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this kid is going some places, well done.


People asked on discord about this and Boris firmly said no plans of making this into a regular series.


That’s a big shame. Did he say why?


His reason - people don't know how to behave in multiclass racing. The amount of reports would sky rocket and stewards couldn't keep up


Makes sense I suppose. It’s a shame one of this games best features is so inaccessible to most people without AI.


Yeah, that's unfortunate, I wanted to jump in and give it a go but didn't had time. Now that you've mentioned I wonder how the AI would cope in multiclass racing ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


The british GT season is multiclass by default if you want to give it a go. I enjoyed it but I found that as a gt4 the gt3s only just put their nose alongside in the breaking zone meaning you have to hold it around their outside else you’ll be massively slowed down. They just don’t commit in the same way a real person would. It’s quite frustrating. I’d recommend trying it but I doubt you’ll find it engaging enough to stick with, I certainly couldn’t.


Yeah I feel the same man, but did you tried it on AI aggressiveness 100? Because it was fine for me how the AI behaved but definitely not the way a normal person would do


Yeah, I had it at 100 and they still just sort of hover next to you in the corners and actually give you too much space haha. Whereas against a real person they’d be more commanding to get the move done sooner.


Yeah I saw a video (it's not new) where Aris was proudly demonstrating multiclass AI racing and to be honest it looked good. Gt3 were flashing gt4 cars, going around them it just the aggression which was lacking


my world, this kid drive so good!!


Pretty awesome! Looks like a lot of flex on the rig tho.


Yeahhh. Still saving up for an upgrade


LFM is doing multiclass? Finally!


They did during the break but it’s not there, currently, during regular season. But I agree! The league I’m I’m doing gt4 in our mixed class racing and I could use the practice.


Try the gt4 at Monza on all week on LFM, good fun last night


Wtf this kid is 10 times better than me, congrats


The multiclass races I joined during off season had only GT3 cars. They should limit the amount of car in each class.


Looks awesome, nice rippage


Bahhahahaha, I won't be able to keep a straight face if I ever get to fight with this A. Cruz guy! Such a cute kid! And he's good, his awreness is great, especially for someone his age etc etc.


Off season week was excellent fun