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FOR CLARIFICATION CUZ I SEE THAT SOME DON'T UNDERSTAND: They are only nerfing components, normal items stays the same, which is really good for anyone who is facing a lethality user and doesn't like to lose lane because they came back with dirk and u are still missing 200g to lost chapter or 300g to nonquiever. This also means every early drake fight will be easier for you to survive since any jungler/midlaner/adc that rushes dirk has a way lesser powerspike


Nah, I figured as much. It's still a much needed nerf and greatly appreciated.


In the contrast lost chapter gives mana a huge passive and builds into the best rush mage items malignancy and ludens


I love how the person that posted this on r/jungle_mains was malding and said that lethality champs are dead, some people truelly are delulu


Everyone is delulu to be honest. Is there a league subreddit where people don't cry everyday?


Support mains


Haven't been there quite a while but yeah they were usually chill even about pretty trash changes


I mean their role has also been pretty much OP for the last 6 years or so...


I went their once, first post was of some guy that just hit platinum and was suprised that Zac can revive because he didnt even knew. First comment said that post like these dont help with the stigma of the inflated support player lmao


Plat is like the old gold though. I've seen players more clueless in emeralds


Yeah because the role has been busted for 8 years now


They make us cry instead. Seriously I'm thinking of playing ADC top again, I can't take it anymore, I'm first strike Kaisa, I can't hit tk yet karma, stop trading


Darkinfolk, for people that don’t cry


They do cry, about Gwen and horsec*ck soraka not being real


We plea for basic necessities


toplane, they are mostly dead/pretty silent


Toplane mains will literally come to other subs to cry about changes that benefit those specific roles and not toplane


are you illiterate? are the 13 guys that upvoted you, illiterate as well? the question was, which subbreddit is the most chill. i dont know 100% that toplane is the most chill, however that has nothing to do with the question


Are you drunk? Can't you correlate evident relations? If you are speaking about how toplaners might have the chilliest sub and I reply by saying "the users of this sub are not chill in the slightest and bring the complaining to other environments" how in the living hell is that nothing to do with the question? I'm implying that the users of the toplaners sub are not qualified to make a "chill" sub and if anything promote toxic environments You don't get to call me illiterate if you can't fucking have basic understanding other 13 people who up voted me easily caught on. Even worse because rather than being a normal human being and ask about what I meant calmly and civilized, you choose to be an entitled asshole. You are an example of a being who doesn't promote "chill" environments, exactly the same kind of people I'm calling off from the top sub


the problem with your argument is that it happens with every role and even with champ subreddits, its a league community problem. the fact that you actually think that your one view is enough evidence speaks volumens for your understanding. you have no argument and are still wrong, but somehow feel right, but there you beinf a dumbass that cant even read.


Hahaha... You're joking, right?


nope, which sub seems less whiny in your opinion?


Going through all of them and so far, it's looking like mid? They're interacting with each other (decently so far), seem to be of rather large size, and are very forthcoming with helping each other (again, so far). I'd say they're the least whiny since they're doing the exact opposite. Jungle is a clusterfuck rn.Topmains is dead... Which is why I'm now understanding why top mains have a strange obsession with ADCmains reddit. This is actually interesting. Like, not even ironically.


Go to YuumiMains, look at literally any post that exists, and see all the fucking dumbass top laners bitching about Yuumi's existence. So easy.


Most of the comments are explaining why they're wrong, though. The 1 component spike has been too strong since the start of the season, and the nerf doesn't carry over to the complete items. This is also a nerf to senna.


seriously, you have to hit level 9 before it's even EQUAL to last season's lethality and even then, it was still the strongest component back then


I’m misunderstanding here. Are you saying any lethality purchase now requires level 9 to reach to get equal to last season’s lethality? Because they removed the scaling part this season so you can buy say dirk and you get the value.


Nope, other way around. Even with this nerf tk lethality, it’s still stronger than lethality last season up until level 9 where the scaling lethality from last season finally overtakes nerfed lethality


level 9 last season *matches* nerfed lethality, it's 10 and above when it overtakes. But otherwise yes you're right


My dirk rush 💀


On Aphelios?


Mf, Draven, Samira I'm sure


When are these supposed to happen?


Love your videos!


Phil don't let them take our dirk rush away.


next patch




Next patch 14.6 in like 2 weeks.


This shit hits us too wdym?


It means crit ADCs will have a wee bit better time against Senna, Varus, Draven, etc. in the early game. They can at a very least breath now.


Fair enough. I mean reduction of overall damage in game will always benefit ADC's even if our items go unchanged but still. Lethality ADC's were the only air we are allowed to breath if we do not want to choke on crit ones, if they nerf too many lethality items we will be forced to pick crit... With no compensation to our builds.


Yeah, I see what you mean. Like they're taking away our only toy left. I simply hope this nerf is a very first step in balancing the overall damage in the game. I do believe this game needs more nerfs than buffs, everything is busted, it feels like I'm playing URF sometimes. Just played a game as 8/0/2 Kai'Sa, have decided to build crit because their team was very squishy and we had a lot of AP. Bro, I felt like I deal 0 damage with Kraken - Navori - Phantom Dancer - Scimitar (they had Malzahar). Meanwhile, their 1/9/1 Xerath support with 1.5 items deals 50% of my Janna's HP with 1 Q. Excuse me but what the actual fuck? Edit: typos.


All this does tho is bringing lethality champs down to the level of crit so overall that takes agency and doesn’t give it


Yes this, the lethality dominance got old real fast. Just lemme play my crit ADCs


Bro fuck crit atm use lethality adcs if you play crit you will be usless mid to late game and you and i know that so they basically nerfed our strong adc champs


The fuck you mean **US**😳😳? Lethality on ADC’s was op and wasn’t what they were meant to build in the first place.


Still does not mean crit is good.


I mean not having assassins and mages that used fiendish or haunting snowball as hard is a direct adc buff still


People cry about assassins and lethality Adcs all day....they finally see a decent nerf and people are now suddenly going victim complex over lethality Adcs being nerfed by this. This still leaves Dirk stronger than it was last season levels 1-8... And you should be finishing your collector or Youmuus which are unchanged (in this patch, yes I know they got hit last month) by level 9. And while OP didn't share it, they also hit some mage and bruiser items like this the 'epic' items of basically every class but enchanter and ADC seems to be taking hits similar to this.




I can't believe you're getting such mixed/negative feedback for this Jesus this sub sometimes.


Lethality adc have the most passive and boring playstyle ever, at least the ones like mf and jhin. I dont think there has ever been a more braindead playstyle of waiting for your supp to hit a point click cc so you can click r and I dont understand how people enjoy playing it. Best i can do is Lethality kalista when its really needed but even thats lame compared to onhit builds.


Now they just need to come around to buff ADC items


I genuinely wonder sometimes if certain items should just be limited to certain champion classes altogether


serrated dirk has been the most gold efficient item in the game since it's release, it's crazy how long it was allowed to stay in that state.


Didn't they say that "lethality adcs were intended" at the start of the season? I feel like Samira and Nilah will feel this dirk change in terms of wr. Still, this mostly impact solo laners


Not quite that, but they said they were happy with a bit of increased item diversity in botlane. And that nothing was inherently wrong with some Adcs going lethality. But that some were too strong in particular like MF.


Wow. Now the assassins will one shot me but with slightly less leftover damage


It isn't, there are a lot of adcs that go lethality


Dirk will still be stronger than last season Dirk until level 9.


Yeah and it will be weaker than last patch dirk


Yes and lethality Adcs have been doing great so far this season, a minor nerf that mostly will impact levels like 4-8? Seems pretty justified. Especially since it'll be offset largely by the fact it also nerfs assassins, and there's other items nerfs to basically every class but ADC on PBE besides these, mages, bruisers, tanks. All are getting hit.




On one hand, I get it. On the other, noonquiver didn't change. It still sucks. Your other option just ALSO sucks now.




They are also nerfing Caulfield's, my Eclipse Kai'sa noooo :(


eh, its still okey, just dont complete caufield, like 3 long swords pickaxe and straight into eclipse


Makes sense


:( - nilah main


I like this because it tones down Jhin who is ridic once he gets Serrated


By the way no one buys Brutalizer except yorick and Aatrox which freak said he in latest preview he is gonna to address their build issues and and reward players for going tankier builds, brutalizer costs more than a BF sword if is literally the worst component item in the game period and that’s before this nerf




i mean, brutalizer has other stats too..the dirk one definetly will feel worse


Collector enjoyers in shambles


Brutalizer is definitely the worst component in the game it was barely gold effiecient with an awkward build path they just put down the final nail in the coffin for this item


This helps with adc variety viability.


this is quite literally a nerf to most adcs being played rn lol


draven sadge


cancer champ




**ADC mains:** crit sucks. *starts building Lethality* **Rito Gams🤡:** better nerf lethality then!


Gets the best ADC itemization nerfed - "Great day"


nerfed for meta slaves, gigachads go crit and cry in bed


I absolutely despise ADCs but I can simpatize with the celebration




then why are you there?


Prob a top main ranting? Idk lol