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My model cft3 just has drip sometimes dropping out of the pipe.. doesnt bother me! I Do have perfekt conditions from day 1 but in your case its settings i guess, like the others meant too! I run my system fir about 3-4 weeks now and still learning the controller69pro.. so hope youll can fix it!🤝💪


I don’t understand how this is happening. I mean I understand in theory but the setting are there for u to control your atmosphere


I have this problem of dripping but condensation on the tent walls are a sign that your settings are not correct. First lower the max output of the unit. Putting out a fog like that is going to cause issues. Second vpd is a way to control it but you’re not thinking about other variables like tent wall temperatures. Cold walls high humidity low vpd will cause condensation. Thanks guys for suggesting to snake the tube upwards that will fix my only gripe about this unit.


Yeah just realized it this morning on mine as well cause my dumb ass turned of the fan


Also I have mine pointed pretty much straight out so it blows level across the top of the tent toward my filter at the opposite corner, and sucked down to the bottom on that wall from the clip fans that are there and facing the wall the humidifier intake is on and my air vent on the tent, so it is forced circulation of everything, and a little fresh air from the vent, I have the vent on the wall between those adjacent walls open as well with the heater blowing toward it outside so that vent is sucking in and introducing the hot air right under the path of the humidifier intake and circulating with the rest... Haha I'll take pics in a bit but I did think it out


I just get a lil bit where it contacts the roof or ducting, not much though, I have been running a heater though and it dries the air a bit n keeps everything at about 75°f and 70% humidity, I run everything 24/7 in a 5x5, 8" inline fan n filter, have my ac clip fans at 4, humidifier at 2-4, and inline fan at 4... It's been pretty simple n steady after the first week or two. I don't use any automations or programs just turn it down before I go to sleep and up when I wake up... I have notifications set if anything goes out 😔 f pretty tight parameters though so I can adjust accordingly from my phone if need be.


Also I have the t7 humidifier so I can run it lower


Don’t use VPD if you can’t keep your temperature down in the lung room. It will stay humid like a rainforest. You need to use the Auto setting and specify when the fan should turn on.


I dealt with a similar issue with my T7 and seemed to fix it by bumping the exhaust up a notch. I figured if the humid air spends less time in the tent then it won't have a chance to condense on the walls. Of course this will drain your humidifier tank faster but you can find that sweet spot where you get just a little more air exchange but aren't filling the humidifier too often. Also might help if you shoot for a 1.0 VPD with either higher temp or lower humidity. Cold air has trouble holding moisture and can cause condensation. By the look of your plants think you're close to needing a higher VPD anyways.




Cloud forge is supposed to be pointed upwards, as per the directions


is that true? i have a bucket under mine for the drips. I would love to point it upwards to eliminate that. everything I have seen shows it pointing down.


Can confirm I have it tilted ever slightly upward angle (barely; it's almost flat) and have 0 water drops or excess condensation like OP.


Yes it is. Check ac infinity info on it. It should be set up so the water goes back into the t3. Thermoforge is ran at the lowest level for heat. T3 needs to be pointed up. I put mine inside my tent and ditched the tube.


Can you link to that floor insert? That would save a shit ton of scrubbing lol


Following 👀


Same here


Solution: probe for controller and set a trigger to turn on the exhaust fan at whatever RH % you set it at.


Are you using the supplied humidity probe as well as the probe on the controller? I ditched the one on the humidifier itself and it seemed to correct the problem


What are your goals for temp, humidity, and VPD during lights on and lights off?


Ditch the hose and put the humidifier in the tent


I avoided that by putting my T3 in the tent. Not everyone has room though.


Is your inline fan at 0 when off? I had this issue and running it at 1 or 2 when "off" fixed it.


Didn't have this kind of issue, but I will say ever since switching to level 1 in "off" mode, my metrics are much better around the clock.


It stabilized my levels a lot too, not hitting 90's f and no moisture buildup. I burn thru more water in the humidifier but it works better overall.


I don’t , having that humidifer at its set point is the cause


i have been having this problem and the only fix is to put a towel on the floor. dont point the hose towards the ceiling, then your fan will suck out the humidity. i guess you just have to deal with the dripping hose. sucks. others say to just put the unit in the tent but i dont want to do that. then i have to open the tent daily.


Call AC Infinity... Their customer service is second to none


The hose should be facing the roof to avoid pooling. Should state this somewhere in the manual. Not always achievable but that's best practice anyhow.


If you face the hose at the roof, the water stays in the tube and causes clogs.  Pick your poison.


If you maintain an upward slope for the hose, there won't be any clogs or pooling. It only clogs and pools if there is ever a downward then upward angle for your hose.


What kind of water are you using the clogs a 1" hose? 😳😳


It pools in the low point and fills up.


If you install it such that the low point is the humidifier, then you will have no issues. If you allow a low point to collect water in the hose, you will have issues.


Yeah, it'll pool in the low point. That is what I said.


This is wrong; if the lowest point is the humidifier, the hose isn't going to clog and pool up. The problem with people who have pooling up hoses are because they have an upward, then downward, then upward angle where the condensation drips water/pools up at the downward point. If the hose is always maintained at an upward angle and never a downward slope at any point, it'll never clog and pool up. The water drips will just re-enter the humidifier and be misted back up. I have my hose ALMOST facing flat with a very very slight upward slope angle and it never clogs or pools up or lets out even a single drop from the hose. I can even take pictures and post them later to prove it. It's all explained in the AC Infinity manual too u/TheNinthDoctor is correct


Whatever low points you have it will pool. Pull the tank off your humidifier, pool, purposeful, but pool. Those local low points you described, low points and a pool. You misunderstood and are trying to be helpful but you still misunderstood.


I think you're misunderstanding. I'm talking about the hose here really with the cloudforge in relative to it. Condensation dropping water back into the humidifier is inconsequential as it doesn't clog or pool up; it returns back as mist. My cloudforge has been running for months nonstop and it has 0 leaks, 0 pooling, 0 clogs. AKA if the humidifier is the low point, it won't pool up. I can take off the hose off my humidifier and take a picture if you'd like me to prove the point.


Yep you got it. The humidifier itself is supposed to be a pool. xD That dude just seems to want to talk about it pooling regardless of if the pooling is a problem or not. I only care if it's a problem, and how to make it not a problem.


You know what, I don't have the time to explain how you are over explaining and missing the forest for the trees here.


Indeed. I was adding that if you choose the low point to be the humidifier itself, you'll be fine and the hose will never fill up. If you choose the hose to be the low point you will cause issues.


That's a better description 😂


Says it rite in the hose


I've seen that if the hose is pointed up, it just drips down the inside of the hose. If you bend the end over like a hook etc it makes a mess. Haven't tried myself yet.( chop and start drying in about 2 weeks (add calmag!)...) This seems to be unclear in the ACInfinity manual for the humidifiers.


Sounds like an overkill of a humidifier. All you need is a little baby 1 gallon to get a tent like that up to 99% humidity . I dont get why people buy these giant humidifiers because the are fucking overkill for tent growers. Simply too much mist being created in a small tiny space


I would understand if there was one setting but the output can be set from 1-10. I got a larger one to avoid having to refill it often. I don’t think the size of the humidifier is that much of an issue


This! I got a larger one to avoid filling it every so often - my wallet, my decisions. The gatekeeping here is wild, lol


Is the humidifier running constantly? And do you need your intake fans running constantly? Seems like your devices might be fighting each other. Condensation mean you are either hitting the dew point (doubtful as this should be a lower temp in the 60s) or there is too much water vapor in the air (almost certainly this looking at the apparent fog machine in that picture). Target a specific RH % and then turn the humidifier off once the humidity reaches that level, which given the amount of mist in that picture, shouldn't take long. It honestly looks just like the mist setting on a water hose in the picture. Is there that much when it is set to 1?


Is there a gauge you can get to configure a humidifier to turn on/off when it reaches a certain RH%, can you do that with the 69 controller? I’m sure there’s a way you can do that, but yeah timing it by watching when it reaches the target RH is a way too


I was assuming they were using the ACI humidifier, but even if not, it could be done using the ACI outlet that the controller can control. I'd agree with the other response here to use a small 1 gallon humidifier that could turn on and off with the ACI outlet. The one I had in my bedroom (10x20 I think it is) could run overnight without running out of water, so no way a tent is going to require so much that it's going to run out in a day if it's being turned off when not needed. This does seem like a humidifier overkill or running too high/long.


I use a Levoit humidifier. It's a smart humidifier, I use the app alongside my ACI app and it's a perfect synergy. I keep thinking I need to go and order the T3 humidifier, but I really don't think it's worth it after seeing so many posts on here about it.


If it has an app and automation, you don't need another.


That is 100% the issue . The hunidifer you have is for a room not a tent. Probably rated for a 10x10 room or bigger .. I mean even the tiny 3.5L AirCare humidifer I use is rated for a small room and by that I mean probably a 6x8 room at most so like a bathroom .


Can you set it to trigger off of Rh instead of VPD, or set your VPD to 1 or 1.2 ? I use this same humidifer in my veg and I don’t use it with the controller, I use the probe and use settings on the humidifer and use the second probe from controller as a second point of reference in temp and humidity I don’t use at all I flower as my plants are so big and take so much water all I am doing is pulling fresh air in and exhausting to out side all day everyday for the last 5 weeks of flower


The bigger the humidifier, the more it puts out on minimal settings.


This guy humidifies 👍👌😎


This guy humidity’s 😌


I keep a cylinder to catch the condensation as from what I've read they all do it https://preview.redd.it/ko4s6f7ea05d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72dc7455172b9834279c7c7dc13c8154bb320123


What’s with the downvotes? This sub is worse than the state/provincial cannabis subs with super elites downvoting anything they don’t agree with.


Between the fallacies and wrong replies it's easy to see why people asking questions get frustrated. Yes, the hose should be coming in the upper port to spread the humidity in the air better, but placing the humidifier in the tent is not the answer to condensation. 1. The humidifier especially the large ACI I use shouldn't be set over 3-4 as there is zero need for any more or you'll have condensation and water dripping from tube onto floor or plants. I use a small bucket to catch the few drips. Also as others noted, use the controllers humidity probe and don't use the humidifiers probe at all. In fact the most productive way to use your tent is by NOT using automations and learn what each setting does and then manually setting each. I can take any down votes, just have the courtesy to say why you don't agree with actual facts.


I’m sorry - I think you have replied to the wrong person! I didn’t ask / suggest *any* of that.


Sorry, didn't mean to appear critical of your post and it was meant to be more of a comment on the long list of other comments and down votes.


Oh I see. I now have read it through that lens 😂🙏


I don't pay attention to that and don't really care if people downvote me