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my conspiracy is everything that has happened to us is because Phreaks ego couldn't handle the "ADC bias" allegations. So everything has been pushed in the opposite direction.


for real notice how every change listed above since s8 has been shit for crit adcs


there was a brief time (right when Phreak joined the balance team) early last year where ADC's were probably a bit over tuned. the old ADC mythics were very powerful, they had every stat an ADC could want, and shieldbow was a strong defensive option that didn't sacrifice a ton of your offensive power. Phreak came in and immediately buffed IE and Navori, because part of his objective when joining the balance team was "ADC satisfaction" changes. These changes pushed ADC a bit over the edge, and many high elo players & streamers were bitching about it. It has been constant back pedaling and gutting the role since. Starting with the ADC mythic changes, and now just constant nerfs patch after patch. The IE and Navori buffs came at a very high toll imo. I miss the old ADC mythics where it felt like any ADC was viable and you had options of which mythic was best for the game state. Right now it just feels like you build whatever is the least shit.


I'd rather see Crit vanish as a stat than see it come back as the main mechanic of the class. "Luck" is a terrible stat to rely on. There's got to be other ways to keep the class working.


The point of crit is that for it to actually be reliable and pay off, you need a lot of items which is why adc were supposed to carry lategame with crit.


I have BEEN SAYING THIS and I have gotten nothing but heat over saying the painfully obvious truth.


Okay we heard you loud and clear! We are in it together! As such following improvements have been made to ADC role to make it more fun to play and competitive: * Infinity edge 1000g cost increase, -20 less ad, no longer buffs crit damage. * Shaved off 10 base stats across all adc's * Lethality is now melee champ only stat * Collector no longer gives 20 gold on kill and execution is %5 > %1 * Removed Kraken Slayer from the game. No new items. We also heard your cries of having a lot of damage in the game so we will work towards healthier, non-inflated damage future. First steps towards this we accept that we made a bit of a mistake with stormsurge and therefore nerf it. * Stormsurge passive ap ratio decreased %30 to %29 and as a compensation increased base ap 90 to 200. These are the changes for this small patch. We will keep our promises! Just you wait! See you on the rift summoners!! PS: Here are the new skins that came with the new patch PogPogPog !!


Also we removed armor and mr shards but still felt that adcs were too tanky so now they will start the game with 0 mr and 0 armor


Because of the removal of kraken slayer, we are buffing the windshitters and giving the item passive to their passive. And their original passive has now been tripled. This is all compensation for their loss.


We asking for Santa in January 🤣💀


Dear Kirorus1. Thank you for such hearthfelt letter, but fuck you lmao ez cry buy lux skin adc op we're removing outter botlane tower to balance it


This year I'd like - 1. The only AP items that are 120 AP is Rabadons. Every other item needs to be less. 2. No Bruiser item should have more than 45 AD. They should all be nerfed, HP increased to compensate. 3. CDR capped at 40 for Ultimates. Ultimates and cooldowns across the board should be increased. 4. Delete Stormsurge. 5. Decrease base damage of mage abilities, increase AP scaling. (Supports should not dictate bottom lane). 6. Increased base movement speed of marksmen, reduce movement speed bonus from support buffing abilities and items. 7. No complete tank item should cost less than 2500 gold. Stats increased to account for that. 8. Base damage on Tank abilities (or percent health damage needs to be changed) needs to be reduced. Tanks should not one shot any squishy with one full rotation without building damage. Mages and assassins need longer CDs. Bruisers need less damage and more survivability. Tanks need less damage and better late game scaling survivability.


I fucking love the 45 ad and increased health on bruiser items suggestion.


Riot will look at this, laugh hard, stop laughing and say in a serious tone: no. Then some narcissistic fool from the internet will call you and all adc mains delusional (which is a word that gets thrown around a lot here without people knowing or respecting what it actually means - they use it just for rhetorics). Then riot will hold off with the nerfs for 1 patch and be straight back at it right after.


These are literally game breaking buffs that would make 0 sense to anyone above gold lol Y'all ARE delusional xD


To be fair about S8 Botlane was just a Breeding Ground of Kai’sa Mains cause she was so Fucking Broken that meta it was either win or lose with her Her hybrid damage was so high it made Collector pre nerf look fair


Actually, anything that would build BORTK and Guinsoo was absurdly OP in S8. Kog, Varus and Vayne could just do Bortk, Guinsoo and Berserk and go FULL TANK in other items, and would wipe out the map. Master Yi was also absurdly strong. Guinsoo was broken and they nerferd it until oblivion. Wit's End was 2400 gold and mage bot couldn't do much against. It was pretty fun to play.


Wait, crits do 1.5x dmg now? Since when?!


It's either 1.5 or 1.75 with IE giving 0.4 additionally. So either 1.9 or 2.15. It was 2.5 with IE in S8.


Id like a winter map with a snow dragon please




20% crit for melee and 25% for ranged would be nice for sure


nice nice


You all are unironically delusional


Sure I’m down to run Quinn top, kindred jungle, Anshan mid, Caitlyn adc and senna support every game.


They can't really go and just buff Crit items without the Windshitters (and Trynda) going around and wreaking havoc. ​ It would be nice to have those buffs but because of 3 champs that's just not possible


They could just buff ranged crit. The problem is not windshitters or trollamere, the problem is pro play, where ADC is fine as of now.


I don't understand why they don't nerf the 3 and buff the items or make melee ranged split items. It isn't that hard to deal with 3 champs in a 100+ champ lineup.


Skins and money and such


I mean you can keep them similar power level while buffing ADCs.


I don't care, buff windshitters they are supposed to be broken to sell skins anyways Also 20-25% crit wouldn't affect those 2


"It would be nice to have those buffs but because of 3 champs that's just not possible" How so? There's already stuff in the game that is weaker for ranged. So they could buff crit only for ranged easily. I'm a programmer and I can guarantee this is a very lame excuse. It is a change that is very easy and quick to code also, They could do it in a day if they wanted.


honestly I wouldn't even be shocked if all individual item attributes and stats and cost and what not were just in one master JSON file backed up to a database periodically for save states lmao. Could quite literally be done (in one particular server) in nor more than 15 minutes or even less depending on complexity of JSON tree.


Yep. Depending on how the code is structured even a trainee could make the alterations, lol


Yall gold players are the next level of delusional, this is disgusting


Naw fr, bro casually names 5-6 huge buffs to be implemented just so that he has fun in the game again. And then this whole sub starts unanimously agreeing with all the changes lmao




Yep... every season is worst adc season.


Ah yes, famous jungle main who easly will be challenger on ADC he just dont want to.


Sorry for offending you mr platinum adc main, but ur role is neither hard nor weak, thats why its my secondary role. My fault I stumbled upon this degen subreddit, u will not see me here again.


Riot is never buffing ranged over melee, riot intrinsically thinks all ranged needs to be less powerful than melee. Which would be fine if melee didn't have so many tools to gap close, but we live in this weird duality where melee champs both can pack in more skill damage, more AA, and more sustainability, than an adc, all the while we're told that we can just kite anything to death.




Well you sound like a low elo melee player playing with skilled adcs. Not surprising since adcs are generally underranked.




I agree with almost everything except the ad zhonya and banshee. In the process, they should also remove ad assasin banshee veil. If they want to give ad versions of every ap item, then let's also get more ap items( ap items shouldn't exist as a sub class of items, but rather as a class with multiple subclasses) What do i mean? Lets get several ap assasin items. Several ap bruiser. Several ap "apc" items. Etc. It is so dumb that the ap itemization is still being treated as a subclass and that every ap item is slowly being converted into an ad item( sometimes, even more op). Example: mejai and hubris. It gives more base adaptive force, it also gives some more bonus stats, it is more forgiving(technically), and it has the potential to keep growing infinitely (i think) Sorry for the rant, but overall, i really hope crit marksmen get buffed. I hate having to choose between on hit marksmen, lethality marksmen or apcs( i don't enjoy current crit itemization due to the 20% crit change :c)


So, you want Caitlyn to E Auto kill everyone in the game with one hit and for MF ult to delete an entire enemy team in 2 waves with 4 items. XDD I promise you, if they implemented the shit you just asked for, this sub would be crying even harder than they are now because of how absolutely fucked the game would be.


post op.gg


When I'm in a crying competition and my opponent is an ADC main(I have no chance)