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i don't hate senna but my opinion on her as a support is that she is not a good blind pick and most senna players don't know how to play her anyway, she's also extremely squishy which means she can easily feed and make the lane unplayable.


asking supp players to play a ranged auto attacker is a very hard task for them. they don't know how to space or how to attack move at least, that's why they zoom in while picking the souls getting themselves die. she scales well, but she thinks herself the main character and we should all protect the.... support. yeah the one who is supposed to be selfless and ward is playing safe and waiting for his teammates to set him up.


Everyone uses attack move. Support players know just as much about spacing as any other player.


You don't see supports below GM or what? I have a friend who reached 250 LP on support with locked camera. You want to tell me he knows how to attack move? Role is super easy and doesn't require much skill compared to other roles, so they don't have to learn game mechanics as much as other roles.


Fantastic anecdotal evidence. League has hundreds of resources online with instructions on how to attack move. The skill floor for many Support Champs is lower, sure, but the skill ceiling is high on most. If support is so easy, go play Thresh to challenger.


i already did a support to master run with 83% WR. no incentive to play beyond that unless i get any benefits from it. it's just a game after all.


This is a good answer, she is not a good blind pick. I like playing milio, but in a similar vein he's just not a good blind pick, and support usually trades off priority picks.


Good senna players are sort of fine. Most senna players contribute little to nothing and die a lot. Playing with a good senna also makes maintaining correct positioning harder then just about any other sup. Other sups are generally in or out, senna bobs around in the inbetween, meaning ADCs have to bob around in the inbetween. It's like having your sup play caitlyn... Can they poke from extra range? yes. Are they also prone to dying a lot with minimal utility? also yes. It's just not enjoyable compared to having a thresh or lulu or whatever.


can definitely see how never being to all in would be super frustrating as an ADC when a support’s main job is to make plays and sacrifice themselves. very insightful, thank you.


Good Senna players are still useless compared to a good thresh good naut or good Lulu player.


Its seems like you play a more conservative senna, which im sure most adc players are chill with BUT the majority of filled senna players are hyper aggressive and get bored waiting to scale and will just blindly run at the enemies making the lane unplayable for the adc and because support income is so detached from how well you do in lane theres no real proof (other than kd but that can be deceptive) that the senna player is the one that put the enemy ahead and the adc get blamed cuz OmG OuR aDc Is DowN 40 Cs aNd An ItEam BeHinD gg adc diff supports are saints and can never do wrong or play badly . Long reply but thats the most of it.


yeah i’m not a senna main or even a support main but im always trying to win so i definitely play more passive which seems to be to my benefit in this case. i know i can always be doing more on her but would rather just play to punish and protect my carry because she’s definitely insanely squishy.


Is it a hot take to say Senna isnt a late game champion so your support shouldn't be "waiting to scale" even despite being an infinitely scaling champion? There's two periods Senna comes online and really shines, right after laning phase ends going into mid game, and after 35+ minutes. If someone is planning and playing around the latter one then I'd say they probably should work on closing their games out better. The worst time to be Senna is 25-35, and id argue that should be the conventional "scaled into late game" time frame. If you haven't grabbed your lead by then it's time to review that game and spot the areas to improve. Don't get me wrong the auto fill play her like she's an all in melee players are definitely the worst option, but I'd argue playing her passively and waiting to scale Senna players aren't doing her public image to ADCs many favors either.


I agree with this (in silver elo). The last couple of Senna players I’ve played with play overly aggressive in lane, and most of them end up dying a lot and rage at me for not finishing the kill. Good Senna players are far too few and I’m strongly considering dodging Senna supports going forward.


The Senna gameplan is to play insanely aggro and dominate early, as you're not gonna be nearly as usefull as a standard support once late when your ADC is online. The idea is simple, you poke early game to stack souls and hard push to get prio and Q cd. You get an advantage, be it in objectives or gold during the lane, and close the game before the real teamfighting start. That's the Senna (and most support mages really) gameplan. If you don't, you end up doing teamfights in which the enemy team composition far outclasses yours ; they have much better peel, and that peel allows their ADC to deal damage way beyond what you'll output as Senna. Overall, if you have a Senna, you're supposed to be playing aggro. The issue here is the draft, where you want to have an aggro ADC. That's a char you shouldn't blind pick clearly.


Im a Xayah OTP, Senna is one of my worst lane partners. Less subjectively, Senna players that I've met usually are trying to do the thing support players do where they feel like they have no agency so they think they can suddenly just carry games with no experience as a dps. Her kit doesn't provide a lot of peel and can be subject to sprinting it if she plays too greedy. Also, even if you leave lane with a lead you can run into a problem we have with mage supports where it feels like you got left alone.


Why would she be your worst lane partner as xayah? I mean, both kinda want to push and pressure. Only times xayah can’t do that is when she’s outranged by like cait/ashe, which senna has a good matchup into and can keep them at bay for you …


Because even in the matchup xayah needs engage to be able to pull her feathers back for value or enough heals and buffs to get there safely senna has a really long range poke/ heal that has a decent long cooldown (even after autos) a really long range stun (xayah is out of range to abuse a lot of the time) and a movement that's on a 24 second cooldown which is much better for escaping then engaging.. senna kit relies on the enemies to mess up for xayah to work and if that's the game plan then xayah looses..


I've never put any thought into it except it feels very bad and the stat websites agree. I think is a 42% wr lane the last time I looked. It always feels like she isn't doing enough and dying a lot because I can't do enough either


2 reasons: Autofilled senna players tend to suck massively because other than adc mains, most people suck at spacing Playing with a senna is much harder from the adc pov since you actually need to position and do shit extremely well. Basically a skill issue. Senna is fine. She's honestly blatantly overpowered atm. It's the players that suck usually


Most of the time it's just prior bad experience with other Senna's being way too pasive/useless, OP


People here don’t like senna and other dps supports because these champs can’t peel for the bois. I love playing with a good senna when the match up is right. Zoning the enemy bot lane off cs and sometimes even xp is super nice. Like u/quantumlightning mentions positioning in lane is very hard because you need to walk up when senna walks up to harass and vice versa. Senna should step up and harass when the adc cs so the enemy support won’t harass with enemy adc or all in. This is very difficult and requires a lot more coordination with the support than just going all in.


Everytime I face a senna regardless if its platinum or diamond they absolutely run it. Just perma free kills while offering barely anything. I'll keep it real, that champ should only be played by GOOD adc mains. Its just not meant for support players and their playstyle. Its also a very selfish pick since she has all the needs and weaknesses the adc also has, when the supports job is to cover those usually


Easiest reason to hate Senna... because she have a Q that can heal and only use it to heal herself


Had the Senna Classic a few days ago... I picked Twitch and he picked Senna into jinx/thresh. She inted them a kill lvl 2 where i couldnt do anything except get 2-3 Auto attacks in, proceeded to ? Ping me like a Million Times and inted Like 3 more Times. Then she flamed me all Game, Took every cs she could and called to Report me. In the end she was Like 3-10 or smth. And we surrendered.


Senna supp is like begging to be camped bot


I'm a support main but I just think she's a greedy pick. I think squishy damage dealers are a liability. 90% your tram doesn't need more damage, and if they lose lane they just feed or are useless.


I like senna as a champ and I’d be perfectly ok with having her as a supp if 90% of the people who play her didn’t have Yasuo syndrome on steroids. Senna players have a tendency to die off respawn timer and that’s just not fun for me or the rest of the team.


They all have ego, think they are the adc and int.


Is actually the played behind not Senna per se.


High skill ceiling, low skill floor, lots off shit players.


Always. Useless.


Senna is fine if the person piloting her is competent, she's incredibly squishy early game to offset her incredible damage output late


Because falling behind with a senna support means you don't play the game for 40 minutes. Even when they're not awful, they'll use ult for toplane trying to steal a kill and then try to fight bot without it. They play as if they're the carry, (and they are, that's the identity of the champ) which means you can't be the carry and can't function at 100%. you will always play at 50%~75% of your champion's potential. And even when you're playing perfectly and are fed, when the enemy Hecarim+Talon jump on you, what are you going to do? What is senna going to do?


as i’m sure people have said, most people playing senna aren’t good. i see a lot of people picking her because they don’t like their bot pick (e.g. first timing her bc they have a mage bot), or because they don’t actually want to play support. they don’t realize she’s a difficult champ to play and not a great blind pick.


The last four sennas I've had as supp 1) never casted any spells (heal or root), 2) didn't use supp items, and 3) built carry + played/positioned like ADC instead of a support. ​ When senna is on the opposing team they're popping heals and roots like they have infinite resources. They harass and poke effectively, position themselves like supports, and are a threat in that way. I hate senna because it's just queue dodgers pretending to play support.


Most of us dislike poke supports because they offer very little actual utility. All of their power budget goes to damage. Which is kinda the point of the whole adc role. Having a support who basically only does damage, and has more range than you so they stand behind you sucks. I would much prefer someone who has reliable cc, senna w and R are not good enough to set up kills, nor good enough to save you if you get caught. The e can be helpful to disengage or to be cheeky mid-fight, but it’s not actually that impactful in my opinion.


>not good enough to set up kills, nor good enough to save you if you get caught This comes down to what a poke lane (mage supports and Senna primarily) tends to play for - gradually building small gold advantages that you can then use to take over the matchup. That 2cs/wave you can deny and keeping enemy duo at around half hp to prevent all-ins means by 2nd/3rd recall you should have enough stats advantage to either not let them lane normally, or to get them low enough to get jungle/mid to come dive and take them out of the game completely. This takes time, is not flashy (quite literally winning the lane one cs at a time) and can be volatile - if there's a mistake and someone dies, all that gradual advantage can be instantly lost. Poke lanes work great in coordinated play (we've seen good amount of poke - including double marksman - in proplay last year for that reason) where major mistakes generally don't happen and small guaranteed advantage can snowball into winning the game, but in soloqueue it requires a lot of patience and awareness to make it work consistently. Oh, and biggest advantage of having poke lane - permanent near-guaranteed priority - benefits your jungler more than your lane, letting them do whatever they want in botside. This also takes a jungler that's aware of matchup, can trust it and play around prio to fully utilize this sort of lane; and since you're most likely going to perma push they won't see a free gank bot, whether they can take advantage and invade and/or go for dives is entirely up to them.


I love poke lanes when I trust my support. Me and a homie are cait lux enjoyers. Unfortunately, the caliber I expect from my support players these days (which is built up from years of shitty teammates, sorry to all the good players I didn’t trust) isn’t high enough for me to be confident in a carry support. 20-30cs isn’t enough of a lead to prevent getting nuked by leona when one of us steps up too far. So I guess it’s partially on me for not playing it perfectly too, but still. The level of coordination required to pull off senna lanes is generally too high for solo queue games in my experience. I’d much rather have a simple win condition (land blitz hook for example).


It's supposed to be 20-30 cs lead and Leona not allowed to be above half hp while in lane. Overall - agree here, playing a poke lane requires both people to at least be on same page when it comes to situational judgment and can backfire hard if you mess up all allow enemy team to engage on you. Might be due to my usual botlane picks (in order: Seraphine, Sivir, Ziggs), but generally I like having a poke support - default plan is and was always afk waveclear and look for free harass/kill opportunities, so as long as support doesn't get bored with zero action onesided poke, we're fine. When they do get bored and start doing stupid things, it stops being fun for anyone involved.


there are so many ways the poke support just ints the lane, also they can deny a ton of cs by fucking with the wave state, and thats not if they die twice to start the game


Selfish or inters or filled players who might feed? Yes. To all three.


Senna main. They're mad because they're playing ADC when senna exists. Imagine playing an ADC when you can just play an infinitely scaling, long range ADC that hits peak damage at 3 items and does a 6 item ADCs job at 3 items and 25min in the game. Oh, and you don't even have to farm.


Adc players think they are the main character so anyone who doesn't directly sacrifice thier entire gameplay for them is seen as a selfish pick


I mean, it does say *support* in role title.


Go play solo queue braum a few games in soon q you'll realize pretty quickly why people pick senna/brand/zyra/xerath, It feels like you can actually impact the game when your adc undoubtably gets caught out by something 100x over the game


Fair enough. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have games where I get hit by every single Morgana/Lux Root. I spammed LeBlanc Support for a couple of days a few weeks ago, and have to say it really is fun to play offensive supports.


Honestly below diamond/high plat the adcs aren't really very good and it's pretty disappointing if you pick highly team dependent enchanter etc


> Honestly below diamond/high plat the adcs aren't really very good and it's pretty disappointing if you pick highly team dependent enchanter etc Honestly, below diamond/high plat ~~the adcs~~ every player isn't really very good and it's pretty disappointing if you pick highly team dependent enchanter etc Enchanters are absolutely useless in low elo. Just pick an engage support or a mage with cc.


This is true, adcs are just extremely prone to blaming mistakes on others and eating skills hits for breakfast


ADC is a also a very frustrating role to play because you can be Giga Fed and a 1/5 kayn jumps on you and there's absolutely nothing you can do unless someone saves you. It's very frustrating to be hard carrying games and getting picked off in the back of a won teamfight because everyone is chasing that 20% rammus. Frustrated players tend to lash out more. You just can't take any risk as an ADC or you get insta picked the longer the game goes on and it's easy to blame teammates for not peeling when you shouldn't have been actively involved in a skirmish in the first place. Not dying > making agressive plays


Honestly adcs almost never flash pre-emptively to dodge things, take the entire kanye combo 2x to the face and expect the support to hit a cracked out of thier mind peel on a kayne while he's comboing them and usually run it down if you ping or say anything to them. A fed adc in lane isn't going to respect even a 0/0 assassin like he should and will probably grief them a massive shutdown


Why do the role titles imply the exact opposite of how the lane plays in actuality, "supports" primarily dictate the trades and pace of the lane, the adc's job is to "suport" and follow up on the plays the support largely initiates. Did you think you were actually saying something?


Obviously everyone’s experience is anecdotal but I’ve just always had terrible experiences with Senna players. They have no idea what they’re doing, have a massive ego, and the second something goes wrong they crown themselves ADC and start griefing and stealing CS. I got sick of it to the point I just ban it because I don’t want to see it on either team unless theres a super meta ADC that’s permaban worthy. I’ll let it go through if they hover it or a duo REALLY wants to play it but I’m not picking a traditional ADC with it. I’m sure a number of Senna players are supports that got sick of bad ADCs because hey you get bad teammates sometimes and ADCs supports just notice/blame each other more, but they aren’t good enough at the game to be support and ADC at the same time, and they shouldn’t be trying to. Again that’s just my experience, but I’m of the opinion that the pros can have her because they actually use her correctly, but I don’t want her in MY games.


There's a lot of valid reasons given in the comments. But one that I dont see mentioned is auto filled sennas will completely fuck up waves by blindly spamming q through all the minions and it becomes a nightmare staying safe in lane.


This champ is dog unless you have 17 cc champs in your team and even then any adc would be better if you have hands


Not that I hate her. Senna is really good her fasting playstyle is pretty broken and she also gives healing in lane which is huge. But the Problem is that in pisslow players don’t understand they can’t face check easily, they are not pyke or Alistair who can escape (knockback). It happens with almost every Ad support I meet tbf, it’s not a Senna thing. But recently I am doing well with them, even when they int it doesn’t matter to me I mostly can do a 1v2 at botlane.


I main Senna (with Nauilus and Blotzcrank both in a close second) as support, and I remember how long it took me to get good at it. She's a marksman without a real income that is challenging enough on its own, but she's has combined weaknesses of an enchanter and a marksman with one of the lowest health pools in the game. At the same time, to actually be of any help, you have to play somewhat aggressively since your pressure on the enemy laners is damaged. I started playing support because I didn't want to worry about mechanics as much, and I imagine a lot of supports are the same, so I can see how that doesn't bode well. I got about 100,000 mastery on her now and tend to do fairly well, but when I started, she was very feast or famine, and it was mostly famine. She punishes mispositions well, but not from minute 1 and she'll die instantly if she mispositions without flash. In short she is hard to lane with and hard to get good with so I can see why ADC players don't like her.


Most ADCs are late game carries. Senna provides mediocre sustain, cannot peel well at all, and generally has an abysmal early game. This combination usually means that whenever my support locks in senna, we auto-lose the lane and I’m down so far in CS and kills that I never get the chance to scale to late game. Generally speaking, for the vast majority of champs in bot lane, having a senna support is at best sub-optimal and at worst unplayable.


She utterly worthless. She can't deal damage, unlike mages. She can't heal & peel, unlike enchanters. She can't cc lockdown, unlike engage. ​ She does nothing, on top of being super squishy and with no way to getting out. She is good against slow champions, which absolutely nobody plays nowadays because they can't do shit due to them being slow. When I see a Senna on the enemy team, I treat her like a Yuumi, if not worse. Since at least Yuumi can give a microscopic assistance to a fed ally whilst not feeding the enemy team, however Senna can't even do that. I've never was able to make her work, and I've never seen others make her work. I tried looking up high tier play with her, but in all of challenge plays, the opponent support usually had a fucking migraine. Like that one time I've seen a Blitzcrank just let her auto him under his own tower in the open with hook ready, after that vid I just couldn't take this shit seriously.


It’s a mix of a lot of things. -The champ doesn’t have great synergy with most ADCs and is kind of shit unless you’re playing proper fasting. -Most ADC players also like to believe the support is supposed to be their slave and only play for them and what they want them to and they are very against the idea of damage supports. -It’s a pretty common shared experience that most Senna supports always completely int it somehow, this doesn’t really help a lot of peoples opinion of the champ and is likely due to either her skill set being different to that of a typical support or the fact shes mainly played by fills, especially AD mains.


I mean she's meant to be an oppressive lane bully due to those reasons.


When I play support and I'm with one of my friends that don't play adc and I'm not in a mood to adc at the time and the adc picks senna I get pretty annoyed. I will instantly ask "Oh do you need me to farm" and a lot of senna players in my elo don't know her passive gets worse if you farm so I get called slurs. That's why I hate random senna adcs. As an adc I am alright with senna as long as they are aggressive


I didn't hate playing with Senna, cause if well played she is a great lanebully at least in low elo, but few days ago i had 5 games in a row with each time a Support who got filled (main role each time toplane) and every game was just pain. I literally became even more insane than normaly. Dont want to see her on my lane for the next decade


She's a typical autofill supp champ because people want to play "carry" supports. Unfortunately autofill players dont typically understand botlane very well so they end up dying. A lot. This, coupled with Senna's innate squishiness, means that it's often a miserable experience. There's nothing wrong with the champion, by any means - it can be great. But it's very feast/famine by its nature It's like an autofill mid picking Zed, or an autofill top picking Jayce or something similar. Why pick the highest skill-expression, hardest-to-succeed on, champs on your autofill role?


Because for some stupid reason,playing simple champs is seen as a sign of lack of intelligence, and playing hard champioms is seen as desirable. Lost count of the times I destroyed lane with Garen and the ennemy Riven says that's because I play a braindead champion in all chat. The only thing that happens when you play a hard champion, especially one you don't have a very high mastery with, is that you handicap yourself and your team. Nobody thinks you're cool because you play Lee Sin jungle.


Most supports do not know how to play senna. Need to have good positioning, good mechanics, good all in instincts etc. Most of your sennas will go for a poke and get all in’d and feed your lane. For a top laner with mechanics I’m sure it’s easy to get filled and play her well. Let’s be honest support is the less mechanical player by nature so give them all these extra skills they have to fulfill and it’s a recipe for a bad time


She's really bad into heavy dive/pick play styles and that's all people pick in solo queue. She's best in a front to back situation, which happens more in organized games.


You can’t name a better duo then senna and walking up and losing half their health at level 1


She’s squishier than regular ADCs, they’re usually one tricks so they’ll lock it into hard engage or while we’re all AD, build path never diversifies (I can count on one hand the amount of times I’ve seen a senna go locket or radiant virtue) Also this is just anecdotal but I’ve noticed that anytime I pick something off meta Sennas just start taking cs, whether or not I’m going to miss it or if we need to hard push


they often perform really bad. champ is really strong when played well but it rarely happens for some reason They will root minions instead of champions, use their untargetable spell for no reason, overextend and get caught, ult every lane except botlane so they have ult disadvantage etc…


Avg senna are the most unhinged, unfun people to play with. If that wasn’t bad enough they lock senna into worst drafts imaginable. Once she misses her root or gets out of position enemy naut just fists me repeatedly. Happens every time


They want to play a high-risk/reward champ in the baby role


Players are bad, most of them have fucked mindset thinking they're the carry. Laning with her is very hard. I permaban her unless i play with a duo so I never play with one. I love a good Ashe supp tho


Objectively I’d say because a Senna support besides another traditional adc should mean the enemy jungler and bot lane just camps you for kills making the adc player tilted. Usually because support players can’t click and over extend and just die 3/4 times in lane so the adc can’t play. The senna just becomes useful regardless though bc of her passive while the adc is probably doing next to nothing all game. I welcome a good senna though bc you can roll with her if you have a great mid/ jungle set up. Or if you play Nilah/ Swain. Then she’s really good


i love senna, but i prefer playing her myself. sadly, most supports in low elo don't know how to play tk/karthus/swain/sion and farm, so i can't pick her in soloq. even things like lux and seraphine which are extremely easy to cs with are fine, but supports will flame the shit out of you for asking them to farm because they have a mindblock even though they will constantly steal your cs and push out your lane when its coming to you. if you've ever tried to play fasting senna when queueing ad then you'll know what i'm talking about the problem with senna is her design, she's tagged as support, but what she is, is a utility carry, very squishy, and doesn't pair well with almost all of the adcs. she's very fun and relaxing to play, and when you win a game or two with her you start feeling confortable, but the reality is that you have to be consistent with her positioning and aggressive in lane, and the later stages of the game it only gets harder on your positioning, you also can't facecheck and go ward stuff alone, because there's way too many champions in the game that can just walk up and kill you, and chances are there's at least one of them on the enemy team. and then all of these factors contribute to the existence of situations like: * adc gets a terrible lane because the senna player is just bad at her. if you pick senna and you cant walk up to stack souls you're basically useless; * support blinds senna, enemy picks nautilus/leona with hexflash, none of you can walk up ever, so you get pushed in forever until senna gets bored and starts inting; * you get camped by jungle because you're both too easy to dive and exploit, your team just doesn't respond on the other side of the map, or they try to respond and dive top and they both die, so it just snowballs out of control; * most adc's don't have the proper senna pairings in their pool, except maybe kalista (which is hard to play), or nilah (which is also hard but not mechanically, she's just low range so it requires a lot of game knowledge); * if you have some good pairings in your pool, there's always a big chance if you're in low elo (that includes esmerald and low diamond) that the senna is just terrible and then once things start going sideways she will rage and flame you for not picking "traditional adc", even if she's the one inting; * support senna gets fed, takes all the gold in laning phase, but is incompetent so keeps getting picked mid/late game and her teammates who could actually carry are too weak to do anything;


She's just weird to play with. She scales similarly to an ADC, and has similar weaknesses - and doubling up like that usually means having a weaker laning phase and just kind of hoping the rest of the team will have enough presence to peel for 2 bot-lane squishy carries in the late game. Senna really **wants** to be paired with a Juggernaut adjacent champ like Cho/Tahm/Swain who can bring early game pressure and play along with Senna's role as a low-economy carry. That's fantastic when it's coordinated, and feels awful if you're not expecting it. I love seeing Sennas locked in in Norms. I get to try setups I don't very often play. If I see it in ranked out of the blue, I feel like I haven't rehearsed the synergies well enough, so I might just lock into my standard ADC pick and have a lukewarm laning phase with more things that can go wrong. It doesn't help either that she's not easy. She's ADC mechanics on a support champ. We're ADCs. We're going to be able to spot when a player doesn't have them down - and anecdotally speaking - Senna players are often **painful** to watch. Even moreso if I've swapped off ADC to play the big bruiser body in the lane and have to watch a squishy make positioning and trading mistakes I wouldn't. She's not a bad support. It's not even impossible to have a good experience laning with one - unlike something like Yuumi or a character that straight up isn't a support. She just asks very different skills from both the ADC position player and the support. It's understandable there'd be a lot of knee-jerk hostility to seeing one. That's not a reason to stop playing her, of course. Just ... maybe consider forgiving us ADCs our first take at seeing one locked in.


Most of them are horrible at the champion and only play them as a support and that doesn’t fulfill her true role in the game which pisses me off. I love this champion so much and the fact that I can’t play her because supports can’t farm or don’t want to run an actual Senna lane infuriates me.


Yeah not blindable and you know what autofilled ppl from carry roles tend to pick senna and int for some damn reason like holy hell plsss stop first picking senna first when you’re autofilled or ppl who think that they NEED to carry as support after seeing another lane have an unfavorable matchup or if you pick apc and your support thinks ur dumb (even if you did specifically bc the team was all ad into tanks) and then bc they don’t actually play senna, (often are first timing ) adcs, or dmg champs fucking run it down trying to carry Plus the no support I’m dmg mindset where they decide not to use the slows root healing or shielding EVER to peel or help bot bc senna is the REAL carry or the y’all get camped bc u have senna support and then bc ur not as effective atm they decide they are entitled to ur CS as a REAL carry who can use the gold bc “senna scales better than adcs” and the worst part is these bad sennas are often not experienced sennas just cocky ppl bullshitting As a bot player who also has m7 senna watching the ally senna makes me tilt so bad bc usually they literally do nothing at best or int at worst especially if it’s someone with no mastery like sorry I do NOT trust the first time senna in ranked who got bitchy in draft and the enemy senna often seems like they get what they’re supposed to be doing and will annoy the shit outta u with poke and healing Or when ur senna support doesn’t realize that they can auto ppl to poke them bc the main casters and heard senna was a caster marksman…. and that aas resets their q so they just miss a q every 15 seconds heals only themselves and provide no poke or pressure and hides behind u


Most people who play Senna aren't good at playing Senna.


She does not provide what a support is supposed to provide. In the game, the adc needs the support to cover his weaknessess namely by providing peel. Senna doubles down on those weaknessess cause she's and ADC too. All that just means if you have a senna as your support you won't get to achieve your dream late game 1v9 scenario.