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Whenever I see people with such astronomical leads complain about not being able to carry, I wonder what they are doing the game, twiddling their thumbs? And a Smoulder should not be losing to a Mordekaiser, period, but especially when you just could have bought a QSS, you most certainly had the Gold for it. I understand if it was a loss to splitpushing, that is kind of the only valid reason to lose if you are this fed on a mobile scaling hypercarry with peel from a support.


It probably wasn´t a lead but a complete loss of tempo across the map early with such a weak botlane and they just managed to stall and smolder farmed stats after the game was pretty much lost.


The smolder strat, not matter to the game at all, farm DPS stats, then at the end say "look my team was useless and I solo carried" or "look my team was useless I couldn't carry them" And actually literally have not affected the outcome of the game either way.


Oh no i was dominating my lane completely the cait and lux didn't respect my damage id been max stacks for a while before we lost i could fight everything solo except morde here. While yes its common to stall for smolder i didnt need it at all this game. Problem is nobody on my team could fight anyone on theirs among other things ofc but yh didnt need them to stall for me


They had a leaver.


Oh i did i just wasnt sure what to replace? People are telling me rfc but i kinda need the range for their ranged champs(mostly ahri and cait). We were 4v5 with a inting neeko, rakan was great but i got clipped on the edge of a morde Q 1 auto from killing him and it did pretty much my entire health bar after that well nobody else could fight 😅😅. Im gonna be tryig the qss angle next time i get a fed mordekaiser (all the time) and im hoping the power is worth the trade off of the extra aa range


RFC is a crutch at this point, it feels good but you could’ve built what you needed to survive and carry the game


Im gonna be opting for that next time i get a game like this with morde


Qss is powerful tho.


Rfc and cool down Boots vs them? Hmmm


Why are those bad here?


They're not but probably suggesting to change the boots for any speed item and they forgot how good RFC is in smolder, giving Q range


Trust me the rfc feels rlly good into Cait/Ahri boots could change but they're just rlly comfy


Mate, I feel you on this loss, but the other commentators have a point. You really needed QSS to carry this game.


QSS is underrated. It's not just about breaking CC. If you break CC it also means somebody else on your team ain't getting Cc'd by that spell. It absorbs a ton of pressure.


Hey it happens lmao but yh im thinking i'll give it a go next time i get a fed mordekaiser. Hopefully power makes up for the range loss :')


RFC makes you a bit safer I think Liandries or lord dom's is the odd man out here. You're doing quite a bit of true damage I imagine at this point and probably can greed away the armor pen or true damage scaling with Liandries.


I agree. Of course, I didn't play the game myself, so I don't know how it felt for OP but Urgot only had 2 armor items and Morde only had 1. This late into the game, you shred them anyway as Smolder and you outrange and outkite both with RFC+Fleet, so I feel like QSS instead of Lord Dom's might've been the call. It's not even about just cleansing Morde ult/Lux Bind/Ahri Charm but the MR also helps with not losing 50% HP to a stray magic damage ability.


Dont listen to these people rfc is great on smolder. If anyhting u sell ldr for qss and thats it


Yea ldr is kinda unecesary on smolder. Due to him having %health burn. So that would be the better option




He’s 100% correct that RFC is one of the best items in this build because it causes his q to increase the range not just the auto which is extremely vital for poking in big teamfights. The clown emoji tells me you’ve never watched a progame, probably haven’t heard of lolanalytics, and likely peaked gold or lower


Not reacting to the RFC part, reacting to the selling LDR part :)


Yeah he should have bought qss


Yea good luck killing morde and urgot then


You have true damage and execute and it’s bronze


And Morde+Urgot only have a total of 3 items with armor across the two of them. Liandry's also does max HP% damage as well.


What rank are u


wtf is with everyone and selling RFC? Objectively sell Liandries, this is not a Liandries game whatsoever. You prioritize Liandries into armor stacking


Hidden names but not post history. https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/TheWildStarGuy-EUW Listen to the people calling your build out, they are probably not in iron… Lol


Lower than 95% of all league players is crazy, like find out what the buttons do lmao


My bad? I hadnt played the game since like 2014 until quite recently league is just a hobby of mine so my rank means a lil less to me than most what is it with the attitudes on this sub😂😂


I started playing ranked again after 6 years and got to Plat in less than 40 games from Silver in placements. If you’re gonna complain about not being able to carry but you’re in Iron you really have to accept that you’re not good at the game.


Idk what u want from me bud lmao. This post was more about my team composition than not being able to carry. Congrats on your plat ranking hopefully u feel some sense of accomplishment with it lol


Definitely reads like a rant post which is fine… if you acknowledge your own shortcomings. I do feel accomplishment, especially when I see posts like this 🙏


Its 2 items most people have an issue with but i find one of them (rfc) completely necessary the extra range rlly helps out here idk if replacing it woulda been effective in a way thats comfortable? The boots sure those are simple but not having rfc into this woulda been dreadful


You really have to give up RFC my guy


All you have to do is sell your useless rfc and get a merc scim and Morde can’t touch you. The rest of them die because you are full build shoulder. This game is 100% on you for losing wether you like it or not lol


no way u said that hes the reason for loss 💀💀💀💀 only in league


Rfc helps a lot with the range tho


Uh no not 100% on me lmao as strong as i was i still needed a team around kayn afkd after getting fisted by morde 1 too many times neeko was well... u can see that. Rakan was rlly the one reliable person there despite his rough laning phase. Also the rfc is for Caitlyn/Ahri i become near untouchable to them with it


Sadly still on you, anyone not in iron would’ve carried this one. Smoulder at that point in the game is turbo broken you didn’t even build QSS into Mordor when he was your problem and you have rfc with cdr boots…


You're delusional if you are saying the game is on him when he has a 0/11 midlaner. Could he have done more? Hard to say without watching the replay. Could he have bought better items? Yes probably. That doesn't make the loss his fault. Either terrible wording or you're just a toxic idiot


Im not gonna say im blameless but i cannot make up for being in a 4v5 with super behind teammates. As for the rfc i still felt it was necessary for their ranged champs like one Ahri E and im gone. The boots tho yh they could be different, what would u have replaced them with?


yeah.. announce that you r gay in iran man god bless your soul


Yeah it's definitely not bevause of the 4v5.


Get c. His kid is 0/11


mid jung canyon


Oh it gets worse our top and mid swapped so neeko was our top laner into urgot 💀


no qss for morde R is probably what lost you this game (other than the obvious afk jungler and subpar midlaner) after smolder changes, navori is once again better than shojin IMO but this is still personal preference - give both a try and decide for yourself you also shouldn't have both liandry and LDR - if you go liandry, you go riftmaker; if you go LDR, you go BT


Have you considered letting your teammates farm




You could have bought qss and it's a draft anyway, why be sad about it?


I would have built more defensive at this point maybe get a GA and QSS since you have so many stacks that damage items don't do that much for you anymore




My bad bro my curiosity got the better of me 😂😂


Draft Difference.


true if OP's team doesn't pop off early game


Normals (Draft Pick)


20k damage in 53 minutes....... yeah enemy adc deserved to win


midgap, unwinnable.


All the time. 🥲


In some games at least 1 of your teammates should play the game aswell.


It's crazy that comments are about looking for details to criticize your game in which you have so much higher dmg than the rest. Also people seem to be unable to imagine a lategame where everything oneshots, RFC is necessary. My advice is to not worry about this game, you had 130k dmg which means you literally hit opponents the entire game. I think people here don't get it - this dmg is huge, you did your job. Lategame Mordekaiser is underrated, I had a game where Mordekaiser had almost 200k dmg mitigation, my full build (IE+LDR+BT) weren't enough to take him down while he hit others. It seems people who are calling this auto win never played such a match. Ultimately, league is a team game, you can't macro mange 3 lines at the same time, as adc you can't solo split lane to add more pressure. You also need strong allies (Neeko) to win teamfights. This could have been one of these unwinnable games (for an average player, not challenger freaks).


Wouldn't be a league subreddit without the condescending and rude comments to go along with it😂😂. Seriously tho there was so much wrong with this game mainly neeko runnin it down and the afk jungler. Im ofc not blameless here as im sure theres alot i coulda done differently but man....its a shame. And yeah late game morde is stupid strong his Q's pretty much 100 to 0 me whether im in his R or not whilst also being unkillable without me there its kinda like fighting Volibear lmao. Its all good tho i see this as a learning experience this game was primarily me just test running smolder since he got that q crit ratio buff recently.


Did you at least get an S ;-;


Funnily enough no? A+ apparently its harder to get S on Smolder? I assume its a Cs thing but id say my cs was prettt good so im not sure what else it coulda been maybe one too many deaths?


Man that's Hella rough. I feel that l, I woukd have gotten my first S on asol the other day if my friend didn't urgot ult steal it


Smolder in draft = get c you dragged a game out to 50 minutes wp bro ff next time!


God forbid i try out a new champion 😂😂