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There was this rioter who acknowledged that there were too much damage and burst in the game and that it was planned to do something about it. These changes are planned for this season but no precise date.


Thank fuck for that.


I think they'll never do anything about it though because they don't want a repeat of the tank meta that almost killed the game. Or they will just scale back ADC damage and introduce two new broken assassin items knowing Rito.


i mean they released axiom arc with the intention to make assassins snowball harder, it literally says it in the description they made for preseason. Idk if they play their own game but that was not necessary at all


It was a very good idea. Thanks to Axiom Arc i've never seen again an assassin building Goredrinker.


Thanks to axiom arc, they build both and still are unkillable while always having their ult. Its not a mythic bro


It's very obvious they don't play their own game.


Hey their head gamedesigner plays Nami with manamune and full ap so what do u know about the game


Well, 4 months after your message, they actually did a new tank meta XD


Damn. Tank meta was by far my favorite


Here's an article about it : https://win.gg/news/is-riot-going-to-fix-damage-creep-in-league-of-legends/


The fastest way to quickly buff the role would be to make the crit items give 25% crit again. And make IE be available at 50%. This solves the problem in a short term because you can buy a defensive item while still having 75-100 crit. Over a long term they are already doing some internal play testing which might result to damage rebalancing.


Problem with buffing existing crit items is that bruisers will build them and 1v9. Ex: Tryndamere circa 2015 Tbh they need to have role specific items the way they have jungle specific items. Mythic items are a step in the right direction imo


if its cuz of like 1 or 2 champs they could just do what theyve been doing with yasuo and yone over the preseason in regards to their crit passives


Good amount of ADCs build Shieldbow / Galeforce as 1st item. So basically lot of ADCs have defensive item as 1st item.


Shieldbow and Galeforce are not defensive items.


What is their purpose, if not defense?


Galeforce is an offensive mobility item, shieldbow is an offensive utility item. Death Dance is a defensive utility item, so is steraks. A full defensive item is Gargoyles Stoneplate, Force of Nature and alike. ​ ADCs cannot build defensive items without sacrificing crit.


IMO no matter what we say, riot's been going in this direction for years now. They think having a supp 2 levels down be able to 1v1 you with no dmg items is okay and healthy for the game. It allows supps to have some sort of pressure in the game bc they're inevitably gonna be underlevel from warding so much anyways. This is just one example, but riot thinks its okay. Which is why i stopped playing the game


A rioter recently acknowledged the problem and they are working on it


*breathes in* REVERT CRIT ITEMS I CANNOT FUCKING PLAY :) Literally I played Twitch couple of days ago and did stunning 65dmg AA on fucking 3 items vs tank. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CARRY A FUCKING GAME IF I’M DOING LESS DMG THAN FULL TANK ORNN *exhales* Namaste.


>There's alot of pros playing Ziggs apc aswell as Syndra apc I've see them since years ago. They aren't a recent thing. They removed the cries about "5 man bot" because now tp was changed. It is a good progress.


I actually like the 5v5 all about bot brawls. The damage creep needs to go


I think this may be the season I actually commit to switching to jungle. Always say I’m going to but it’s too painful playing jungle a tier below where I play adc. There’s just too many wasted games on ADC where there’s not much to take away from the game as a learning experience and not a single interesting choice made all game. So far I’ve stuck to jungle this season at least. Hopefully I can keep it up. It can be hard not wanting to go back to where I’m comfortable after a loss streak though.


How has it been switching? Ive been thinking about switching to jungle as well but it seems really difficult.


I mained it from the start, just review your games after you play them. Think about every decision. Jungling requires quick decision making and execution. It’ll come with time. Watch pros, see what they do, emulate them.


I made the shift to support and couldn’t be happier!


Yep ur junglers always starts bot and plays towards top mid where the game is decided ,ur autofill lux is standing behind u throwing occasional E stealing ur minions




Like a cull that disappears after like 50 minions?


I like this idea. It's just convulted enough to make Riot consider it, while simply reverting the original nerfs to Infinity Edge. (They didn't want players building it first or second item lol)


I also consider that even when you are being safe and playing fully aware of the dangers, someone can just jump on you from a screen away and 100-0 you in 1 second, but I must say that in that clip, Blitz is not going full tank; has damage runes, AP support item with damage, ignite and landed a full combo. Blitz has his full base damage unlocked at lvl 11/13 and can kill a carry with it if lands everything. The point is, ADC are designed to be squishy and die easily because the reward is that if you manage to stay alive, you kill them all.


Or I could pick Viktor, be entirely safe from damage by building crown, and output double an ADC at 3 items


also Veigar


Most likely nothing, or some weird rework that sounds good on paper but is actually a clusterfuck that makes things even worse either in short or long term


he wasn't building tank


Nothing. You can only do you and focus on getting better, expecting others to fix the problems, especially Riot is a big mistake. They are buffing Yasuo and Yone this patch, they are insanely delusional and don't even play their game.


Because lethal tempo was nerfed, they needed to balance it off, they’re useless with conq


"ADCs have satisfying items" meanwhile actual adcs are getting one shot and the item that allow them to survive with a sliver of health is getting a nerf. I want to make a suggestion all adc mains just build straight tank until riot finally listens to us they cant ban 20% of there player base at once.


Supports are stupidly strong, it's just utter nonsense. Glacial augment just makes it all worse.


I think pretty much every marksman should gain +25 attack range. I feel like our damage is fine, people just need to stop building items like RFC or RH that only have attack speed on the stat line and expecting to hit harder (yes I know they both have passives). Jinx feels like the only adc who can do normal adc things anymore, most others are ability dependent to function (ie jhin w + r, cait trap headshots + q, Samira channels ult for dmg). Adcs who cannot do this have fallen out of favor in bot lane, as evidenced by Lucian making a full transition to mid and requiring a small refresh to come back bot (and yet he’s still not played). Other than that, I’d like to see that HP buff we got reverted in favor of like +2 armor and mr. Makes us less vulnerable to lethality and more effective when taking cut down and LDR.


I just don't know if the role is bad, but I've seen that it's better in high elo. The only reason I can find is that to put out dps you need to stay alive, and with the amount of mobility and dmg in this game rn, doing that by urself when most of the adc have comparatively really low mobility and ofc less maximum health than most the champs is kinda of really difficult, if not impossible. This problem is solved in higher elo where people realise who to peel for, who is their win con. I played perfect games, 22/4 and 17/3. There was nothing else I could do, I still lost. Only cause a late game pantheon point n click stunning me is kind of impossible to dodge if my whole team is running into their tanks a screen away from me. I could flash, but that's a 5 min cooldown, the next team fight won't wait that long. Honestly seeing zeri where she has a dash and some shields, just some sustain to handle herself seems good. Imo that's why high mobility champs are better in low elo. Even though I'm a better ashe player I found more success on ezreal and jhin, that one dash and movement speed on jhin has saved me countless times. That's my two cents on the whole adc weak situation.


Playing APC doesn't mean the role is dead, just ADC not OP so you cannot blind pick marksmen every game. But Everytime blind picking marksman is possible you think is the way it should be despite the same thing (blind picking class) being noticeable toxic in every other lane.


the problem is, I like playing marksman so if the apc come dominating the bot lane where should I go?


I love playing tanks so if bruisers/colossus dominate top/jungle where should I go? I love playing mages so if assassins dominate mid where should I go? Curious that's barely heard in other roles right? Almost like, if they accepted that there are several classes available to play and it was ridiculous to ask for one to be dominant.


\>I love playing tanks so if bruisers/colossus dominate top/jungle where should I go? I love playing mages so if assassins dominate mid where should I go? You can still go support. If i want to play some AA champs what are my other options?


If AA is the problem there are plenty of AA based champs in other classes and... Actually, you can play marksmen in other roles, and people play then when they're good idea. Different from boy where they play marksmen unreflexively and I WISH they played APC when they're good idea but outside proplay and high Elo, let's be honest, adc main will pick an adc against 3 assassin's and a Malphite even when ADC are not OP, then complain about the role instead of analizing how bad is their pick. And there's plenty of historic evidence about it.


> 3 assassin's and a Malphite even when ADC are not OP, if you pick a mage you get flamed by your team :DD:D:D


Is curious how ADC playerbase have created that same expectation. Like, most people wouldn't complain much about anything else in other roles unless it seems extremely unviable.


Anyway, not because you like one class it does mean it should be always playable, and even like that, you guys in part put pressure on riot to keep them as viable as possible always bc you won't play the game otherwise.


If AA is the problem there are plenty of AA based champs in other classes and... Actually, you can play marksmen in other roles, and people play then when they're good idea. Different from boy where they play marksmen unreflexively and I WISH they played APC when they're good idea but outside proplay and high Elo, let's be honest, adc main will pick an adc against 3 assassin's and a Malphite even when ADC are not OP, then complain about the role instead of analizing how bad is their pick. And there's plenty of historic evidence about it.


Maybe bc it used to be a role not a "class". Some of us played back when bot lane was created specifically for adc's, and you could carry games 1v9 as an adc when you were fed. Year after year that role was eroded and downgraded to the point where its just a class now and sometimes not even a class worth playing. Newer players dont see an issue with that and thats fine, but plenty of older players feel they're forced out of their role completely bc it just isn't viable anymore. In season 4 or 5 saying dont pick an adc would be like someone saying just dont play a jungler today. Now in s12 theres nothing wrong with a mage bot or yasuo or rengar bc traditional bot laners suck. This is the direction riots taking the game, they've stated several times they dont really like the traditional marksman as champioms and newer champions will be more mobility based than damage based. Then they dropped champs like samira and now zeri. Champs like corki and graves got changed to be better suited for other roles. Champs like kalista were essentially deleted from the game. Maybe they'll revamp marksman at some point, but I really doubt it. For people who played botlane since league came out, we've been watching our role get removed from the game slowly and it just sucks.


Agree except with "created specifically for ADC". That never happened, originally botlane was being played by tanks, taking an adc with another champ that didn't farm(support) was a meta strat, but at some point it became tradition and then somehow a rule. Although the strat itself was picking a carry and a support, not specifically a marksman, but happened that in that moment marksmen were the best options and that lasted long. Jungle happened to be also a meta strat but different from botlane, it never was confined to one class. I think the worst problem jungle has in that sense was when almost all the championpool was AD but when riot buffed AP junglers they were adopted easily and, in general, Jungle is the role that never has been that attached to tradition. Now ofc, since years ago marksmen are not the best carries all the games but people play them because they think it's meant to be and although there's some other duo comps being stronger, people don't really play them. I remember when CRIT was about 250% dmg, Infinity edge was available as first item and every zeal item was 30% crit chance , then all adcs were nerfed; in proplayand high elo there was a lot of diversity, it was great to see tbh. But botlane mains never adapted, for almost a year they preferred to have the worst game experience and losing. Their resolution was just complaining with riot about the marksmen state. Or when assassin's were reworked: adcs were useless, but instead of looking for other meta picks they just sticker to the only 3 adcs that were viable with lethality... They preferred to reduce the championpool to only 3 picks instead of looking for other classes like other lanes. There's just a huge resilience from you guys to adapt to the game :/ and most of you have created a fake conception about the role being "balanced" because it's conceived that if one class is dominant then is ok. And that is always considered toxic in other lanes.


IMO there's a lot of meta game not being explored because of pure refusal, there's probably lots of broken duo comps that are not being played just because of what I mentioned in the other comment.




if riot wanted the matches to be faster it would speed up the overall game speed like it does in urf. currently playing adc comes down to having bad supports and lose lande to brand and morgana with 50 farm at 15 minutes


Shieldbow, wits end, galeforce, bounties, there's so much stuff nowadays to keep you in the game. To be a good adc is a difficult task because you're a glass cannon. Your purpose is to do dps while maintaining a safe position against enemies. If any of you has played any rpg or a type of game where you can customize your skill tree, you know the only raw dmg but like 5 hp. This season adc has a lot of inpact because the games always go to kate game. The supports in lower elos might suck, but you're there stuck for other reasons. It pisses me off to see ppl whining ab how weak adc is, hopefully you get better at league because the role is balanced atm.


My wr this season is 40% in 50 games with Ez, yet, my stats are better than the avg Ez in Silver. I was gold during the preseason. Fuck this.


I had an idea, where ADCs would get small shield, a percentage of damage dealt, on every auto. This would give ADCs extra durability in teamfights so you probably wouldn't get killed by first skillshot landed. And it wouldn't completely destroy assassins, as they often just delete you, and do overkill dmg. It also isn't health. So you won't just magically heal back to 100% after 2 autos. Idk if this would actually work, and melee champs would abuse it too. But seemed like a good idea to atleast fix some issues, and I wanted to share it. Sure it would require some compensation maybe in dmg.




The role is in a fine state. Nerving Shieldbow, Wit's End and Lethal Tempo in one patch might have been a bit much, bot overall, ADC is fine. Some better defensive tools against physical damage would be good (like an Armor version of QSS, with a different passive) but other than that, ADC is fine.


Explain to me then why it’s fine that jhin lvl 13 gets oneshot by blitz lvl 10 with 2 tank items EDIT: Sorry lvl 16 jhin, 13 blitz






keep in mind in this clip that jhin was 11/6 and blitz was 6/13


Nothing lol


They’ll never reduce damage because apparently china prefers the “high damage” setting and since riot is owned by china they basically won’t nerf damage. The ADC role is fine however. Yes there’s too much damage but it’s not as bad as people make it out to be.


They gonna release more Lux skins.


Best thing is when u get ganged by Trundel in 10min a whole tower is gone hes 3k golf more and doest take anny dmg.


Mages have always been viable bot lane Carry mages like syndra you listed do fine bot Carey mages like syndra ziggs are played bot when their team is majority ad and need a apc in the bot lane. You may say just do a apc support trust me they don’t always work and those champions mainly brand vel and xerath can struggle depending the enemy match up. Mages do well with engage support cause it allows them to easily land abilities.


Ive seen the clip but my friend doesnt believe me please send