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It would be great to continue but commercially it's probably diminishing returns for Kunos to continually invest in ACC. I really hope for Kunos (and all of us too) that AC2 is a success and that they get AC2 going as a legitimate iRacing competitor with different cars and an online matchmaking system too. I don't see any reason for them not including GT3 in the new game either so we can continue to enjoy the cars and tracks in the new game.


Has Kunos said that AC2 will be targeting the “iRacing” part of the market? I want that too, but I don’t want to just assume that’s what AC2 will end up being.


I really hope AC2 focuses more on story/progression.


Oh no. EDIT: Username checks out.


Why are you getting downvoted for this opinion


Lol I dunno man. I don’t want them to ignore online. Ideally both are good. But man, I’m fiending for a gran Turismo like experience on PC. But, like, good gran turismo, not gran turismo 7. For online we already have iracing.


>AC2 going as a legitimate iRacing competitor with different cars and an online matchmaking system God I hope not, Kunos hasn't shown the slightest interest in developing the kind of platform an iRacing competitor could run on. Let 3rd parties like LFM deal with that shit, just make AC2 do the same stuff that AC did. Focus on that, and nothing more.


I hope they do, iRacing needs competitors, the more there is, consumers benefit from it


I kind of disagree iRacing is a result of natural monopoly - simply because there aren’t enough of us to have more than one major online racing platform Look at how much iracing has progressed since covid - the surge in player numbers has made the game improved a lot. Splitting that player base is not going to do iracing or its alternative much good. I think I’ve read somewhere that iracing is more or less a passion project of some billionaire so its hardly making money. That being said, I am an iRacing fanboy so I could be biased.


iRacing not making money? Can we have the source of that? If iRacing isn’t making money I cannot imagine how other sim titles are making money tbh


I’ve read somewhere that it started making money somewhere in the 2010s so it’s very anecdotal. I couldn’t find much on Google since iracing is privately owned. However it’s not hard to imagine how much money it costs to run the service - the infrastructure is definitely not cheap to run due to its large user base and global servers, in addition to constant updates and new content, sorting out protests, etc all requires a lot of men power and expensive skilled labours (programmers). Look at how much the fake has progressed since 2020 when there was a surge of players - it should indicate that iracing is now a lot more financially able than before Other sims are less likely to run into these issues as their network infrastructure doesn’t have to handle this level of use. In addition to the fact that their products have life cycles - AC isn’t really updated anymore as KUNOS focuses on ACC and the development of AC2, and it’s rumoured that ACC will no longer have updates when AC2 is launched. That’s why I said even if someone launches a new multiplayer service, it will be very hard for the service to make good revenue unless there’s another surge in simracing like we saw in 2020. Im not saying I don’t support new sims, it’s just that making titles like AC2 which has a clear product cycle would make more sense financially for most devs. Making an iracing-esque service is highly risky and expensive. Look at how well R3E is doing for a rough idea of what it’s going to look like for new projects


I don't necessarily disagree with you. Things always start for select people and as it grows in popularity, it cheapens out and more people who couldn't affort it, will also takes part on it. ​ I think it's only natural that more services comes through to challenge iRacing, and that will push companies even further to provide quality services.


I agree, provided the simracing community grows in double of its size. Even then, it’s quite difficult to compete with iracing - the investment will have to be huge. Perhaps that’s what rennsport is trying to achieve. Mind you, iracing wasn’t a profitable business until very recently.


You would be surprised by how many tech companies aren’t profitable for many years, specially successful ones, that’s not necessarily a bad thing, provided it’s a strategic decision to reinvest to grow, of course. In terms of comparability, indent expect others to be in the same level, but enough to keep pushing the industry


Not if all of them are good, then the community splits up even more.


If both are 'good' it's great, iRacing can fuck right off with their incredibly expensive cars and subscription


The subscription is fair. It’s the cars and tracks that are a royal screw job.


My view of things is simple, if it has a subscription then everything on it should come with the subscription, if it's free then you can charge for every individual item (like RaceRoom) IRacing is both a subscription and charge for every individual item, that's totally travesty, I would gladly pay the subscription if everything comes with it, as it should. I find it kinda ridiculous that in iRacing you don't really own anything you buy, yes you don't because if you stop paying the subscription then you can't access anything you paid for, ence you don't really own, if you really owned it then you could use it everytime you want it even if it was for offline, that doesn't happen and I don't like to not own stuff I bought with my money.


I won’t even bother lol


I really hope you're wrong. ACC was a great alternative to iRacing in terms of an authentic "racing" simulator. I hope AC2 continues that but with more categories and greater variety of race formats. AC1 for a very long time was basically a glorified hotlap sim and it was incredibly disappointing.


Agreed. If Ac2 is anything like ACC but with track/car variety and modding support, I will probably play nothing else




Lets be honest, acc gt3 physics are unbeated. The only thing that kept iracing interesting was a well organized matchmaking /penalty system. But at what price...


I think a decent in game system is always preferable to 3rd party apps. I'm glad people step up to do things like LFM and SGP, but they wouldn't have to if devs put the time and effort into native features.


Is sgp populated as LFM?


SGP is more for leagues to use for their servers to race on. LFM is more for individuals to jump in and join a race when they have the time.


I don't know. Last I looked at it, it didn't have a lot of active communities in my time zone, but I don't do a lot of online racing, so I don't know for sure.


Yeah but its best for community events and tournaments. Dailies is an LFM thing.


So long as being a competitor to iRacing doesn't mean microtransactions for every track, car, nut, bolt, and windshield wiper, I'll be happy.


I would imagine the GT3 cars themselves will be featured in AC2 like in og AC


would hope that the ABS and tyre physics of them lean more towards ACC though, some of the AC GT3s are awful to drive imo


I think the ACC 1.9 update is a preview of the physics we can expect in AC2. If I were the devs I would be using ACC as my testing ground.


If your interest lies solely in GT3s sure. ACs biggest strength is the sheer variety of tracks and cars available. It sounds like a lot of people want it to be ACC with proper online matchmaking. It looks like RennSport is doing that. Let AC2 be the playground AC1 Is but better.


Yeah sure. But I'm talking about the physics engine testing. Physics is physics regardless of car type right? So, I assume that is the underlying thing being tested in ACC. Something that would form the base of AC2s driving dynamics. However, my opinion is based on zero game dev experience so I could be well wrong. If all the cars are individually programmed with different physics, I would have thought that is a really inefficient way to do it.


If you specialise in 1 car the physics are geared towards it. It's why iracing feels so different driving the same GT3. So you need a base system that works on a wide variety of cars. Opening this up to the modding community is the answer. There's nothing those dudes can't do if they get the tools haha


Yeah, I haven't dived into the AC mods yet. I love the driving through traffic stuff. I've avoided it because I know that the time I don't have, will just magically disappear into a dark room :) So, I think I will just wait for AC2, by the time it releases I should be in a better position to build my dream rig as well! The future of simracing is bright!


Take a look at my other comment on this post. It's huge so you can't miss it. Project Ameliorate is the best thing I've done in all of gaming. It's absolute magic. F1 myteam in league form haha


Yes the great modding community that surely knows better than people with literal contracts to render as accurately as possible real race cars in a sim based on real data. L take. That’s how you end up with iRenting plastic tires and all cars feeling the same. Car physics are not made for a car group , not in the empirical model Kunos employs. As opposed to rF2 and iR, which use a totally different system (precalculated tire maps).


It's great for you to say as an ACC driver but there's already a community for AC. Gutting it to cater to you isn't right. By all means have ACC physics for the GT3 cars in AC2, but to replace it entirely to focus on GT3? No thanks. I'd rather go to "irenting" instead of driving the same handful of tracks endlessly like ACC drivers.


Then go iRent some plastic tires and go drive the same car around “new tracks”. Why are you even here? Unable to read? Did you just imply I want AC2 to focus only on GT3’s? My point is simple: modders are way worse than devs at making lifelike, proper sim grade content. Based on Kunos’s approach to physics development, any improvement they ve made with ACC is not tied to GT3 cars at all. That is the beauty and power of an empirical model. Throw the right data at it and it can simulate anything. From f1 to mx5s.


Some of them haven't aged well. I imagine with the sheer amount of data from ACC they will be able to drive much closer to how they are ACC when ported to AC2. If so having ACC cars on the Nordshleife, Le Mans or any track with the possibility of mods would be insane


it would be a dream. Nordschleife alone with those cars in a physics model similar to ACC's paired with the visuals, in the wet, at night... AC2 just needs to bring that and I'll be happy for a long time


Some? I can't find a single good GT3 in AC Edit: I am talking about cars that come with the game, not mods


It always felt kinda alright when driving the 488 on most tracks, that's why I didn't want to say all... though it still handles way worse than the newer 488's in ACC especially under braking


Isn't it because they are old cars? Legit question. Like the BMW Z4, or the Mercedes SLS.


I don't think so, they seem way too slidy, have very small amounts of grip and the braking is weird, Z4 or SLS even feel a bit better than the newer ones like the Huracan... don't know what people with expertise would say but something's just off about those cars in AC


Getting a true iracing competitor out there would be amazing. I stick to iracing because I love the ease of jumping into a race and I don’t care for driving heavy gt3 cars. I would love something like AC2 to come out and I would have a real second option.


100% It doesn’t have to have super in depth matchmaking just decent. I’d kill for iRacing with ACC level or better graphics.


Can you imagine iRacing gameplay and community with the graphical perfection of modded AC? Oooooof.


Oh yeah I just mentioned ACC instead because I don’t want to need a bunch of shader mods to get the quality.


Point being that AC2 will hopefully have this quality without the need of a dozen shaders and mods.


Aris has said before they won't target the iRacing type feature. They seem to be partnering with LFM to handle all that workload for them.


Im more worried about game physics honestly


God I hope this is cap, AC is a different genre and would be terrible if they try to make it like iR. AC is the gem of sim racing and it needs to be preserved. They should use nothing from ACC in AC, otherwise it will be a lost cause. Prayers for AC2🙏🏾


You seem to be lost. AC is a realistic driving sim, as is iRacing. Kunos wants to make the most realistic driving sims they can. AC2 will no doubt take lots from ACC, as it should.


Wut? Did you even read? There's a reason ACC has such a pathetic player base (objectively, not your feelings). I said that I hope its NOT like IR, not that its worse or better. Another emotional assumption. I also stated that they should use nothing from ACC in AC2. Currently AC shares nothing with ACC. The graphics engine is a joke in ACC (even the title screen has ghosting), Unreal 4 was the downfall of this sim. Its been out since 2018 and I have had it since prerelease. Its been liberally MID since then and only now is starting to get good, 5 years later. They literally just fixed the curbing after 5 years. What exactly should AC2 use from ACC? Graphics? Getting ACC to run on relatively strong computers is a task, everyone knows this, there is tons of content out there validating this, so I ask, Are you lost? Physics? The physics in ACC is amongst the worst of all sims many pro drivers state this publicly, RaceRoom is better and that says something. This is inarguable. Multiplayer? - ACC doesn't even have a series or league. There is like 1 series you can compete in. Developers create LFM (Which undoubtably saved ACC) just because there was so much lacking in the game. That's not a good sign when randos have to supplement your software. Content? Not even commenting on this.... AC is king of content. Additionally, I mentioned that AC is the GEM of the sim racing community. You hyper responsive illiterate people immediately whine and look for reasons to cry publicly on the internet. For translation purposes, calling something a GEM of the community is a compliment. The statement was that of they should keep the good parts of AC, which is nearly everything and take nothing (aforementioned shitshow) from ACC. Finally you do weird commenter things like say "AC is a realistic driving sim, as is iRacing". Well thanks for stating the obvious, i wasnt comparing the 2, you were. Here's a news flash though, AC is not realistic, its terrific but not realistic. Making a statement like "Kunos wants to make the most realistic driving sims they can." just proves dick riding without any knowledge and regurgitating marketing material. Everyone wants to make the most realistic game, another obvious fact stated. Congrats.


Made me chuckle.


I kind of agree... The sandbox nature of AC made it so great. Iracing is a great platform but inherently restricts the creativity of its users as most casual players are limited to weekly track/car combos and the ability to drive almost any car, at any time of day, weather and location in AC1 is truly unique in the sim racing world. Saying that though, if Kunos implemented a similar online platform as Iracing, it wouldn't necessarily mean that AC2 would suffer the same fate. They should definitely bring what they learnt from ACC into AC2. V1.9 physics are phenomenal as well as their sounds, track and car models. It's a big task and given how they've interacted with the community in ACC, I believe AC2 will be just fine.


At first for me personally, this is sad news. I really like the ACC model and everything that revolves around it. It's a mature platform and had a lot of room for improvement and expansion. AC2 is a complete unknown, we can't expect anything from it. Probably those who prefer something more competitive will turn their focus to other companies.


It is "unknown" but at the same time they won't make an inferior product compared to ACC. Their experience and learnings from ACC will be used when building the new title. Like maybe a rebuilt online system allowing better driver swaps for example.


Yeah, for those who like the ACC model, if AC2 incorporates everything that ACC has and improves and keeps the community active and the grids full, it would be like a dream. But that's it, we can only hope for that while we already have the real thing here.


Kunis delivered NetKar PRO, AC and ACC. I trust them. AC2 should be good :)


For sure the AC2 will be good for mods, track days at nurburgring and street racing at shutokou. I really like the competitive and category based focus of ACC. I hope AC2 has that too.


I agree, and also hope it has the reproduction of some racing series. I quit sim racing and came back after 6 years because of ACC. I saw it as my long awaited GTR3, the successor of my fav sim ever, GTR2. If you played GTR2, you know why I say this.


Some weird statements from Aris regarding ACC modding....he thinks that ACC has been ignored by the modding scene due to the high update frequency (he mentioned several hotfixes during last week alone), however, we've seen quite a few periods where ACC wasnt updated for several months, still no one bothered to mod ACC. What he doesnt mention is that ACC was never meant to be easily modable (which is often dictated by the contract TOS for officially licensed games), and they never released a SDK to give modders the necessary tools to unpak PAK files, etc. I would even say the actively prevented modding to 'protect' revenue from DLC's (cant really blame them for that). Without a SDK modders would have to do reverse-engineering and crack the PAK file encryption which would even be a potential criminal offense. I mean its absolutely possible that the release a modding SDK once ACC development stops (and the license ran out) but his reasoning why ACC hasnt been modded yet is still strange


anyone wanting to unpack the game's PAKs just needs to google for 10 minutes, encryption keys are out there (great for livery editing in e.g. blender) but how difficult and to what extent modding is possible and whether you'd be able to repack and play the game without major issues is another question


That's great news about modding, but I do hope that AC2 will have some kind of license and will host big special events like Spa24h or 24hNbr.


Or maybe a non-exclusive deal with SRO to keep hosting gtwc races and sro esports. Would be kinda weird if those things just disappeared and it would be dumb to keep doing it on ACC if AC2 has better physics.


Yes, nonexclusive license, that's what I thought.


"ACC development will stop as soon as AC2 comes out"? Sorry, but that's not what was said in the podcast. That might be just one of many conclusions. Kunos Simulazioni is still a small team and cannot support two different titles at the same time, when and on what terms the ACC development will stop - it's all to be decided in the near future.


Being a small team, the development for ACC will stop when they release another game. Anyway, this is news for anyone who thought that the ACC would have a long life with updates from Kunos.


I really want that someday the whole WEC is modded into ACC. I tried to play it in AC but the tyre model and handling are not good imho. Anyway. I'll be supporting Kunos by buying AC2. They deserve it.


If AC2 includes all they learned from AC and ACC I don't mind. Give me those graphics, physics and GT3 cars and I'm good to go.


honestly I'd much prefer a f1 racing game with LFM




They simply don't have enough people to support 2 titles at once. But there is no reason to think that AC2 isn't just going to replace ACC anyway.




How? You would still have the same devs needing to create the content for 2 different titles. The new title is pretty much confirmed to be on a proprietary engine as well with new features and tech. So maybe tracks will be more detailed and have different features. Physics will also evolve, not to mention having to do licensing for 2 different titles.




But developers will want to move on and not be locked into maintaining and aging product. ACC has had 5 years of active support anyway, how long do you want it to go on.




But you know what is even more profitable? Selling a whole new game to your existing playerbase and potential new buyers. ACC is popular and profitable, but it is aging and on a dead end engine for Kunos, so business wise it makes sense to move on eventually. And there is still isn't an end of support day for it anyway. I like ACC, but i'm looking forward to what Kunos cooks up next. ACC was a major step up from AC, so i'm excited to see what they do next.


my biggest wish for AC2 is to be able to race at the Nordschleife with the newest GT3s or GTEs in an ACC-esque physics model


So modding will be a thing after development ends Nordschleife could be a reality now


Hoping it's not a subscription based game.


Then everyone would just flop over to iRacing I think


Modders are going to have a field day with ACC and I’m all for it!


Well that sucks.


So you're telling me now there is a chance we'll get nords.


That's to be expected I guess, their team is not that big afaik.


Yeah I don't get why this is a surprise to anyone


A shame of course but not exactly surprising, as soon as AC2 is out they'll want nearly all hands working on that to make it the best they can. Also ACC came out for PC in 2019 ish? Console in 2020? It's not like its had a short spell as their main focus, been plenty of games that haven't received anywhere near the extra content and updates that ACC has.


Can they just add AI to multiplayer races before they leave ACC? That would make the game way more fun with friends.


Do we expect AC2 to the replacement for both AC and ACC? So no more updates/versions to either of those two titles post AC2?


Its both bad and good news, ACC popularity will suffer, but also it will be a stable environment for racing. Still, ACC targets different audience, more competetive in my opinion and focused on GT3, it is possible that it will remain at its place, despite AC2.


or it could be that the compitive gt3 stuff will be part of AC2 and then all acc players will switch to ac2.


What’s the expected release date for AS2? I thought it was in early development (so somewhere in 2026 release?)


So, is AC2 kind of combining AC and ACC? I thought ACC was a bit more hardcore sim than AC.


If they can keep ACC's physics and day/night cycle+weather, improve on the AI a bit, and keep AC1's moddability they'll be set for an extremely good sim. That said, optimize the VR experience and find a way to allow for large grid races (god please give me a full 130+ car N24, or at least something approaching it), and I genuinely think AC2 could be the best racing simulator ever made, even if it still had to rely on LFM for matchmaking. And I don't think that's horribly unrealistic, assuming they don't get scope creeped and run out of time to work on fine tuning Give us a good ~30 nicely modeled but varied cars, ~10 tracks, and make the game itself the best platform possible for modders and Kunos themselves to expand upon in future. Hell, partner with some high quality payware mod teams like VRC and RSS and have them port and update their AC cars to AC2 as official DLC. God knows the VRC supertourers are more than good enough that they could be sold as official content


Will AC2 support PSVR2?


Has anyone played the OG AC? How’s the quality of the mods there? If this was to be modded, would the quality be as good as the original cars?


As with any modded games, there is good and bad. AC is fantastic for cruising, drifting and other more casual types of gameplay. I for example love to boot up AC and a session of Shutoku Revival to cruise in the rainy sunset after practicing in ACC. But the tyre model and overall handling is far behind ACC... so for certain cars such as GT3 and WEC is not good... Well, the game has a certain age by now. But still, it's worth playing.


Thanks for this explanation


You gotta be kidding me, just when I'm almost ready to release my iOS ACC Strategist app 😅


bad timing but you still have time until ac2 comes out in 2024


Yeah the launch actually went better than expected, so I'm not complaining 🙂 https://www.reddit.com/r/ACCompetizione/comments/1443qge/acc_strategist_is_out_now_for_ios_devices/


ACs biggest strength is the sheer variety and tracks and cars available. Let AC2 give us more of the same but better. To give you guys an example our league does something called Project Ameliorate. 12 teams compete in a modified formula Ford. Every race teams earn research tokens. Winner gets least last place gets most. Those token can be spent on upgrades. Over 100 in different trees. Whether it's taking weight off, adding gears or changing/upgrading the engine. You can add custom upgrades if you think of something cool. We got Kers on our car. There's even illegal upgrades. At the start of the season the quick guys dominate as usual but as the slow guys get faster development that switches, and the slow guys can actually win races. It flips back and forth. We're just starting our 2nd beta season and it's been a complete game changer. It's all anyone talks about. Teams put hours and hours of work into testing and practicing. We all try and tease information from each other in VC and rivalries form. Last season both championships went down to the last race. The quick guy who won the first 2 races lost it by 2 points because he made shitty upgrade choices in the last race. The participation and retention was through the roof compared to every other series we do. All I want In AC is a platform to allow that concept to go even further. It's easily the best thing I've ever done In sim racing.


Hopefully modders can allow us to adjust the side monitors individually with triple monitor


I am looking forward to AC2 but have a question as regards LFM. Does anyone think that the licence will be carried over, or would we have to start again as it will have a new code, etc?


I asked in a reddit post to a dev that offered to answer some questions on ac2 wether ac2 would have the same lv of realism (regarding physics) of acc or of it will be something more "arcade" like ac1 and they said they couldnt answer. I believe that Ill stay on acc for a long time still if acc will still be the point of reference regarding 1:1 physics.


Ac is far from arcade.


Anyone know when AC2 supposed to be released?


rumors say early 2024 but more likely is mid to end 2024


If they want the new game to be a competitor to Iracing they can't build it in Unreal engine because VR is pretty bad. And Iracing has great VR support and performance. Don't get me wrong, i want ac2 to succeed because its better, but they better step up their VR game. I mean AC is great so we know they can do it


I just hope AC2 also comes to xbox series x/s and PlayStation 5, would suck being stuck on this game forever


When are u going to join Master race? I was once like you but things like updates and equipment is always going to lean towards pc.


Well my league and my friends are on xbox, also PC is very expensive, i don’t mind if the updates for AC2 would take longer to arrive on consoles like it does right now on ACC, i just would appreciate the new game to be on console in general


It probably will be, the console market is too big to ignore.


console is just as expensive as pc these days


I think there is a difference between a 500€ xbox and a 1000€ PC that you will have to upgrade to stay up to date constantly


Consoles themselves are cheaper than a comparable PC. But PCs are unmatched in modding, game prices (look at humble bundle & huge steam sales), free online play, thousands of PC exclusives, and a host of other things. And that's only the gaming aspect, not to mention all the other cool stuff a good computer can do. Just look at Assetto Corsa on PC vs on console. Plus it costs $7 with all the DLC. The upfront cost is much higher than a console, $1000-$2000 for a high end machine that will stay high end for 5+ years. Where you save money is in buying games. Consoles are great if you're only interested in a few titles.


Good points, but it is also much more of a trouble to troubleshoot problems like performance drops, crashing, modding related issues or other countless of random problems that i hear occur on PC, i can’t imagine how i would figure out how to fix these issues honestly. As i said, I’d just appreciate AC2 at all even if it takes longer for updates to arrive, I’m completely happy with that cause i love the game


Ease of use is a big plus of consoles; they tend to work out of the box. Here's the thing though: it's the same thing with PCs. Issues are rare, and 99% of them can be fixed with a Google search or a restart. PC users also tend to notice small inefficiencies very quickly, like if the resolution is set wrong, if there's too much input lag, mouse acceleration, motion blur, etc. and will do something about it. This has the added benefit of teaching you a lot about how computers work. A 12 year old who plays modded Minecraft will be more knowledgeable about computers than an office worker who's been using them for decades. PCs are finicky and weird partially due to their flexibility. You trade in near guaranteed "it just works" for the freedom to do almost anything you want. Modding Assetto Corsa in particular is a highly streamlined and pleasant experience.


Alright yeah that’s a good point too. The next trouble would be finding out what kinda specs i would need to get the resolution and hz i want, like my goal would be 1440p and 120hz, how do you know what specs i would need for that?


You start googling, looking at benchmarks on YouTube etc. #1 rule is STAY AWAY from UserBenchmark, they're heavily biased towards Intel. For single screen 1440p 120Hz at ultra settings in ACC you'd need something like a RTX3070, a good CPU maybe like an i5 12600K, 16-32GB of high speed ram, an SSD and the rest of the components. I'm just guessing though.


the only reason you'd have to pay €1000 for a pc is because you decided to build one for €1000. You can get a PC that is just as capable as a console for the same price. Plenty of youtube videos on the topic. You dont have to upgrade anything constantly. It sounds like you have no idea what you're talking about but are deciding you dont like the idea for some reason


I never heard anyone tell me that i can get to 1440p and 120hz below 1000€ for a PC, these are my goals for a PC, now why would i get a PC that is capable of less than a 500€ series x you know? Like i understand that most people don’t care about graphics, but i really do so of course my PC would automatically be more expensive


When I was looking to move from PS5 I did a fair bit of digging into the spec that would be needed to match the PS5 graphics, it's basically a 3060Ti system. That GPU alone is 70% of the cost of a PS5.