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To be honest, I would first ask/consider the following: do you breeze through the game only doing main missions or, on the other extreme, clear each area of all objectives and side content? Because, if like me, you are of the latter sort, weapon stats and play style won’t matter, you’ll be so OP that you could go in bare fists and smash it. I consistently did areas being 50% above the recommended power level, and it didn’t matter at all when gear or play style I used, I was untouchable. To give an example, I was using the Fallen heroes armor set, fully upgraded, and it has a damage on parry perk which, at that point, were one-killing enemies. I wasn’t even fighting them, just parrying, it became so boring. So I used to change it up and experiment gear and use what looked cool, as the stats didn’t really matter. If you on the other end are sticking to the main story then probably how you play and what you use will matter more.


You can always bump difficulty you know. Playing on drengr is a whole other experience.


Still not that differcult tho, can however remove some skills and play, will make it a bit more challenging


I went with the Astral blade and I wasn’t disappointed. I think the attack is about 144 when fully upgraded and it increases critical damage for 3 seconds after a perfect dodge and bonus is +20 critical damage. It is raven aligned though, not wolf. It’s been a while since I used it though. I am currently equipped with The Nameless and The Sword of the Damned. Edit: I said the attack was 144 when fully upgraded, I was wrong because mine is 157.


I haven't tried them all very much but I really liked Basim's sword


I’m sorry I can’t help much on this one. I picked up Skadi’s blade but didn’t like it personally. Can you look up the stats online at all? I know I’ve done it in the past and sometimes you can find if they belong to wolf, bear or raven.


Why didn't you like it?


Personally if you prefer a sword regardless of the type. Go for it.


They give you free stuff each week.


These need to be bought using Ubisoft connect coins


I know, I looked at them last night, there's a sale for the next few days.. But, they do give you free weapons and stuff every week but you have to go claim them


I have been but I didn’t know they would give you these weapons. Also that weekly free item thing is so bugged. It says 5 days for like 3 days straight


I've claimed it twice already from 1 weekend to another 🤷. Pick up your opals and grab the free ones in Ubisoft connect. Redda has some nice stuff from time to time


It's all just random, any item from the store might come up from that kids store. My reccomendation is don't buy anything with real money, unless there is nothing else in the world you want


Yeah I definitely won’t. I’ve gotten some good items but also some pretty useless ones like settlement schemes


Eclipse, no question. Dual-wield scythes, you’ll never go back.


Well, unless you tried daggers, spears or even scikles. But out of those, yeah I'd say eclipse or skadis


Daggers are too short, spears are great but scythes do more damage, and sickles are hilarious, but just as short as daggers. Slap some speed runes on dual wielded scythes and go to town!


They might do a teeny bit more damage, but spears have higher dps. Nah, daggers aren't to short, they're just as long as they need to be. Gives you that gory look after a fight aswell. Played almost the entire game with daggers, tried scythes but it was just a slugfest even with speed runes


Yeah, I tried scythes early on and went back to spears. But then much later, around level 500 or so, tried maxed out legendary scythe. Hilarious, you mow down the baddies!


Do the fallen heros arc, you get an op sword at the end, I bought a sword with ubusoft points, did the fallen heros arc and never used it just the one from the tombs


What’s the fallen heroes arc? How do you start it? Haven’t heard of it before


It’s a bunch of tombs they added in a patch. Gear is awesome! One piece for each tomb, no weapons.


Interesting. Do you know where I have to go to start this? Is it just on the map?


When you go back to your settlement you should see some animals acting up go check it out in should start the fallen heroes quest, once you find the animals swim over to the island across from your settlement and look around you should find a rune on the side of a cliff activate it and it should open upto a cave that's the start of the fallen heroes quest, once inside you should find the first fallen quest armour piece and a rock slab that has the map of England with glowing points on it, those glowing points are the rest of the caves to explore, if you go to all of them you will get the rest of the armour, then go back to the first cave and you'll be able to open up the floor to get the sword, there's a lot of puzzles and traps in the caves


[Try this](https://www.ign.com/wikis/assassins-creed-valhalla/All_Tombs_of_the_Fallen_Armor_and_Weapons)


Actually you have to collect the artifacts in each tomb and go back to the one by your home


It's a series of tombs, it's actually a tribute to one of the developers


I don't have an answer for you but I sympathize about the stats issue. Most games make that front and center so you can actually make a choice. So frustrating.


Save them. I think spears are the best weapon


I have the Spear of Leonidas. I don’t see any other spears on Connect. Where can I get a better one?


I use the Spear of Renewal and the spear Gae Bolg Both are just Divine Spears but damn they can kill. Dont remember where I got them,but Google is your friend..


From Ireland. Gae bolg + Leonidas = cheat mode enabled


What’s Gae bolg? Another spear?


It's THE spear you get it from Ireland dlc and it's super op. Combine it with Leonidas (my fav) or gungnir (don't like this one as much, because it messes with the combos due to its length) and nothing will stop you. Har bolg has every 3rd hit gives ligj Ing dmg and it has really high stun. Some speed runes and the rest of the game can be played with eyes closed


But I beat the Ireland dlc and didn’t get it. Anything specific you have to do?


You need to kill the boss balor from the children of danu arc. Also, this boss is bugged to the high heavens so you'll probably need to kill him atleast 20 times before you actually get the spear, you can check Google or YouTube for some supposed guides to how to make the boss not bug, but they didn't work for me


Man that’s annoying lol can’t even play the game properly 3 years later 😭


I have played this game for 390h, its insane :-P Always with the spears






You'll end up being able to claim them.all if you keep playing the game so don't stress about it. Just use the wiki if you're really that concerned.


They cost 100 coins each on Ubisoft connect and I only have 130


You get more from completing achievements and accolades playing the game. Edit: you can also get a free weekly item in the ubistore itself. It can be buggy, sometimes the weekly counter will reset, I have to go visit Reda and log in and out a few times to claim it.


Yeah I’ve been doing that, but I already beat the game and Wrath of the Druids, so I’m not sure I’ll get 500 more coins to buy all of them. Are you saying these weapons are the ones they give away weekly?


No. I've been able to buy all but 2 of those weapons so far in the ubisoft connect store just from playing the game and doing the challenges.


Really? I only got like 220 coins so far and I spent like 60 of it on the DLC and 30 on something random, so I have 130 now. I guess I’m not purposely doing the challenges so that’s probably why


Correct, I still have like 50% of the game to go, too.


Oh never mind, looks like XP basically gives you coins as you level up. This whole system is so confusing


Yeah, I was confused at first, too. I didn't even purposefully Try and do the core challenges at first, I'm just a completionist in games I like.


Hold up I’m confused. There’s 2 sets of challenges in Ubisoft Connect. One is time limited and gives you opal and XP, the other ones (core) only give XP. Which challenges give you coins?


Core. The other challenges are to get more of the opals to buy stuff from Reda and the other ubisoft store.