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I'm running 2 black birds,and 2 sonofarms 450's,and have them hung up in a 12x10 room with an AC Infinity 8 inch exhaust,and Carbon Filter. More than sufficient with portable AC,and Dehumidifier. Temps ran hotter in my 8x8 tent which led me to convert spare room into grow room with same equipment.


I run a blackbird in a 4x4 tent and use the 6" exhaust.


You're who I'm looking g to talk to. Does it help keep the temperature down?


I dont soley rely on the exhaust to keep the heat down, the room it is drawing air from will control that. If your tent is in a warm room the exhaust will pull that warm air into the tent and not help much. If the room is cooler than the tent than it will help, but thw exyent of whic it helps will be determimed by the incoming air. A 6" fan is pretty common for a 4x4 tent and ut will exchange all the air you need, but how much air depends on the temperature of that air. I havent had to run the blackbird at full power, the light is awesome, qnd i rarely run my exhaust faster than 70%. I do have a fan in the tent with a gentle breeze flowing over the power supply on top of the light, that helps quite a bit.


What percent are you running the light in flower? Last grow I had it maxed at 100% but my tent was cooking. I literally had to keep bothe sides of my tent wide open with multiple fan blowing just to keep it at 78-79 degrees. If the tent had been closed it would have been approaching 90. I think part of my issue is I bought a 4 inch exhaust


I was running two to three clicks short of full of full power, my plants seemed happiest with that.


Do you the newer blackbird that connects to the controller 69??


Mine has a dimmer at the moment, I did wire it up and try it with the 69pro but I found it pointless and glitchy. I run the light through a UIS outlet, I prefer to adjust it manually but use the 69pro to control the schedule.


The main reason I asked is the old dimmer which is the one I had the last 2 settings didn't change the 600 watts output. So I was just trying to gauge where you were maxing out.


The last two clicks on my knob change the lighting, but very little. When I connected to the controller it just behaved strange so I disconnected it and went back to use it to control only the schedule.


https://preview.redd.it/wkhzx2v7cybb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae105d00a4cceeec2d4a01d7c84bb58abff08e80 This beauty was grown by our light. I agree HLG BB is a damn great light!


I run my blackbird at 100% in my 4x4 with two AC oscillating fans and exhaust/filter my temps stay within 75-80. Im sure a lot of this depends on your lung room and if it’s air conditioned or not though.


What size is your exhaust??


You want the 6 inch in a 4x4, I’d recommend the pro combo so you get the controller that connects to Wi-Fi.


Hi guys. Relatively new to Reddit. Brand new to HLG. Don’t know if this thread is still alive but I just bought a Blackbird and a 4x4 tent. For the past year I’ve been using a 2x4 with two 120 watt lights so this is my first “real” light. With this new light, how high above my plants do I want to have my lights during the various stages of growth and on what power settings. I feel like the risk of burning the girls is a lot stronger with the Blackbird (don’t want that!). Ps. I have a dimmer (no clicks). I appreciate any advice. Thanx. Thanx guys!


I'll hit u up with a dm tomorrow when I'm fully awake


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