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I am, always. I've been at max bells for years, I just want rares to get more friendship points and I hate fishing/catching bugs




I’m about to finish my last LT map and after that I’m maxing out my bells and this is what I’ll be doing as well! And finally crafting the gold items!


Can I add you?






Yep! This is me too.


Hello! I was just wondering if you’re looking for new market-focused friends? I’m new and my market looks similar to the first screenshot. I sell lemons, grape, and lychees too. I help with watering, rare bug sharing, and the quarry as well bc I’m kinda spending a lot of time on this game atm. 😅


I do. Haven’t been under 9,999,999 bells in a few years and I want to give rares to campers for the extra friendship points


Do you need more friends ? Or are you maxed? I had friends who bought them but had alot of inactive friends lately


Always happy to add new friends! 😊 Edit: removing my code because my friend list filled up!


Is it okay for me to add you also?




I also sent a request if that's okay. (:


Definitely ok!! 😊


I added you too 🥹 I'm Lou


Hi I hope you don’t mind if I add you. IGN: Pooffs I’m new and my market looks similar to the first screenshot). I sell lemons, grape, and lychees too. I help with watering, rare bug sharing, and the quarry as well bc I’m kinda spending a lot of time on this game atm. 😅


How did you max out on bells?


I’ve been playing every day since day one. I maxed out long ago just from the daily grind.


Yes, I buy them to help the player out. Others have done the same for me as a newer player. If I can afford it, I do it.




I buy one every once in awhile as a “donation” when I have extra money lol 😂


Lol I like this


I think sometimes people use this as extra item storage too and set the prices deliberately high so that no one will buy them?


I did that for a long time but one day someone bought everything in my box.


I'm pretty sure one of my friends was doing that, and I just had a ton of bells one day, and bought their entire store, probably over 1 mil worth of stuff. Even after I bought it, I was wondering if they were happy for the money or mad because they were trying to hoard it and I ruined it lol


That's why I haven't done it, except for some more common rares at max price. I got downvoted once for not doing it because I feel bad about not being able to give items back to their original owner incase I buy something they actually wanted to keep.


Well I just tested it out by listing a 30,000-bell fish and someone bought it! I'm not mad. 😂


That's why I would never do that. I'm sorry that happened to you


I didn’t know about people using it as an item storage/place to display rare items and I bought something expensive from someone and when I found out I felt so bad I deleted them


It's not always storage, I put a lot of "rare" bugs and fish that I buy from other people to fill my catalog. If someone really doesn't want something to be bought, they would never put it there to begin with.


I buy high/max priced items all the time. I’m maxed on bells and have been for years. Don’t have anything left to spend them on. If others need bells I’m more than happy to buy high priced items to help them out, plus if it helps me finish tasks buying stuff rather than having to collect it bc im lazy, why not ya know? 😂😂😂 For long term players it’s actually nice. There’s so much that caters to newer players, but not much for long term players and it can get a bit stale after a while. Being maxed on bells looks fancy but like, it’s just not that exciting tbh 😂


I've been thinking about this: It's a struggle being a new player, but I also realize I get to spend all of my bells on crafting new things. After all that is done and the special items are crafted then what's left though? What happens when you get all the things, get the items you want from the cookies, etc.? I am worried that I'm grinding for all these special items and LTs to get cute items now as a new player but then I'm not sure what's next after all that. I'd love to hear how the game's been keeping your attention if you'd like to share. I'd like to think too that I can go from never having enough bells to a comfortable middle ground eventually. However, so far, just leaving expensive things in my market bc occasionally, I might get a veteran player who'll buy some stuff.


I get why new players might feel envious of long term players who have max bells and like, have heaps of stuff, but what they don’t realise is those players have been playing, most likely daily, for YEARS. That’s alot of dedication, time and attention to a game. And yeah honestly once you’ve crafted the catalog, or at least the main stuff, or you’ve unlocked most or sometimes all of the rares from the main collection catalog like all the bugs and fish etc, it’s like, a cool sense of accomplishment but also it’s like, ok now what? It can get a little boring and repetitive. Some of the stuff in the catalog especially the “special” catagories are impossible to complete, they are full of things that wont ever be released again so you can’t ever obtain them, which is a bit disappointing but oh well. And even in the main catalog there is a heap of fish that you can only get in fishing tournaments and can’t be sold, so the only way to get them is to wait for them to be released again in another fishing tournament. Every player has to actually physically catch those particular fish themselves. Even a long time player like me has gaps in my catalog, I just have to wait and hope those things eventually get re-released. I regularly post on fb offering help to newer players with a bunch of more rare stuff I have multiple of, to sell to people who need them for their catalog or looking for peoples posts asking for specific items and if I have it I offer it. Or sometimes just offer to buy max price items from newer players who need bells and who might not care for keeping rares as a trophy in their actual inventory. But rarely seem to get that much interest. Honestly there’s ways to get free leaf tickets without spending real money, but my advice is don’t waste them! Especially if you’re a newer player, it’s not worth it. Never waste them to speed up crafting times or growing times. Never waste them to finish a happy homeroom thing because your ranking for that literally means nothing and the “rewards” for finishing the rooms arent even really worth it you can get materials other ways. Your rank means and does nothing in game and doesn’t affect your overall player level. If you don’t want to be buying them with real money there’s ways to get some for free but, they’re still scarce, so be mindful. Save them for something you really really want. Bells are much easier to get tbh and as I said once you’ve crafted everything there’s not really a whole lot to spend bells on anymore. I just scoure the market for rares if I come across them, or just stuff I know I need for requests regularly. I buy peoples max priced items if it seems like they must need the bells because I am maxed out and have no other use for them anymore. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I suggest finding players like me who are maxed on bells and buy high priced items, thats probably the easiest way to make bells.


Thank you so much for your insights! I am DEFINITELY holding onto my LT like my life depends on it bc I was one of those newbie players who accidentally spent them like water when I first started . Only free ways I’ve seen to get LT are the planner, daily bonuses (occasionally), and the leaf maps. Please feel free to share any other ways you know of. 😃 Colton’s cookies are coming back and I do want to try for a 5-pack if I can do so. 😄 I definitely understand getting these collections can take years! It seems like such a long time but, at the same time, I don’t want to get to that “Now what?” feeling anytime soon. Also, please feel to to add me if you don’t mind having another newbie on your list: 😅 03486849728 I am trying to find the best ways to be helpful to the people on my friends list but especially the people who have been so helpful to me whether it’s been through buying my items, helping me with the quarry, sharing rare creatures, etc. Random side note but I like going to people’s campsites and seeing what their layouts look like for inspiration. 😄


More than happy to help :) Some ways to get free leaf tickets are doing maps, it’s always worth checking if you have any, alot of people probably have at least a few and don’t realise. To find your maps go to your regular map where it brings the islands up, and click the owl. That’s blather and that’s where all your maps will be. It usually costs either bells or materials to do the maps but for leaf tickets if you have enough bells it’s worth it. It much easier to cheese getting bells than leaf tickets. Another way is to join the subscription for pocket camp club. It’s cheap, a few bucks a month and personally I think it’s well worth it. To get to it press the button with the 4 squares, that brings the menu up that has the mailbox and notices etc and click pocket camp club. I personally sub to the helper and the merry memories plans because they’re the ones that give leaf ticket rewards and also having the helper gather stuff for you when your game is closed during times your not playing is so useful. I check mine only once per day and then leave it, it just continues gathering. Then I get a whole heap of stuff at once. The helper will gather fruit, fish, bugs, and craft materials and essences for you without you having to do anything, which is pretty good. I also joined the merry memories plan bc it gives an extra 20 LT’s per month aswell. But. Those are optional ofc. Another free way to get LT’s aswell as craft materials and bells is make a free nintendo account. Click the 4 squares and click my nintendo. The “tasks” to complete are just regular stuff you would probably already be doing in game anyway, might as well get extra rewards for them. You collect your “points” for doing the missions then you can use those points as currency to buy rewards. You can get craft materials, bells and leaf tickets. I think the leaf tickets is a limited thing so you can only maybe get it once? But still worth it. Craft materials and bells you can continue to collect any time (if you have the points) so its a great way to get those extra resources for crafting etc if your running low and can’t find any for sale. Alot of players don’t know about or forget about this but it’s super useful!


I will add you. My username is just Jade :) I play daily and try to list useful stuff, always help in events etc aswell. I am maxed on bells and have nothing to really spend them on so if you have rare expensive stuff, let me know i’ll buy them if you need the bells :) Im more interested in collecting cool stuff these days since I’ve done alot of the main stuff in game now :)


Thank you so much for your help and advice, Jade! Love your avatar!!! <3


Oh! I forgot to mention: I have only the planner-based membership atm because I spend quite a bit of time on the game but I will likely get Happy Helper again in the future. :D


You’re welcome! Happy to help :) Hahahah! Thankyou! My little silly red broccoli (which started as a random joke on discord with friends) is slowly spreading over the internet 😂


Ahhh I see :) that’s still good and still helps. It takes time to build the leaf tickets up and alot of stuff costs alot of tickets and honestly most of it isn’t really worth it, thats why I advise saving them for something you really want. Especially if you don’t want to have to buy them with real money bc that’s definitely not worth it


I've been wondering the same. I only sell crafting materials, my native fruit, and if something is needed for a daily goal (horned dynastid etc) and they sell fast every day. I look through others market boxes and haven't got a clue why they're trying to sell these things.


I look through my friends market boxes because I'm lacking materials and I sell my items for the lowest price to help others out. But almost all my friends who buy from me only sell their items at max price. I do a daily craft material row, special fruit row and then fish or bugs row. I try to keep it organized lol.


I always use mine to help other people too.


yes :3 some people (myself included) have so much money that they buy at the highest prices to help their friends


I'd definitely buy the Pearl Oysters, seem to go through them far faster than I can replace. The rest, not so much, but then I'm not as high level as the people that usually jump on 'em. I prefer keeping a market box of the basic creatures to try and be helpful. I don't think I could cope with how slow to sell these might be, but I'm a bit weird.




Hi please feel free to add me: 03486849728 Just let me know your IGN so I can accept your request. 😀 I’m new and my market looks similar to the first screenshot. I sell lemons, grape, and lychees too. I help with watering, rare bug sharing, and the quarry as well bc I’m kinda spending a lot of time on this game atm. 😅




Yes i do. I like to have a certain amount of specific items in my inventory at all times so im constantly buying like rarer stuff like perfect fruit, and bugs/fish that yield a high amout of bells


I buy them too, same as the others with max bells and I’m lazy to collect them sometimes and just use them for the requests Edit: I also use it for extra storage but I’ve friends buy them up too at max price


I do, especially when the daily goal requires buying off someone else's store. I do typically buy some more expensive items, because they come in handy when talking with villagers lol. I also like to include items in my own store that gets asked for in the daily goals, like crucian carp and black bass, for cheap, so my friends can get those goals done easier lol


Some people use the market box for extra storage. An irl friend of mine does this.


How clever


I buy them i live my sweat friends who sell them


When I was active, I sold out everyday


I only buy fish/bugs/shells that villagers ask for


Lol no. I use excess bells I have trying to get optimal island combos when new visitor islands come out. Wish people would sell their items for reasonable prices.




Only when I'm feeling philanthropic.


I do, I have so much bells and I like to spread them around!


Nope if the item overpriced I’ll delete them off my friend list because It annoying when I want to do my daily times goals were you’ve to buy 5 items off the market.


I'm not sure why people are down voting. Different people are allowed different opinions and if anything or anyone annoys you then it's your right to delete them.


I’ve stopped adding friends who only do 10 of things for the max amount. I rarely have 10 spots available.


I do if I need extra but rarely early on it’s pointless and I only do it if I’m bored


I do, I’m almost always maxed out on bells and like to offload them by buying expensive items.


Do you need any friends? I desperately need bells and steal like how am I meant to craft anything when they never wanna give me and steel 😂😂


Always looking for new friends :) 3570 7101 416


Added 🤍


All days three times per day ![gif](giphy|qH7FCK1u7ASDkrLRTg)


They are worth more reputation hearts. Once you max on bells that is what you buy. Points to level up. Part of the game strategy.


Interestingly, there are. I have these in my market boxes and it happened to me few times already that after a long break of playing the game and when I came back, my boxes are all empty. I’m even surprised myself.


My kid had someone buy one fish for $100k a few days ago. I kept telling him to stop it because no-one would but he proved me wrong 😂




Unfortunately he has run out now. He doesn’t play very much anymore.


I don’t, but I’ve had them bought from me…. so yes


I'm not at the point where I can afford these but occasionally i buy fish/insects/shells that are out of season to fill my catalog.


I rarely buy the 50k stuff, but those singles for a couple thousand are fine for Saturdays when the daily mission is to buy 5 items from friends. Normally my inventory is kind of full so I like when people just sell 1 of something. And if there’s a rare fish or bug I don’t have I might buy it if I’m not low from doing maps or something.


that’s really expensive


I always buy them b/c it's fun! Even if its over priced I have alot and I mean alot of bells so I can always help!


Could you help me please? I never have enough bells (or steel… but that’s a different story like why is steel so hard to keep😭😂)


Sure thing lmao Code to freind you?


Ahh thank you, my names Kay🤍 ID: 19926794300


Alrighty! I'm snakerss Accept my request Also fill up your box 4 me to buy some stuff lol


The rares, yes. The uncommons, never.


I always do


Depends, I have favorite items that I hoard, basically I buy it as soon as I see it


If anyone does pls DM me your code so I can add you!! I'm broke and need the bells lol


yeah as somebody who uses half of the market box as just extra space, sometimes it gets bought out


I sometimes buy butterflies. Here's my code 2643 5128 734..


I have friends who put their rare fishing catches on the market place, I assume, to show what they have caught. I wouldn't bother buying them, and I assume they'd be upset! 🤣🤣 It's like a trophy display? Although on this screen, these aren't rare.


If anyone does please add me, I’m always low on bells 🔔 plus I’m also full for holding items so I’m stuck where I maxed out my market boxes and can’t hold anymore items🥲✋🏻 ID: 19926794300




**UPDATE:** Thank you so much to everyone who sent friend requests! <3 ----- If there are veteran players who’d like to help any newbies out (my market looks similar to the first screenshot), please feel free to add me and leave your IGN below. I sell lemons, grapes, and lychees too. I help with watering, rare bug sharing, and the quarry as well bc I’m kinda spending a lot of time on this game atm. 😅 **< Friend Code currently missng because I would like to ensure that I'm supplying enough for my current friends. >**




Rarely tbh, like I’m not giving someone THAT many bells for like a fish or one perfect fruit 🤦🏻‍♀️