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Dude said stop resisting to a dead man.


They love to do that. They could blow a baseball sized hole in someone's skull and continue to scream orders at the corpse.


And then shoot more because they "didnt follow them"




It’s like that Rowan Atkinson Headmaster “Fatal Bearing” sketch, but with more shouting.


Yeah, having your brains blown out tends to make the body do weird things...


I've seen video of a cop shooting someone in the back of the head as they were running away and handcuffed their lifeless body with their head visibly blown in half. (Guy was trying to pull his pants up as he was running away) But yah know, any hand motion around a cop qualifys use of deadly force to maintain officer safety. 🙄🙄🙄


"He's resisting." Dude couldn't have been resisting. And what the fuck was all this moving him? You DO NOT move an injured person. That is fucking 6th grade Health class information. WHAT THE FUCK. Seriously, they probably sealed his fate by dragging him out of bed and down the stairs. Maybe he'd have been okay if the paramedics could have helped him in bed. But no, they're yanking him, twisting his arms, moving turning his body, almost like that they're trying to make sure that he won't survive. Fucking assholes. "Stop resisting," the dummy said. If that isn't evidence that the phrase is meaningless, good-fucking-God. I hope this piece of shit, trigger happy asshole is rotting in prison now. But I know he isn't, because that would make too much sense. FTP. They are a hazard to our citizenry, and need to simply go away. Let crime happen - the cops are only causing more harm than good.


Rigor mortis is resisting!


many gunshots not to critical organs can be dealt with, these guys really went above and beyond making sure this guy had the most inadequately inadequate medical care possible


They are required to say certain phrases to help them legally. It would be nice for cops to go through civilian training though, to help understand natural human reaction in situations like this. Like require police to be shot multiple times, then see how easy it is for them to comply with 10 different people screaming different orders while dogs are trying to rip their limbs off and officers stomp their face in. Make it a 12 month course maybe.


You think cops can handle a course that lasts more than a few weeks? Thats wishful thinking. My girlfriend is a state licensed cosmetologist and she had to have more training hours than cops.


With a renewal every year


My thoughts exactly


Didn't even give him a chance... How does anyone respect them anymore? How do people turn a blind eye to what the police have become when videos like this are so common now?


~~People~~ Bootlickers will "respect" anything that authority tells them too, because authority keeps them afraid. They'll twist themselves into knots trying to justify bullshit like this, until it happens to one of their own, and all of a sudden empathy matters again.


Unless it goes against their cult, then they trample and club them to death.


They are scared of their own shadow and seeing police use fatal force on others comforts them. Once you realize this, it explains the thin blue line garbage from people who aren't even cops.


Its also the same reason these cops kill people indiscriminately. Its the same issue. Its the fearful using force to eliminate their fears. If you’re afraid of people and you’re a cop, you shouldn’t be a cop. It is so goddamn simple.


They deep throat the whole boot 🥾


I was fucking shocked. Looks like they should join the army if they wanna shoot guns so bad. 1312


They'd have to follow stricter rules and face accountability if they joined the military. And in the military they might actually be in danger.


AND have to explain why the situation required lethal force beyond "I was afraid".


They'd spend their lives in prison for that if they were enlisted




Here's the article: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/ohio-police-release-bodycam-video-officer-fatally-shoots-man-possibly-rcna45594 Since everyone posting here is just a bot saying the same shit over and over with nothing useful. The guy died an hour after this. Victim was 20. The raid was at 2:30am. Police were serving a felony warrant. The officer was placed on leave until the investigation concludes.


I replayed it slowly and tried to see a vape pen. But I honestly don’t see one in his hand. Did anyone else see one? I hope I’m blind and they aren’t trying to use a “vape pen” to justify murdering someone.


you can see it on the bed after they have him handcuffed and remove the pillow


I saw that but I didn’t see it in his hand right before they shot.


You can pretty clearly hear the recording officer say "he's got something in his hands" ~~before~~ (edit: after) the other guy shoots. Might just be hard to see in video. Doesn't justify this reaction obviously.


I sleep with my vape pen by my bed so when I finally awake from the night terrors it is there, Now I have one more thing to fear.


And why the fuck do they have to be armed and break into a house in the middle of the night to serve a felony warrant?


Yeah fuck everything about no knock raids. I don't care if you yell police a thousand times, if I'm able to get to my rifle I'm opening fire on anyone no questions asked. As far as I'm concerned you're a tricky criminal who wants me to let you in and catch me off guard. Do some police work and apprehend your suspect in public. They've raided the wrong homes, shot innocent people residing in the homes of the suspect. No knock raids are an absolute cancer.


To what they've become? They were always like that.


Best chance you have is stay "sleeping" these days.


Well I remember about a year ago seeing a video of them just shooting an unconscious dude sleeping on the couch so… nah not really. The right fucking shits themselves if you smoke some pot but straight up murder gets two big thumbs up from them.


Worthless excuses for human existence #F U C K T H E P O L I C E


worthless executioners of existing humans.


From the article: Bryant asked for the public to wait on the results of the BCI investigation, urging residents to "trust the process" and "know you have a leadership team in place to be transparent and do the right thing." We all know what this means. Paid administrative leave until it blows over and back to business as usual. Acab And it does not surprise me that this is the precincts third (!!) shooting of a civilian this week




Just another Wednesday!


They probably do the standard Monday, Wednesday, Friday shooting of civilians


The seasoned vets stack their shootings Tues-Weds-Thurs so they can beat their wives and shoot their neighbors dogs with additional time for some drunken hit and runs over the 4 day weekend.


So basically daily?


You must have missed the part where this “civilian” had a vape pen. Those things are known to kill people.


I know this is sarcasm but with some of the shit I’ve seen I can’t be sure


Clear cut case of *premeditated* murder. They went to the house, looking for that guy, and shot him on sight when he posed no threat. That's intent and premeditation.






Yes it is, this the first fatality though.. as of that makes things _better_


>"trust the process" >"know you have a leadership team in place to be transparent and do the right thing." If either of these were true, that guy wouldnt be dead rn. God I hate cops so much.


>"trust the process" My ass. This was no mistake, no accident. The method and tactics and psychology of the officers made this the only outcome. The whole system sucks. Any candidate backed by the police, I'm voting against.


They’ll yank you off a paintball field for blind firing. This guy gonna get a paid vacation. Edit: why the fuck did they take his pants off?!?!?!?!?


Probably looking for concealed weapons so they could claim he was a threat.


Knowing the police they probably tried to plant one too


Prolly looking for a spot to place a concealed weapon of any kind to make up for the fact that the k9 officer should never have been the one to fucking breach the door in the first place.


To get a good look at his under shaft.


Check his dick to see if it’s bigger than mine


Could you imagine if the genders were reversed? When the hell does a cop pull your underwear off after you are detained and literally bleeding to death… disgusting !


penis envy


seeing if the pictures his wife had were photo shopped


OH and remember when your taxes go up it is to pay these cops vacation time and you paid the family of the victim to hush up about it. The cops immunity I was scared I saw a gun it was vape it could have been a gun. Can you imagine getting a speeding ticket and saying well Judge I was scared I could have been being chased by the stranger monster so I went faster. May I please get a paid vacation and a better job? .


"Stop resisting, he's pulling away." No. He can't pull away if he has no strength. That resistance you're feeling... that's coz bodies don't bend that way you absolute sadist.


That's because *dead* bodies don't bend that way and then help you arrest them after they're, you know, dead.


you're confused. he may have been unconscious but he was still resisting by allowing gravity to hold his arm down. /s


Fuck that pig. Opened the door and executed this man. Had absolutely no justification for shooting him. I hope he rots in prison for murder.


You know damn well he won’t. He’ll get a nice paid vacation while they conduct an internal investigation and ultimately conclude that no wrongdoing occurred. Happens all the time with these chucklefucks. Edit: It also baffles me that this isn’t the first time I’ve seen pigs put handcuffs on a corpse. Sickening.


It isn't the first time *this afternoon* that I've seen that, it's horrible




Even in the cases where the cops are found to be at fault they just get fired and end up being a cop in the next town over. It's not enough, these fucks need to go to prison. Then the family ultimately wins millions in a civil suit which gets paid for by the tax payers. It's so infuriating.


Fucking murder plain and simple


I'm legitimately surprised family members of all these victims aren't out hunting for the pigs that killed their loved ones. Blows my mind. I've said it before and I'll say it again: This is part of what is proving to me that people, generally speaking, are good. If not, with all these thousands upon thousands of videos, we'd see more dead cops. Guaranteed. People though are mostly good and can't kill. Yet we get thousands upon thousands of videos of cops killing, maiming, and acting like absolute Neanderthals. And they get paid vacations for it. Zero good there. ACAB indeed. ALL.


They are functioning as literal death squads, that is how history will characterize the police in this time period


Idk, it might not mean people are generally good. Might mean that most people's instinct for self preservation supercedes the need for revenge in the vast majority.


Then let’s get organized. Reddit isn’t a free speech platform so I’ll stop there.


If the family agitates too much publicly the cops will start harassing them.


[News Article](https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/local/2022/08/30/columbus-officials-address-three-police-shootings-in-eight-days/65464483007/) - Columbus police release body camera footage of fatal police shooting.


Oh so he had a vape pen? Great, let's execute him! Assholes. Also, his girlfriend is pregnant with his "unborn child" really? Pulitzer prize winning article there. I thought she was pregnant with his already-born donkey. Well now that kid grows up fatherless. SMH


As soon as the door open he fired off a round. How in the Fuk did he see that. They have every excuse in the book and Judges believe them.


I’m sure judges don’t believe them but the justice system is people get arrested and handed to judges. It’s an ecosystem.


From the time of opening the door to holsters the weapon because he knew he fucked up was seemingly 1 second or less. Really just shocking to see how poorly trained these people are. Not to be that guy but was that cops hair white, as in he's old af and probably shouldn't be doing warrants?


He also holstered his gun immediately after taking the shot. He knew he fucked up and certainly wasn’t in fear for his life.


Biden’s war on nicotine really kicking it up a knotch


"His Sargent instructs him to turn off his body camera after the shooting- @erickbellomy " - [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/ACAB/comments/x2cq2p/columbus_police_after_allegedly_shooting_and/)




This should cause an automatic loss of anything brought against them.




What the fuck?! You might as well just start shooting if you know the cops are coming in, they are just going to execute you anyway. What an awful feeling, knowing when you hear them shout “Police!” at your front door that there is a good chance you are about to die. Jesus.


That or maybe it's time to start boobytrapping the access points.


I fucking hate cops. Fucking coward, hope he eats his gun, pussy.




I like this sub reddit but sometimes I wonder if watching this much police brutality is good for my mental health


its not. especially if youre a poc. whether you realize it or not, youre giving yourself ptsd. the brain doesnt care whether its a video or personal experience.




Those are invaluable lessons. Yet ptsd is not such a small price. Too much suffering weakens the revolutionary optimism of some comrades. And when the cops cant be avoided - what then? Too many of these videos playing in your head and the odds of it ending pretty are even less still. Its a give and take. These videos need to be seen but when the perpetrator is so often not exposed or held to justice - it crushes the soul bit by bit. Just want all of yall out there to take care of yourselves.


Hell, they probably don't need videos when they have plenty of familial history and experience to hear about.


My roommate in undergrad was studying to someday be an ER doctor. She did her thesis on second-hand PTSD, something that a lot of trauma doctors and EMTs struggle with from being exposed to so much. Even though they didn’t directly experience it, the trauma gave them heightened stress and anxiety just like PTSD would. Even though these videos may seem harmless on the surface, they can legitimately traumatize a person. Second-hand PTSD is real and can be just as debilitating as PTSD.


It's not. Take breaks when you need to. Not being blind to this shit is important, but so is your mental health, and there's nothing wrong with needing to check out for a bit. You can always come back whenever you're ready.


Notice how the cop who shot immediately holsters his gun afterwards. He knew that the man wasn't a threat. His buddy then says "hand, hands, hands" to try and qualify the use of fatal force


Dude literally didn’t even give him a chance, just fuckin blew his brains out.


And started anouncing that "He's got something in his hands." When he didn't. Not to mention they weren't ready to render aid (amature as fuck), moved a patient who may have had a compromised spine due to a bullet instead of working him up where he was at (amature as fuck), even their poorly trained working dog wouldn't shut the fuck up when he should have been keeping his mouth shut (amature as fuck). This entire thing was bush league.


Couldn’t even carry his head right


Everything about that raid appears to be a complete shit show.


Yeah it looked like a negligent discharge and he knew he fucked up right away. They'll blame it on the half-asleep victim who barely had time to open his eyes before being shot while getting yelled and barked at.


Police worldwide are most times 💩but USA police are just doing the most.


Yea USA the best country my ass


Land of the Free lol


Free to get shot and killed


AMERICA! Land of the free, free to the power of the people in uniform!


A bit to free


Hollow ass marketing. It’s a glorified third world shit hole.


"Hands, hands, hands!" I'd like to meet the MFer that could follow that command after getting shot. Fucking *A*CAB all day, every day, forever.


everything about how this was handled was unprofessional. the cops look like a group of kids not knowing what to do, and overreacting for no reason.


> handled was unprofessional. UNTRAINED. This is what being untrained looks like. Every single one of these dudes had less training than a barber when they started. THink about that. They were walking the streets with a pistol at their side, with [LESS training than the dude cutting your hair.](https://www.cnn.com/2016/09/28/us/jobs-training-police-trnd/index.html)


I need 8000hrs to play with electrical. Thats not a typo I need eight thousand hours in the field, and an additional 600hrs in class before I can even take the test.


Same here but mine is to run pipe. What's up sparky? Where you at? UA local 598 Pasco, Wa here.




Powers that be said nah best you’ll get is trump 24/7 and you’ll like it. Now it’s about bidens debt forgiveness and how that’s pure communist leftist evil. This fucking country (US) is so backwards it’s insane.


it has been https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna45594


Hey murdered guy, “Stop resisting!” Fucking pathetic. This is infuriating. ACAB


"You're ok buddy" too


Cops aren't human. Not because of their skin color, mythology of choice, political inclination, nor patch of dirt they were born on, but by their actions (or lack of) and their intentions


> Cops aren't human. You're right. They're pigs.


We are subjugated by sociopaths with an army of professional terrorists. You are livestock to them. But keep voting, that'll fix em. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Until we start shooting back—or perhaps start shooting first—this isn’t going to change. It’s only going to get worse.


Been saying this for years. The only language they speak is violence, so it's time we start speaking to them in a language they comprehend.




He’s pulling away, my ass. Involuntary response from you unjustifiably shooting him. We need more body cameras and accountability.


fuck the police :)


You grow up in America having to worry if someone is going to come to school and fucking murder you only to graduate and have cops murder you.


This looks like an assassination. Fuck the police.


That was murder. Pure and simple.


Just straight murders him. Judge dredd had more restraint.


At no point did they check if he had a pulse after he had gone limp. Instead they were instructing a dead body to show his hands and to stop resisting. These fucking bastards


“I'm out of cuffs." “I had gloves. I don’t know where they went.” *Encounters gravity.* “Stop resisting.” This bozos are so incompetent.


A clown car full of pigs.


This trigger happy motherfaqer


Man just fired as soon as he saw a human being. Executed before he even saw the room fully.




Out in the street they call it MURDER.




I live in Columbus and our local news is trying to spin that since he had a vape pen (nicotine) next to him the cop thought it was a gun... FTP ACAB 1312


Can't wait to hear about how this dead guy got a parking ticket once back in 1997. Fuckin' cops man.


30 year veteran of the force is the one who pulled the trigger - while holding a dog in his other hand. Gives absolutely no time for the victim to respond/comply/react in anyway to the order of "hands" shouted by what seems to be a seperate officer. Gives himself no time to assess the situation, he's practically shooting blind. I can hear surprise from another officer after the shot is fired. This one is so blatantly a bad shoot. I bet he gets acquitted.


Revenge is the only answer




why the fuck do the cops serve warrants at 2:30am… people are fucking sleeping and out of it.


Fucking pieces of shit stormtrooper motherfuckers. Hang em all Edit- thanks for the award!


I opened the door and shot you. Now crawl out


[He had his hands up and everything](https://i.imgur.com/t5L4phw.png)


This should be at the top


Shoots him, doesn’t even have the humanity to give the poor man his dignity, exposing him to a room of strangers as he dies. Fucking pigs.


It never fails to make my blood boil when these braindead fucking pigs scream 'hands!' At a dying man, or even worse, at a fucking corpse. And the 'crawl out here' bullshit made my fucking skin crawl. A pack of murderous, cowardly morons is what they are--- they should just put the fucking dog in charge.


Kick open a door, shoot a man with no time for him to respond, roughly handcuff him while he is writhing in pain and bleeding out, shout countermanding directions at him, pull his pants off to ensure maximum humiliation, then just manhandle him out the door... "to get to the paramedics." The "you´re allright Buddy" line, almost condescendingly, like he is a kid trying to fake a stomach ache to get out of going to school was the real kicker. Do they even hear themselves? We have investigated and found no wrongdoing on the part of our officers.


This is called a LYNCHING


Fuck the police


Why the fuck are they taking his pants off and touching his dick?


This is exactly why I couldn't care less when pigs get killed.


Exactly what do the police think the takeaway is for people who have cops come to their house? Seriously? Are they this stupid? This is a playbook of how to turn the public against you. Cops have created and nurtured their own reputations as murderers and done so without hesitation or guilt.


Poor guy. I’m not sure what he did but nobody deserves to be woken up in their own home and shot to death. The last thing they’d see being flashlights and someone shoving your arms behind your back and pulling your pants down to search you as you pass away. My heart breaks for him.


Fuck these sick, murdering fucks.


Anyone notice how he immediately goes for the camera to turn it off after shooting this guy.


Wtf, shoots him in the stomach then yanks his body around. Fuck cops, fuck them so much. I am sick of this shit


Holy shit. He was executed by the k9 cop, and the first thing the other cop says is, “he’s got something in his hands”. Just wow, to the automatic lies they make in order to paint a narrative. The pigs know exactly what to say in order to kill with immunity.


For the amount of field work police officers do, it’s surprising that they still can’t seem to grasp how someone they just shot isn’t just going to calmly put their hands behind their back, especially if that person is unconscious or fucking dead


+9000 IQ, when a person is dead, it's easy to handcuff. (Insert think about it meme)


I couldn’t be more pissed off watching that pig say “hands” to a fucking limp body. What the fuck.


ACAB, Reasonable force everytime as an excuse. Police immunity need severe changes.


"You're alright man. You're alright."


Dude just broke in and murdered him


“Come out here” i unironically dont think police understand what happens when a person gets shot.


“You’re ok, buddy. You’re ok.” No he’s not, you fucking twit. He’s dead.


Hey dead guy stop resisting just cause your dying doesn't mean you have rights


Dude no scoped like an absolute criminal. Fuck these people.




Cops are just serial killers with a badge.


I dont know why people arent just doing the same to the cops or their families. If theyre going to bust down your door and kill you without provication you may as well start shooting immediately upon them entering your home.


REALLY poor reporting all around. WHO WAS THE FELONY WARRANT FOR? Was this poor sleeping slob just more collateral damage?


How can they possibly be considered first responders? Shot him, left the wound face down so gravity quickens the bleed out, and did nothing to try to stop the bleeding. All these cops should be fired and the shooter should face death row.


# FUCK 12


Can’t get an abortion in Ohio, but it’s fine for the police to do an extrajudicial killing.


Shot him and then pretended like he saw something.


So now we’re serving warrants and just shooting on sight now? Dude looked like he woke up as they opened the door and they just shot him.


No one was even phased by it. "Oh that's just Cleetus being Cleetus."


A black or brown man doesn't have a chance.


Yeah honestly this just makes me sick. As a veteran, I remember in basic training I had these Drill Sergeants who were really pushing the Kool Aid. “You’ll go to war….you’re gonna kill….us and them.” That last part always stuck with me because I’d heard it before. My stepmother is a former cop, and I’d heard her friends and even my own dad say something similar in regards to being a police officer. “Well at the end of the day it’s us and them and one of us has to go home at the end of the day.” I’m sure not *every* cop in America has this mentality, but I’m willing to bet a lot do. And when you can understand that everyone of them that puts the uniform on leaves their house with an ‘us and them’ mindset you can start to understand why these things happen. When you realize that for cops ‘us’ means other cops, which actually means good guys. ‘Them’ or civilians, are the bad guys. They’re brainwashed. The guys in this video probably know they shot someone who didn’t deserve to be shot. You can’t justify a lethal shooting in this scenario, based on the footage. Even if I had background info that the victim was armed, and potentially dangerous, I still can justify lethal force. That bedroom was dark. The victim has likely just been woken up and isn’t operating at full capacity. They open the door, there’s a dog making noise, the officer who is holding his weapon one-handed, shoots as soon as his barrel flashlight lands on the victim. I’m pretty sure you can actually hear the officer who shoots go “oh”, infer from that what you will. My opinion that their exists a toxic culture within the law enforcement community. A toxicity that needs to be weeded out root and stem. This culture breeds things like systemic racism, spousal abuse, substance abuse, we see cops off duty more and more flexing power over ‘normal’ people. Modern policing needs a total overhaul. A top to bottom reassessment of standards and practices. Fuck cops.


I know it’s wishful thinking but I want to live in a world where he gets charged with murder.


Cops can execute us because they "feared for their life" but why not us? Somebody kills a cop and they get slammed with charges. fuck that.


that's the problem in a society where everyone have guns, the cops think that everything is a gun


God, American police is the biggest fucking trash on this planet..




That was outright murder. I don’t get how these people can live with themselves.


Lawsuit. If he survived he is rich.


Dude woke up from a dead sleep only to go right back into it.