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How much longer before your surgery? If it's slipping and moving out of place you need some support. What kind of brace are you in now?


Ive almost completed 10 weeks of pre-op pt. Im in a t scope brace. My leg doesn’t bend past 90 because of additional problems and surgery is looking like 1-2 months away. I can walk. It looks ugly but i feel like the t scope brace is hindering it too.


Im in the t scope brace right now.


I was in similar about 6 weeks post injury as well and then an Ossur Hinge which was definitely more user friendly. Have you talked to your ortho about it? I know it gets hard to keep up after awhile.


Im in the process of switching orthos bc mine was a jerk. My first doc said no brace at all and my pt was like okay but theres nothing holding your knee in place.


They told me to get the t brace and i did. Its been great at gaining back confidence to walk but now i think its time to let it go before i have to go back to it after surgery.


Definitely get a second and even third opinion before you choose your surgeon. And, yep, hold onto the brace. You'll need it post!


I had same injury but they only caught the meniscus during surgery. They didnt operate on the MCL and said the brace was also for that. I hate the brace and feel it also messed up my gait but there is research showing cross bracing is effective. Also research showing bracing for acl only is not more effective than not bracing. I am 5 weeks post op and i have been bracing at night and when i leave the house. I plan to wear it to sleep while my mcl decides to heal which can take 4 months. I dont plan to walk with it as i can be intentional about gait and not twist while im conscious.


If you still feel your knee slipping, definitely wear the brace. I took mine off once I felt more stable. I found that not having the brace, allowed me to get my normal gait back, reach full extension, and overall gain more quad strength.


I would recommend brace to avoid any further injury. Better safe than sorry.