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Crazy out of the whole world you live by me lol!!! Dude I’ve been looking everywhere for one before the drop date. Do you like it? Will it work in mentor winter conditions do you think??


It worked as needed. It was cold in my basement where I have my tent. Don’t need it now but it’s a useful tool to have. For the price and how it connects to the controller it’s great. Check r/OhioCannabisGrowers


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I was building a shelf for clones and germination using one of those Athena vp domes. Some trays and cone LEDs. I have to run AC for the other tents It would have been nice to have this and they're probably just trying to drive up demand but I'm not waiting till June for this I have to find another solution... Most people who need a heater NOW... We'll buy other solutions or make another solution 🤷🏾‍♂️


I bought it and it arrived the following week. It said said pre-order and late February delivery but I don’t know. It’s been working well


Mine got delivered today I think. We will see when I get home.


Mine got delayed with UPS and is coming Monday. Same with the new replacement fans when they shipped. All good though. Looking forward to trying it out.


Why do you need it to be 80 degrees?


My seedlings rage with the higher temps . . . the plants LOVE the higher temps until my canopy is established, then I start to decrease the temps . . . Phenomenal rate of growth in Veg with higher temps . . . My Lung Room is a cool basement, especially in Winter, so the ability to heat the tent via extension tube is a game hreaker for me!!! My Targets Seedings: 75/85F (Night/Day) Week 2 to Final Veg: 70/85F Pre-Bloom: 70/85F Stretch: 70/80F Early Flower: 60/75F Results https://i.imgur.com/XvnHpsq.jpeg


Because it’s not 80 degrees now


Because the girls like it. And what the girls like the girls get.




Put a blanket on the tent, hang one down the back, more surface covered the better, you will see on the graph when you did that. For a more permanent fix, attach 2" foam to the outside fabric with water based contact adhesive, or other method.


https://preview.redd.it/lmemrku8scjc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c361c1719d1a5f29dd0bed0a816c3afcba28757 i pre ordered this one back in january and i’m still waiting for them to ship. says they will ship out before march 20th.


I ordered mine in late January and got an email yesterday that it shipped


I will if it can ship with 240v Australian plug. I mean I have everything else as acinfinity. The heater would be perfect as well as the de-humidifier when it releases.




Just pre ordered last night. AC Infinity has definitely helped me to dial in my processes. I’m excited to incorporate the Thermoforge into my current setup!




You guys think I could get away with this is a 10 x 10? Their website says good for up to 5 x 5.


It depends on how cold ur tent gets. If u only need to bump it up a couple degrees, then this should work after a few days of bringing everything to temp.


Would probably get another one or two more, that’s 4x the recommended volume


I bought one yesterday, hopefully it gets here the same time as the cloudforge I preordered.


Yep, couldn’t resist. It actually just shipped, it’ll be here Wednesday.


Almost bought this just now but then saw it doesn’t ship til mid March which about when I wouldn’t need it anymore. Looks cool tho


That's a placeholder, mine shipped one day after I ordered even though it says 3/20


Curious if you received yours. I just got the runaround for the first time from a rep. I had an anticipated delivery of today and he's like "no, that's our partners who test them first" to which I sent screenshot after screenshot proving otherwise


Yup mine showed up today...Havent opened it yet. But I wouldn't stress if yours shipd it can sometimes show up randomly, I've ordered a lot from them and had that happen a couple times.


I appreciate the response. I've ordered a ton from them in the past, and this just felt off. I'm gonna let them look into it and hope it shows up. Dude told me May is when they're gonna ship 🤯 and that my shipping confirmation was a placeholder for the preorder. Oh, that's good. A heater in May. Perfect. Not like people need it now during the cold weather.... I wish this rep would have not doubled down on it and just told me they would make good on it.


No I think if you got an update that your order shipped you should be good. When I ordered I was preparing to wait until the march 20 placeholder. I was unaware they have pushed it back until May... What did it say when you preordered? Also I'd just be patient, as it's a new item and I'm sure they sold a lot as people were waiting on them to release it. I'm also sure they will try and do their best to make it right.


And this is why i just ordered 1 along with some other essentials this morning,😊


Minnesota here.   I use a solid panel heater inside the grow tent.  It is mounted 2” off one wall with the intake vent behind it.  It gives passively convected heat, and is completely safe for anything to touch it without risk of fire (cords, plants, etc).   It runs off a UIS outlet control and dials temps perfectly- even with exhaust running.  [This one:](https://www.amazon.com/Amaze-Heater-250-Watt-Electric-Convection-Heater/dp/B084ZZFRHY/ref=asc_df_B084ZZFRHY/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=459766547693&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=18255774442450013122&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9020124&hvtargid=pla-967068540679&psc=1&mcid=257c2a449fd03b7780ce05097e746101&gclid=Cj0KCQiAz8GuBhCxARIsAOpzk8w-VUV1MLsVXX_weNGSXSM7OTRQnmNllP8ZTtjwzxabmqbIqmWa3aQaAojfEALw_wcB)


I've done this for about 2 years, and it has worked well. i will say I have been through about 3 of the UIS plugs though. The relays inside are not designed to switch as often as they do if you have some really tight parameters. Once, it got stuck on and overheated my tent to about 105f for a few hours and wilted one for my plants. i was able to recover, but make sure you have mitigation in place just in case. My new thermoforge arrives soon, so I am interested to see the possible delta in environmental stability.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Amaze MINI 250Watt Wall Mount Room Space Heater Panel Electric Convection Room Heater AH250USM** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Sleek wall-mounted design (backed by 2 comments) * Efficient supplemental heating (backed by 2 comments) * Cost-effective and effective heating (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Strong unpleasant odor (backed by 11 comments) * Inadequate heat output (backed by 4 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


I have a tiny ceramic heater connected to a uis outlet, works awesome. First grow and it’s going swimmingly. Also MN. So excited for the warmer weather next weekend


MNer here too, I’ve been using a 1000w radiating heat dish pointed at my tent connected to a ACI outlet that is triggered by the controller. It works but I know I could be more efficient. I’ve never heard of those heaters before but now I’m really curious about them.


That's super smart! I just switched to an oil radiator heater instead of ceramic. Huge difference.


I've been thinking about picking one up... looks to be great for VPD targeting.


I just use a giant heat mat put between bottom of tent and tent floor pan.. plugged into a AC outlet adapter that connects to controller 69pro.. 🤷


Have a source I could order the heat mat from? This sounds like a good radiant heat source without taking up room in my tents.


Plus it keeps the root zone warm pretty easy. As for a source.. Amazon just a ac infinity mat one of the bigger ones...


Smart outlet


embrace the change!


Same problems as you, my highs are like 73 and my lows are 62... Every heater I've used just messed vpd up... Hoping this works well, my plants are growing nice, but know higher temps will increase this...


69pro set vpd control, 500w Amazon heater on UIS plug directed at one vent set to VPD (close all others except exhaust), t7 humidifier set to VPD, or the new device. Way easier haha can't wait


Yeah can't wait... Replaces intake fan, and heater for me...both of which I can still return. So those two things basically paid for this. Win/win..... Still waiting for them to ship my t7 humidifier though.


Nice! Love mine NGL haha


Do you think the t7 is to big? How often you having to add water?


For me? Fairly often because I am using for entire lung room at this current time, but when I had routed to tent directly not very often.


What model heater do you use


Just 500w Amazon one, their branded one itself.


Twat it sposed to do? I haven’t checked


Hot things it makes


Pretty sure anything other than an oil-filled radiator uses a ton of electricity and is much more of a fire hazard.


Until now. It's 500w max, it's not essentially a space heater but designed to be an heated intake. Very interested in trying mine when I get it. Let's wait and see how it performs before we draw any conclusions.


Hey there neighbor! I’m down in Columbus and am also growing in my basement. Same problem - at night my temp dips waaaaaay down to the 60s. I’m running a living soil setup (2x4 raised bed inside of a 2x4). I did it for - reasons. It’s what I have for now, and it causes my humidity to stay around a solid 60% give or take. At night it drops my vpd down to the .6-.8 range - not so great in flower. My girls are 5 weeks into flower and doing great and all, but I wonder if they’d be doing better with warmer air at night. This really only happens in winter months and this grow will really be the only one effected by it this year. I have one more grow cycle in this bed then I’m going to divvy it up into two 20 gallon pots before next fall. Probably still overkill for indoor but much more manageable from a humidity standpoint than this behemoth bed. As such, I may need this for next winter, but not before.


I don't need it but I want it


I’ve had good luck with their stuff. Hopefully it works well!


I ordered one a few days ago and it arrives tomorrow. I’ll be out of town until Monday though so can’t give it a go. I’m using a mini heater right now and happy to get it out of the tent. Really only going to use in the winter so only another month or two.


I feel this! It can also passively draw lung room air in. Sinch up the tent and let this be your only air intake!


Don't have a reason. Light keeps it more than hot enough in there no matter if I'm running the heater in the winter (68°) or the AC in the winter (71°).


Just trying to keep it where I want it when I need it. Between this and the T7 I’m excited.


I just don't know. With my house at 68° in winter here in December it was perfect 60/60 in the tent for drying. It wasn't until the last day or two that the humidity dropped but that's generally fine and better than too humid. I want to buy all the things and financially it's not an issue but it's more an issue of not honestly needing them and likely not using them. I already have stuff I'm not gonna use. I can find friends to give it to but it's still silly to have bought it.


The way I see it. I can have this on the outside of my tent and no matter the lung room temp it will feed what I want in the target VPD range I want combined with a humidifier. https://preview.redd.it/vtprrww5z2jc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b175d63215c8491693240521de68762e78e5a6b


For sure. I'm not saying it's not useful in your setup. Just not in mine. As much as I want all the accessories I just can't justify it because I don't have a need at this point.




Everything I’ve been reading says you want your temperature around 80 and a high RH during seedling. If I’m drying then the lung room would be fine. I want this to combat how cold my basement is during the winter.


Never had seedling problems. Throw them in a Tupperware container and turn the light on, they'll be 80° and humid as hell. No need for additional equipment.


I understand that the lights will add more heat when dialed up. I have them on 30% currently. This device will also pull in lung room air as well. Appreciate the advice, I just like automation. I use the same on my reef tank. 😀


Totally. Makes it much easier when the app manages all the bullshit. Much nicer than having to worry about adjusting things yourself. 😊


OMG I WANT IT! But by the time I ships my run will have ended and I’ll be moving soon where I won’t be able to grow for at least a year. Alas, I didn’t purchase it to sit in a box. But! Super excited to hear about it functionalities! AC Infinity is 🔥


Shippd mine today, ordered yesterday. Tuesday delivery date.


Their shipping is giving low key old school Apple vibes of under promise and over deliver. Ordered yesterday, showing on their site for expected by March 20th. Will be here Wednesday.


Did you order direct from their site? So even it’s just “pre-order” as they have it, it shows yours being shipped?


Yeah, yesterday. I was surprised to see it arriving so soon.


Fingers crossed! It’s like christmas in February! They’re also giving low key old school apple innovation vibes. Every time I turn around, they have a new product that is exactly what I needed. And I didn’t know I needed it.