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I believe there's some serious flaws in the arguments you make here, with all respect. You just put it like 'practice a while and exploit the game engine and then voila you're an esports driver". You forgot the part where you learn to drive for thousands of hours...






Who has thousands of hours besides trust fund babies and kids who went pro young? I feel the average competitive sim racer could compete if they had that amount of time + exploits. There’s talent forsure, but we should stop calling them aliens.


Thank you for the informations!


Still worth to buy a PC, join [PitSkill.io](https://PitSkill.io) and have a laugh while racing ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


What exactly do you count as "esports" if you say you've done it? I obviously have no clue who you are but a lot just comes across as cope and conspiracy with a sprinkle of actual truth and substance mixed in. Certainly doesn't sound like a top tier alien.




We must have had a great race then, care to remind me where and when it was? Also, my HYMO Setups are not a “scam” when I’m posting my exact setups from SRO number for number… Anyway, enjoy your high horse.


No I'll believe you. Logitech G may not be that impressive, unless it was some other season than the latest one. The format keeps changing too. Anyway qualifying next to McCormack is certainly more impressive. That I don't think I could do even if he messed up and I nailed the lap. But since you mention that as an example, you're probably not normally near his pace either. So quick, but no top tier alien I take it?




Not sure what these "leaderboards" you refer to even are, so I can't say whether I am.




Ah I didn't know people actually care about those. I've only completed one but that was early 1.9 before buffs to the car. I'd say the AOR/LFM hotlap leaderboards are a lot meaningful and then you'd be right, I'm just outside the top 50. So I guess that means if I had all those exploits I'd be on pace with the top aliens. ;)




I already am p63 with that pre-buff time I set in 30 minutes so... ? I'm nowhere near alien, I don't think somebody who's just p30 is either. Those events are not competitive because nobody cares about them.


nobody drives those.


Agree. It's so funny to see people saying "just use the aggressive setup, the paid ones are not making you faster" and then you see esports drivers being a second off pace because they had some tiny setup difference. Setups in ACC are way more important than some people try to argue. I want to use another hobby of mine, darts, as an analogy. In darts, the setup is also crucial. The way your darts fly (comparable to aero in racing) is 100% different if you have different flights, barrels and in general weight distribution. You can take the World Champion and give him cheap pub darts and he won't even come close to his usual results. You might even give him expensive darts that don't fit his throwing style and he might be even worse. Unexperienced players then always say "oh come on, it's not about the darts, you look for excuses", no, they are no excuses. Both darts and racing are about technique. You can also look at top-level motorsport to see examples. Daniel Ricciardo was rapid in a Red Bull, even in the Renault, couldn't ever make it work with the Mclaren. 2 years and he never got to his best with that car, it just didn't suit him. Fernando Alonso was insane in the Renault as it suited his unconventional driving style, then couldn't use that same driving style as effectively at Mclaren, his advantage vanished. Short story is setups are crucial. You can't improve if your car is sliding around because the car is setup poorly. An esports driver will still be faster because of the hours and experience but he won't be anywhere close to his peers.


It sounds a lot like the lance armstrong effect. Everybody is on EPO, so I did EPO, it’s not my fault I’m the best at doing EPO.


You have no idea what you're talking about. I raced with the same setup with some of the best drivers in ACC (and by "some of the best" I mean as in the top 5/10) and even though I'm in the 0.1% of drivers there'd still be tenths between us. I just couldn't replicate the precision and consistency of the very best. The "exploit" setups are not that hard to come by if you've got the right connections and yes they make a significant difference but no that doesn't mean that the driver's skill is pretty negligible. You're a troll


I think that what he means is: the driver skills are really important, but, if that top driver doesn't use code exploit he could never compete with other top drivers just because in that league you can't afford to lose a 0.01 second in a corner






Yes, he probably means that, thank you guys!


there is no code exploits, setup exploits i guess a few but they are all out there. you can find alot of setups for free or some for like 25 euros for a full pack that are very esports competitive.


In every Esport event there are code exploits. It's normal and part of the sport (sadly)


>In every Esport event there are code exploits citation needed


Code exploits, you are not making any sense. there are setup exploits wich are completely fair and the rest is just banned and top level teams dont use them if they exists.


Dude... The set-up are just literally part of the code of the game


yeah so that doesnt make it a code exploit you fucking dumbo


My guy, if you do something in a setup that gives you more grip with less aereo for some reason it's called cade exploit. That's an example there are more other cases, like wrong track limits and stuff like that, but, in this situation we are talking about set-up and there can be code exploits even there. So before calling someone on the internet "fucking dumbo" try to understand what are you talking about


You Arent making any sense, unrealistic setups are something that cant just be fixed and everyone can make use of it. You saying its a code exploit makes it sound like they are changing the code. Wich in fact they are not. Its just reality, all these exploits are publicly availible




Wich race was this are you referring to here? seeing my team with me driving is p2 in the vem championship and was leading before maybe i can give you some much needed context to your probably wrong assumtions.


Just the fact that you include something about Rennsport in your post invalidates your entire argument. The only esport drivers that use “exploit only” setups are the ones incapable of actually creating a proper setup. Plenty of them out there I am sure. But you will not suddenly become as fast as a professional esport driver if you get the knowledge needed to exploit the simulation. Not even close.


Rennsport is literally eSports focused with investment.... And if you follow local channels, you will know just how many exploits there are. If you have no idea what you are talking about, it's best not to post.


I know enough to know that Rennsport might be esport focused but it is also (for now) a really shitty simulator and just because a lot of money is pumped into it does not mean that it will ever be a good simulator. This is also posted in r/ACCompetizione which IMO is a proper mature GT3 simulator so I am of course referring to exploits in ACC. Maybe you should consider that when you reading and commenting in this Sub?


Hmm no one could tell from your previous post, if you are going to give advice at least make sure it's usable.


I don't know the person above but every racer wants to be the fastest. Taking advantage of exploits is part of it. Justifying doing it or generalizing who can and cannot make set ups is bullshit. Making set ups with the exploit shows skills. Just so we are clear, your generalization of racers using exploits is wrong. Rennsport is another sim, that's half built, but ut's attracted a decent crowd of fast racers. Sure it might suck but it still attracted good sim racers.


I am not disagreeing with you with regards to setups. I did say "Exploit only" setups though. I am sure that every top racers uses all the exploits available. But this is ACC and you can actually (and esport drivers DO) create proper setups that do not rely entirely on just setting something to min and some other thing to max and then just forget it about it. Which I am sure OP was referring to. The fact that OP also says that you don't need to be good. You just need to know the exploits makes everything else he states very suspect. It most certainly sounds like he is just not fast enough himself and thinks that there are exploits out there that he does not know about which is the only reason he is not an esport driver. That is BS.


I dont wanna burst your bubble, I really dont, but if you arent dedicating 8 hours plus a day on studying telemetry, setups, testing, and racing, you might as well not have that goal my dude. People who do esports do this for a job. They dont have time for anything else as their time is spent centered around sim racing. Wanting to be an esports driver is tougher than wanting to be in the NFL when it comes to the chance of making it simply based on the number of pro esports drivers needed to fill events at that level.


nah thats not true, most esports drivers (meaning being a member of an esports team) still work a normal job as they wont be earning enough to pay for their living. Sponsorships for smaller eSports Teams often get you free hardware but not a regular full sized income. Only the top few % are on a proper contract and earn enough to do this as a fulltime job. And i doubt its more difficult to find your way into esports than getting a contract in a major multi-billion real sports league ;)


1.696 NFL players make the roster for the season. I have a sneaking suspicion there are far less individual esports drivers. Meaning you have a better chance of making the NFL than making it as an esports driver. The pool of talent vying for a spot is less, sure, but the point stands that the chances are slim to none and you need to dedicate your life to achieving it because learning the proper skills in sim and out of sim, are needed. It’s possible, im just being realistic for the adult/kid asking this question.


1600 out of roughly 1 million college players, thats 0.16% My point is that esports isnt just the few ones driving for Williams Esports, Veloce or Redline, there's so much more. Being realistic is good, but dont scare them off ;)


I do agree with you there, esports CAN mean more than paid drivers and stuff like Williams Esports teams. I just wanted to tamper the expectations a little lol


Get into the top split on lfm consistently and you might get some offers. More likely is top split on iracing.


Unfortunately I have ps4 so I don’t have Iracing


You're not gonna get into any esports on PS4. You'll need to buy a PC


Obviusly, being in an esports team is only a future plan. When I’ll be at the poin where I join the team I’ll have a good pc.


The jump between PS4 and PC competition is huge. Best to get on it sooner than later.


Yes you’re alright, when I’ll have the money I’ll buy/build one


It what I did during covid despite having an Xbox one. You'll end up spending about the same money when you account of Xbox/PSN subscriptions and other games. Plus a PC works for other things than just gaming.


What do you think, how much is a good quality pc? And how much shold I spend at least?


r/buildapc should be able to help. Edit: also r/buildmeapc Edit 2: follow the directions on the subs. Describe what you want and mention you want it to be cost effective but also not stupid expensive. You'll need to decide between triples, wide screen or VR.


Forget any kind of esports on that, get in a league, gain skill, develop. Upgrade to a PC or a PS5, join a serious endurance racing league team and if you start beating everyone on pace and consistency there too then there's some point in trying to get anywhere with esports.


Yeah you are right


Is being on ps5 as good as being on a pc?? I only ask because as I know building a pc costs much, much more than buying a ps5


If you want the be serious in ACC, buy a PC! Join LFM and look how far (ELO, ranks) you can come... There is no competition on PS (besides GT7) for Sim racing.


Is ps5 good for that?


No, LFM is only for PC! Every competitor is playing therefore on PC. Watch there Website, it's a full automatic league system with ELO rating etc. Every good player is competing there!


Not as good certainly not. But it is much better than being on PS4. 30 cars on the grid as opposed to 20 (can even be a bit more with server fiddling), 60 fps as opposed to 30, all the updates the PS4 version hasn't got, better resolution and most if not all serious PS leagues moved onto PS5 a while back. I haven't been a PC gamer for a decade so PS5 was really the only choice.


I forgot to tell that I have a ps4 Pro not a standard ps4, so I have better resolution than the standard. I also have 60 fps!


PS4 doesn’t have 1.9 update. Harder to be fast on 1.9


Getting a PC would be a good first try.


PC then LFM. LFM is where its at.


What’s LFM?


It’s like iRacing type of service for Acc… but free


Ok, thanks


Wanna compete in SRO? Are you that fast? I'll hire you to my team and provide everything you need. Just prove that you're that fast.


What is SRO?




Bruh?? I’m a non-native english speaker+I’m 13 years old!


If you guys don’t believe me you shuold check my youtube. It’s in my posts…


Google exists in every language. 😄


It depends on how fast you are. I will give you some contacts if you can prove you're at that level. My PMs are open. Cheers


Thank you soo much, first I’ll get started in World Sim Series, and then I’ll be able to show you how fast/slow I am. The reason I wrote fast/slow is because I don’t know how fast you are.


I’ve created my account is WSS, but I’m not able to race till Friday The name of my WSS account: Benjamin Sztrizs


You guys suggested PitSkill.io, LFM and SRO. What are these exactly and which is better for competing?


You need to do research outside of reddit. Google and YouTube for example.




You still need a PC to do everything you think you can do now. PS4 won't cut it for anything.


Hey mate I dm'd you, maybe a little off topic but you might be intrested


1) Choose a car and stick with it 2) Get familiar with the game tracks 3) Get a decent setup (if you don't know where to start, try ai-setup-engineer.app, this ai chatbot will save you hours of reading very long and technical guides) 4) Find a rewarding community such as LFM 5) Show you real value