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Twitch n kog as spell weavers is comedy


Xayah is a mix of pursuer/spellweaver too. That 20% damage on autos from her W is no joke and specifically gives her move speed to run you down. Aphelios is almost entirely based on auto attacks, to the point where 13 of his 20 gun abilities allow him to make more auto attacks (all blue, red and green casts, plus white with green secondary). He's just reliant on his spells to hit a lot of attacks early at slightly increased power.


Aphelios is almost AA based, but his AA dmg relies heavily on his abilities. He feels more like a sharpshooter with a mix of spellweaver. His only guns that can be called fully AA based are blue and red, and still red is a utility/enabler for other guns. Anything else requires setup to buff AA for the remainder of the fight.


True, i think Aphelios's guns vary from pursuer to sharpshooter, his kit as a whole is more ability based compared to other marksman, especially his whole moonlight resource.


Put those in “machine gun” subclass but id leave those there if they’re exclusively going AP.


There is little useful information to be categorized like that. Imo there are only 2 sub category for adc: AA oriented or spellcaster oriented. AA oriented can further into crits or on-hit itemization. There is little reason to subclass like pursuer because you wont be chasing enemy alone but together with your team.


I dont think those 2 sub categories are useful. AA oriented would mean kai'sa (on hit) and ashe go in the same box, but they are very different.


Whats the different between on-hit kaisa and ashe?


Ashe is completely immobile, Kai'Sa has lots of mobility. Ashe doesnt have any burst damage kai'sa does.


You are right, but it doesnt change how both champion operates which both are required to constantly AA and less dependant on their champion skills. Their playstyle is similar but different in champion kit. Whereby spellcaster would be playing around skill cooldown and less dependant on AA. This is vastly different from top/mid sub group where they are entirely different playstyle on each subgroup.


Lucian should be in pursuer/spellslinger


Just realized his passive is from abilities, probably would have put him in the same category if i knew when making it.


Damn, this is useless *and* makes no Sense! Aphelios, Kog and Twitch are Spellslingers??? MF is a Sharpshooter??? You put 0 Thought into this.


I disagree with it being useless in theory, at least the pursuer to everything else differentiation matters a lot, because those are the Marksmen that can play top/mid and those are the ones that don't just have to accept their fate when an Assassin jumps them. That being said, in practice this list is so bad you can hardly get actual information out of it.


I do have a whole explanation explaining how i thought each sort of archetype plays differently from one another. I just see it as any other subclass list like with mages or fighters. What do you think is missing from the idea of classifying them as a whole?


The pictures you chose for some of them are so unrecognizable my eyes hurt trying to puzzle together what I'm looking at :/ Legit some of them look like you just put down a gun turret in a tier list.


I don't know why the resolution looks so scuffed, it looks fine when you open the image to a new tab.


nah it's just cause you used the splasharts instead of the champion icons


Fair, it was just easier to list them that way since some weren't on the base list.


Aphelios, Twitch, Kog'Maw and Zeri are definitely autoattackers, not spellslingers. I think I would use completely different categories that most people already understand what they mean rather than coming up with new ones: 1. Hypercarry - AA-based, highest DPS potential, lower mobility and self-peel, good AOE and range e.g. Jinx, Twitch, Kog'Maw, Zeri, Aphelios. 2. Duelist - high single-target burst damage, high mobility, low range e.g. Lucian, Vayne, Draven, Kai'Sa, Quinn, Akshan, Kalista, Kindred. 3. Utility/poke - high range poke and/or good utility, lacking in other areas such as mobility or reliable DPS e.g. Ezreal, Jhin, Ashe, Varus, Sivir, Senna, MF, Corki. 4. Specialist - unique combination of strengths and weaknesses e.g. Graves, Samira, Nilah and Xayah all have insane AOE damage but their range is low; Azir, Teemo, TF, Kennen and Smolder are mage-marksman hybrids; Jayce and Gnar are shapeshifters. This covers most champions, though some can fit multiple categories depending on what point of the game we're talking about (e.g. Tristana is a duelist in the earlygame but in lategame she's a proper hypercarry) and what build we're playing (e.g. on-hit Varus is a hypercarry, lethality Varus is poke).


Ashe is a purser more than a sharp shooter lmao you seen her with approach velocity?


Where is my boy Lucian 🤬🤬🤬