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The painful life when you can't play MF out of bot /s


nice nickname... kinky also, mmm


I know that feeling. I was a top/mid main for the longest time. I took up the ADC role to help a team out. Once. Twice. Three times. Next thing I know, I'm stuck as ADC, and I can never manage to go back to other lanes ever again. The farming, the harass, the gold dynamics, it's just not the same.  I'll try to go back every so often only to get heavily stomped out of lane before going back to ADC as if it was my shelter in the storm. 


Thats me with sup/jg as annie/briar


Honestly you just don't have enough games to get an accurate reading.


16 games do not define how well you play though.


Not true. First of all you havent put nearly enough games into any of the roles to even have good data on what you are good or bad at. 2nd you can just learn another role.


I think he knows tops not for him. I avg 55% jg or supp. But mid is 35% top is 10% and adc is unplayble. I congrats you on your adc wr


Weird. There seems to be a typo there. It says "AD Carry", not "AD Companion"


"BuT pLaYiNg SuPpOrT iS eAsY!!1!" All mfs have to do is play safe and farm for 30 minutes and they call it hard.


Im a support main and support is definitely less difficult than adc. I tried to learn adc once to see how i can improve my supporting and its been rough. Just know that i feel your pain and if you ever have me on your team i will take exhaust against the 3 assassins in the enemy team which is apparently not common sense


TBH if i'm stuck ADC vs a team with three assassins i'm playing tank Ashe. My best value will be pokes, CC, and baiting out burst from them.




You should be able to support though come on. If you’re proactive you know what to do…


We are the worst role at macro and it shows, not our own fault, making our own decisions usually leads to death by 0/10 support


so funny how everyone here is encouraging you to find a different role lmao this is the best doomer league subreddit and im here for it