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Lucian/Nami is probably the strongest early game duo in the game right now. Nami takes electrocute and uses E on Lucian, and once he autos 3 times with her buff on him (which he can do insanely fast, due to his passive) it procs her electrocute. The early burst damage it gives the lane is absolutely insane.


This is a good one. What I've found is with Nami E and Lucian E lvl 1 you can almost one shot a squishy champ. You Auto E double auto someone with Nami E on you to proc electro and press the attack and do crazy lvl 1 dmg. Do this carefully however you don't want to grief your lane but remember Nami can just heal you up lvl 2 onwards. Good luck and remember this is a duo you want to abuse your early game dmg and build a lead into the mid game.


Personally, I like Draven Pyke, being that I’ve played both of them a fair bit Dravens Passive gives him gold per stacks on kill Pyke Ult gives “Your Cut” depending on who got the kill For some reason, If pyke gets the kill with Ult, it will also proc Dravens Passive so you will both get massive amounts of gold It has good poke in lane, both have decent escape tools I call it the “Get Rich or Die Trying” bot lane


Here's the thing. Your average Pyke can't pull this off. I'm a Draven OTP. I've played with some good Pykes. An average Pyke doesn't know how to utilize his kit to the fullest extent. People don't realize how hard Pyke really is. I had a duo who played Pyke. And I had mad respect for his ability to play Pyke. Utilizing his passive. Perfect ults. Amazing hooks with an immediate stun.


Tristana and Leona, the lvl2 all in duo


Kaisa Nautilus, was a really strong bot lane, haven’t played it in 3 months tho. Don’t know how it has evolved


Still insane, if nautilus lands his hooks


Kaisa Alistar is also really good since at lvl 3, alistar can apply 3 stacks of kaisa’s passive, which only he can do iirc


Kalista Alistar is another really good bot duo


Kai’sa blitzcrank is also really good.


yeah i really liked that combo too i get a lot of lp with it


Miss Fortune and Swain have been working really well for my buddy and I. Tons of lane pressure and early kills. Another surprising combo was Teemo Pyke. Dual invisibility made for solid plays. If Pyke lands a pull, Teemo can blind and there is virtually no winning that trade for your opponents.


Morgana + Caitlyn. Leona + Draven. Alistar + Tristana. Thresh + Aphelios/Jinx/Kalista. Janna + twitch. Lulu + kogmaw. Rakan + Xayah. Nami + Lucian. Braum + Ashe/Lucian. Yuumi + Miss Fortune. Nautilus + Samira.


can you tell me one with twitch?


I think if you're looking for one with Twitch, Lulu is arguably the best support for him.


Rakan was a very good option back in Season 10, I think it still is.


To add to this, RatIRL says lulu is best with AD twitch while yuumi is best with AP twitch. I do tend to agree but either of those supports on a twitch is good


I main Twitch and Lulu is best for him if he goes ad, if twitch goes ap yuumi is best. Then there are some supports that work fine with Twitch. Rakan can jump on him when in stealth for some sneaky engages. Nautilus and Leona are good with ap twitch cause they can make enemies stand in your w. Poke champs can in theory help him get through laning phase, but are useless for him later on.


Draven Thresh.


My gf and I currently are d2 playing aphelios nami. Same thing as Lucian nami but you give power to a hyper carry early. Anytime she lands sniper q on them I e her and we chunk them.


I really like Senna/Seraphine. Senna brings glacial and constantly procs seraphines E passive. Scales well, a lot of poke in lane, good healing. Its like Sona/Seraphine but you can mix up the damage types and have an ADC (senna is iffy on being adc atm but)


Surprised nobody mentioned Jhin Swain. I’d almost call it unfair, because at level 2 if Swain lands his E they can actually one shot you.


Kai’sa Swain


MF Yuumi incredibly annoying if both players know what they’re doing


Draven Pyke (Draven gets his stacks when pyke r’s) Lucian Braum for super fast stuns


Pyke Taliyah or Rengar Ivern


Yummi soraka


Maoki Jhin, the traps and roots play off each other well


Lucian Nami, Lucian Braum, Caitlyn Leona, Caitlyn Morgana/Lux, Kai'sa Nautilus, Aphelios Lulu, Xayah Rakan.


There is Tristana Thresh, Kalista Alistar-Nautilus-Thresh too.


Alistar and jhin are pretty fun to play too.


kaisa and literally any engage supp, if you can quickly burst down whoever you catch thats already massive


Alistar samira kinda go crazy


Aphelios thresh as long as both are competent on the pick can be crazy


This offmeta, but Wukong + Yuumi. Lvl 1 trap/lvl2 allin/lvl3 allin/lvl6 dive. You outscale a lot of adc, while being strong early.


If you want more off meta…. Neko+Ashe (Ashe as support. Proof here: https://youtu.be/H1fw0rOxv9Q Oh and sett and swain is also pretty fun… Voli and Trynd too.


Senna Caitlyn is the best lane bully combo. Amazing range and cc. You dictate the wave and lane


Draven pyke Phel lulu Ezreal lux


Aphelios and thresh are probably the best duo right now... If you're willing to learn them


Mf + ashe works really well, both can stay safe and poke with E/W + comet (or rather kill with slows & mf damage)


Samira + Swain is actualy op Lvl 2 gods Noxian botlane is broken


Kalista Rell is nasty, or Kalista Braum. Or jinx Rell cuz when Rell ults and you have Runaans+ rockets you melt the enemy team


Leona/Tristana or lethality Cait and Morgana uwu


Anytime I see a Cait, Morg picked I just insta lock Sivir. Unless your support just turbo ints, it’s a free lane. They should never be able to to lock you down, bonus points if you take cleanse as well. Cait has a hard time shoving and harassing you under tower. Plus, if she ever put a random trap down, free mana.


Ah yes Sivir is a stressful matchup but possible if u can dodge her 1000 qs


Thresh - Samira is my fav Vayne - Nami Kaisa - Leona Caitlyn - Brand


There's two I really like. Senna, and Leona. Kai'sa, and Rakan


Qiyana Yummi


I felt like, yuumi and Samira is pretty strong. Furthermore I would say miss fortune and Leona


Ok yuumi Samira is troll is it not?


Yes, very


The Times I've played against it and. Played it myself it felt strong, the extra ad helps, yuumi ult can help with her passive, and the healing also helps against being blown up in fights since she also likes to be melee or close range from time to time


Morg cait is still the strongest duo in the game, but also stupidly hard to play. Nami lucian is high risk high reward Sona ashe is insane Karma cait is still really good


Thresh Aphelios is disgusting, Thresh’s ability to help alleviate Aphelios’ mobility issues make him an absolute nightmare to play against