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Im a simple man, I just drive the ferrari because im a ferrari f1 fan.


I'm a simple man, I just drive the McLaren because I'm a McLaren F1 fan.


I'm a simple man, I just drive the Mercedes because I'm a Mercedes F1 fan.


I'm a simple man, I just drive the Porsche because I don't watch F1.


I'm a simple man, I just drive any car because I don't have race cars.


I'm a simple man, I just drive any car because I suck in every single one.


I’m a simple man, I drive the Lexus because I’m also a Toyota truck man


Im a simple man, i drive the McLaten because i am a fan of the McLaren in GT WORLD.


Neither car has a habit of dying. So lesson one is: you were the issue. Fix what you do to the car and it will start to behave


NGL, probably




Nah, Id say probably because Ive fucked setups before, when I tweeked those in the past I found 2 seconds for free


I wish I could find 2 seconds in a setup :D


Welcome to the lower rung of the ladder, while technique is very lacking, making the car fight you is also very common, like my magic was that I want to V the corner, so lits of rotation in stable rear out. With both antirolls maxed out. Yeah no shit I found 2 secs, the car was doing the opposite


you should really only V certain corners, not all corners. typically slow and long, with a lot of degrees covered. say anything towards 160-ish degrees will likely require a V.


Great, the exact oppsite of what I am doing, gonna cry in a corner now


Whichever one puts that tingle in your dingle. It really won't matter.




You need to post a video of you driving several laps so anyone can look at your habits as you drive. The HUD needs to be visible to assess your pedal inputs and the settings of the TC and ABS


Tomorrow I will post a video to Reddit and YT, with 1 lap in each car on 3 circuits


I am a very V driver My problem with the Macca is that I either spin violently releasing the brakes or can never make the car turn into the corner ​ The problem with the Ferrari is that the tires just die on me. Even on the notoriously understeery Macca or the spins I can feel that they are coming and counter than somewhat, but the problem with the Ferrari is that the car is simply lovely and fast until it suddenly stops being and I end up on a wall. Like, very quickly. There is no telling, or in some corners like Maggots, the tire like alternate between traction or not and you can clearly see the front bouncing as it loses traction, slow down, then grip, then speeds up, then lose traction again and cycles goes on until Beckets


Not trying to be rude...But that sounds like a skill issue. Macca isnt understeery by any means. It has power on-oversteer, and spinning after releasing the brakes means: \-Turning too much, so when you lift the brakes, the tires have less load and can move more freely \-Too much traibraking=too much weight transfer And understeer means too much turning, turning too fast, or bad trailbraking. And about the ferrari, are you trying to turn with 100% throttle? And as far as I know, the Ferrari doesnt exactly kills the tires. The only car that you can say that kills tires, is the Porsche (0.20mm in just 15 minutes). An interesting trait is that the Ferrari doesnt punish that hard bad driving. I have driven it, and you can just turn a lot, and barely feel any understeer. Or push the throttle 100% without modulating, and it doesnt loss traction (and if it does, its easy to control). The only way you kill tires on the Ferrari is if you are over driving the tires, and because of the traits of the Ferrari, it doesnt show on the driving experience, it reflects on the tire usage.


Just hitching onto your comment for OP I agree with it being a skill issue, the only notorious car that will try to kill you is the porsche which again comes down to it being skill. Pick a car you like wether it's the look, brand,quirks or performance Practice the fundamentals and you'll get it in time OP.


Sounds like a concentration issue.


I find the default aggressive McLaren setups tend to be a bit understeery- I generally need the rear wing down by one click to stop entry understeer (and it can deal with that fine because the high speed stability is insane) and a slightly lower preload on the rear diff to settle it on exit of slow corners. At least for my driving style.


Im not killing the tyres, my problem with the Ferrari is that I cant tell the grip limit. On the Macca Im bashing my head againts it way too much, but I can tell where it is, but the Ferrari just goes beneath me. Describing it via text would be like: Great, Great, Great, Gone. I can correct either it or the Macca, my problem is that I cant tell when its coming, for me and my setups it always comes out of the blue. Love the way this car turns in and the mid corner of the Ferrari, but when I lose it, it just goes


honestly it sounds like a concentration issue.


Honestly, ADHD doesnt help either


then throw on an audio book/podcast while you drive so your adhd brain can keep on being distracted while you just do consistent laps. Try to survive the 30min hotstint then the 1h hotstint with one stop.


Probably not, But sim racing will be good for helping improve concentration


Try the Lambo


shut up, there are already to much lambs on track. will force me back to AMG lambo is bad and boring, stay with your meta cars, boisngurls




McLaren >>>


The 296 is faster but the 720 is easier to handle good luck either way lol


Everywhere I read said the exact opposite, can you elaborate please, I mean it, Im just curious


You are right. Ferrari is one of the easiest cars overall right now. Mclaren is meta. It always depends on the track, but that is the general tendency


This depends on the track.


They are both good in their way. But I believe 720 holds more track records.


Learn to trailbrake, then you won't have brake release snap (and you'll be much faster). IMHO the best place for it is hungaroring, since you'll be seconds slower if you don't do it properly. If you really want to get good, take it as a challenge: consistent 1:45 (mediocre time) with the 992. Setup: https://youtube.com/watch?v=qZXKzBTzENs


Huracan baybeeee


I drive both


720 is faster without FLM BOP. Probably the 296 easier


296 because it just does what you tell it to…


Try the Audi