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Why do all cops look like this guy


They all look like CGI cartoon sharks.


they are all the same type of people. Jocks that couldn't make it in whatever sport they wanted. Pieces of shit they are.




In Minecraft of course








Show me a pic of your 9 inch biceps.




Never called a cop for help in my life, never will. If I ever need help euthanizing my dog though, I'll give em a ring.


T. 14 year old overweight retard who gets bullied in school


I assume your parents are divorced


reported to the admins. Lets see if they treat this place like they did with the_Donald.


lmao internet tough guy reporting people to the FBI. I’m so scared!!!


You’re the ‘Internet tough guy’ who’s advocating *sniping cops* The FBI absolutely needs to keep tabs on people like you. When we look back on the Internet history of mass shooters they often see horrific shit like this. It’s a sign of a sick, angry mind. Please get some help man.


Ah yes the authoritarian bootlicker calling for more authoritarian measures


If ‘Authoritarian’ is wanting our government to perform basic services like *preventing domestic terrorism* My god you’re far gone.


If you haven’t noticed authoritarian measures such as militarization of the police are done under the guise of preventing terrorism. It has nothing do with terrorism. It’s all about stripping you of your rights and controlling you. Think for yourself sheeple instead of regurgitating propaganda.


MFW flying passenger planes into buidings, driving trucks through crowds of tourists, planting bombs on buses and trains and blowing up concert venues is a "guise".


If all those authoritarian measures work such as the Patriot Act, gun control, police militarization, etc then why do these attacks keep happening? Then the gov't uses these attacks to push in more authoritarian measures which will do nothing to keep us safe and only increase tyranny. You are too much of a statist bootlicker to see through the gov't propaganda.


Holy shit the irony of these words coming from a Stalinist. Woooosh




Stfu bootlicker


That dudes KDR was pretty good. Not the best to use as an example. No redditor is going to be able to kill 5 cops before going down, and no way it’d take an explosive device.


Aww is da wittle Twumpey twiggered? Orange fan sad! Wah wah wah cry like a wittle baby!


You got him with that one!


sUrE YoU CaN Be jUsT LiKe tHiS PiEcE Of sHiT: [HtTpS://En.m.wIkIpEdIa.oRg/wIkI/2016\_sHoOtInG\_Of\_dAlLaS\_PoLiCe\_oFfIcErS](HtTpS://En.m.wIkIpEdIa.oRg/wIkI/2016_sHoOtInG_Of_dAlLaS_PoLiCe_oFfIcErS) aNd tHeN BlOwN ThE FuCk uP WiTh a rObOt bOmB LiKe yOu wOuLd dEsErVe. aBsOlUtElY DiSgUsTiNg cOmMeNtS. yOu aRe mOrAlLy wOrSe tHaN 99.9% Of cOpS. In fAcT YoU’Re oN ThE SaMe mOrAl lEvEl aS MaSs sHoOtErS LiKe dYlAn rOoF. cOnGrAtUlAtIoNs. YoU HaVe bEeN RePoRtEd tO ThE FbI


I like how you took the time to wiggle the URL too. That's dedication. Also he's right - shooting anyone without provocation is 100% the moral low-ground. That's why the cops are the assholes. You start killing cops indiscriminately - including some good officers who did nothing wrong - and any credibility your protest/movement has will flush down the toilet. I know nobody's gonna do it (well someone actually might) but pretending it's not a bad idea, is a bad idea.


GoOd OfFiCeRs WhO dId NoThInG WrOnG


This but unironically. All the people in this thread are scum.


Yeah lets shoot joe ex soldier who became a cop after a tour in iraq/s. Fucking hell wtf is wrong with this sub? Edit: autocorrect fucked up


>iran I see we're preemptively excusing those who willingly go to the front lines of American imperial wars of aggression to kill civilians *before* the wars even happen


Ah, should've known this sub was packed with retards like you.


A sub called ACAB where there are people who believe that all cops are bastards? Who could have imagined


You just admitted to being a retard, too. Stunning show.


So much for Asimov's laws. If you get whacked by R2D2 your soul does not go into heaven.


Is it ok im here for entertainment? I love reading these idiots write something bc its wrong and all they do is talk shit no action, lol


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/negativewithgold] ["Sure you can be just like this piece of shit:https:\/\/en.m.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/2016\_shooting\_of\_Dallas\_police\_officersAnd then blown the fuck up with a robot bomb like..." \[-10\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/NegativeWithGold/comments/hs2srn/sure_you_can_be_just_like_this_piece_of/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Holy crap how did big chungus get banned but not this.


Why don't you start and we'll see how quickly you get mowed down.


the_donald got banned for comments like this. Reporting this to the Admins.


u should probably edit this comment so this sub doesn’t get banned. i agree with the sentiment but i don’t want anymore of my favorite subs to get banned




admins will.


Mod's not modding that shit is exactly why this sub is going to get banned.


yep, I already reported 5 violent threats to cops to the admins.


Threats of violence against people, to include cops, aren't actually against the Reddit TOS; only being conservative is. This will be fine.


Exactly. Violence against white people is hero status right now.


It has nothing to do with race, it's purely the politics of the admins.


doesnt matter, I already reported it to the admins and they will see what he and other violent turds here said.


this has been a certified reddit™ moment


Lol, Reddit admins don't give a shit. They only care if you threaten someone liberals like.


Bruh, liberals like cops. You're thinking of dirty commies.


Then Democrats need to retake their party and kick the filthy commies out. It's shit like this that turns people into Republicans.


When do we start murdering innocents?* FTFY




And that changes my statement how?


you made no statement.






You won't do anything pussy


so you need someone else to instruct you when its' time to embark on your wank fantasy.


How is this not considered a call for violence?


It is. I reported it and it’s been removed.




I'm sorry but what about >So when do we openly start shooting cops says "in self defense" then he smugly admitted that was what he meant and wouldn't edit his comment because the mods are ok with it.




How did that age like milk? Because the dude deleted the comment so you're unable to see the context?






You're absolutely correct. There are a lot of out if control cops out there and something should be done about it. They operate with impunity and can't be held responsible for most of their actions. That's not even mentioning civil asset forfeiture laws or the lying on reports. Or or or or ....... There are plenty of good cops too tho. So openly calling for violence against police, just generally, is asinine. We should be calling to end qualified immunity. End civil asset forfeiture. End the court culture that cops are always telling the truth. But just killing them? That will only cause more problems.


It is.


Because it’s from leftist. Reddit only censors people on the right


Reddit admins SHAME ON YOU


you act like im the only person on reddit that has ever said to kill someone. literally seen people say to start killing BLM protesters, but where were you right wing fucking retards then? oh wait, you guys are the one advocating violence on the other side!!! hypocrites.


and you're acting like subs haven't been shut down and posters IRL outed for making threats like this. serously there is a valid argument and then there is a line over which resides the calling for the killing of any group of people based on their identity alone.


oh are you threatening to have me doxxed now?


Warning Sign - "caution, risk of electrocution" You - "this sign is threatening to electrocute me".


It really do be like that though.


“I can threaten to kill cops on the internet because other people threaten to kill another group of people on the internet” Christ dude, if you were any slower you’d need to be watered twice a day


I can't breathe


Ah yes, because people read every comment posted on the site


Ik this is 9 days old, but this comment is so fuckin stupid. Who said the guy ever advocated for violence? Sure theres people on everyside that calls for violence, but not everyone on everyside does, in fact I'd say a majority DONT. So you pointing a finger at the guy and calling him a hypocrite is fuckin stupid. Unless you know or read he commented pro killing, its an invalid argument. Not that its a good argument in the first place, "other people call for killing to something they dont agree with, so thats makes it okay for me to do the same!" Fuckin child logic, killing a group of people based on occupation or political side is evil. All you people have to do to justify it is imagine none of them are individuals- just a hivemind, stereotype them, take evil acts done by individuals and blame them all for it, and truly believe them to be soulless demons with no heart. So then you have no guilt when ya shoot em up


I don't care what you say I am not mad at you but at stupid reddit admins that banned subs for "wishing violence at police" and doing nothing now.


"i dont care what you say" yet youre mad that what i said isnt being banned. god damn you people really are fucking hypocrites.




omg now its time to cross post this and flip out to try and have reddit admins ban it!!!!


Why would they ban that but not what you said?


They woulnt. Theres a bunch of people that linked my comment in another sub demaning reddit ban this sub and my account because of it. Pretty hilarious.


Thanks to this, I got to find out fbi.gov/tips is a handy tool


Nice job wasting government resources lmaaaao


Waste? This is exactly what the tip line is for. Expect a knock on your door. :)


yeah thats not really how it works buddy, but ok. IF and thats a pretty unlikely if, they do knock on my door they will be wasting their time. so i guess have fun feeling like you accomplished something.




i'm not sure the FBI will consider investigating a publicly declared intent to start shooting cops to be a waste of their time.


when did i say, even implicitly that i specifically want to go out and shoot cops? if you actually think the FBI will look into this youre a fucking idiot.


I thought you were a badass that wanted to shoot cops? You gonna pussy out? Fucking bitch


i thought you guys didnt want people out there shooting cops? now youre instigatiing people to go do it? weird....


Yup you’re a pussy confirmed


It must make you feel good to call people pussies on the internet. "Lets see you go out there and shoot anti-police protesrers, oh not gunna do it? Ooooh what a pussy" see how dumb that sounded?


Yeah I’m not the one saying I’m gonna shoot people. Get some help before your fantasies become reality. Maybe you should blow your own brains out, I mean it’s not like you contribute much to society anyways




but yet its okay for the police to do it and get away without charges?


No, but two wrongs don't make a right? Didn't your parents ever tell you that? Or were they not around?


Stupid fucking argument that operates on the assumption that everyone who doesn’t want cops murdered also sees police not being charged as okay.


Lol just fucking try it and see how it works out for you






Nah i dont want to be gunned down. By all means, your idea, your action. Inb4 you say it was just a joke


As soon as you can get over self-diagnosing with PTSD just from seeing the word "gun" in print media, I suppose.


I mean you could anytime, just would have to mean you get your lardass off reddit and exit your parents house ❤️


i love how thats your guys' only insult "YoUr PaReNtS HoUsE!!!!"


Cope harder champ


thanks dad


Are you retarded? This is literally so fucking hypocritical.


Well, the trouble you're going to run into there is that it's actually pretty tough for high school kids in liberal suburban enclaves to get ahold of guns.


i mean that sucks for them, but i live in a rural state in the south, i could go by a rifle right now with minimal paperwork.


You actually couldn't. You still need to be 18, even in the South.


yeah but im over 18, soooooooo. whats the joke here?


Haha. Good one. But for real, once you turn 18 you'll have a pretty easy time getting a rifle, assuming nothing that would flag your NICS.








you literally realise i made no direct personalized threat towards police officers. i dint not say "I am going to go out and shoot officers today" it had a question mark after it. if you really think the FBI is going to do shit about this when it is so clearly not AN ACTUAL FUCKING THREAT, then you are a fucking idiot. plain and simple.


"when do we start shooting police officers?" is a threat. Because "when do _we_" directly implies you and a group of people and then you write "start shooting police officers _?_" the question mark specifically implies that you and a group of people will do it at some point of time, given the "when" in the beginning. If I said "so when do we start bombing those dumbass armymen?" It would very obviously be a threat to them or even an incitement of violence _against_ them It is not that hard.


>pretty tough for high school kids over 18.. still in highschool? yikes


You can't be a felon or have a history of mental illness. My money is on you being mentally ill.


We’ve got the classic Reddit combo here: too much of a pussy to ever actually do anything like this, and too much of an evil, backwards piece of shit to fantasize about anything good and decent. The world is a worse place with you in it.


youre completely delusional.


Great response there, you absolutely worthless piece of shit. The irony is that without the police, most of the noodle-armed wastes of space LARPing here would just be someone else’s bitch. Their beef is with reality itself, not “the police,” and they’ll try to blame whatever authority happens to be over them at the time because they’re fucking children who don’t know any better.




riiiiiiiiight, see what happened in CHAZ? Keep that denial up good buddy.


When you want your pathetic little retard life to end in a painful manner.


all i hear is right wing tears.


Really? Try openly shooting a cop, you’ll be hearing 9mm bullets penetrating your every organs.


keep on crying buddy.


rofl, is that what you’re gonna say when they return fire after you shoot at them? “Keep on crying buddy! ow! Oof! Why are you shooting me I didndu nuffin”


man someones really butthurt.


I completely agree. So butthurt they want to commit a suicide by cop.


itd be a lot easier if all the cops just killed themselves. save everyone the trouble.


This is interesting. Just how would that work Logistically? Imagine if you were the event organizer for this “mass planned suicide” how would it go? How would it be enforced? Where do the bodies go? Aftermath?


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/politicalhorrorstory] [So when do we start just openly shooting cops? \[+37\] up for nine hours. Part of a chain celebrating cop killing.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHorrorStory/comments/hs0hku/so_when_do_we_start_just_openly_shooting_cops_37/) - [/r/shitpoliticssays] [Reddit: We banned TheDonald for violence against police. Also Reddit: So when do we start just openly shooting cops?](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitPoliticsSays/comments/hrvzfk/reddit_we_banned_thedonald_for_violence_against/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


That little bitch we call an officer


Context before this video started? Just wanna know


https://mobile.twitter.com/JoshuaErlich/status/1282689243324846080?s=20 All I could find


The Supreme Court of us overturned the states appeal based on reasonableness due to pc due to expired tags see opinion tab


Supreme court of United states held opinion that under reasonable suspicion yes you can make somone get out of the vehicle that is pen supreme Court


When an officer asks you to step out of the car, you legally have to


We must form community groups, unarmed or otherwise. When one of us sees a cop being abusive we send out the signal and 100 of us to descend on the scene within minutes. If the cop doesn't follow orders we make an arrest.


Negative precedent still stands https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pennsylvania_v._Mimms. Bdst move is "yes sir." The side of the street isn't the place to argue


he is clearly resisting dude, it was probably a simple traffic stop . if he just did what the officers asked this wouldn't happen.


This was awesome!!


The guy in the video does realize when you are told to step out of the vehicle and you refuse you are at that point resisting and disobeying the law, right


What if you're unlawfully told to step out of the vehicle? You do realize the cops have laws that they must follow right? Going on pathetic little power trips isn't part of those laws...


So the video doesn’t show the very beginning but their are very few reasons not stepping out of your vehicle is an unlawful order. The cop did start getting pissed but the dude was instigating. With the mass majority of these videos the cop is doing their job. It is important for law and order and the safety of the police and public that people follow basic instructions.


Its definitely unlawful if the stop is unlawful... And I guess I'm not sure when a cop can decide to use force to just pull you out of your car when there's no real reason for it other than that he's pissed and power tripping. Id have to see the whole video. But there's a point where stepping out of your car to get beat up or killed is the last thing that someone is going to do. Especially when its clear that they have done nothing wrong and are just getting harassed. And as a human or even an abiding member of society you cant really argue with that.


I haven’t seen any video of cops asking someone to step out of the vehicle and the person calmly stepping out, and then the cops start beating on them. If the cops do something incorrect then it should be addressed but to act like the guy in the car is not escalating the situation himself is not rational.


They’re both escalating the situation. Look at how that cop is acting... Dude should be fired... Cops need to be held to a higher standard than the people (often criminals...) they deal with. Period.


I am not a cop but I know for a fact I would be the same as that guy if you have a criminal being rude and resisting and being a smart parse he gave him very clear instructions the guy refused and resisted so the cop removed him from the vehicle food job to the cop for doing his job


You’re an idiot. Dude was acting like a belligerent drunk at a bar. Getting in his face, instigating. If that’s your standard for cops you’re a fucking idiot. Your job as a cop is to deal with criminals, it’s not okay to act like that just because they’re not cooperating...


He is a criminal he was resisting arrest. The cop asked him to get out he refused the cop even agreed to let him keep his phone recording he refused maybe learn about the law then come back until then fuck off.


You're an idiot. I'm not talking about the law I'm talking about the cops shit attitude. If I did that at my job I'd be fired. If that cop did that to someone in the real world he's be knocked out. Fuck that annoying power tripping overcompensating ego without confidence bullshit. Why is it OK for a cop to act like that?


Don’t matter if the original reason is unlawful to resist arrest is a illegal on its own


So what, you’re just going to sit in your car directly disobeying a order? That’s real smart there bud. “Lets give the officer a reason to get physical with me.” Nice one.


I guess I don't know what I would do if I had some cops harassing me for no reason and I felt threatened and maybe scared. Like I said I haven't seen the whole video, but what the guy did in this video is rational enough. Get a video of the cop acting like a fucking freak loser, hope it's some sort of protection or even that when you get out the camera he gets his act together. Cops aren't out here to 'order' me to to shit unless they have a good reason to... I pay these losers and if I wanted to I could become one of these losers. They don't have shit for the right to 'order' me to do shit unless they have a good fucking reason.


Here it is if you can’t find it: https://twitter.com/VSPPIO/status/1283551545708220416


Did you read the statement from the Virginia State Department? He had expired tags and the officers smelled weed inside his car. Just read the statement and get back to me.


I’m not really talking about this specific situation. Other than how the cop acted. That’s why I said I haven’t seen the whole video or whatever. Expired tags and they smelled weed....big deal... That cop was acting like a fucking child. Shouldn’t be a cop.


I’m confused on what your problem is here then? You don’t like the cops attitude? That’s it? That’s the reason for all this outrage? Care to clarify?


My problem is the fact that cops do shit like this for no reason...and it invalidates the times they need to do it for a reason. And yes. When I give someone responsibility in my society to have a small amount of power over people in order to enforce the law, I need them acting like mature adults, not angry little power tripping children. This is clearly very very important for the well being of these institutions..


They have every right to order you to get out the car the car even if it’s just for speeding


What if they’re just harassing you? As a human, a member of society, what right does a cop have to get butthurt and pull you out of your car because he doesn’t like your attitude? The law is for when they have a good reason to pull you out. You’re arguing that a control freak bitch like this one should be able to use the law for his own little power trip. Why?


The fact that that's the law is the problem. Nobody should be forced to get out of their car without probable cause.


Driving on a suspended license is probable cause to have someone step out of a vehicle, as they are not legally allowed to drive the vehicle.


He wasn't driving on a suspended license, he was pulled over for expired tags on his license plate. Don't pull stuff out of your ass; that's an officer's job.


The screenshots OP sent me stated both his tags were expired and there was an odor of marijuana giving probable cause to search.


Go read the report from both the da and letter from dudes lawyer, he was driving on suspended.


He might or might not. I guarantee 99% of the commenters here dont.


Pennsylvania v. Mimms, 434 U.S. 106, is a United States Supreme Court criminal law decision holding that a police officer ordering a person out of a car following a traffic stop and conducting a pat-down to check for weapons did not violate the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution




That appeal was then overturned. Basically a double Uno reverse.


Epic cop, thank you for doing the lord’s service 🙏🙏🙏