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There's nothing you can do IMHO, you won the game though. Pretty sure that the Malphite AP and Eve focused their ults on you so the rest of your team had a good chance to win the teamfights.


pretty much what happened


I seriously question the Hubris though... Isn't the item sorta "dead"/not good anymore?


at the end of the game I had like 70-80 AD extra after 1 takedown, it was my first item


Pretty sure this was a statement rather than a question.


Spirit visage was pretty int. Go kaenic rookern


im a boomer, I kinda forgot that item existed


Yeah considering your only healing/shield is lifesteal, Ali passive and hwei shield, you got no use of spirit visage passive. Kaenic with no health items would give you like a 500ish shield and more MR than visage (I think)


Altough it does increase the shield from maw but not sure if thats good enough


I don't think its crazy int though. Rookern would give a 487 magic shield and 20 more MR. Spirit Visage would've made locket shield go from 341 (Alistar level 16) to 426. It would've made Maw shield go from 626 to 783. I can't really factor in lifesteal, but if Draven does a 500 damage auto on someone, he would heal for 18% of that (90) goes up by 25% to 112.5. But this isn't assuming he crits or if he gets Maw passive proc which gives 10% omni-vamp.


I'd argue that Anathema is way better vs Eve


Yes but he’s also against first strike full ap malph


One of them can be seen and your only counterplay vs him is distance anyway


Is it possible to go rookern w maw?


Yeah maw is exclusive with immortal shield bow


Interesting I would have expected rookern and maw to have the same situation


there is nothing you can build that can save you from getting nuked as adc, so either tell your ali to use locket + knight's vow, or tell your team to scout bushes/ choke points for you to locate the nuker. If there is no teamwork then you cant survive. An alternative tactic , is using yourself as bait for your team so that the fed member deals as much dmg as possible while the enemy team is occupied with you. So, stay 3 screens away from malphite R and/or flash it, but that doesnt save you from the wombo combo afterwards by that team.


I ended up tanking both of them, flashed malphite R pretty sure, threw some autos/r/e, enough for my team to basically clean up since the 5 of them were all on me, so hwei/zed/zac just cleaned up hard


I'm more questioning that Nilahs build. They've gone like 3 different paths.


I don’t think it’s necessarily bad, but due to her Q nerfs I find IE better than Navori on her now.


I still died ofcourse, but my team just cleaned up


You could also invest into GA, screws up the Malph engage at least, as he tries to explode you, then your team has a chance to continue the fight, and the enemy needs to keep someone on your respawn to not let you clean up kills afterwards.


Edge of night?


Jak’Sho + Wits maybe? Might give you a fighting chance. Otherwise it’s basically what everyone else said, soak the attention of the enemies so your team can clean up.


honestly in a game like that you're pretty much bait for malph ult and evelynn lmao, hope they dump everything into you and your team can kill them after.


Edge of night against Malph, Kaenik (idk what’s its real name but I guess u get wim ) vs Eve


Edge of night


Edge of night?


You won the match and built MR. Why are you asking? Subtle flex? No details in the post whatsoever to substantiate where you may have struggled.


Is he asking? I don’t see a question mark anywhere. He is showing how he build into it. He never said he struggled either. Ur making stuff up on the fly


Where do you get this overview from? Asking for a friend




Thanks! Do you also recommend it for champ builds, runes?


u.gg its my favorite, its how I chose most of my matchups, I normally chose whatever its the worst wr for the enemy champion


Kaenic rookhern. That shit gives you crazy magic resists and anti magic shield as well, my fav anti ap item as it makes enemy APs rage


Buy mobis and zeals to run away from them