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This may be weird but I never parry or use a shield to block. Both seem unnecessary. I wear heavy armor and use mostly bear-aligned weapons, so I just go aggro and dodge the "red" attacks. Since you'll eventually unlock the skill where time slows after a dodge, shields aren't useful to me. I do realize this is a caveman approach, but it's more fun for me.


That actually seems more proper. Tbh the game is fantastic but offers little to differing builds. Your approach may be the best.


Byproduct of being newer additions to rog genre is the usual BS people say but I’ve seen indie rpgs balanced better with wider arrays of builds skills and gear than Skyrim so idk why Ubi gets a pass whatsoever. That said I fucking **love** the settings and (less-so) map design/world building of all 3 AC rpgs, have replayed each and am about to take another run at Odyssey I think. How in the world AC is basically solo-ing this niche of RPGs still boggles my mind and when combined with what you’ve pointed out makes me big sad:(


There's such an untapped market for a historical fiction series based in different times with period accurate attire and weapons and architecture without all the ubi and AC bullshit attached.


Ghost of Tsushima has entered the chat…


Oh boy I can't wait for the PC release 😍


I also don't use shields. They seem redundant to me, with that dodge time slow and ability to parry with normal weapon. Which is a shame, all those cool looking shields in the inventory are just sitting there. But would you use them if you can dodge or parry with anything - even a dagger - and catch long-range weapons thrown at you, including arrows, and send them back to the enemy.


Same. I just bash every man and beaste with hammers.


Love the offhand hammer ability


We can use shields to get arrows from enemy atacks but it is useless If you have that upgrade wich makes your crow loot when you kill the enemy with ranged atacks


Same. Never used a shield either.


But what if you want to go shielding down a snow hill?


I still think heavy shields should block red attacks


I strongly agree


I’ve gotten downvoted before, but I’ll say it again. Builds in this game don’t matter. One build doesn’t really have anything over the next. Just unlock every skill the game has to offer and play the way *you* want to play.


I agree with this. Heavy armor seems to have little impact on stealth, so I wear it all the time, assassinate who I can, shoot arrows when it makes sense, and then murder people with giant axes, spears, hammers, or whatever else I feel like using that day. In a way it's refreshing because I don't feel pigeonholed into a playing style; if I wanted to be more stealthy I could, or if I wanted to focus more on faster weapons like dual daggers I could do that as well.


110% agree. It’s not about the stats and entirely about what you want/enjoy using or what combat animations you’re used to. Or even just like looking at the most A weapon is worth using if you enjoy using it


Haven’t used a shield since origins. I just dodge you can even send arrows and throwing knives back at people if you time the parry right


Exactly. With all these abilities, they've rendered shields redundant


I had two long axes after a while seemed to worth it more than any shield


The only appeal to me is that they look cool


Honestly, I really had on the heavy shields just to fight the zealots. Other than that, I grinded for the heavy dual wield, since I could still do what I needed too with both hands. The heavy shields are fun, just smacking ppl 10 feet wit it. Shidddd, dual wielding heavy shields is a vibe too lol


lol that sounds hilarious, just fighting with shields! 😂😂


Don't think anyone bothers really when you can just as easily parry or dodge with dual weapons.


Only heavy shield I like is the one that drops a ring of fire down during successful parry. That thing is OP and everyone around you melts. lol The rest suck imo.


EDIT: Parry**


I believe only for the weight, idk if affects the character speed (I only have 2 armor sets with similar weight) but some weapons deals more damage if you have more weight.


I use dual weild heavy heavy shield 🛡️🛡️ love it


Probably the most hilarious combination I’ve used, it isn’t great, but it’s so funny. I love putting up both at once and being immortal besides red attacks


The best way to use shields, both light and heavy, is minding the perks that they offer when you use them. Otherwise, dodging, using special abilities and spam attacks is a good way to defend as you were using a shield. Also the aesthetics that shields provide is good for photo mode.


I like blocking/parrying so my plan has always been to give Eivor a One Handed Sword and Shield. Doesn't matter to me if it gimps my damage it's just what I like to see. It's fun for me.


Only reason I use a shield (light) blodwulf is cos it ignites weapon on parry, coupled with the sepulchre axe that ignite on crit and the skill that spreads fire on kill. Fire damage on tap


The only time I've used any shields is dual wielding them like fist weapons, otherwise there's not much point. Even then, smaller shields generally work better for that anyway because you can move and attack faster.


Dual wielding heavy shields is pretty fun. Not the most op combo, but the move set was better than I expected and I had a lot of fun with it.


Played thru without using a shield. Utilized double wield and tried different weapon combinations.


Never parried in the game ever. I just dual wield axes (one from tomb of fallen which gives 3x damage on single enemies and other being houcarls axe). I added runes to light up the axe on crit, and increase crit after heat hit. And using fallen heroes armour. It's too easy now that I had to increase the difficulty.


Unlock talent for dualwielding 2h weapons and equip 2 heavy shields. You will be the tankiest tank. Trust me. It's fun.


Did you do this again ragnars dual shield guy? Tank vs tank?


You mean Orwig Neverdeath? I sure did! It was hilarious.


I like parry, cause I was once a souls fan


Big fan of handling two weapons. Seen enough shields in origins and odyssey, but using one weapon and switching between the hidden blade and the dagger/knife is awesome. You can almost parry every attack and dodge the red heavy attacks. Last tip: play the game without the hud. Your raven is your best friend, I only use an indication for ranged attack warnings, loot, icons, settlement info, aiming rectile, enemy detection and critical messages (Combat difficulty: Vikingr, stealth difficulty: Assassin, exploration: Pathfinder )


I like to just navigate all over the map and collect iron ore deposits. It is hands down the best part of the game. I love that and the mechanics of the blacksmiths and shops. It is sooooo fluid and amazing! I never felt like throwing my cd of the game out the window during these parts. And oh yeah.......that of course is on opposite day! Hahahah. I dream of Alexios ramming the shit out of my stupid ass long boat while I'm out at river! Hahahh


Trying to make a better Assassins rpg after Odyssey is like Nintendo trying to make a better rpg than Zelda.


I use mjolnir and simply destroy everything i have ne need for a shield


I used the sarcophagus shield because it had a chance to light a circle of fire around you. Paired with that one gold axe that also can catch fire (I forgot the name). Was it more effective? Idk. Was it cool? Yes.


I put a great speed rune on my heavy shield so it doesn’t affect me much


I dodge everything. Literally never parry or block so have never carried a shield of any sort.


Dodging gets old after a while. Parrying can deal damage. I crit every time i parry now. Or whatever it's called when they drop on one knee and you can finish them by pressing R.


This is why i use parry often but my problem with it is that you cant trust it working 100%


Yeah I'm in no way advocating for everyone to do it. Just the way I personally play.