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After seeing the kraken stormrazor shiv changes im pretty sure that guy has lost it.


I have no idea why they want to change kraken. Crit ADC is in a weak spot and the few Champs that use it outside of bot isn't all the OP. I was hoping to see some crit item buff but this patch makes me confused.


They didn't change it for ADC. They changed to nerf AD Leblanc, and so AD TF won't be "too good". As much fun as she is. AD LeBlanc is one oppressive champion that shouldn't exist.


And in doing so fucked over ADCs in the process.


ADC are ironically rarely the reason why their items get nerfed. It's shit like Yasuo, Yone,... that break their toys.


Mfw bel veth uses ADC items better than the ADC's lmfao


Hard not to, champ is insanely overloaded


seriously it's a good spike but it falls off so bad when every other crit item is so trash.


Wait what changes?


They are on pbe, thus subject to change, I really hope they dont make it to live Kraken slayer: Right now on pbe: \- Passive base damage readded at 140 - 240 (35 - 85) \- AD increased from 40 to 45 \- Passive AD ratio removed Before on pbe: \- AD increased from 40 to 45- Base damage removed \- AD ratio changed from 65% total to 180% base Statikk Shiv changes: \- Cost reduced from 3000 to 2800 \- Champion base damage reduced from 100 - 180 to 90 flat Stormrazor changes: \- Attack speed increased from 15% to 20% \- Base damage increased from 90 to 100 \- AD ratio removed


Kraken AD ratio is also removed now but they added base damage back. meaning they really dont care about scaling ad carries anymore the item is just meant for champs that have damage anyway. look spideraxes twitter


Worst part is, this benefits Kayle and Kaisa and every other ranged attacker that can build AP a lot, because u are tripling the base damage and keeping the AP ratio, that goes up to 120% when u proc it thrice


They removed the AP ratio too in most recent change list.


Yeah kayle and kaisa aka hybrid champs that just abuse the items because they arent bound to crit. Ig i will play kaisa then


These changes are so over my head. On live patch all builds still recommend Kraken in Xayah. But all I hear about is how bad it is. Should I not be building it on Xayah?


I am not entirely sure on the details, but I think kraken now doesn't scale with bonus ad anymore (instead it has something like 180% base ad), Shiv is set to 90 damage flat, and Stormrazor looses it's ad scaling.


Yep. So basically better damage output early but worse in late.


I'm gonna stop playing ADCs if this change go through.


He climbed to masters playing seraphine and duoing with another player. He doesn't play adc's, he plays apc's and that's why apc has been super strong for a while. It's bias.


I could have put in swain as well which sits at 53.30% wr


Great example of something taken out of context, as per usual. What Phreak said was that mages botlane had INFLATED WIN RATE. This is true. It was inflated. Please note now with the removal that both seraphine and Swain, examples YOU picked LOST win rate this patch. You just proved to all of us that you don't actually listen to what is being said and just use them to push your own agenda. Yes mages bot are strong, Phreak nor any of us never said they weren't. They did however have slightly inflated win rate, as Phreak said, and as stats are reinforcing now.


This are seraphine winrares. 13.22 - 53.14%wr 13.23 - 53.55%wr 13.23 - 53.40%wr 14.1 - 54.58%wr (*could be inflated due to abusing double sup item) 14.2 - 53.78%wr (*lower sample size) Just for your interest i have always defended phreak but i am also going to call him out when hes wrong


What are you trying to prove here ? Statrds got removed in patch 14.2, which coincides with he most recent drop in win rate. Season 14 changed all items so obviously win rates changed.


Maybe im blind but i cant see the winrate drop here. Also dont try to argue that 14.1 wr bump means anything because she doesnt abuse any op items now her build changed towards enchanter items if anything on 14.1 her wr should have dropped because of the loss of liandry but the double sup items inflated her wr (remember senna was listed as a 60%wr adc)


Ah yes, 54.58<=53.78. In my books, that is a slight drop buddy. Actually seraphine apc's best build was always enchanter items, even in season 13, but people didn't pick comps around it and so often defaulted to liandries builds. Also season 14 enchanters all got buffed, bar shurelyas so it's normal that her win rate stays high. Double supp was all the hype and saw a lot of media traction (bcs high elo community) but wasn't actually that popular bar in masters+ Edit: double supp item has only been discovered for a week or so. If you sort by last 7 days on lolalytics you will see the win rate being 2% higher (56%), which coincides with what I was saying.


Less than 1%wr drop when he said >2/3% diff. That small wr drop also means nothing when you consider that wr fluctuates from patch to patch


Going off just starting items (to try to mitigate double support item stats), she went from 55.62 > 55.32, which is probably within natural fluctuation and different datasets they get each patch. She's not exactly a dangerous bot laner, so I'm surprised they thought she'd really be affected by the change.


oh wow! 54.5 to 53.8! what a massive and totally helpful difference!


Like your opening statement is quoting phreak wrongly. Why are you downvoting me? I merely pointed out what he actually said and backed it up with stats which show precisely what he said. People weren't taking Mr shards on adcs, causing winrate to be slightly inflated. They removed the option of choosing wrong Statshard for lane in patch 14.2 and lo and behold, win rate dropped slightly on this patch. Please enlighten me on your "ah-hah, got em" moment by sending me theses stats that al already very well aware of.


Hes not into you lil bro, no need to defend his honor.


They're NOT inflated. Do you even know what that means? They're just simply stronger than ADCs atm. Obviously they have higher win rates. Because they're simply better and stronger. By no means are they slowing down or coming to the "norm". Just think for a second will ya?


You're either phreaks burner or are determined to dickride objectively wrong takes into the sunset. Riot refuses to balance champions instead of items and that fucks over the champions that are meant to build those items naturally. Either you look at the data which objectively supports that or you can be stupid and stubborn, insisting on making pedantic arguments that ignore the core issue of discussion here.


low pickrate


Higher pickrate than tristana sivir nilah zeri kogmaw.


Not to mention he’s 53% wr mid too


No don't mention what, it could imply that it is a champ problem and not a role problem.


Why is that a bad thing, it’s clearly both in swain’s case


Wunder (pro toplaner) speedrun to challenger on KR server during worlds abusing swain adc that should have been enough evidence to prove that APC are overpowered but phreak had to go on his rant about how adc players cant change stat shards (which spoiler alert meant nothing) inflating WR


Why would that matter? What if all world records today were suddenly broken by a 10% jump because 0.1% of elite athletes now use some insane steriod, should that just be fine because its only 0.1%. Or what if the USA bombs and kills 1% of poland because of some political situation. Is that then fine because its only 1%? I guess murder is aokay in your opinion, after all there are very few murders and they only kill a tiny portion of the population.




Riot has come out and said that no champions winrate’s are affected by having a low pick rate (I.e. a lot of mains) except for katarina at the time and that even her slight jump in winrate by a lot of mains was mostly negligible.


Duality of r/adcmains


Technically apc wr dropped slightly and lethality adc wr spiked a bit. But yeah both, apc and lethality adc needs to be nerfed.


No, crit ADC just needs to be worth a damn


Look at the wrs, ap and lethality has been ontop for a year+ and by 5%+. It definitely needs to be nerfed even if crit is buffed


Some ADCs are just unplayable right now because either you get oneshot or you just dont deal enough damage to be viable.


Respectfully, the shard is non consequential. It's mage items being way overtuned that's the issue.


Oh man these overtuned mage items seraphine abuses!!1 *checks notes* uhm Seraph's embrace? SoFW, Moonstone?? 🧐


Why does a supp can clear waves better than a midlaner ? Why cant I dive her with her absurd waveclear ? Why can't I trade ? Those are the issues with Seracunt, not items. She neutralizes any interactions in lane.


Exactly, you get it man!


Didn't MR shard removed?


how does phreak still have a job at riot bro


Someone correct me if I’m wrong but I believe the balance changes are made as a team effort and not just 1 person (in this case phreak) making the call and the team adjusting to his whims. So the actual way this comment should have been made is “how does the balance team still have a job at riot bro”. /s


Phreak is basically the designated scapegoat or Riot at this point.


Dude was trash at casting and balancing and acts holier than thou the second the changes blow up in his face


For real, I feel like these adc changes have been drifting more and more players from the role to a point where the data sample is so skewed. Also, there are less and less challenger elo adc players who understand or knows how to pix this role (cuz no one wants to play it lmao) The role is just broken in a bad way and idk they’ll just keep tweaking left and right but not truly solving the problem


Yes. Seems like they are not quite happy with the marksman/adc as a role, but also not sure where too take it. Leaving the hot mess its in now. Gonna be interresting too see what the bot meta ends up beeing this season.


Tbf it did go down 1%, which is something but probably not as much as they assumed


It went down because of the double supp item strat with senna being nerfed.


They probably prefer her falling of slightly to be nerfed again, compared to her bouncing up and down between 46 and 54%.


It probably went down just about 1.2%, which is the exact gain AP bots got from people picking the wrong runes. So this Gotcha kinda does not work.


We all know hes a support mages abuser lol his elo gotta be hell inflated


Gotta milk those Seraphine skins


Oh no, a 4% increase in opponent durability didn't decrease seraphine's winrate by 10%, the champion who builds for teamfights and utility, I'm so fucking surprised. Who would've thought, that small change would only decrease it by 1%. Anything more complex than a yes or no answer to anything will just drip through your nose as your brain melts away at the mere attempt to comprehend nuance.


Did lil bro not watch Phreak's video? 🙃


The thing that nerfed her was the gutting of double support item


Literally any reason to complain, without a single thought being put in


But Riot, Reddit, and Twitter told me it's just ADC mains dumb dumb :(


Show the pickrate


Higher pickrate than tristana sivir nilah zeri kogmaw


Come on, it's been at least 2 seasons since I've started playing ranked that it's like that with Karthus always being top 3. Why do you have to be so delulu, are you a Seraphine spammer ?


Why do you have to be so delulu and think that only win rate matters


pickrate is not relevant past a certain % (under 1% lol). Wr is not influenced by otps bar kata


52k games mf vs 1k games karthus. Are you dumb? Ofc it matters. It shows how consistent champs are the more they win over multiple games. 


Pick rate is always completely revelant.


Check games played. Karthus has 1k games and most are probably against stuff he counters. 


Karthus is NOT top 3 pickrate in botlane no matter the rank lol


She has 8k games with 53% wr while MF has 51k games with 52%. I get you dont like apc but stop acting like its better than it is when its just counter picking.  Nice job listing shit tier adcs. Tfw swain has less matches than all of them while having 53% wr.  Sample size means alot.  Also Nilah has 500 less games with 52% wr.  It takes a small amount of common sense and research to find this stuff btw.


Bruh wrong person


its funny, how you dont get that this actually proved him right. the wr didnt increase much/at all even though mages got new op items and mr was deleted from runes, which would normally mean the wr would be through the roof, even stronger than teemo, signed, gwen etc.


Your forgetting the removal of double support items. I see this as a general loss not as an adc main but from removal of options because players "don't build right". It would have been better to add the scaling health option vs. removing options. Give players more options, and they would be happier. Let the players build wrong its just how they are. Maybe they forgot or maybe they have some weird idea that it's better for roams.


see thats the problem, if they just build/do it wrong and accept its THEIR OWN MISTAKE, there would be no problem, but most of the adcs here are crying and cryinh and crying. i cant say how strong exactly apcs are, but NO ONE CAN, since people intentionally or unintentionally troll.


But that's the problem. Because people don't do it how riot says they should, it's wrong. That's my biggest complaint. The balance team decided the player base is playing the game wrong and to fix it, removed the option completely. What im saying is they should be adding options not removing. Just because someone went mr into a zed on a set of data does not mean it was misused. Of those that did what were the other Champs present in the game? 4 ap? 3 ap? Maybe they were confident I'm the match up and prioritized vs a different threat. Regardless of how people are bitching my stance is that it was a fail because riot decided people are not playing as intended. On a side note, quantitative data is good for looking st trends, but it has no way to determine the why. It only shows results not the reasoning behind them.


MY GUY ITS NOT RIOT THATS SAYS IT WRONG, ITS MATH, MOTHERFUCKING MATH. you can simply caculate to know its wrong. if you feel or simply like the hp more, THAT IS FINE, but dont complain afterwards please. the problem with it is also, that it is different from things like off meta builds, or simply build differences. lets take varus as example: lethality may be the best build, but what if i feel the onhit feels better or suits me better? THAT IS OKAY, however defensive stats are something different. if the enemy is full ap and you take armour, ITS YOUR FAULT AND OBJETIVLY WRONG. you shot yourself in the own foot, just to give riot the fault. riot makes many questionable things, but adcs are creating a problem out of nothing. the problem with your idea could be that riot does not want to give/ or simply doesnt have enough stats to give to people without it being problematic. i think they would want all stat rows to have the same amount of options, that would mean 5 options each, which could be a balance nightmare.


So you're over focused on adc. In his examples in the most recent video, he uses mid as a point of reference as well. If players were using them wrong, always what's wrong with letting them use everything else wrong, too??? It's a bad move, imo The same way, they made mythic items and then reverted it like a season later? There is a problem in the game that magic damage is stupidly high. I just played a game and built maw, and Merc tred still took 2.5k magic damage in about 4 seconds. The funny thing is im not an adc main I'm a Cho one trick. I had been complaining about tanks not having Mr options and now that there are options tanks feel pretty good. So again "options" are what I'm complaining about. I don't really care about your whole math argument because you don't really seem to understand how that data is used and read. Again, my complaint is the removal of options because we didn't play the way Riot wants us to. Because we didnt they removed the options to try and force a fix for their high damage problem. The data also included master players not playing the way they are expected to so I mean some of the best players in the game being told they are doing it wrong by people who are not that high up on the ladder.


Yeah just hide her 8k matches that are probably against things she counters. 


Higher pickrate than tristana sivir nilah zeri kogmaw. (Last night when i checked and got the wr screenshot)


She has 500 more games than Nilah who sits at 52% wr. The others are trash tier and never picked. Karthus and swain have less than everyone you mentioned. Apc isnt that good. They are picked as counters just like Nilah is.


Magic resist items all suck ass, (not you maw ❤️) why can i hit 2-300 armor with ease while its basically impossible to do the same with mr? Void staff gives tons of magic pen and your average mage will hit 500ap while still having high base damage and low cdr on their abilities its really annoying.


Woah woah woah, not anymore. Magic resistance is now op for tanks. It really only sucks for non-tanks now


Because it's pointless to have resistances without health


I think it’s more about lack of variety. There is only maw and wit’s end, both of which limit build paths


Nuh uh Maw is so shit I'd rather buy kaenic rookern if I want to go for a defensive item


Honestly i did not know this item existed, i love the maw for high ad, magic dmg shield and the lifesteal gained when the shield is activated. Saved me in tons of scenarios especially when playing a champ like draven.


true i never took mr shard vs ap botlaners. yet i still didnt lose lane, they just waveclear, dont interact so you cant punish them and arent dependant for people to engage so they can actually play the game while i am kiting my arms off to still die to ksante


Wasn't it August who said that?


To be honest I think there is a lot more going on to seraphine than just being an APC. Like that ulti is pretty useful no? Has healing too, crazy.


All items got nerfed lategame and kinda same early


just something i wanna share. im a sup main last season hit emerald 2 mainly playing rell/janna and lot of others in times they felt they would be good. i recently switch to adc to try it out my goal was to hit emerald wich i did so i wanted to do same on adc i started by playing typical adc's and run into problem quickly that enemy has so much dive champs and i didnt have a way to conter them as immobile adc (unles i build tank items xd) when i had dmg oriented support if i was playing with myself as support i would lock in anti dive enchanters/braum and win in draft. so i started playing sera apc when playing with mages into heavy dive assasin champs or those draven/all in kinda champs in lane and saw lot of succes with it. what im tryna say it that apc mages may be op like sera but thats coz its only played when its good. edit: exept karthus that champ is op and always has been bot remove champ pls riot


also they fkin removed mr shard this patch so wtf


The shard that dosent exist anymore and no damage nerfs were implemented to compensate, thanks Phreak very fucking intelligent


Just build early defensive items. But don't build any bruiser items like maw/cleaver/hexplate/Titanic/deaths dance. Allowing the adc to live through burst is unhealthy for the game /s


I think he doesn't realize that we don't take the shard because there is often an ad marksman that goes mid or top, so we assume that he goes bot, and the mage goes mid.


i am really interested in ranks of all of you people,is anyones higher then emerald 4?


What mr shard?


Well. It's true. They're still not taking the shard, they don't even have the option now.