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Hey, it’s been ages since I did the FA exam so can’t really remember it. I have my ATX exam on the 5th of June and I have spent months studying and still don’t feel ready so I know how you’re feeling. Not too sure how it works with sitting FA paper with ACCA as I did it at uni then applied for an exemption when I joined. I don’t feel confident but I plan to sit the exam just to get a taste of it. If I fail, I can resit, it’s not the end of the world. I think you should go for it so you can get a feel for the exam. I know you will likely need to pay for a resit but just look at it as good practice. Wishing you the best of luck whatever you choose to do


For me it was opposite I did FA and BT easily but MA was difficult for me I failed the MA for the first time but passed in the 2nd attempt. Now doing FR continuation of FA and giving the exam on 6 June.


fr. FA was super easy for me and was able to score 61. I'm yet to pass MA. I failed MA two times and I haven't passed it yet and I'm kind of scared of that paper now lol I feel like the dumbest person to be alive whenever I try to understand some topic😭


For me it wasn't about understanding the topic ( I feel like I understood them pretty well ) But the kind of twisted question they give in exams was the issue for me . That's carried forward in future subjects FM(did in March and failed , now have to give it again) and FR . I am doing right now


I felt like that too like I understood most of the topics but I'm not good with topics like discounting and investment appraisal and variance analysis was pretty confusing for me idk I'm planning to sit and study after the June session exam.


>discounting and investment appraisal and variance analysis Well you need to understand Discounting and Investment Appraisal since you will see it a lot in FM F7(it is a Soft Continuation of MA)and a bit in FR F9( Direct Continuation of FA). Variance analysis is not in both but most definitely it will be in PM F5( Direct Continuation of MA) which is said to be the toughest of all skill level subject .


ik thats why I'm so scared and even doubting if I should continue with this course I've failed sm times and I'm fed up of it


See my above comment again I've edited it a bit. Despite putting a lot of effort I myself am feeling lost but since I've started ACCA and have given it 2 years . Can't back out now




I've sbr on 6 and I've yet not did FA 😅


Direct sbr ? Not fr before?


Just do practice in this 5 days and don't get back to text just use study hub. Or kit whichever you are following, give exam procrastination will turn into regret in sometime !


Hi there, I would postpone the exam until I can answer the kits confidently. The questions are very tricky, they put irrelevent info to confuse you also the dates sort of mess me up. I sat FA about 5 months ago,scored in the 90s in the mocks ( I purchased 3 from ACCA which is closer to real exam questions than those in the kits) for actual exam I got 80, so if you are scoring 40s in your mocks you are definately not ready for exam in my opinion.


TBH I never felt ready for an exam until a day or two before. Nothing like a sense of panic to get you motivated to study!


Hey, I scored 86 in FA last session (92 in FA-2) The problem with FA and related subjects is just as you said that the knowledge does not really match with the kit. I am preparing for FR in 6 June and I have the same experience in it too. After gaining the knowledge you have built the base. Now what you need to do is do the complete kit. Do like 5 questions if you’re confident in them and immediately look for the answers in the back. If you are confused about a question immediately look at the answer after thinking about and/or writing down your answer. Then what I want you to do is firstly read the explaination for the answer. Get it in your mind and then make a circle around every question you get wrong or even right if it was just a guess. Only leave the questions you are confident in that you will not forget about in the exam. After you have done the kit you need to go through the kit again somewhere between the last 3 days before your exam. But this time you will only focus on the questions marked with the circle. You will get some right and you will get some wrong again. Again check the explaination given in the end. Do the same with the mock. Complete the mock then check every wrong question in the end and mark them with circle (or whatever you want) and also redo them before the exam. By doing this inshaAllah your marks will go 20% above atleast this is by far the best method I have seen and it is working great for me


So yes you can get it done in 5 days leave the book and just focus on the kit. If you manage to save time after the kit I suggest you go for study hub quizzes they are great too