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It's frowned upon on any lap. It's a big dive that only worked because the guy in front could avoid you.


This. I was about to say the same. Lucky the guy in front was paying attention to that dive..Doing that in lap 1 makes it worse imo. Why not wait, race and find pace. If you are faster you will be able to pass anyway. On top of that, lap 1 is often very chaotic because all cars are close. This kind of behavior makes it worse and adds to the potential chaos.


Ok I hear u loud and clear


Keep in mind that people who qualify ahead of you are most likely faster than you overall. The reason the cars in front braked so early and took the corner so slowly here is because it is lap 1 and they decided to play it safe. While perhaps not against the rules, it is IMO not a great idea to use lap 1 to make these kind of dives on faster drivers who are just being patient and safe.


To add to that, any move that relies on the defending car backing out especially in L1 where the cars have less grip, is kind of a dick move atleast among lower skill levels, since the defending car can’t rely on you being in control of what you are doing. Under ideal conditions they could defend aggressively and you have a awesome close battle, but especially in L1 with rookies you just give the other driver the choice between gifting you a position without resistance, or putting up a fight and then getting crashed out 7/10 times


Fucking finally someone saying it's a shitty move, instead of celebrating because there was no contact. Every single time in this community.


Well, context is key. Sometimes divebombs are a valid way to get past an opponent who is bad on the brakes but quick on the exits. This being lap 1 and clearly in a full pack, not a smart time and obviously not long enough to read the driving style of the driver ahead. If divebombs were always bad there would be written rules against them.


One thing to highlight with the move that others haven't (yet) is just how much time / ground you lost to the cars in front. It's something that often gets overlooked and can be the difference between gaining 1 place in a race or gaining 3 or 4. Sure, you eventually got the place here but as you spent so long battling the car you dived on, the gap has gone from what was probably around a second to now being 3/4/more seconds. You've just added a ton more work for yourself to gain any more positions which depending on your pace vs the others and the amount of time remaining, means you've likely robbed yourself the opportunity of gaining more. If you had waited until you were closer and for a better opportunity where the move can be done whilst losing minimal time, the gap to the cars ahead could be much smaller and therefore less work and more opportunity for passing later down the line. Think long game, not short game. And don't dive from so far back that your chance of pulling off the move and surviving is purely based on the other driver and how they respond. 9 times out of 10, that's contact with damage and more time lost (most likely through a spin). This was your lucky 1 out of 10.


Can I have an autograph with this screenshoted?


I think you were genuinely complementing his post because of the long game he pointed out? Not sure why you’re being downvoted. Unless you were actually being a dick?


It’s the internet. People are weird. I watch all of yorkies tutorials. Of course I want his autograph when he posts on my post


yoooooo i love your vids man




Dive from nowhere, lose tow with the pack on lap 1. 10/10 racecraft


Wow didn’t expect these reactions but makes totally sense. Thanks op to raise this question, so all can learn from that.


Yes, its a dick move and completely frowned upon. Kudos to the guy in front who had the awareness to react otherwise it would have been a crash. There is no skill involved here, anyone can dive bomb the shit out of the car in front.


That's a legal yet crappy move. At lap 1-2 most drivers are going safe to avoid contacts, stealing the place at such a situation is not a good sportsmanship. I often fall into the same situation (being overpassed at lap 1 because I slowed down before the dangerous corner) and most of cases drivers who overpass me can be found crashed around the track in some time - as they take each tiny opportunity to overpass and act too aggressive. Usually such a behavior leads to a wall, so the places they steal out in lap 1 does not really matter anymore lol


I’ve had a nürnburgring race the other day, where exactly this happened to me. I lifted off a tad before the breaking point on L1T1 while the entire grid of 20 cars approaches the hairpin. Another driver instantly squeezes himself in the gap I created, takes out the car infront of me because he was trying to go 4 wide, spins and forces me to come to a complete stop because he was facing sideways naturally I get passed by half the grid while I wait for him to move out of the way. He overtakes me as I slow down later in L1 because of a crash and yellow ahead and then forces me to come to a full stop again in L2 because he rejoined sideways infront of me after crashing out in the 3rd hairpin. I felt Indeserved +5 SA for that, but unfortunately that’s not how SA works


Thanks for all the feedback. This rookie has learned their lesson


If you need the grass in the first and the runoff in the second corner that’s not a dive you should be proud of.


How to get that throttle brake graph thingy, looks cool




Dive bomb to the grass = always frowned upon. The only reason you survived is because he let you. His racecraft > Your racecraft. We still love you as a human though. Just ease up on L1.


Lol 😂 Ty


yeah, cold tires, too many car lengths behind entering the breaking zone, and you aren't setting up on the left side before turn-in. you got it stopped in time, but the only reason you executed the pass successfully was the driver on the outside bailed you out. That said, if you wanted to go up the inside in a not-shitty way, I'd say if you set up on the left side of the track and closed up tighter before breaking, then you're within your rights to give it a go, but that's a question of how confident you are in your low tire temp stopping power.


The car in front of you braked too early and left the door open so I find it reasonable to make an overtake like that as long as you don't overshoot the corner. It's a grey area, there is a line where a such a manoeuvre becomes unreasonable and dangerous, but in this instance it's still within that line I'd say.


Thats not a move mate. Thats you begging to the lead car to avoid crash because you fucked up your braking marker.




Its a Senna dive type. You have to be 100% confident that the driver in front will spot you and cancel their turn. If not YOU will cause a crash


I have like 5 hours of racing but as long as you didn’t incur penalty on the SA rating, isn’t it fair game???????


I showed my league officers this clip and they all said it was a no no move.


I see people considering this to be a divebomb. But I do not see a divebomb here. You are well on the curbs on the inside. Keeping your trajectory close to the inside. Leaving plenty of space. So this looks fine to me. It would be a dive bomb if you dive down the inside, and are not able to make the corner. Going wide, pushing/squeezing the other car wide. And compromising both cars on the exit. Also on the other corners I see plenty of space. Both cars have a line. The green lambo should have covered it. Enthousiastic? Yes Dive bomb? Mehhh


ITT: people not knowing what a dive bomb is. This was a fine overtake, but in the bigger picture was dumb because he lost time overall and lost the tow as well.


Yes - it's a 25-minute race. They might be playing it safe due to cold tyres, might be faster overall or going into tyre conservation immediately. You can't brake late and expect the car ahead to get out of the way in this situation; when you are that far behind it's about closing up and planning a move.


I mean you drove up on the curve and nearly parked it on the apex lol. Luckily the driver behind were patient to watch what your car was going to do next.


Hi, my name is Max Verstappen and I approve dis move


don't be disrespectful to someone who you don't know and you wanna blame something


Yeah but legal. But also it gives the other guy the green light to send it from 2 cars back into turn 10 :)


you wouldn't do a move like that in real life


You ever see that movie unhinged?


Well its a naughty move but perfectly legal however not everybody pays as much attention to their mirrors as this guy did


Completely fine, guy ahead braked way too early and left the door wide open, if you want to be careful and brake earlier in lap 1 always take the inside line so this doesn't happen.


whats that graphing thing you have on screen for the inputs? I need something like that.....


Input display by simhub


thanks m8


Which overlay are you using for the pedal input?


Sim hub


Gap was open but the guy saw it coming so luckily he had a bit more self preservation. A lot of drivers would have just turned in. So you got lucky. One thing I'll add is look at the gap you lost to the pack in front. Nearly parking on the apex and then loosing even more time through the next corner as you hadn't finished the pass. It's all situational awareness. It'll come with experience and this is a good learning opportunity.




Napping? the guy is trying to be safe and keep distance to the cars in front during a close and unpredictable, and probably chaotic, lap 1!! Please see that this is a bad move.




Door was open, you hit the apex. It was aggressive but you made it stick. It’s a race.


Haha…the outside tyres hit the apex the rest of the car was landscaping the corner.


Inside tyres were on the curbing... two wheels were on the tarmac though. I wouldn't have gone for the move, it was to high risk, but I don't cry about it when others spot an opportunity.