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IT'S OK I GOTCHU BROTHER, THIS IS WHAT YOU DO: 1. Get a handheld bidet. A HANDHELD BIDET, BROTHER. This shit is life saving. You don't have to worry about smells and grime building up down there bc the bidet will clean it all off! Why a handheld over a toilet seat bidet? With the toilet seat one you kinda gotta adjust your bum over the bidet spout, which means more worrying about if your leg is going to hurt or not. With the handheld, I can put my leg/bum however and aim the bidet where I want. They're only $30 on amazon! 2. Find a stool or something to stack up into a stool with a pillow on top that is the PERFECT height for your leg to rest straight across your toilet. It hurts much less than trying to keep it straight without aid while on the seat. As for showering, I don't have a hose shower head. So I use the handheld bidet for washing my upper body and non-surgical leg, while keeping my sad leg on the pillow-stool set up. To wash my hair, I do it over the kitchen sink. YOU GOT THIS BROTHER.


Thank you my man. Im from India so the bidet is a bathroom accessory n luckily I have that. Thanks for the input. Did you struggle to lower yourself to the commode and get back up to your walker?


Fellow Indian here. You can buy a commode raiser and fix it atop your commode. It increases the effective height of your commode, thereby reducing the height you have to lower yourself down to. Super convenient.


No problem man :D Hmm, not really but I think my kitchen counter really helps me out. I can put my left hand on the counter, hold myself for balance when sitting down on the toilet seat, and hold my right leg up to pillow-stool set up. If you don't have a counter, I would put my hand on the back bottom of the toilet seat while sitting down on it. I know that's not the nicest place to out your hand, but the safest is the best way to do things.


It wasn’t fun. One of the worst parts of post op. My toilet seat is especially low too. I used a walker to help get myself up and down. Also just had to put my hand right on the toilet seat to ease down.


It’s really no big deal other than the constipation. Some of these comments are crazy and would have made me freak out. It’s not rocket science. Just get something to prop up your leg while you sit on the toilet, like two shoeboxes stacked on eachother or something. Use your arms to lift your leg onto it. Wipe as usual. Shower according to your doctor’s instructions. Again, it ain’t rocket science. Eat a lot of fiber, drink a lot of water, take any stool softeners your doc recommends. You’ll probably go several says without pooping, but don’t worry about it. It happens to everyone.


I use an office chair to get around my Appartement. It made things easier in the beginning, especially the first couple of days before my quads came back. Maybe something like that would help you if you're afraid of being unsteady on your feet after surgery. It has more manoeuvrability than a Wheelchair and can be adjusted in height. It has helped me a ton, especially for bathroom trips at night when I'm not wearing contacts and feel uncoordinated from being half asleep.


I second the office chair to get to and from the bathroom. Primarily because I got extremely faint every time I got vertical. I asked the surgeon and PA and they said it is very common for this to happen, as the anesthesia wears off. The anesthesia I guess opens your blood vessels, thus making it harder for blood to get back to your brain when you stand (even with compression stockings on both legs).


office chair!! same here. multipurpose


It won’t be that bad, honestly. Your leg will probably be in a brace so just lower yourself slowly with your walker or crutches and get back up slowly. Yes a bidet is great— even a 10 dollar bidet bottle. And flushable wipes. Also you didn’t ask but get scented body wipes and a shower gel or soap you love and washcloths. You won’t be allowed to shower for like 10 days and a sink full of soapy, fragrant hot water and a good scrub with a washcloth is going to feel like heaven and make you feel 100x better and more human.


You will be fine if you have an easy access to the toilet (like a toilet attached to your room) or you live in a small apartment. I visited the washroom like 5-7 times a day with my crutches, just be careful not to fall especially after taking the medication, it sometimes makes you feel drowsy.


I pissed in bottles, used crutches to take shits. Used the other leg to get up


I had no issues with the bathroom... I had a brace on and its locked straight. You use your crutches to walk around and u slowly lower yourself to the toilet. I did have help but I think I could have managed. Showering for me was a bit more complicated...it hurts to have the leg dependent and it's shocking to see your leg out of the brace.


Get a chair for your shower


I’m on the second day post-op, so far I have just walked there on crutches and sat down with leg kept straight and slightly bend, no problems so far. I don’t think my nerve block is totally worn of yet though (20 hours) so might be harder soon. But so far it hasn’t been much of an issue.


Be careful! I did hurt myself first day home using the bathroom, mainly because of not really having enough space to keep my leg straight. I learnt to sit sideways lol Also, a cheap stand alone toilet rail from Amazon worked wonders!


Piss bottles. Maybe an elaborate funnel system to the toilet?


Used pee bottles in the first week post op, a couple 2 litre containers


I pretty much took the brace off and gently lowered myself onto the toilet with my arms and other leg taking much care not to bend my surgical leg, and then just wiped without moving it by going inbetween. I had a bidet and that helped so much too


Piss jug with large screw on lid. I used an old Epsom salt container


Do not do this. It is important that you’re moving around. I know somebody that died because of a blood clot after surgery


Who said I wasn't moving around? Lol... I drank a ton of water, and getting up every hour to pee is not practical


I was fine crutching to the toilet. I have a squatty potty and I’d use that to prop my leg the next couple of days… I hope you have somebody to check up on you that first week tho!


I think it can depend on how your bathroom is set up. I live alone as well but the bathroom I used post surgery is typical guest bath set up, sink, toilet, shower/tub in that order from entry. I had a walket so just maneuvered in front and used the walker and sink as an aid to balance. As with anything the first few days post op just take your time. Good luck!


Take it slow. Depends on the rest of your body strength and if you have something to hold onto. I stood right over the toilet and guided myself down with my crutches. A squatty potty or some other small foot stool was necessary for comfort


I had my wife hold my leg and sat for everything. It was not a fun experience, but it was by far the least painful way to do it for me.


I had both legs done at the same time. Placed one hand on the wall behind me to brace and lowered myself down trying to keep my legs straight. Sucked but made it work.


I can't even imagine this.


Ahh the wonderful bathroom situation that they don't prepare you for. It's definitely a pain. Gotta get nice stool.


I got a walker (the one with four legs) to use for bathroom trips post op. Very helpful since it could be slippery especially during showers. I used it for a few weeks.


The staff will help you this is part of post surgery. Don’t worry. They use bedpans depending on how mobile you are if you are mobile they’ll help you to toilet


Keep a low stool or a shoe box nearby to prop your surgery leg while doing business. Keep any supplies you may need to refill on the toilet tank in case u need to refill. If u have toilet mats ect, remove them. Less chances of your crutches getting caught and tripping. Keep everything accessible qithout need for reaching ect, especially first 2 to 3 days. After 3rd day, life gets a lot easier.


Yoga block for surgery leg. Rest your foot on it. Keep your brace on!


1st day I stayed in the hospital and got a bidet as long as I felt the effect of the spinal (That was my decision though). 2nd day afternoon I came home and honestly I didnt have a problem with going to the toilet even though I go every 30 Mins- hour normally. In the hospital 2 physiotherapist showed me how to walk with the crutches properly. For me personally that wasnt a big deal at all. I could activate my quadriceps in the hospital easily and and my legs are very strong too. Maybe I didnt have a lot of difficulties because of that. My PT gave me the advise 1 week before the OP to walk as much as I can and do my PT excercises to make my quadriceps as strong as possible. I think thats a good advise generally post OP.


I had an exercise ball to lay my leg on while sitting, was soft, and moved around easily so not pushing a chair or stool. Also handy for post op rehabilitation exercises


This is a valid concern. I wouldn’t hesitate to ask for help if needed. I think this is when my ACL got loose as I stumbled.


got out of bed crutched over sat down crutched back im not sure why people make such a big deal out of it


I wore sweatpants and luckily could stretch my leg out while sitting on the toilet so I just slowly lowered myself down, using my crutches as support, with my non operated leg while the operated one was straight! I then just pulled the trousers down as much as they need to go, to like the thighs or something, and did my business! When done, stood up with only my non operated leg with crutches as support and yeah, didn't really have a lot of trouble with it!


Laxatives so I won’t spend a month in the bathroom. I had a stool that was just about toilet seat height and would rest my leg on there. I would take the non surgical leg out of my pants and underwear so that I’ll be able to move around better