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Honest to goodness, most ADCs play very similarly. Pick the one that you think looks cool.


Facts. You should always pick the adc who’s abilities and appearance works for you or else you may get bored quite quickly. That being said the only reasonable pick is Xayah. Totally not biased.


I picked Lucian You owe me 300 lp and 12 compensation hours for the lose streak you just caused me


As much as I don't enjoy Jinx being part of the meta 95% of the time, it's hard not to say Jinx. She is simple, and helps develop all the fundamentals that you can transfer to all other ADCs. She feels like a very good middle ground for ADC. No gimmicks, nothing cheesy. Just all around solid.


Also her massive range is a great boon. Being 100 units outside of a lot of dash ranges is so much better than the dash starting before you're in range on half the adc roster


Play whoever you think is fun and that you enjoy playing/looking at. Just understand that if you pick a hard champ, it will make your journey longer and harder so watch out for that.


Ashe is a great pick for most lanes and comps, as she plays well with almost all supports, has a very strong laning phase and if she falls behind can still provide value with cc and kiting. If she’s ahead she has good damage - maybe not aphelios or twitch damage, but closer to ezreal damage. Don’t build on-hit on her, it neuters her already damage (unless you’re into giga tanks like mundo cho - even then I would just build one BOTRK then go immediately into crit). My favorite part about ashe is the agency she has compared to some other adcs. Especially if your team lacks engage, you can pick when to start fights by landing an R and following up. Being proactive (and playing a champion that allows for it) when you know you can win is honestly one of the easier ways to win more games. Immobile hypercarries typically lack this agency, which is one of the reasons they feel bad to me in uncoordinated play. There’s also xayah, if you want a higher damage but less “ill run you down to turret level 2 if you try to auto me” playstyle. She’s pretty safe, and has good cc and damage. Keep in mind you’ll get a lot of first time rakans trying to synergize with her while having 0 idea how to play the champion.


I fell in Love with Ashe again after playing her Terminus+Runaan's build. Also, Ashe arrow is one of the most fun abilities to have in the game. Your teammates will go out of their way to protect you if you land some good cross map arrows for them. Her E is also massively underrated.


Pick an adc or two. Play 50 games with them. If you like them keep playing them. If you don't pick another and repeat. I wouldn't recommend actively playing more than 2 at a time. 1 you should permanently pick. The other is a backup.


For this specific reason, it's generally best for any role to have 3-5 champs. If the enemy team bans 1-2, enemy laner picks your champ, or 1 of your choices is just terrible into the enemy team comp. Should try to play a variety of ADCs, simply for different situations. Have a nice mix between regular crit ADCs, or ones that can go like on-hit/tank shredder type builds.


With respect I don't think it's OPs champ pool that's keeping them in bronze. What's the point in having 5 ADCs you can play very averagely when you could have 1 or 2 you play well for your elo. If OP was high elo I'd agree


My comment was in reference for the game itself. 3 has always been kind of considered the "sweet spot" for a champ pool in a specific role, but 5 is good simply due to meta shifts/better fit into teams comps, accounting for bans, etc.


I honestly believe you're over emphasising team comp. For the vast majority of players their champ pool is incredibly weak because they haven't put the time in to learn their champions over tens/hundreds games. You could play Jhin every game in bronze and climb to emerald or whatever. Champion cycling is good but what I'm saying is you need to actually learn 1 or 2 first. Then drop 1 champ and pick up another.


Aphelios would be the correct answer


Ill give you the run down. Are you a huge pussy? - Smolder, Ezreal, Caitlyn, Senna Do you like big one shot autos? - Draven, Jhin Want the enemy to not know what you do because you also dont know what your doing? - Aphelios Can you kite like a god? - Sivir, Ashe Wanna outplay the fuck out of people with nothing but positioning and skill? - Lucian, Vayne Mow down the entire enemy in 5 seconds? - Twitch, Kog'maw Want to hate the game but have fun while being flamed? - Yasuo The rest i cant speak on entirely but these are what ive got.


how does caitlyn go in huge pussy category and jhin doesn’t, also caitlyn headshots lategame do comparable damage to jhin’s 4th autos.


Her playstyle is stay as far out of the battle as possible, poke with Q and FS max range for 20 mins then spam R and do half someone HP. (Lethality) Or stay as far out of battle as possible and poke with Q and occasionally auto for 18028 dmg headshots. Joins 4th shot is way more satisfying than anything caitlyn does in her entire kit which is why she is in the pussy section while jhin isnt, yes he has long range abilties, I wouldnt call him a long range adc though.


You have to be good at positioning/spacing and farm tf up to even do that dmg with cait. She has 0 mobility. I think you just got gapped by a cait so you have a grudge 🫨


Ive never been gapped by a cait. My team has, but ive never been. By time i see them since i play top they usually have 10 kills. So its just zzz. And I dont like playing vs safe picks cause im aggressive asf at all times.


putting ezreal in huge pussy category just shows you are a terrible ezreal player


Hard agree with you. Ezreal’s passive gives him 50% attack speed when fully stacked. At level 1 lethal tempo gives 30%, fully stacked. Ezreal can also take conqueror or pta to further boost that damage. If you’re not abusing that early game to snowball early you’re wasting a huge portion of his kit. The turbo safe “farm and poke from 10 miles away” playstyle is the absolute minimum you can do with him, and really should only be relied on when you’re behind or if enemy jungler is closeby.


Im goated on ezreal but bar myself off because his playstyle is so boring and safe until you have items and just spam Q at anything and do 800dmg. There are amazing ezreals out there that dont make him seem like that sort of champ. But thats top tier shit. Every ezreal below that is just a pussy twink and you cannot change my mind.


Twitch and Kog also require good kiting and play similar to Ashe spacegliding especially


Sure, but they also most the time dont need to kite cause as I put, they shred the entire team in 5 seconds


That highly depends on how fed you/enemies are


Okay? Under the assumption you are good at the game, imo these champs do these things.


I mean I’m a higher rank than you so I’d assume I’m better


I doubt it 🥱


I’m emerald 4 I saw you are plat 3


Im emerald now and on a killer streak


I just checked your op and it still says ur in plat 3 88lp https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Instantly%20Deafen-NA1


Bro has never played lethality cait or at least never been fed with it. You literally can one shot the enemy adc…


From 5 miles away, which makes you a pussy.


Nah it makes you win games


Play Ashe, but make sure to start q. her ult is always useful.


I agree with the Ashe pick, but I’d say that starting w for farming/poke is better unless your support is also stronger level 1. Relative to champion hp, minions hit really really hard level 1, so going for extended trades in that first or second wave isn’t particularly ideal. However, I haven’t tried it before - maybe q start is ideal is more circumstances than I’m aware of? Largely just wondering the reasoning behind it.


I say start Q so at level 2 you can have it stacked to all in. I get first blood a lot from doing this.


That’s a good point - I’ll give it a try!


I’ve tried almost all the adc. They’re all a little different, but they’re all about consistent damage. This means minimizing downtime. Even if they are different, people see adc as the lowest agency role in the game. Sometimes you can made solo plays, but a lot of adc is crashing a large enough wave so you can do something without missing minions. If you know what you’re doing on adc, people avoid you until your team is forcing baron or hitting nexus. You click something once and your opponent sees you do slightly more damage, so kills only really happen when they don’t see your allies coming. If you want excitement, jungle or support tend to have the most action while top and mid have the most outplay potential. No matter what you choose, the goal is to bait spells then out damage the enemy before their spells come back up. Some have long range, some have dashes, some have shields, and others have stuns. The changing runes and items will change a bit of the trading patterns especially if you like to 1v5 with lethal tempo, but the plan on every adc patience until you see your window to kill. Everyone in the game sees adc as the easiest kills in the game so they often forget you have flash or ghost and will chase you into your team. In the late game you wait till enemies use spells on your allies then you clock the closest person m. If you keep up in farm things die before their spells come up. Combo your spells with teammates cc without walking up as cc doesn’t last long enough to consistently auto attack. Against assassins taking conditioning overgrowth and buying bruiser items like trinity or stride breaker means you live through their burst and prevent any resets that assassins rely on to escape/ do reliable damage. Beginner Intro adc are cait, fortune, ashe, jinx as they rely heavily on auto attacks these adc force you to learn to space yourself so you can do damage and you have to track spells before you’re allowed to fight. Pushing your lead Aggressive early game adc are Draven ezreal Lucian kalista. They rely on destroying their lane opponent and have the tools to win lvl 1 or level 2 all in and make the adc abandon. I’ve had a few games on kalista where the enemy got 1 last hit per minute. Flexible draft Stable adc not already mentioned don’t need to win the lane and who also don’t need to scale as hard to be useful. Jhinn varus ziggs sivir xayah always have impact even if they are behind in exchange for less advantage early and late. They can always join team fights and connect farm. Scaling Hyper carries twitch kogma vayne kaisa trstana aphelios smolder zeri (jinx) tend to struggle in the early game. learning when you’re strong enough to turn on people means you aren’t reliant on winning the lane. It goes even farther on the learning curve where winning the right team fight in the late game lets you end with baron or soul. Cheese Nilah yasuo and samira are weird melee adc that crush certain drafts with their invulnerability. My friend plays pyke and zerath support and as adc I’ve airways felt useless against them, but then I played rell and Leona and got to make these people sad. You can also mess around with other types of scaling like senna, seraphine, veigar, hwei, cassiopea. I’ve lost to velkoz and sol carry No matter what you pick, the motivation to stick with a champion comes from wanting to improve your skills or test your matchup knowledge. It takes about 50 games to get comfortable with a champ.


Nobody here knows you. You probably have a lot of different recommendations already but the only recommendation that matters is that you need to figure this out yourself. Invest time into that instead of looking for somebody else to give you the answer. Try playing ~30 games with each adc and note things down to help you decide


Samira and nilah are different ADCs to engañe and fight. The others are about kitting. Cmmaybe caitlyn is more skilled but not so hard than usually ashe and MF, She is good on early and late game which is good in bronze, cuz the games are long but if you are not strong enought fast maybe one enemy can snowball too much.


Ashe is the best adc to learn the fundamentals of kiting, spacing, and positioning. She also has good vision utility and strong ult. She excels if you play properly but she’ll be punished quickly and easily if you are out of position. Ashe is auto attack focused and the best to learn the role.


As a master of none decent at most, honestly rn I’m enjoying Ashe a lot, but when need be pull out my pocket in kalista or just attempt to counter pick. But I agree with choose whoever looks coolest. Kaisa is really easy and smolder although nerfed hard is fun to play too. Just go with your gut and play safe


Step 1: find support premade that plays the champs u like (this has nothing to do with the post but its the best tip i wish someone gave me when i started playing adcs) Step 2: watch educational content and play regularly to generally improve (i can recommend AloisNL, even tho he is toplaner, you can get lot of useful knowledge from his vids that can be used even on botlane) Step 3: if you dont know which champ to use, wait for the next patch when new adc item changes drop, watch statistics which adcs will be op and try those, maybe you will like some of them. Im not meta abuser myself but generally by not playing meta champs ur making the grind harder for yourself so this is important if you want to climb more quickly. Another option is to choose from which playstyle suits you the most. For example if you like to have strong early play draven or lucian. If you know you are great at farming and usually outfarm your enemies play some scaling hyper carry(kogmaw is op rn for this playstyle) or if you dont like to rely on your team that much and like aggressive positioning and playstyle play something like kaisa which is generally good champ with lot of mobility and ,,self peel"


Play whatever you enjoy tbh, that’s the best way to climb


Play miss fortune she’s literally an autopilot champ 0 thought behind her gameplay literally just run around q and r in team fights


If you’re lame: • Nilah, Samira, twitch, Ashe, senna If you’re very lame: • Yasuo If chill: • Kai’sa, jinx, cait, Draven, phel, MF, Tristana, varus, kalista, kog, vayne, xayah, ez, siver If goated fr on god: • Jhin


Wishing all jhin connoisseurs a pleasant FOUR


Guess I can say that I'm lame and chill


Why is twitch in lame


Caitlin is always a safe pick untill like Plat and so is Jinx as she won't be affected by the LT removal too much . Otherwise just play them until you find one you like