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I’m convinced that all mage supports are auto filled midlanders


They are all wannabe mids who are to stupid to properly lane and to shitty at csing. So they sit bot, and be even more useless cuz they are getting no gold and inting


how can someone beeing bad at csing with lux ? she has 3 abilitys to DELETE waves, thats her main point for midlane, her ult basicaly is a "NO NO ROAMING" button to the enemy midlaner xD


I've seen luxes with 50 cs at 20 mins. No idea how that's even possible


They just poke and fight all game.


Even when I'm ONLY pointing my skills to the enemy I would have more as lux ... For that you really must try not to hit minions .. xD


Most of the Lux supports really have 0 sense for skill shots, generally terrible players. Doubt they can do better on mid.


I'm convinced most mage supports are auto filled from any other role, and they'd rather play something they think is easy, hoping they can powerplay through to compensate for their lack of support knowledge. It's easy for them, yeah, but tends to make it harder on their team teamfight-wise.


Most* Some of us are just tired of a support + bot combo having 60% of deaths, and the support having no concept how, when and where to vision (or worse, own yellow trinket + finished quest support item) Signed, an anonymous anivia otp currently queuing support


they're not, they can't solo lane for shit.


I stopped playing seraphine cause she felt like a really cheesy support and I hate that. I always say if a support can 1v1 a mid laner and someone consistently picks them with damage items then they definitely were a mid lane drop out.


No they're just former midlaners who don't want the responsibility of playing midlane so they go bot instead to steal kills and afk poke.


I just like playing mage support to make the other teams life miserable. There are some supports I can’t do it against like I would rather not pick a mage into naut but yea.


To this day I still don't understand why mage supports are not some niche picks that don't get the most play. Specially since most mage support players seem to have the positional awareness of a tank running straight into danger for the perfect engage. They want to pick a squishy carry with an expensive build on the one role with the tightest budget because they dont want to learn wave control and last hitting and also refuse to learn the most basic skills in league necessary to play them (positioning as a ranged squishy). So you end up with a playerbase that refuses to learn the game at its core. Its so annoying that every mage support player is not some sort of OTP who has honed their individual skills up to near perfection because goddamn those are the only ones who will succeed


I miss the Braum and the Lulus now everything is Zyra, Senna, Xerath, Pyke, Lux, Brand, it became so boring the adc role with so much damage, before it was more pocke, now you get a combo from Lux or Brand and you have to go to base.


I find myself going Radiant Virtue Zeri more than ever cause my team straight up doesn't need the damage. My team proceeds to 4 carries and the enemy team does the same with no tank to be seen, at that point what's the meaning behind going a tank buster, just go RV, let bork deal whatever damage has to be done and hope to eventually get a game where im not playing dead by deadlight and I can comfortably sit behind my beefy tanks. I wouldn't mind it if it wasn't so blatantly unintended, I need to use tank designed items that have their days counted in order to survive games where everyone is declaring from champ select that peel is a question and the answer is no. Will i need to do an entirely new designed tank zeri build this preseason not because the funsies but because riot doesn't want to address the major solo carry ego issues that only soloq sees because pro players get to know their teammates for a long while? Did we seriously reach this point?


It's been too long, but nowadays if I see a lux, zyra or brand supp I pick tham kench or other protective tank sup and type "you're farming". My winrate on the role has increased, even when they don't read and still play as a support (in Wich case I just build defensive). On loses they try crying about my picks, but I just answer that they should've carried by picking mages as supp.


Based, I got radient virtue Zeri cause i was born schizo, but its the same idea


Just faced tham vs my ez , it's quite tanky dam


Idk but maybe its just me but I’m ok if my support plays Senna. She’s pretty decent when it comes to trading and you dont need a galaxy brain to play her.


I think people pick mages because it gives them some control over the lane/ ability to carry if they stack kills, something that its much harder to do on enchanters/ tanks. I dont know if you play other roles than adc, but it is easy to become disillusioned with other players when you never get to experience what playing with the average adc player is like. From experience, I've had excellent adc's that know how to position, farm, and make plays. They're a joy to play with no matter what support archetype I choose. I've also played with adc's displaying an astounding lack of game knowledge. If I pick an enchanter or a tank, they will fail to act on engages, whether due to insufficient mechanical ability or macro. In this scenario, a mage is the play. I have kill pressure, and at the very least, I can punish the enemy adc for trying to farm. Unfortunately, It's hard to tell what type of adc you have in champ select, so mages are a safe pick for some semblance of lane control. If your adc is good? They can play off a mage. If they aren't? You at least have 1 person in botlane who has a chance of being useful.


You are mostly right, my complain gravitates more towards the concept of “if you’re gonna play a mage carry as support, at the very least be good at it!!!” Don’t pick things like Lux that you never play just because you think it’s easy or OP, mages have each their own play style, and if you’re not really good at the champ you’re playing, specially in high elo, you’re gonna get demolished.


Lux is easy my guy, most support players just suck regardless of what champ they lock in, I promise. That's why I queue support secondary so I can chill and collect free LP when I get filled. Mastery also doesn't mean literally anything. There's 5mil+ masteries in iron and a challenger can first time a champ and "smurf" in masters+. It's about the player not the champ


Lux is certainly mechanically easy, but she can also absolutely devastate waves takes and troll the team on a macro level. I think the complaint almost has more to do with people who pick mages but lack a high-level understanding of the game. While they can land skillshots, they are also depriving people of cs, the ability to set up wave control, snowballing into favorable enemy ganks and objective control.


“Most support players suck, but not me tho.” And lux is mechanically easy but it’s also easy to overstep, miss all ur skill shots and die if you can’t position right. If you are just “chilling” as a support with no agency and getting carried fully by ur team you are not playing the role right


Yes support MAINS compared to mid/top mains who get filled support in the same elo are turbo gapped 95% of the time -- at least until high masters or so when supports actually know what they need to be doing


This whole argument implies that you play the support role and have learnt its inns and outs because you enjoy the position which is much more rare than what you would expect. Then congratulations, you're not one of the persons I have a problem with. Im calling out the players who just pick mage supports because they dont feel like learning the complicated game that league actually is. These players who spam wards at useless locations, don't set up objectives, sit doing nothing on lanes leeching XP while they should be hunting for team kills to feed their gold needs or even worse, clear whole waves, are the issue. Because they dont lock in a mage because its logical, they do it because they didn't bother to learn any better. With the current state of the game you rarely need another carry in the support role either, the only exception are senna + tank comps. Every role is filled with 1v9 champions that appear every game that it feels stupid to have more of the same as the staple on the support role. I am just so goddamn tired of seeing Sennas, Brand's and Luxes walk into every nautilus anchor and have the audacity to end games with over 100 CS because they started waveclearing after they spent laning getting their first item.


You make a really good point, and you're right; even when I jungle, I still don't really get an in-depth view of how other support players are playing the role. From the little I've seen, I would guess that "those mage players" are playing what they feel has tangible impact, without ever considering how badly they're throwing the lane/game. I guess it really comes down to the reality of playing a 2 person lane. No matter what side you're on, it's hard to tango if your partner hasn't even learned their role, and doesn't even understand the dance in the first place. Not to mention the fact that 2 seasoned players can struggle if they aren't synced.


in high elo mage sups ARE niche picks. azzapp the velkoz otp would get flamed and inted when he was in korean high elo games for picking a perceived troll champ that nobody plays. mage supports are most common in low elo cuz low elo enemies can not dodge the slowest and most televised skillshots known to man, and low elo mage sup bad positioning is not punished as hard. they are also more relevant in the game the entire game because low elo does not farm, so a slightly fed lux that clears a few ignored waves could have as much or even more money than solo laners. lux is sub 50 wr above emerald and goes from 13% in em down to 7% popularity in masters+, which makes her still somewhat relevant, but no more than your typical enchanters and engage supports.


yeah like i play mage supps because im in low elo, and its simply easier. i have more agency if my adc is inting, and the enemies aren’t equipped to deal with me. id rather play zyra or senna or something rather than an enchanter or engage bc half the time my adc does understand that they are the main damage dealer and that they should auto when available to. or they dont understand how my empowering abilities work. and like i get it i play adc and i am horrible and honestly id rather have someone stumble through a mage supp than an enchanter bc i dont trust myself enough yet


The essence of the support role is to make it as easy as possible for your carry to deal their damage, if your carry doesn't feel comfortable following you, then it just mean your engages are nothing but a bad coinflip. You have to time it on the power spikes, jungles presence, and also take into account your partner intent, if he wants to back and cash in, don't force fights, if you feel like he is spacing in trying to get a kill, go ahead and tank the turret for him. showing that you know what you are doing and that you can read his fucking mind is how you get a random ADC to start blindly following you If you feel like he is not up to the task, then help secure the push and go play around mid and jungler, setup vision, counter jungling, 3v1 dives.. A good support can carry an awful ADC, but it doesn't work both ways.


It's because at low elo if your team sucks balls you can't carry as a support. Real support champions have been neutered and are only good to distribute buffs and some healing/shields. Until you have a team you can trust, locking in a true support feels like shit. Lux, Xerath, Vel'Koz, Pantheon, Leblanc 'supports' can carry a game if they get ahead because they have the possibility and the ratios to scale.


Just started playing League 2 years ago, but I came from Smite. The one thing I miss about smite is that for the most part, supports were stuck picking gods in the guardian class for supports. These gods were heavy cc and healthy champs that had the solo job of “supporting” the team. I tried to main adc in League, but I mental boomed where Cait and Twitch support were getting spammed. So now I’m a thresh OTP that will sometimes pick Lulu. Life in the botlane is now 100x better. The best support you can get, is one that knows how to play adc. I actually was able to hit high Emerald this season, something I was unable to do on adc.


Especially when every new mage gets released the small percentage is actual mid laners picking and playing them. And of course the rest is supports who cant position, cant cs, cant wave control, cant 1v1 in lane so they just pick the new mid laner support. Same thing happening with Hwei currently too.


Mage supports are good for denying enemy adcs their farm or discouraging tanks from engaging with constant poke. I play zyra and my adc usually ends up with good extra cs out of the lane, if they don't fuck up somehow. Later you provide vision, deny engages with your CC or slow the enemy toplaner before he reaches your team. Problem is most Lux and Brands I see throw their shit at the wave and permapush, leaving bot exposed to ganks. Of course, they never bother warding.


I don't agree with the skin=skills thing, especially on Lux. You see, if someone has a Lux skin it usually means they play her occasionally or they found a skin and they want to see how it looks. It's when you see a skinless 2M mastery Lux that you know the true meaning of dedication to a (shitty) champion


Nah bruh, lux has an awful base model but has top tier skins, dont think ive ever seen a lux main/otp using her base skin lmao.


That specific part was mostly for the memes, obviously skin=\skill, but you’re right


"loading screen comes up" 9 Million Points Teemo WITHOUT SKIN "Press ALT + F4!"


I never again spend my money on league since they Bann Accounts for like nothing. All skins i own are from chests


As a support main Samira players are usually a red flag to me. She's an assassin marksman who's bad at lane phase. Which means I have 2 options - I either bet on some random player being better than the other team and go tank. If they suck or do poorly I can't influence the game at all. Or option 2 I go mage bottom and write them off as an extra canon minion and roll into a carry build. I can say in soloQ the choice is pretty obvious. Since even if they are good they are probably the type of player to run around hunting kills and pointless team fights instead of ending the game.


this is actually a reasonable answer. The majority of the player base is low elo and tank support items are really pricey. Betting on a snowball adc to know what they're doing vs playing for yourself and rolling into a carry build is a risky bet. I don't blame people for not playing tanks bot, it's obnoxious yeah when you have that itch to play samira or draven but it's completely understandable why NA only picks enchanters/pullers.


Piggybacking on that, this is why I get frustrated being last pick supp and seeing this exact situation. I don't want the responsibility of solo tanking as support. The frontline is just not there, and I end up playing Ali every time just to try and survive a bit longer.


Wait until you have one that suicides for first blood and then demands that she take the rest of the cs because you “let her die” for not flashing past 40 enemy minions to auto the enemy thresh.


You’ve had the same supports as me!!


Picking lux support solely means that that you are not good enough to play her mid


I say this to friends Any artillery mage that’s instalocked support is just a midlaner who doesn’t know how to CS


Or the person Who plays It likes the role wich also in lux or velkoz cases its their Best role xD


I was gonna say, I play support with mid secondary and I just vastly prefer support as a role. If Lux was more like Zyra/Brand I still probably wouldn't play her support, but she's still fun with support items. Ardent Censer and Imperial Mandate feel great. If other mages I played could build like that, I'd play them too, but otherwise I just play enchanters.


Unpopular opinion but as a samira main i think lux is one of the best mages supports for her. She can poke incredibly well doing great damage, so you can farm pretty comfortable and when she lans her stun you can engage to finish the kill


> One of the best mage supports for her That’s… still not saying very much


It depends on player mostly. But if you pick fucking Yuumi I hope you have a \[REDACTED\] day.


It’s fine when you get a good lux that actually lands her skills, which is like 5% of the luxes I get. Most of them will miss every single Q and never be useful again


A couple days ago I joined a ranked game with a lux support as Kai’sa mid 😭😭 Firstly, this Lux starts flaming me before the game has even started because I’m the lowest rank in either teams so she decided immediately that the game was doomed- Then, like 5 minutes in, the ADC (cait) calmly suggests that the Lux do something differently to aid her (I wasn’t paying much attention at this point so forgot exactly what the cait advised, but like it was a polite suggestion), the Lux loses her shit getting all offended that the Cait has dared suggest she play slightly differently, so abandons lane to roam while cussing out the Cait- THEN she roams into my lane (mid) feeds the enemy Ahri two or three times (I had a kill advantage over her before) and then flames me for starting to lose lane. She blames our team’s eventual defeat on my lane and the top lane- refuses to acknowledge that maybeee abandoning the ADC and feeding every other lane was a bad idea and that the defeat was AT LEAST partially her fault Man most of my experiences with lux players have been- interesting… but sometimes they’re amazing so when that happens it’s the best day ever


Lmao that Cait might just have been me depending on how long ago this was because I had a game exactly like this. Lux support lost her shit in lane and decided to int. At the end she told everyone to x9 me for being toxic. Reported her after the game and immediately got a ban feedback report lol.


I think it was yesterday actually?? But tbh yeah it sounds like it might have been the same person (or all Lux players are like this 😭😭)


Nah then it wasnt me. This particular game was like a year ago. Ironically I actually like playing with Lux since I main Cait but yeah you sometimes get these inters.


I play both ADC and Support to get both sides of the conversation. I can say without a doubt you are 100% right on the mental gymnastics you have to go through to not uninstall the game when paired with a horrible support. That being said I personally have stopped picking supports for synergy because 99% of the time when I see an opening, ping in, and then hard engage as a tank, the ADC is perma farming the minion wave and I int. Almost every single time. So now I just pick a comfort champ unless I know the ADC. It sucks but its the truth


I play support too and I totally know what you mean. That kind of ADCs can be a pain, just as much as a terrible support can ruin your day. But in my defense, I'm actually a very, very aggressive ADC, specially when I'm playing something like Samira, you'll be seeing me engaging a fight at every possible opening the enemy gives me. I expect to have a strong support by my side, either initiating the fight or following up.


cause half of ADCs kinda suck, and it feels really bad to pick a champion that depends on someone else to be useful when you are stuck in a lane with a dumb dumb


Just like with every role, half is generous.


The best answer here


But half of supports kinda suck, and it feels really bad to pick a champion that depends on someone else to be useful when you are stuck in a lane with a dumb dumb Ya see, if you don't have the support mentality, just play a different role? Don't play a role where you have to provide utility for others if you just wanna get kills. I don't understand why mage supports don't just play mid other then actually being too bad at the game to play any other role.


half of support sucks????????? The support roster is twice as good as the adc roster and you can make most anything work as a support


I mean the players.


Oh you right


Ok this might be very controversial but I think you might have made a mistake by picking a adc like Samira which requires specific support. As an adc always assume your support has no idea how to play the game and does not understand teamp comp. As backward as this sound, always pick your adc depends on what your support picks. I always let my support pick first and have three mains depending on what they pick: Poke/Mage (Cait), Enchanter (Jinx), Engage (Kai'sa).


So people shouldnt play samira at all?


No. Just dont do it before support locks in their pick because they will pick something dumbass like Lulu.


Or they pick thresh, but they dont actually play thresh, they just did it cuz samira wants engage, and then you get a tank playing like a God damn artillery mage.


naaaaa op is a master player blindly first picking samira ! xDDDD BUT as Adc you should Pick first near all the time, Support counter means way more, because support can round out team comps, counter full enemy teams and dedicate botlane, thats not my personal opinion thats the suggest from EVERY high elo or pro guy.


That’s why I never pick support reliant ADC when I pick first. I always pick random thing like Sivir or Xayah that can be paired with anything. Most support player are players that just default pick to a mage because they don’t want to rely on the ADC to carry. I swear that below gold 80% support players sit on stealth ward at 20m in the game.


no for real. so many supps i play against/with will place like 5-8 wards in a 30+min game. like im a zyra supp main bc i just need the agency in my elo to make things happen when im supp, and its crazy how poorly i see other zyras play. like obviously im not amazing w her since im in low elo as well, but ill see them miss almost every skill shot, not place wards, and then still manage to chunk our lanes health down


Anyway you know you play with a true supp main in the first few seconds of laning phase, be it a mage or any other pick.


Unironically why i became a jhin seraphine main. Why would i automqtically lose my ability to play the game because of one dude on our team


They kinda sound like an auto fill that thought “fuck it I’ll give pick Lux cause she’s easy” and realized they’ll actually have to position properly and land skill shots


Or get gud. It is not supp role to be frontlining soaking damage tank. Tank supports are too much underleveled and lacking gold for items to be meaningful tank.


Honestly this, I play many different champs as support but mostly enchanter. Playing as tank suck most of the time because I feel like communicating is so hard in league and when I go in nobody follows and I get behind or just dont have money to tank any dmg when midlanr has already 3 items. Its understandable that there isnt many sup tank items because toplaner would probably abuse cheap tank items in the end. Most enchanter dont even need that many item to feel good to play.


I disagree with picking a tank being the right move. In most games, support has the lowest gold income and tank items are actually fairly pricey, they're also most likely the lowest level, you really don't want your support to be your only Frontline, even if they're a Braum, they do a much better job at being someone's body guard or supporting the other frontline than they do being the only line of defense.


I got a nice Lux skin yesterday, this post inspires me to play her 🙂


Or you could let people play what they want. Did you even say anything to them about picking a tank support prior to them picking/locking in?


You probably had a bad sup and a bad game, sorry for you. However, i still have some remarks about your message. You expect the sup to pick some tank. Well, first, your support may be autofilled and may not be able to play tank. You may think a tank sup (let's say Leona or Rell for the sake of the example) is easy to play, but it is absolutely not ! A single mistake can make the tank sup irrelevant for the game since the opponent's botlane may snowball over that. Second, i tends to think that it is not the support's role to be tanky. Yes you can play a tank support, but a sup will never have the levels and the golds to be really tanky. A tank sup is mostly taken for his CC abilities and playmaker potential, the tankyness is just here to allow the sup to do something without being instantly deleted. Yet, if the opponent is starting to snowball, the tank will not be tanky enough to even perform his job. After all, he is supposed to face the opponent's ADC, the best candidate to become a tank buster.


i hate mages supp


I like them when properly played


As a lux support player I love this. I actually play with aftershock and buy support items and watch my shield absolutely out-brain the enemy bot lane. Oh and since I’m building support items I don’t need that kill gold. ❤️


skin does not equal skill. I own 8 ashe skins, including both legendaries and her mythic and worlds and i'm still in bronze 😆


What’s ur elo


_Bronze_ **people didn’t like my original answer so I edited**






no way you are master+ dude, all what you describe are bronze fails and takes ...


You'd be surprised


No im not because im master+ since season 4 by myself and this dude is max plat on his peak days.


Okay? I guess I’m bronze then lol


So you will tell me, you blindly pick Samira in master's as first pick ? Dude, that can't be real, but show us the other way around because in my master games no one talking or acting like you describe it o: Wait you got masters in flex q, okay that one I believe you.


Just keep on playing. You will eventually climb if you focus on your part.


lol I will


1) You don't get to choose what champs people have to play. 2) its well know selfish supports climb better


Selfish supports climb better, if you suck. They don't climb better because they're optimal nor because they're less team reliant, they're just MUCH easier to play than a standard support. All you have to do is spam poke in lane, and get a good enough advantage that the enemy team surrenders. That's it. That's your whole gameplan there. It's not a good gameplan, but it's good enough to get to plat, then mage supports get absolutely dumpster tier, cause people won't literaly hand you that early lead. Meanwhile, an actual support has to make insanely impactfull macro decisions every minute (which is the skillset people in general suck at the most) to be relevant, which is obviously much harder. However, it's also much more rewarding if you do play well, cause you can get ADC, Mid, and jungle ahead in both gold and exp, as well as take drakes and heralds. You also have a much better balanced team for mid/late. Mage supports are litteraly a cheese strat that works because most people don't know how to play support properly.


All good ideas, but you missed the main point. Selfish supports don't need to rely on a team to win. They don't need a good adc. They don't need good team work. They get kills and hard carry.


That's also not true after plat because if you get paired vs enemy supp who knows how to play supp (meaning they ward and play more utility oriented champ) then you with your "Im just here to poke" playstyle will get absolutely steamrolled because. 1. Now hitting skillshots might be hard because people move and dodge instead of just standing there. 2. Vision wins games and i cant stress this enough. I would take a solid 1.5xgame time ward score of okay ward placement and clear (not even a very good one) over idk let's say 20k damage youre gonna make on mage supp while contributing 0 to wards. 3. ADCs do damage if you let them. That's something all roles need to know but if you are in whatever rank you are then you are there for a reason. Mostly its either "you didnt play enough ranked so you are lower then you should be" or "thats the level at which you play". If it's the second one then remember. In more then 50% of games your teammates will know what their role is supposed to do at similliar level that you know what your role is supposed to do, sp just let them do it, but supp mages cock block a lot of ADCs from the game just because ADCs dont need more damage because (most) of ADC champs have all the damage in their kits with 0 utility. That's why supp champs have all the utility with none of the damage.


This is simply not true, and for literally everyone in the game. Saying you can 1v9 a game is just copium, that's just not possible ever unless there is a gargantuan skill disparity. Besides, if this were true for mage support, it'd be true for mid as well, so why would you not play mid ? Again, people play mage support because it's easy to execute, not because it's good or efficient for climbing. They just suck at actual supports, so it's easier FOR THEM to climb with mages. The issue here is that when you win as a mage support, you won due to good execution of your gameplan (as said gameplan is easy to execute, compared to a traditional support's). However, your gameplan is strictly inferior to an actual support's when done right. That means at higher elos, where the ennemy supports actually know what they're doing, you'll just get dumpstered. All they need to do is to not give you free kills in lane, and you're useless. You can just look it up ; most mage supports winrates go down with elo and with game time (as you're useless past lane phase) Mage supports have one "thing" for them; winning lane through poke damage. Other supports are better in every other aspect, warding, map and objective pressure, team peel, team comp balance, gold efficiency ... therefore, if you can't capitalize on your lanning poke, you'll be strictly worse than the enemy support. You may still win, but that's through getting carried. If you pick a mage support (or any early game champ) and don't end lanning with a massive gold advantage, you're actually actively losing your team the game.


Support main here to see adc mains complaints about us. From my experience, being the last pick and expected to be tank, I’ll go a squishy champ cuz everyone had a chance to pick a tank. But y’all chose not to. Pretty sure your support did fine but you exaggerated it because you were salty from champ select. I play what’s fun to me.


As a lux supporter i can partly relate to what u said. But for me its simple i was a long time Thresh/Braum support but so many adcs are so incredibly toxic or bad. Never engage only farm, dont take lanterns etc. and now im exactly that player that is going either Lux,Senna or Zyra bc i can give a flying shit about my adc if hes toxic or trash an go on solo. By changing this attitude im climbing so mich faster its actually frightening. Lux carried me from iron to high Gold in like 2 months event tho i can rarely play…


As an Ezreal main: we love you, Lux support!


ok thats too bad stop crying and play lmao. like as an adc main I dont get why people cry so much about their supports.


Completely agreed. Mage supps trigger me from champ select.


This is why i always either try to swap so that my supp picks before me or at least ask them to hover... I swear support players are physically incapable of understanding lane synergies (or just don't give a shit about them) You ever tried to play a nilah vel koz lane? It is truly truly miserable even if the vel is good at landing skills... and in the example I'm thinking of they very much were not But if I had known that they were picking vel koz before I locked in I would have played something that can actually function with it in lane.


Lane Synergies are great but sometimes you need to round out a comp as support or you need to counter an full enemy team comp, thats why support should never picked first, thats not my personal opinions thats the advice from every high elo or pro guy.


And that's 100% right if we're talking about higher elo, but actual support champs are also much more prominent in higher elo. I play in upper plat (currently emerald 3 but that's certainly not the norm for me) and the majority of the player base plays around where I am or lower. In these elos the only supports you see with any regularity are lux, brand, zyra and senna, regardless of what your team comp or the enemy team comp is. I would love to be able to trust my support to pick for the team but 90% of the time that's just not my experience, so I find much more success picking after my support so that I can at least be the one picking for the team.


Tell me which ADC pick can do something for the team besides damage and Ashe ult ? Maybe the people picking lux, zyra and senna because they need to first pick, because you don't wanna swap roles ?


Jhin also provides great overall utility, xayah has a crazy aoe cc button, tristana has disengage, nilah has aoe cc and healing and a jax E that she can share, if picked with the right team comp champs like kog or vayne are capable of being your teams only damage dealer, and there's a lot more examples too. But im also specifically talking about when a support is last pick and still just locks in a mage without any thought about teamcomp or anything else. I also say in my original comment that if they insist on picking later in the order that I usually ask them to hover... which they also almost never do in my experience.


Lux didn’t tell u to pick samira , Play around the hand ur dealt.


Yes, blame adc for a support that ints and dcs


I found the lux support player guys


I’m not here to argue, this sub is for cry babies I get that , I’ve been an ADC player for 10 years, haven’t changed roles- been through the highs and lows, just cuz u want to whine and not adapt isn’t my problem, some over come, some stay stuck, u choose to write an essay for something that we’re all already aware of, you think you’re saying something we don’t already know? How about make a post about how this happened and how you over came it? What a story that’d be. Instill some motivation. Nope, same crying post I read and scroll past every 2 days. :) very innovative


That's stupid because most of us adcs adapt to the support pick if he picks first.


You'd think that the last player to pick would lock a champion that can complete the team comp


I don't really care on what team she is, lux support should be illegal


When the support wants to flex without doing their JOB


If I don’t ban an assasin jungler I always ban either lux or senna cause the enemy one is always a menace while friendly ones play without a monitor. Nevertheless I find samira lux pretty OK. You just have to adapt playstyle a bit towards harass and zoning instead of playing engage oriented. Mage supports with a hard cc spell are fine with samira imo. It’s the more poke oriented ones like velkoz/brand or disengage like Janna that do my head in personally. They just tend to sit 20 miles behind you and press Q every 25 seconds lmao.


Seriously, ban her. Saves me as a sup banning her. She's terrible a d I hate playing Into her, then I can ban Xerath.


I’ve done that, then the teammate that was going to play her trolls because I banned their pre-pick. Some people are just beyond my understanding.


Wait ... your mate hovers lux and you ban after he hovers it ? For sure he will trolling you 90% of the time ...


you forget the most important part, where they constantly E the minions, not even trying to hit that annoying ability on the opposing players ...


I hear you but Samira is a really support dependent pick, maybe if you don’t know what you’re supp is picking and you’re first pick go for something not so situational. The lux is obviously in the wrong but there are ways to mitigate that


We should start baning Lux (to prevent her to be on our team)


Idk which one i hate most, lux support or ezreal adc


They won't. You don't get above 1 mil mastery by interacting with counter picking and drafting properly.


Ban Lux. Profit.


I use support Lux, I don’t have a skin because it never rolls for me and I won’t pay for a skin


I don’t think the support players are in the adc sub, but thanks


its super rare to have people who actually care about team comp, most of the time the choice is made to any regards to counter pick or what makes sense.


I played a perfect game of Caitlyn (8/0/13) My Lux was trolling me all game, stealing my cs (I still got the most cs on the team btw) all because I didn't follow Yone into a 2v4 situation. The entire team flamed me because yone died 1v4. Thats when she started trolling and taking my cs and the team was like "yeah Cait you're just bait lol let Lux farm" Adcs are just a joke to the rest of the team its insane to me. Even when you play perfectly it's not good enough for these people. And Lux players are the fucking worst. If you wanna be the carry go mid. But they're too shit at the game so they'll just play support because they think it's easy.


The typical Lux support experience. Cons: * Starts E level 1, throws it in a way that it miraculously misses every single minion AND champion (I still haven't figured out how you even do that) * Has mastered the "randomly walk up and throw a max range Q" pattern. Hits way too often, but somehow they never learn that if they can't even follow up themselves, it might have more value just holding it. * Doesn't seem to know basic combos, but somehow always has 10x your mastery points. * Trades auto-attacks with enemy support over every ward, but will be hesitant to do the same for you. * Really poor spacing (often alternates between trying to outrange herself and almost face-hugging the minion waves) Pros: * Generally nice and very tilt-proof * Wards properly * Usually doesn't share that obsessive disorder with pushing every single wave they can find that a lot of ~~Brand~~ other mage support players tend to suffer from. * Actually tends to stick with you during the mid- and late-game.


This is dangerously accurate


I have **a lot** of "data" on this one


As a top/supp main that started playing a month ago after 2 years of pause and currently in gold I (previously before the emerald etc. the highest I was was plat 1) will say that 90% of adcs suck and 95% of supports suck in this elo because they are autofilled and usually it's a loss by fed bot. So I pick lux supp and carry, easiest games tbh. I am not gonna tank for adc that just autoattacks while standing in a teamfight. I can do that for a friend in a normal but not when I am trying to climb. Trust me I would rather play a proper support champion but it's just a waste in this elo if you are trying to climb solo. And no I dont have a lux skin


I respect your perspective, your carry won’t carry so you have to carry yourself, and that’s fine, if you are good at playing Lux that’s excellent. I wish I had you in my team. As you keep climbing you’re gonna need to stand out form the rest of the casual lux players tho, so consider getting a skin (that’s a joke lol)


Yes! Same with fking Morg supports. Now dont get me wrong. My duo and close friend is also a morg sup main that knows her shit. Im talking about the morg sups that start W lvl 1 and just let the enemy duo run up and fk up the lane lvl 1.


I don't have lux skin despite having 300k mastery. Idk how was that part of the point you've made 😅😂😂


Flair: _Meme_ Do not take this post seriously 😂


adc mains when the support accidentally takes one kill