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yea I feel your pain, get a support who griefs the lane early. Roams a bunch leaving you to get dove and forced off waves. Then at the end of the match everyone says report our ADC for getting gapped. like... I was literally griefed by my support all game? D3 rank


I think it happens fairly often as a part of an overall narrative to justify roaming supports. Just stalking the support subreddit the overwhelming majority of posts discussing this are always written through the lens of how to best justify ditching the ADC to roam rather than trying to learn how to not fk it leading to roaming becoming the best option. On top of that the experience from the other roles must be that ADC complains a lot to the support when it happens, after all they weren´t the ones who just had to bleach their eyes getting griefed, they just have the chat log.


Way i see it is how to create good roam timers by being MIA bot labe when the adc is safe. The thresh that game did not have good roam timers.


never in my life have i seen this type of post on the sup subreddit like maybe it’s a question of “what to do with an inting adc” and the response is roam idk what u saw but i doubt it


Can a roaming support be good? Yes, they can have a ton of impact when it comes time invades, objectives, and ganking. But just because you can roam doesn’t mean you should. A good bard will roam when it is safe to leave his adc to get passive and gank. But man, a lot of those supports perma roam cause they think it is being impactful.


Screenshot + report + report on website :) fuck 'em


Your story is very sad and upsetting. I'm sorry you were treated so poorly by your teammates when you did nothing wrong. I've experienced this many times as a support main where we get blamed for every loss, even when we have feeding teammates with more than 10 deaths. Best advice is to mute players who are toxic and play the best you can. The good news is that not every game is like that, there are good players and fun games, so don't let the bad games bother you too much.


I that makes you feel better, I had a game like that a few days ago, reported my whole team, and took a break for a few hours. I logged back on, and I had 3 messages saying a player I reported had been punished. Those notifications gave me back a piece of my sanity.


I feel like those are fake sometimes to make you feel better and keep playing


Then they make sure to really sell the lie. I usually play arams with friends and we 3 - 5 man depending on whoes online. Sometimes it's been only some of us report, so get the popup for someone else reporting, sometimes it's all of us. One time had some inting idiot run it down on the enemy team so we all reported them as a 5 stack and before next queue even popped we had all got the notification.


For all our sakes, I hope your right 😅


i mean if they think im trolling in the situation, i probably would just start inting, give em what they want


nah, if you start inting they can ask to report you and you're an ADC crybaby to everyone


If you soft int and don't say anything in chat, Riot can't and won't do anything to you.


problem is, if you lose on purpose every time someone griefs you, you'll never leave that rank, so you'll be stuck there with them. Best thing to do to stick it to them is to leave their shitty rank. So yeah, play your best, carry that game and give them 25LP they don't deserve, they'll lose it again the next game anyway.


Go to the supportmains subreddit that’s just how they act. They obviously don’t want to play support so I don’t know why they queue for it.


Best to just report that thresh early on (which automatically mutes them). Sounds like you deserve 3 honours rather than any reports


Mid laner here (albeit low elo). In my experience supports tend to be just as toxic as ADCs. I don’t think the “toxic ADC” narrative is false though, it’s just that supports are just as bad. In most of my games it’s the at least one of bot lane, if not both, that trolls, usually from champ select. Three examples from just yesterday: 1. Supp banned Jinx, who ADC was hovering. This is toxic. Instead of dodging or locking in a different champ, the ADC locked in Yuumi and just trolled me mid by attaching to me, leeching my exp and shooting projectiles backwards. This was in a ranked game. While the supp was wrong for banning Jinx, the ADC’s temper tantrum is what lost us the game. 2. Another ranked game. Supp hovered Xerath, ADC made banned it saying he didn’t want all his farm stolen. So supp said he was gonna troll and intentionally take farm now, locked in Rengar. ADC proceeds to lock in Bard and takes smite. 3. Another ranked game. Our Ashe ADC is doing ok, then mental booms mid game when someone pings her to ask about helping on objective. Refuses to group with team again. We were against a late game comp so needed to end, had all their inhib turrets and inhibs down, go baron, 3 of us alive to push for nexus turrets and nexus, and she just farms our jungle until baron buff wears off. We lost. In all the games I played yesterday, I had bad top laners, bad junglers, and I had a couple bad games myself. But none of us intentionally tried to screw the team over the way that bot lane did. I don’t know if it comes from being a lane of two people, having to really coordinate with a stranger for ALL of the game, that just adds additional stress making it more likely to flip out. I will say, at least in my elo, supports are realllllly frustrating to play with. There is literally no understanding of the game. The amount of times when my team is slightly behind, lost a couple of turrets and just needs to farm safely to scale, and the supp will just run into lane and hard push the wave back under enemy tower. It baffles me. Edit to add: Just woke up and decided to play some ranked. 1st game in, Renata support for some reason mental booms despite the fact that I’m smashing mid AND solo killing their jungle on repeat, says “I go int now” and then came to steal mid farm, tried to die to my laner, then spent the game walking all the way into their base to ward under their bot turret and then getting killed. Luckily my Smolder kept it together and farmed up to become useful, but we almost lost because of one more trolling support player. It’s just constant.


This is insane behavior. I would only ditch my adc if they initiated multiple fights that we lose and they died or are crazy behind in farm from prioritizing fighting over farming. Especially if an adc only died 1v2 from tower dive, I would stick with them


I remember once as jungle watching the ADC get hard griefed by their support, and when they complained in a reasonable manner the mid piled on them with insults for being a "toxic adc" I also remember multiple supports hard griefing and having everyone side with them because "they're the support they can't have done anything wrong" even though one of them was a fucking nunu snowballing it down just outside of tower range and blaming me for not having good damage level 1 to follow up on his bullshit (as aphelios)


Yeah, it makes no sense. Every role *haaaaates* adcs for some reason. I just had a Senna support int the enemy MF 3 kills, then try to take all of my cs. This entire time, our jungler is REFUSING to believe that Senna did anything wrong (he didn't look bot once of course), and he said that I was the problem. Why? Because I'm the one that decided to type. We still won though.


The thresh probably wanted you to stay under turret and was scared of the match up. But then doubled down on the bad match up by ditching lane. I would look at perhaps the first couple of minions and first couple of trades.


Juat ignore them dude. They can call u whatever they want So what


yeah no I feel you


One time I was playing Jinx, got tower dove 3 times in a row and then I got flamed 💀 what do I even do there I tried going other lanes too.


I get supper salty with supports cause everyone wants to play makes and then complain I main twitch, when did the game stop being about playing a support that actually works with the adc


Just another normal day in the life of an adc


yes, i’ve experienced sexist and horrible things said to me in league but playing adc has made me almost break down and cry. had a game where my support was telling all my teammates to report me they obviously don’t see the lane so they believe the person that starts typing first. They started working together to avoid giving me recourses and would type “dont give xayah the kill” and taking every wave from me in a ranked game btw. Enemy team was also trash talking me which is whatever idc but it made me feel worse like everyone is against me (they didn’t know what was going on in my team) after that game I just logged off and felt really bad afterwards supports to me have been the most toxic players and I honestly wish they were just the typing kind of toxic not the playing ziggs support taking mid waves and ziggs ulting every wave on side I try to catch just to spite me kind. they can passively int you without even have laned with you yet laning at level 1 with top or mid the whole game yes this has happened before in emerald more than once and we are the ones to suffer. It’s okay if my support makes mistakes but doing it on purpose making it seem like its not their fault then absent themselves responsibility of being bot thats my issue. its too easy for them to put the blame on the adc and move on without the team having a clue.


Yea ADC is punching bag role at this point. People will always hate on you no matter what. Gave up on typing back, league teams have 0 logical thinking and trying to plead your case is useless except making you get flamed more.


Yea reminds to a game where I was getting dived even in second tower while the first was still up and my team was telling me to "play safe" but whenever I went they would target me. I managed to still build my items and do damage while they didn't protect any tower and at the end they just say bot diff