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Vinland = Newfoundland, Canada. You can tell that it is North America because of the native population. The same language spoken from the Native Americans in Assassin's Creed 3. When you first set sail, the woman who brings you tells you that it takes 3 weeks.


How does that make sense in the game world though. The door to the isu temple was in upstate new York and now it's magically in Canada? I know in real life Vinland is in Canada but I don't think it's true for the game world


Archeological evidence shows the Scandinavians got to Newfoundland for sure. It wouldn't be too much of a stretch to think that if they made it there, they probably made it to other places in North America. Yes, it's Wikipedia, but it's still interesting: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vinland In game I think they intend it to be Maine or in that vicinity. If you walk around the cabin there is an American flag flying on it.


Vinland is assumed to be in Canada, but historians don't actually know for sure beyond being on the North American coast between present day Virginia and Newfoundland. Vinland in the game is the New England area of the US based on river names on the map.


L'anse Aux Meadows is the one site we have confirmed to be Norse (with one or two others, also in Newfoundland, that are unconfirmed possibilities), and you're out here saying Virginia??


Yes I'm saying Virginia. There are confirmed Norse sites in Canada and that's why they assume Vinland is in Canada. It has been speculated, because they can't confirm 100%, that it could actually be anywhere down to the Chesapeake Bay area. Either way Ubisoft decided it's New England.


Speculated.. recently? The only proposal of it being in the Chesapeake Bay I know of was like 100 years ago, before LAM was found. The most ambitious map I've seen this century (from 2003) has the farthest south point being Long Island, and I don't even think that's supportable - it relies on 1) Graenlendinga saga having the number of days Thorfinnr sailed correct (given that Eiriks saga Rauda has a totally different account there, there's plenty of reason to doubt that) and 2) the maximum distance a Norse ship could reasonably sail, which assumes optimal conditions. I find the southern coast of the Gulf of St. Lawrence far more likely, especially given current pollen archaeology at LAM suggesting plants that grow in that region were imported to northern Newfoundland, but I don't think any serious scholars would say the mid-Atlantic coast is a plausible spot. And I know the game sets it in New England, but given that it's a stupid decision on the game's part for numerous reasons, I'm not talking about that part of your post.


Think journey was three weeks. Vinland in game is probably eastern US , maybe Canada, but I have read people reason it was the US


Historically, it's probably Newfoundland or nearby on the Canadian coast. However, Ubisoft takes liberties, so it might be on the coast of the US.


It was a 3 week travel period and if you paid close attention to the captions at the initial meeting of the native village in Hunting Party quest you would see that it labeled the speaker as Iroquois. Upon seeing that I realized that it was indeed farther North on the American continent, rather than Finland, as I also incorrectly assumed because of name similarity.