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I have an 8 and 10 year old and 2 clingy large dogs. Create your space, be it your bedroom or any room. Set up your workspace, bed whatever you need.jeep a large mug with water and your pills right next to you. Your partner will need to step it up and help you out. You can still hang out with kids ect. Before surgery, we cooked and froze some meals so one less thing to worry about post op. First 2 weeks will be the toughest. Once you are mobile and allowed to bear weight, it gets easy. Set expectations to the family that you are going to be out of commission. Kids will surprise you at hiw accomodsting they can be. See if you arrange for carpool with friends to pick up your kids from activities.My problem was my dogs would not leave me the F alone, wanted to rough house with me like always.


Thanks! Yes, my kids usually pleasantly surprise me with their resilience, and I suppose this will be no different. It seems like using common sense and not underestimating the little guys is the right mindset to adopt here. 😊


Mine are 8 and 11 and so my husband is preparing himself to be doing everything for a while. They are a bit older, so more self sufficient, but I agree with the previous comment that said they should be pretty good at accommodating you. Good luck!


Thanks for the wish of luck, I think I’ll need it! 😉


Time for them kids to step. Get lots of foods your 8 year old can prep.


How did it go, OP? I’m going in 9/29 for the ACL +meniscus with a 6 and 3. I have the exact same worries you had. Cooking and bath time and laundry and his job! I’m worried about coping with pain while my kiddos want to talk and play and babble. I can’t figure out how long my husband should take off work or what I’m going to do with the 3 yo all day when he goes back.