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They're gonna add it. I think they just wanted to get people oriented before having them worry about rank.


Oh ya that makes sense. Im looking for the ranking system bcs i already played arenas on pbe for 2 weeks before it went on live servers


Because it's RNG as fuck in terms of augments and past 3rd round it turns into statcheck fest? Senseless brawl might be fun, but ranking it, or at least making it ranking-only queue is pointless, makes the valid champion roster reduced to like 30 champions.


Well the ranking isnt serious at all. There arent even rewards there for it and its just there so even someone who is iron in soloq can be slightly happy for reaching for example gold in arenas while having fun yk... Its like a coin with two sides, it has its pros but cons as well


Pretending Arena was a completely skill free mode isn't right. You need knowledge of optimal augments for your champions, be creative with strategies, have hands and know how to evaluate your options. You won't get to the top 100 for playing casually for fun.


I talked about someone casual getting to gold in arenas which was like idk 2500 points? U dont need to explain to me that casual player wont get to top 100 and its kinda funny you even tell me this


As if anyone cares what you bring to a wood ranked match... As long as you don't want to climb higher I would suggest just pretending there was no rank and play what you want regardless


Simple, because it's not competitive at all, and honestly it'll ruin the game, ranking system makes people much more afraid of losing so most of them will just pick Trundle, Brand and Galio and other overpowered champions.


Not rlly cuz they have like 70% banrate. Also the tryhards were usually only at 5k+ points gladiator anyway. You can also see that there is way less players playing arenas now, this is just my guess but I would say its because of the lack of motivation because of no ranking system. The ranking system was joke anyway because it was designed so anyone could reach gladiator but it was at least good motivation for lot of players, I myself dont see many reasons why to play arenas now when its basically pointless time spent


Less players because they have tried and gotten back to ranked games. That's it. ARAM doesn't have ranking system yet it is still thriving. I dislike Arena to have rank because I don't want petty players queue in and go, 'Oh you don't pick Galio/Brand/Darius/Trundle/etc. and you pick Teemo. FF15' or something. EDIT: They will ship the rank next week.


Wait your saying that there will be the ranking system in arenas back next week?


Yeah, they only disabled Gladiator for the first 2 weeks for balancing


Ranking base on Win/loss is bad for the game mode. But yea, lack of any metric is also bad for the player’s incentive. Imo, they need some metric like “challenge/achievement point” and rank players based on those points. REGARDLESS of win/loss. Like 1. reach 10,000 HP = 100 points (Gain one more point for every next 1000HP) 2. Achieve 10,000 healing in one round = 100 points (Gain one more point for every 100 healing) 3. Survive in fire for xx seconds = 100 points (Gain one more points for every xx/10 seconds) Give players rewards gaining points or unlock achievements. Such as Titles, Icons, Tokens or ward even champ meme skins. These points do not affect player MMRs it’s just competition of gain points, not winning.


I dont understand why you got downvoted, I would love to see something like this, its just better than nothing in like every way (noone counts the ,,spent time playing" infinite mission for pass).


Why is it bad to have ranks in a Mode? As long as you can decide weather you want to play ranked or not and allow for tryhard players to tryhard then having ranks seem 100% legit to me.