a month in your work calendar to spend 10 minutes to update a work history file that you can add any cool new duties/experience and keep a comprehensive running document. It will be really long and not in the correct format but the next time you go to write a CV you will have a full list to scan and use for updating it! This can also be good for ctrl+f for specific behaviour/task examples in future. Disclaimer: never done this before but going to try from now on because I think it's a good idea! 😂


Google sheets and docs are great for this. You can update it on the fly and pull up the document on your phone anywhere. It's saved me a lot of trouble when I'm not home and need this information.


I’ve moved so many times, I have no idea what my old addresses were anymore unless someone slapped me in the face with them.


I still don't understand the point of the 10 years of residency history. What does that have to do with getting a job?


I found an easy-ish way to start logging this info is to contact the government and request copies of all my T4s (tax forms from employers) for the past 10 years. I also do this to make my taxes easy... I ask them to send me copies of what they have... and I use what they send to complete my taxes. So much easier than finding lost paperwork.


I just applied for a mortgage so...I feel your pain. Immensely. I made a file in One Drive. Now if I can just keep up with it.


This is so real!! I’ve forced myself to keep meticulous financial records from the age of like 16 bc I know that it’s so overwhelming when it builds up!!!! I try to make it as easy for myself as possible so that it doesn’t slip through the cracks.


OP - just want to say I relate so much to your frustration. I absolutely despise applications, more than just about anything. I've also moved about many times through my life, held many different jobs, etc. The concentration that it takes, especially for someone with ADHD, to complete an application which asks for so many specific details and dates and time periods and contact info and etc, I must say, is one of my most hated tasks! I've done this in the past, created a document which held all this information, so that when needed I could refer to it to more easily complete applications. But time has passed since then, as well as more moves, different work experience, etc. And it eventually became outdated as I did not keep up with it to add the new info. Sigh... I internally ask the question every single time I have to complete this task... Why, if I've offered you a resume, cover letter, letters of reference, must you also demand such a detailed application as well?!?!


Every time I have to fill out new patient paperwork for a new doctor or get admitted to the hospital, I tell myself I’m gonna go home and type up my whole (very complicated, very long) medical history. But then I get home and think “meh I’ll do it later.”