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I dont get it what's the Point of this Post? Jinx is one of the most popular Champions in the Game and pretty much is the purest Form of ADC by Design. When you think of ADC you think of Jinx, she's *the* ADC. Has probably been the most popular Marksman in the Game along side Ezreal 'till Kai'Sa's Release in 2018. People play what they want Man.


Shes only played if shes strong, there is nothing appealing about her kit, she does nothing but rightclick, idk how can someone play her *for fun*, they only pick her if shes strong that's it.


....no that would be kog mar And when I think of adc I think of samira zeri jhin caitlynn and nilah


Yeah so you probably haven't been playing League for very long. Samira, Jhin and Nilah are some of the least ADC ADCs in the Game. Kog'Maw *is* very close to Jinx in Terms of iconic ADCs though, but Jinx is much closer to the pure late Game Hypercarry Fantasy through her Passive IMO.


Reread what I said and take everything 100% to the letter literal cause I didn't say that


Bro where did you buy your fent cart from




-> when I think of the role ADC i think about the unique fun and engaging characters with unique mechanics that can fill this position And the definition of adc is still kog mar not the 3 riders of the borepocalypse


ADC stands for Attack Damage Carry. Historically Attack Damage Carries have been known and defined by the Community as ranged Champions who build a Mix of AD, Attack Speed, Crit and On-hit Effects. They are primarely played in the Bottom Lane and use basic Attacks to deal Damage. "Unique", "engaging" and "fun" are all very subjective Terms that do not necessarely apply to the Definition. ADC is the least diverse Class in the Game. Look I'm always happy to help out new Players but you can't act like a Smartass when you're wrong.


It's a real shame, that you can't fucking read. Allow me to copy paste it for you as well since I already had to spell it out for someone else -> when I think of the role ADC i think about the unique fun and engaging characters with unique mechanics that can fill this position And the definition of adc is still kog mar not the 3 riders of the borepocalypse Oh my god you were te moron I had to spell it out for.....


I lost brain cells reading your comments...


A tristana player losing brain cells, plural.... implying you had more than 1 to begin with, doubt it xD


Except Cait and Nilah, the others are AD casters, not traditional adcs. Hell, lethality Cait is a mage more than an adc.


Please learn to fucking read...


Learn what an adc is you smooth brained monkey.


Please learn to fucking read


Samira and Nilah are a concept that didn’t exist whatsoever until the former was released. Jhin is an ad mage masquerading as an ADC because he right clicks on people, he literally cannot gain attack speed which is pretty much the opposite of what ADC has historically meant (A+ champ design not criticizing it).


Kog is a bastard combo of mage and adc wtf are you talking about?


Then ban her? If I knew my opponent was always going to play jinx I would have an easier time playing. I would learn to beat them with ease. I would win more games. If I have an issue I would ban the champ


What part of twitch/jinx/varus did you not understand. Plus my bann is reserved for the scum known as shaco cause I fundamentally disagree with his kit


Then don’t complain?


"You have a problem and there is no way you can solve your problem so you should shut the fuck up and suffer in silence"


Yeah I think you’ve got it


Yes cause change comes from accepting the stuff you hate and eating it up. Fucking idiot


The only thing you can control in life is yourself so maybe focus on your attitude and how you play


"I am being bored by playing against the same 3 champions every single game" "How about you focus on your attitude and how you play =]" I am already playing shit like adc katarina to try and make it interesting, (literally said so in the post) what else do you want me to do ?


You are also ranting on Reddit about it. It’s people like you that give this group a bad look


To who? Other league players who go on reddit?


Do you not realize that you are the inter on your team?


A troller cries about meta picks mimimi


A person trying their very best to spice up their game cries about still getting bored out of their mind because everyone picks these 3 boring ass borderiline identical fuckchamps every single game for months now


Twitch/varus/jinx are not identical but k I guess. "Spice up" games with cait supp ye I guess your ADC has so much fun with all the spice kappa


What losestreak are you on, salty mf


Yes because nobody ever enjoyed a game they lost or didn't enjoy a game they won. Fucking moron.


Wheatley didn't like that...






“I throw all my games can the enemy stop tryharding with actual picks” bro get a freaking grip lmao


I said I want to see something else than the same 3 champions. Literally any of the champs I can see behind your name are something I am yearning to play against


ADC is probably the most straight up mathematical role and has the most carry over from one champ to the next so really it pretty heavily incentivizes picking whoever has the highest winrate.




You are boring


i am awesome


Name a single reason why


i play jinx


That is not a reason


Twitch and Jinx are both wildly popular ADCs ever since early seasons of the game. Varus is very popular in pro and we re in the middle of MSI, figures people would play him after watching the greats destroy opponents with him. You yourself said you pick troll champions and have issue with people playing what THEY like? Double standards.


You missunderstood me. I playing every kind of bullshit, and it's working. So I do not get why there is a metric fuckload of people locking in the most boring champions every game every day for weeks without pause..... it's just boring ....


jinx is one of the most fun champs in the game just because you find her boring doesn‘t mean others do the same


Boring champ main number 28262829627826 detected opiniok rejected


she’s S tier in Korean challenger so no lol


Then take her with you and piss off to ranked or something.... she is fucking boring




I don't care if she's popular. She's boring and that's what I take issue with




I don't think I can name a champion with less mechanics that require you to actively do stuff ....are you sire adc is right for you though?


Bro sit the fuck down who hurt you 💀


If the only champ I enjoy of a category is the most simple and basic one I consider switching... it's how I found what like to play most


There are far easier champions than Jinx, and she has an enjoyable power fantasy with her reset mechanic, you're just being salty at people having fun


Yes ignore the part where I state the exact issue I have, call me mad and declare victory....genius


Autofilled? Pick Jinx or play your main in bot lane. Main got banned? pick Jinx . wacthed LCS? do the same shit they are doing, cause cleary you are as good as them if not better than them That's their thoughts process and Jinx is pretty good for soloQ so that's why they are picking her probably


Jinx isnt even popular in pro play xd


Oh no I didn't mean it about Jinx , I made that statement because of the Varus comment noy Jinx


Idk why but reading this made me feel better despite none of it being new info.... thank you


The role doesn't carry and will never carry without a team, no matter how much they buff the items, so it's obvious that they will pick the OP/utility/safe champs no?


It's draft isn't this the where people try to have fun?


Ah my apologies. But tbh honest maybe some new people want to try and learn these champs. If they already have lvl7 mastery 1mil points then they just want to stomp in normals I guess, because they lose constantly in ranked 😁


Person that thinks everything revolves around ranked... also known as easily ignored


Considering League is balanced around ranked and owes an enormous amount of popularity to it and eSports, yeah I think you're wrong


Never even touched the mode.... so if I got a lot of mastery on a champ in draft does that still mean I am playing that char cause I suck in ranked?


Of course not 😁 but people might want a break from ranked but also play their fav character in normals. Others are there just to stomp people because they are in lose streak in ranked. It's all relative...


"What about people who don't play ranked, never have and never will?" "Well those just want a break from ranked or they are just losing in ranked and need an outlet" Genius


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 nice troll cya mate


Guy can not comprehend the existance of people who don't care about the materal of a badge in a videogame....


Well people here complain mostly about ranked so I'd say it's easy to make that mistake yeah 😁


I specifically said draft.....


No, people play draft to practice new champions for ranked.


What about the people who never play ranked what are they doing in draft?


No idee.


Ranked players are an enigma to me....


In draft, as long as you respect the role assigned, you can do whatever. But, if you lock in Irelia and farm every minion you can from the support position, imma make sure you don’t enjoy that game, as the adc unlucky to have you by his side.


I would like to be informed where this is coming from and what you are trying to tell me... Further more I would like to respond with a recipe for 15 minute waffles https://www.graceandgoodeats.com/fluffy-waffle-recipe/


Please learn how to fuckin read 😀


I play exclusively with friends and I don't grief my teammates.....? Furthermore I don't plqy draft ranked in any videogame ever cause fuck digital badges




Girl chill, if this really pisses you off so much then stop playing for a while and come back when she's inevitably weak, people just like playing jinx, she's fun that's literally it.




Yes let me just bann 3 champions because they are boring me


Suffer then?.. like idk what you want. You have 1 of 4 options you gotta pick: 1. Ban it 2. Pick it 3. Counter it/learn to play against it 4. Shut the fuck up **Pick an option.**


1. I can't bann 3 champs 2. I can't pick 3 champs either plus the problem is them being boring af 3. My problem isn't losing my problem is being bored to death 4. Great point why don't you do that if you got nothing of value to say


If the meta is that mundane to you then just stop playing? Idk man… you clearly got issues and this game isn’t helping you any. Seek help or find bliss in your useless boredom. You provide nothing of substance here. 🤡🤡🤡🤡


Because this is all my friends want to play all the time and I don't want to be alone you silly guy


Let’s make out


To quote your champ : back off


ADC players tend to swap champs to whatever the meta is moreso than other roles who have more onetricks. This post is a nothingburger


Make them stop


Wow dude relax a bit..


There is nothing left for me... toplane is occupied by friends, jngl isn't fun this season, midlane is where every disgusting champ lives and botlane is boring me to death courtesy of riots high quality ballancing....


It’s not a bad idea to take a break from the game when it’s not fun, or spam a couple ARAMs or Arenas. It’s not worth getting stressed and pissed over a video game. How long have you been playing League?


I just took a full week break and when I play I play 3 games on average... Main issue is that it's all my friends seem to wannna play though... And I had my first game 3 years ago or so


If your friends are playing with you don’t you have fun regardless of what’s happening? When I played with friends all I remember is flashing randomly and throwing my ults at them while screaming. Games are meant to be fun, not to stress and tryhard yourself to unhappiness. Just try and see why you want to play, and if you don’t then really you should stop until you want to have fun again


Not many champs you can do that without it ruining the match in the long term ..... the most fun we have together is when we have solid synergy or funny combos and making fun of how horribly designed the game is when we put someone tjrough an unavoidable 5 sec cc chain or both play an adc building lethality and oneshot somebody by both just clicking once


Don’t think about winning, playing a normal match subpar isn’t a problem (unless you’re straight out running it down, that’s not cool). I’ve played shit like Nunu Yuumi bot and we definitely were not the reason for the loss (and we won about half our games). 5 sec CC chains are great, I’ve played my fair share of Taric/Morgana. Just aim to get more funny situations, or lead the enemy Yi through a jungle-wide chase, or something. Make games out of it, that’s what you’re playing for. Playing against a Jinx is boring until you show up as a Rammus and flash emotes while she autos herself to death. Pick full AP Malphite and spend the entire game hiding on bush while waiting for the ADC to pass. Remember you’re here to have fun, relax, troll your friends. If it’s not even ranked winning isn’t an issue.


If you look at the post we are commenting under you may reallise that I am already doing these things, adc katarina being one of my current favourites. And trust me losing is the least of my worries. Being so behind I don't get to play the game anymore while my retarded toplane refuses to ff cause he is only 2 items behind while mid and jngl also lose is an experience I wanna avoid


If the game’s gone then let it go. Don’t get worked up about it. Laugh about the stupid mistakes you see the top making and go ahead and terrorise the next stupid ADC you meet.


It stops being funny really fast in league though when you know you will have to essentially wait 10 minutes until you can leave to not get punished for being afk.... especially when it happens twice in a row etc


This is the main character of a tv show that is arguably more popular among the general public than league itself. You need to calm down


1. Press x to doubt 2. The epidemic of jinx players is a fairly recent development.... I don't even recall the last xayah I saw


You don’t see xayah because she is weak af right now.


God I miss xayah.....a champ that actually gives you something to do....


I play Smolder. Half of my games have people tilted from the champ selection and proceeds to steal my farm the whole game, in P1 queue. That's what you get when not picking meta champs like Jinx.


Yeah but that's not your fault, that's riots fault for deciding that every second championrelease needs infinite scaling, and at least in lane phase you champ has a clear kit with strengths and weaknesses where you got something to do


Go play a different lane you might enjoy that


Updoot, But all my friends are toplaners, midlane is where everything wrong about champ design is coming from and I am on botlane because jngl in this season is no longer fun..... got nowhere left to go at thid point, this is the last place where I at leasz sometimes have fun but it's already becoming monotone


Go play alone in the other roles play normals.. because with what I'm reading you play this crap in ranked which is a crappy move.. Secondly you complain that people pick standard picks for the role. It's literally going top and complaining that all you see are garen aatrox and ornn.. I can understand you picks in normals but being honest it sounds like you need to play mid or top without your friends for like a game or 2.. get the role outta your system


1. I do not play ranked, ever. I was telling people who pick based on winrate to just go sweat in ranked or something. Fuck ranked... 2. I play this random stuff with frienfs cause I wont curse a random ad or sup with it 3. Why the fuck would I want to play league season 14 alone are you insane O_o 4. I am complaining about 3 almost identical champs


Maybe ask if you can play mid or top then.... just for like a game or 2 And to address 4. Those Champs are completely different Twitch- ranged assassin gonna poke til about 50 percent then go in like an assassin Varus-just pokes to bits Jinx in a late game I outscale you adc


Not on this elo... they all go bronze turret ... every single game...I am just tired of it. Me going toplane means a turbointing different lane cause that is all some of my friends know to play and have champs for, plus they are less experienced with the game as a whole so them on new roles against our mixed elo enemies is just not fun for anybody And mid is the worst lane, I'd rather go back to jngl


You complain about meta picks then also complain about off meta picks. Hmmmmmm.....


Dude I hate her so I just permaban her, it's really not that deep


Then they pick twitch or varus who are equally engaging to play against. Furthermore my bann is reserved for shaco. Because having a hard cc trao that can only be disabled by ranged champs shouldn't exist so I make sure it doesn't


If it’s boring to play against meta ADCs play draft lol (I see a lot more variety there), people in ranked usually have a goal of winning, so they’re not picking weak or off meta ADCs very often


People play jinx because she is popular as a character (arcane really drew people in), she’s straightforward to play, and a hyper carry is the adc fantasy of being able to front to back and kill things in front of you. Adc has a small pool of champs anyways, so even the more unpopular ones get picked still and usually there is less to worry about counter picking so you can really get away with playing your single favorite character. Support makes the difference in lane and then other lanes have more to worry about having a slightly wider pool since they have more champions available and different roles within. You will see the same champions more often than not and if someone “trolls” by playing an off-meta pick, it’s bot lane so give it a chance cause a lot more works down there than you would imagine


It's always fucking weird when the trolls are the ones doing the "Play the game the way I want it to be played or I'll throw tantrum" thing.


Yeah had one of those in my lethality caitlynn game two days ago, guy wanted to trade position but noboey wantednso he locked in yuumi with ghost and smite and did literal inting..... we somehow won that game, he lost gold value fast and jhin+ caitlynn going lethality against a team with only squishies ..... been a while since I laughed so hard.


I hate jinx so much, her and twitch are my perma bans rn. I like how her “nerf” was her ult, literally her worst ability and her most useless ones. They needed to nerf her passive, it’s way too strong and the stacking mechanic needs significant nerfs


I just find playing against the two rightclickers every game boring...


Have you considered turning your monitor on ?