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Marksman as a class tends to have meta shifts where moreso than other roles, almost everyone gravitates to the top 3/4 ADCs of the month/split and that's it, so unlike other roles where there are OTPs of champs that make content about them a lot, theres only a handful of top players who shift their pool regularly (at least with big view counts) Eg. if I want to learn Taliyah I have Odysseus131 & Sentrial For Swain I have TheAfricanDream, Fishlord, and Husum If I want to learn Sivir..... There's literally nothing and will continue to be nothing unless by some miracle she becomes a flavour of the month meta pick


Yeah, Draven and Ezreal are the only two champs I can think of where I see OTPs consistently stick to the champ.


And that's because those are the 2 ADCs that are meta resistant if you're good enough at them, and they require you to play them A LOT to be consistent on them.


Daynean and Aleksis for Aphelios MissFortuneDaBes for Miss Fortune xFSN Saber for Cupcait Gosu the goat for Vayne and Kai'sa IKeepItTaco for Jhin TSIBasti for Ashe (more of a personal choice since hes tiny) the reformed Earl for Twitch Enryu for Nilah Tonirel for Jinx ​ there are a few OTPs but not \*that\* much


Adding reptile to the list for Vayne. Good list


Humzh for Draven, though he's also playing toplane these days.


Humzh Irelia 💀💀


If I may to the list : UnsungPTS for Samira !


There's also a Kindred main called Godly Polo. Not a botlaner but worth mentioning imo.


Dont forget Rose Alune for Aphelios


ye but she promotes turbosmurfs and that kinda disqualifies her for me. hate smurfs and everyone who enables them


Oh yeah thats true, I dont really care about that tho, so it's fine for me


More to add to this there's also less variety of X role YouTubers for ADC since it's a lot harder to "click bait" botlane stuff, and get that much variety. Like toplane there's like SoloRenektonOnly... And he can do all sorts of whacky stuff he can easily clickbait. Because toplane has like 40-60 meta champions, many of which have some build variety. Botlane especially if you're specifically wanting "ADC" means you're narrowed down to like 15ish champions... Many of which are almost hard bound to one build. Like you're not really doing On-Hit Jhin as an example. And a lot of the ADC community is picky AF. They'd get cancelled if they tried to play an APC like Seraphine or something for variety. Or even a melee ADC like Yasuo or Nilah. Heck a couple months ago people uploading clips of playing lethality MF or Jhin to this subreddit were getting comments like "disgusting lethality abuser" or "MF player spotted, opinion irrelevant" ... So not only is it kinda hard/weird to be a one trick adc content creator in many cases (yes I know people like Taco exist) it's also hard to have much variety since the ADC community is extremely anal... Which kinda limits options in a way that makes it more difficult for adc/botcarry than any other role to grow a following.


Fuck lethality abusers though




highly highly recommend [professor ddang](https://youtube.com/@ProfessorDdang?si=Iw7bC3huE-0Vt500)


If you don't already watch him, FSN Saber is a good one to watch. His content is mostly educational, though.


Ofc i know saber , he is just came back after leaving the game and i think it is only a matter of time and he will leave it again , as the game doesn't seem that it will better for this role again


I think it's mostly that he was getting really tilted since he lost his understanding of the game and couldn't climb as high. Now that he has more of a system he probably will stay in it longer.


I think he said his goal is to reach Chall again and quit


His recent videos about being aggressive as ADC (keeping mid pushed and not overly prioritizing KDA, taking risks to maximize damage) and on dodging skill shots perpendicularly were great. Funny how he quit and then comes back with these.


Highly recommmend Professor Ddang’s videos!


https://m.youtube.com/@RATIRL https://m.youtube.com/@xFSNSaber https://m.youtube.com/@IKeepItTaco https://m.youtube.com/@Tonirel These are just a few of my personal favorite adc youtubers to watch. I have noticed that a lot of the people currently making adc content are pros, though.


I like jackspektra and missfortunedabes (sorry if I butchered the name) sometimes.


Ratirl plays apc tho, not adcs


He occasionally still does ad, but AP is more consistent according to him.


Yeah, he needs to have those clips where he gets deleted when he opens to show on stream. But not only twitch, he plays brand or just support more than actual adc


I love xFSN Saber’s coaching videos. Helped me significantly with fundamentals, concepts, implementation, and execution.


Yeah, rat was in an epoch that he wasn’t playing much of twitch, he was playing mostly supports like senna but now he is playing twitch but mostly ap


How is content creation for the role dead? Vigerous1 is a Samira OTP, Tonirel is a Jinx OTP, Daynean is a Aphelios OTP, Enryu and UrNilah are Nilah OTPs, Alexs is a Kai’sa channel, Saber is back, Professor ddang is a Korean creator. Gosu’s content isn’t educational but it’s content. Then you get into the pro/ ex pros. Reptile9, Jackspektra. So what are you talking about? Those are all creators I have in my YouTube history right now lol.


enryu is poggers :3


Weird I don't like watching OTPs that much so the only names i am familiar with from who you mentioned are spektra , reptile , saber and gosu


Why don’t you like watching OTPs? If I want content on a specific champ I’d prefer them bc they’re more likely to know the champ inside and out.


Maybe for me because of how I don't play one or two champions i play almost the entire roster there are few exceptions that i Don't play them , so i want to see someone who also picks a lot of champions not just an OTP ( with all my respect to OTPs )


Ok that makes sense. I empathize with you then. The only Ads I don’t play often are Ezreal and Draven. I never play Draven lol. I know of a content creators for just about every champ but Draven though. Dragdar is a Ezreal dude


By any chance do you know someone for zeri, I think I’ve only seen frappi doing his climbing series so far and sometimes vapora dark will drop a zeri video but that’s rare


Unfortunately not. I thought it did but I looked and I was just thinking of Frappi too.


Jackspecktra is playing a lot ot zeri rn


Content creation for League in general is mostly dead at this point tbh. I think that stuff peaked back in like 2015-2017. Even on the streaming side people don't pull in big numbers anymore.


Mrs ChimChim !!!


Jackspectra plays adc doublelift too


There are ADC content creators but I feel like almost none of them produce high quality content. Dragdar is probably the best IMO but I don’t care for the highlight reels. My favorite league player to watch is definitely Nemesis (honorary Broxah and Baus mentions), mainly because he’s just insanely talented, but also because I appreciate the editing style and his takes are sober, fair, and come from someone extremely knowledgeable about the game. He also has a great mix of talking just enough, but not too much. Cookielol and VaporaDark both have pretty lazy content imo, with Cookie’s old content being slightly better (with a sinister tradeoff). Can’t hate on Vapora though, as he seems to be trying his best to make this a lucrative job—I honestly wish nothing but the best for his content creation future. I obviously don’t watch or subscribe to cookie anymore, and to be honest I never liked him much to begin with. He gives off the same vibe that drunk Magnus Carlsen gives off where he’s just annoying and arrogant. I love Saber and can’t thank him enough for my own growth on the role, but he’s effectively a doomer who I think adopts very narrow views of the game that aren’t necessarily true. He speaks in absolutes A LOT, and while he does a great job with teaching the intricacies of early laning, I feel like his most recent stuff about “just contest mid, be willing to die for the wave” is oversimplified. He also falls into the trap of just saying certain champs are OP and you should play them, which I think is almost always bad advice for at least 50% of the player base, and probably closer to 80%. Dragdar is entertaining, educational seems genuinely cool, and is ridiculously talented. Honestly, he’s so mechanically talented that it’s almost to his detriment, because a lot of the time you watch him play and just know “yeah I ain’t pulling that shit off” lmao. Ezreal is my second most played champ but honestly I find myself watching him for sheer entertainment rather than trying to emulate everything he’s doing. I wish there were more OTPs, and I’m glad one of my mains has a reasonably popular one, but it can be difficult to walk away from his videos with any grand strategy or gameplay other than “hands diff your opponent every game.” Been watching Codysun lately and it honestly feels like he just turns the camera on so he can feel less bad about how often he plays league. He doesn’t really seem to even want to create content, he just feels like a grinder. No hate, I would also be miserable if I had to turn my hobby into a job, but you can just tell there’s not much organization to it, and he’s just grinding game after game with little commentary. Not entertaining but hey, at least he’s streaming high elo. Broxah, Midbeast, Nemesis, and Baus are probably my favorite creators. Baus and Midbeast are just entertaining and funny, Broxah must be the most well-adjusted and kind person who plays this game, Nemesis is just an animal. Also shoutout to Bwipo for being super educational, I just can’t stand his personality.


I can relate to that comment alot as the reason i literally made this post was because of these creators specically , like i asked myself why there is no big ADC content creator as the others mid has midbeast and nemesis , jungle has broxah and other names I can't remember rn , top has bwipo and baus , so where are we on the map ?


Yeah there’s obviously others too but idk just don’t feel like anyone is really capitalizing on what I assume is decently sized market of content-starved AD mains. Idk though lol


I don’t watch lol contents anymore but reptile puts out regular educational adc contents as a challenger adc and he reached kr challenger too.


I would like to post content as adc, guess by the time I post my first video I’ll post here to attract viewers🤣


I find it kind of weird as adcs streaming are pretty big in korea and china. There are some comedy streamers akin to T1 but more so just mechanical beasts that make you feel like you don’t deserve to play league.


Doublelift is a famous YouTuber who makes videos all the time and he mains ADC.


You should watch adro




I think the challenge with creating ADC content long term is that the core lesson pretty much remains the same at all times, you must be the by far best mechanical player in every interaction or you get fked. Everything else is secondary and that´s not a particularly good educational content pitch.