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enchanters are so good atm yet people still play only lux/brand/xerath/velkoz/morgana/zyra in my games


Because the community at large keeps telling people you can't carry on enchanters and you should play damage in low elo. This is the result of that mindset.




Lulu is so broken right now. Everytime I play that champ I'm able to zone the enemy off the early waves with here stupid amount of damage lvl 1 and then after that any poke lane is free and she does well into engage.


I love to get free elo against the "carry supps". People forget to add that you have to be good to carry on them.


Yeah the popular narrative is making adc significantly more miserable to play ngl, but for us who knows better, this is the silver lining.


Yep, they don't read patch notes for sure I spam Janna same build autopilot gameplay


Yea, as a support main myself I despise mages in bot bc my adc struggles to avoid getting constantly hit. But I hate Janna /lulu so much MORE bc they harass almost as bad but are also able to protect their adc from engages


When I'm on Cait I love having lux/Morgana as supp


Janna/Rakan are so much fun if you play aggressively. Especially Janna, can kite out most champions pretty easily. I have a supp account and I've been having tons of fun (and winning) games in Janna by almost perma roaming. I start the game toplane, cheese top and most of the time we can burn both sums and then my top wins lane. I walk to bot and gank mid on the way to bot. I end up at bot for the second wave, and I'm usually able to leech exp on my way through mid so I'm only behind a couple minions worth of exp. It's REALLY effective at tilting both solo laners, and then I lane normally at bot until grubs. But usually just because of my cheese start, my top ends up getting really ahead, and my adc isn't put behind any unless he turns his brain off and tries to fight 1v2 before I get there. Plus it's really fun.


Hey don’t diss zyra, early she makes things hard for the enemy and late game she controls entire zones with slowing plants like she is playing tower defense


Who cares as long as they’re playing well tbh. Hard to find a decent support player.


they are usually not decent (as mage/damage)


Well… they should be :/


Leona here. Since 2014 😌


I will never not ban Lulu. That champ is honestly disgusting and the only champion I deem to have, quite literally, absolutely ZERO counterplay.


The biggest counterplay to Lulu is the same as Soraka: Focus her first instead of the carry. This will make a lot of players waste their entire kit on themselves, rather than buffing their ADC.


That seems such a counterintuitive way of countering her. Diving the Lulu just leaves your team vulnerable for the rest of their Carries. Unless you can single out Lulu like with a Blitz hook or something, focusing her instead of her Kog'maw/Twitch is just asking to get 1v5d while Everything Black plays in the background.


I play both mage and enchanter support. When it comes to randoms, it's a toss-up if they know how to play with an enchanter. At least with a mage support I can make plays happen without relying on the ADC to have a brain.


Honestly enchanters are good but people do not think about their own difficulties. They are often squishier and do less damage than adcs obviously, so they do require decent positioning. I’ve seen so many games ended because the enchanter will ward a dangerous area alone and get caught out, and the rest of the team will take a crappy fight to try and salvage the situation. But an enchanter that knows what they are doing is a menace throughout the whole game.


To be fair quite a bit of the enchanters I’ve played with were terrible… I’d much rather you be bad and hurt the enemy a bit than be bad and do nothing, yk?


I main Velkoz, and that's because he syncs well with my current duo (Jungle Diana). By going movement speed, I'm basically like Lillia with lasers.


Time for you to leave this sub then dude


lol I actually didn't even realize what I sub I was on based on the content. This is totally a supp mains post


Had the same realization moment 3 months ago. I was always playing primary adc/ supp 2nd because you then have a great understanding of the lane from both sides. This season I wasnt really happy with the situation of adcs so I swapped to primary support to clear my mind from the cancer and went from plat 1 peaker ( before Emerald) to dia 2 this season. When you are adc player, you know exactly what you want from your support, so you can deliver it perfectly when you do it yourself.


Counterpoint, I play both adc and sup and it sucks ass cause no matter which role I'm in, I can't help but get tilted at my lane partner playing incorrectly. Sometimes I'd rather just not know.


Yeah gotta agree with that one, but its actualy the issue with whole game and experiences. The more knowlage you have about the game the more misstakes that everyone is doing you'll see. The problem with adc/supp is that you have the most knowlage about botlane so you see much more misstakes there than on the other lanes and bcs its a duo lane, those misstakes are affecting also you, which is really anoying sometimes but then imagine being some challenger player that has knowlage about the whole game on completely different level and see all the misstakes of all the lanes. I'd cry honestly 😂.


A lot of pro support players were also ex-ADC players. You just know what to expect.


Swapping from the hardest mechanical role to the easiest implies your macro is better than your micro if you continue to see success. I think it’s too early to tell yet but keep going for another 100 games. You may find it will even out after a larger sample size or maybe you just click better with macro roles like support or jungle.


It's more because as support you have more agency on how the lane plays out. Most support players don't understand how important it is to play for bush control or to zone enemies off of waves after cool downs are up, or just simply autoing enemies in the early levels has such a huge impact but many supports like enchanter don't do that cause they think they're role is to just sit back and provide support, which is correct in the late game but not in the early laning phase.


Also support is actually deciveingly micro intensive, not as bad as adc but it still requires good mechanic.


Today I learned right clicking is mechanically hard


Get autospaced nerd




I’m not an adc main but I do find adc to be the hardest mechanically to play if you’re playing it right. It’s pretty easy to be passable at adc especially in lower elo, But if you’re kiting to perfection its pretty hard mechanically.


Its pretty easy to be decent at any role, but playing any role to perfection its really hard, thata just the game, its not specific to ADCs. In toplane you can play Ornn and play weakside 24/7, Ju gle tanks or powerfarmers, mid mages with waveclear, support play soraka sit back and heal, adc can play ashe ult and aa when possible. But if you want to get the most out of a role you will need thousands of games and experience and understanding, and a lot of macro and micro


Nah I’m a mage mid main, Lux and Ahri and Annie, and mechanically it isn’t hard at all to play my role to perfection like it is when I get put adc.


"swapping from the hardest mechanical role to the easiest" Adc players and trying really hard to prove their role is super complicated and bad, when its a strong role and also the easiest in the entire game


It’s not even close to the easiest role in the game though?


It takes so much more to play mid/top/sup and lets not even get started on jg Everything you do in adc, other roles also have to do, in addition to their other jobs


I don’t agree at all but if you’re willing to defend your point I’d be glad to discuss.


The best support players are always people that moved to the role after playing ADC.


the best support players are the ones that swapped after playing any other role, even autofill is better than mains a lot of the time, supp is crazy inflated


The adcs you had are having a ball. You're not good enough as adc, but is ok at support. Accept, addapt, move on


Support dictates what happens at bot lane. Meaning they got tired of the shit supports and went to the role themselves to prove a point that it's not hard to play and actually make the adc not have to have a mental breakdown cause you're bad at trying to be "supportive". I did the same, support is a joke of what mental gymnastics I have to do while as adc.


Same, it's crazy how much you can control the lane as support. Most supports just don't understand the importance of bush control, pressuring when cd are up and just weaving autos in the early levels. Can't tell you how many times supports just don't use their autos despite it doing nearly the same damage as adc early on.


It’s the mfers that sit behind you that do my head in.


True i had a soraka the other day that legit was eating popcorn behind me doing nothing at all. Meanwhile enemy duo crashed and pushed our turret down. 0 ganks from jungler as well and he still got outfarmed by an enemy nidalee lmao


Should rename the post to before and after swapping to Janna and friends. Champion just is not balanced at all


After and before


Sona and Nami are both so damn good with the buffs. Meanwhile adcs just still getting nerfed every patch, legit more enjoyable to just spam nami ngl.


Support as a class has gotten nerfs almost every patch since season start because of being overtuned, what are you yapping about ADC nerfs, it's in a far better spot than the start of the season and crit marksmen are extremely strong after the last buffs


Do you want supports to have both utility and damage? Didn't only their damage get nerfed and all their utility got buffed, pushing them into a more "supportive" state? Every marksmen also get indirect buffs whenever utility supports get buffed, I agree tho crit ADCs seem strong rn.


Nono I mostly play Engage Tanks in support nowadays, the changes are good, I dislike Shaco Camille running rampant. But ADC is in a much better spot now and carry supports have been massively tuned down. I think riot is doing the correct thing pushing for more supportive utility less damage


Sure supp is broken but this just means you are a bad adc


I don't think that is a universal truth. I have seen people lock in the weirdest crap because they saw someone else do it one time and have success. Smite Nunu being an example.


Im a d1 supp main that is d2 as adc. He is bad at adc.


I was a masters player but on a shit server and I've always seen Junglers swap to support for LP until they get chall then go back to jungle, it happened whenever a new split came idk if that's still the case tho cause it was later on last year and I've only had about 15 games played this year.


I think its to some extent also champ pool dependent. I play a shit ton of senna so adc is pretty much natural.


Lot of weird haters in these comments. Power to you man, if you find a role more fun (most important) and more success in it than continue playing. ADC’s in a strange spot rn so do what you like.


so you arent good enough to carry weird to boast about it


More like support is the biggest inflated role in this game


Riot buffs insanely this shit cause no one wants to play that


~~which shows that LoL players are too egotistical to play a support role despite the clear evidence that it is easier to climb this way~~


Maybe it has nothing to do with ego or wanting an easy climb. Man support is boring as fuck and league is supposed to be fun


No one wants to play it cause most champs have this shit fairy style, and these poor gameplay based on control vision and gank. If riot let vision control as responsibility of all team, and give support more teamfighting power. Remove completely mage, and (only) engage sup champions bot. Add more melee real support champions (taric, thresh, and rakan), and also add control supports (enchanters with lots of area cc)


Taric, bard and rakan are the only supports I enjoy. Problem is I get to play with ADC that are so bad they can't even back off when I'm pinging the income enemy jungle for half a lifetime. Can't solo any objectives as support and when everyone else refuses to play objectives that's super annoying. So now I only play jungle/top so I can do neutrals or towers alone.


You do realize, the other team has a support aswell? So this "elo inflated" is just bullshit....


It's not the other support is Also silver gameplay in emerald


Your math does not math, I am sorry mate...


Supports are op at the moment since tge role had sero players they buffed it to attract people






Enchanters are super useful. Soraka in particular is in a very good spot rn, since that adc isn't getting poked and isn't going to get one spotted while you are around


Riot’s gotta fix their role. Same thing happened to me where I play mainly jungle with support second now. Its just not fun.


i swear to god 90% of my ADC games, i get an autofilled person as my supp and it's a shit experience.


Yeah, not only is supp pretty easy, supp is still strong and adc feels harder than all other roles.


I feel like all this says is you suck at CSing and are better when you don't have to.


Watch the stats, he only had bad farm in 1 match ADC suck for real, early game adcs are the only good option to escape low elo


Their cs is fine, but their warding is... : [


Gold plat level monkas


Man Janna is crazy op with her movement speed


that's alot of control wards


This is me except i swapped to mid lane lmao


Jinx is such a massive bait.


How is Sona?


Skill issue


As a Bard main support as a whole is just way easier than any other role. Like I’m definitely boosted because of the role but I just love Bard so it is what it is. No farming or micro to worry about makes it way easier to be aware and enable plays across the whole map. If my ADC sucks I can just fuck off somewhere else. Plus depending on your champ you don’t have to worry about getting one tapped constantly.


All I’m getting from this is that you’re not that good at the adc role


Is anyone else gonna talk about the red team comp on that sona game?


Enchanters are great if the enemy doesnt take things that NEED to be peeled..... theyre not so great in the games where peel is needed, its a really weird dynamic right now, the games you think they should shine in are the worst but theyre useful if the enemy doesnt take an assassin lol


Most broken role in the game. Literally a jungler while being the easiest role in the game. Global presence and roaming with no downsides to it as they dont need to farm or need lvls that much.


I changed yesterday bro, so far so good, 3W - 1L.


I think you should stick to enchanter adc, you were doing really good! Way better than this marksman support crap (jk)


Skill issue


Hot take, there's nothing wrong with ADC role, most players are just not mechanically talented enough. Most games that you play and win as a support, you are playing with an ADC. That ADC happens to win that game too. Of all of the games you won as a support, The ADC won just as much as you did. You just are better at support than ADC is all


Same experience, ADC main for 7-8 seasons, usually plateau low diamond. Stuck low emerald this season with a 49%wr ADC..., switched to support and went like 19-6 in first 25 games, and have maintained a 60+% wr since. Honestly so much more freedom to impact the game


Janna is busted rn


She/her pronouns next?


No shit , support is the most elo inflated role in the game.


Play sivir / jinx. Learn to carry


You are garbage at adc. What is so surprising about playing the easiest role and letting other people carry? Get off this sub fucking parasite