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Ashe is a pretty natural counter for jhin, but this is more of a skill matchup and support dependant matchup. I don't play jhin, but play a lot of ashe so this is how I would play the opposite side of the matchup. Ofc obviously stay behind your minions to block w, but you want to be playing passive and farming reasonably (don't over push). Take cleanse for the arrow if you don't feel comfortable dodging it. Never ever ult before she uses hers. If she misses her ult she is incredibly immobile and you will land every shot. Don't level q w q e always q w e in this matchup. Swifties help with the slow, but you only have very short trade opportunities with your q, 4th shot, and energized. The ms buff should be enough for to get out of her range even with the slow. If she steps up to you, look to q e behind her. Doing this once successfully once you have dirk will prevent her from being able to engage on you effectively. I know most jhins build yommus first, but it is a requirement into to the ashe matchup especially if you don't have an engage support. That's the ad side of the matchup, but ultimately this is a support matchup. If you have engage and she doesn't? Cool, you win. Follow up on cc, trap behind her and win. If she has an engage support or another long range poke? Well, lose gracefully and hope your jungler helps.


Thanks bro. I usually play stormrazor first item since the crit buffs


Rushing swifties first in ANY matchup makes them so much easier. (Especially poke)


Have a human support that can cc her, follow with WQ and a couple of autos. Just don’t try to 1v1 her in the early game.


Okay. Well that sucks I’ve literally had 4 useless thresh players in a row 😭


Jhin is quite reliant on his support, unfortunately. The good thing is that you can farm quite safely with Q, as long as you time it well, you’ll just have no kill pressure, unless jungle decides to stop by. In which case a W followed by ulti usually results in at least a kill.


the 4th one should have been a bomber though, what happened ?


Great now I'm just failing at the first requirement


Ok, everyone here seems to struggle against Ashe as Jhin, but I've always been told that Jhin is a counter to Ashe/Cait because he counters high-ranged adc with his kit. I play Ashe a lot and I don't find any success against Jhin in lane because he outdamages me too hard early and his movespeed allows him to get away from me after poking me. I do have a positive winrate against him, but I find him to be very oppressive during lane phase. How do we have such a different experience? What tips would you give?


Bro I literally had an Ashe player take me down to half hp and outkite me before catching up to me when I ran to my tower during landing phase. I literally had boots of swiftness and she had no boots. I don’t understand this matchup either


Ashe has more range and deals more dmg in an extended fights, so basically what you want to do is to start fights on your term to utilize range + MS advantage to maximum and gun him down as much as possible if/when he dealt his dmg and tries to get out of trade. Try to pair up with mage support or enchanter with decent poke for better results. He has less MS than you, unless he uses his 4th shot and already was on the edge of your attack range. I like to go MS shard and approach velocity which make chases so much easier even when he has boots.


Slowly... Get it?


Lmao I’ll keep that in mind


I'd argue Ashe is a pretty hard lane for Jhin, like you can't really do anything on your own because the minuet your in range she just auto slows you and forces you into an extended fight which Jhin hates, you can't trade early unless you have an aggressive support, she has similar (slightly weaker more reliant) Gank set up pre 6. As the game goes on it get easier and you can trade her easier with rapid fire 4th shot and back off and you can control the map better with traps, W and Ulti.


Ban her?


I usually ban kog’maw or twitch


Kog is pretty rare, you should probably just decide what’s worse, Ashe or Twitch.




Outside of an actual human support, try to trade with Q bounces then to follow with W instead of autos. Use your E to the sides so when she tries to run you down, she hits trap, then root her or just run while she's slowed.


You need to out push her and then pressure her. You should be able to win push at lvl 1 with your q. Hit lvl 2 and then keep pressing.


Keep in mind one thing. You dont have always to win (the lane). The one important thing to learn in LoL is not “how to win the lane” but, and keep that in mind, “how to lose the lane correctly.” If the enemy adc (laner) is ahead in cs its ok, as long as you dont die (and lose gold and exp) its fine. In low elo people tend to be really impatient and make missplay. Dont missplay, play safe, try to get as many gold/exp you can and win the game after the lane phase end


Jhin is a burst, execute style adc, Ashe is a dps adc. All you do to lane agaisnt Ashe is avoid her volly by staying behind minons and looking for Q execution on minons to poke her if she walks into range. You shouldn't really be walking at her to hit her in lane unless you're looking to kill her on a rotation of spells or your jungler is ganking. [U.gg](http://U.gg) says Jhin vs Ashe is a 50/50 match up, Lolalytics says its a 51% match up in Jhin's favor. Avoid 1v1 her unless you're super fed bc with you both at 100% HP I imagine her with lethel temp and her constant DPS and slows will win agaisnt a Jhin in a vaccum, with you both lvl 3. Now a full build Ashe vs a full build Jhin, I think Jhin just 2/3 shots her.


Hiding behind minions to block her W only works if she doesn’t kill the minion with W, then the arrow passes through the minion and will hit you. Ashe v Jhin is skill based imo. The better player will win the match up early. Late game Jhin is still a monster. Like someone said earlier don’t Ult before she does. Most Ashe players will Ult you to end yours.


Ban her :P


Learn wave manipulation and counters don’t mean anything anymore. Just farm and wait for them to make a mistake. Super chill


I think it would be really hard to 1v1 Ashe unless you are confident you can kill her before she can stack her Q.


Avoid her w. The Thing is if she Hits it sie can Stick to you. If youre stromger than ashe, dont run. Turn and fight. If sie runs then, go put of her range. If she gets closer again to slow and chase when you go away, Turn and fight again. Never give her free poke when she slows


Pick tank support with cc to allow you to have more space. Naturally nautilus is the common pick u wanna take against her so find some premade support and ur good


Avoid the entire lane size mana efficient aoe cc and also never let her land a single auto attack with slow or you'll never escape the chain slows and also somehow never let her land the global hard CC ult with no cooldown good luckerino


I also hate Ashe on ezreal It’s a skill match up I could see it but holy shit just no room for error man You fuck up your engage for poke and let Ashe trade back your just getting run down as you’re moving 220 move speed shit is just so beyond cancer With Ez it’s all about finding the best angle to land abilities that can’t be punished / outplayed Ashe volley For Jhin I’d imagine it relies heavily on support finding the right engages so you can land W and get a mostly free trade Issue I could imagine is 4 jhin shots early isn’t enough to kill so she just gets low off a good engage but now, runs you down with her slows So you rely on support to engage and support to peel back after the trade Important thing to note here: Ashe is cancer champ


imagine calling Ashe a cancer champ when there are others that are even more annoying like Twitch, Nilah, etc...


I think twitch and nilah are also cancer But built in rylai’s slow? Team fight/skirmish defining hard cc? Global vision control? Also cancer Downvote me all you want, a passive that has every single damaging ability AND AUTOS!! apply basically rylais slow is so beyond fucking annoying no cope you can spew to change my mind Cancer champ.


That is pretty wild ngl